Missing “Deploy”-Button Visual Studio 2012 - visual-studio

Yesterday I have installed Visual Studio 2012 Premium on my SharePoint 2013 Development Machine. I also installed the Office Developer Tools to get the SP2013 Project templates.
Opening my SP 2010 Solution File and converting to 2013 was successful.
My problem: There is no "Deploy"-Button in the Project-Context-Menu anymore. Everything is there: Build, Rebuild, Retract etc.
But no Deploy.
Asked this in the SharePoint Forum too

I had the same problem.
I started by creating some solutions folders, and placing my SharePoint project in those. After moving a project from root --> frontend\ , the deploy menu item, in the context menu of the project disappeared.
I solved this, I had to move the SharePoint project to the root-folder of the solution, and the deployment feature re-appeared in the project context menu.


Visual Studio 2017 - Open Folder - TFVC Integration

I am working on an Angular 2+ project in Visual Studio 2017 but without a Visual Studio solution or csproj. We're just using the Angular CLI to generate the project serving the app using "ng serve". We are opening the folder in VS by going to File->Open->Folder, which is working well. But we are using TFVC (Team Foundation Version Control - 2015 on premise) as our source contorl and it seems as if when you open a Folder in Visual Studio 2017 it expects you to be using GIT. When I go to the Team Explorer window I only get GIT options.
I've tried:
Creating a folder apart form Angular
Checking the folder into TFS first before opening in Visual Studio
Reconnecting to the TFS server
NOTE: once the Folder is closed I have access to TFS again. I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
Check comments in this article:

Opening VSTO project in Visual studio 2015

There is one project which is originally created on Visual Studio 2010 and its a VSTO Word Addin project few years back
Now for maintenance i have to work on same project but only Visual Studio 2015 is available on my machine and its showing alert Cannot open this project.
So how can i upgrade this solution so that i can open my project in VS 2015
The error message now i am getting while trying to open the project in Visual Studio 2015 is
It's late, but hopefully solution could help somebody else.
You need to create new project of the same type. Then open the new project file (first unload the project and right click to edit .csproj file).
Next replace section <VisualStudio> in your old project with content from the newly created one. Then reload your old project and everything should work.
You need to download "Microsoft Office Developer Tools" for Visual Studio 2015. I just downloaded them from this link:

Visual Studio 2015 checks out the solution at build time

After upgrading from Visual Studio 2013 web site projects to Visual Studio 2015 web site projects (NOT web application projects), every time the project builds it checks out the solution file and a diff doesn't show any changes to the solution file.
We are also running ReSharper Ultimate 10.0.1. The Visual Studio edition is the enterprise, if that makes any difference.
I had the same issue. Deleting the hidden folder ".vs" in the same directory as the solution file fixed the issue.

Azure biztalk project in visual studio 2015?

I am trying to install Azure biztalk services SDK and then create project in vs 2013 and vs 2015 community edition but dont see any project template.
I can only see project template for biztalk in vs 2012 professional.
This is also made clear in the link here
However the issue is the microsoft doesnt sell vs 2012 online anymore and i dont see any reason in buying a 3 year old IDE when i have VS 2015.
So just checking if any one here has been able to create biztalk projects for azure in vs 2015.
Its the same problem with Microsoft at Every Release of BizTalk and Visual Studio, the same question you asked get asked everytime
I have VS 2010 but BizTalk project 2006R2 template doesn't appear
I have VS 2012 but BizTalk project 2010 template doesn't appear
You have to know that unfortunately BizTalk Project templates are not backward compatible this means that unless you have VS 2012 you won't be able to get those templates.
BUT There is maybe a chance that you can copy those templates from an existing install and get it on your computer (i'll try this at home and edit my answer later) i think it can work if it does i'll post this stuff

SharePoint 2010 WebPart .g.cs files not being generated by Visual Studio 2010

I've inherited a SharePoint 2010 project that was originally created in another environment using a different version of Visual Studio (2012). My issue is that the .g.cs files for some WebParts are not being [re-]generated when I make changes to the .ascx files. I know that for regular .aspx pages, you can right-click and choose "Convert to Web Application" to force generation of the designer files. Is there something similar for WebParts?
I've already tried deleting the bin\ and obj\ directories in the project, cleaning and rebuilding (both the solution and the project), as well as trying to re-create the WebPart from scratch.
Wrote about workaround here: http://sadomovalex.blogspot.com/2013/08/fix-bug-in-visual-studio-2012-with.html. You need to specify url of correct Sharepoint site on local dev environment in "Site URL" property of your project.
It seems that it's an issue from going between Visual Studio 2010 and 2012. On the 2012 box the .g.cs files are regenerated and updated fine but the 2010 box refuses to do so.
Correction: SharePointWebPartCodeGenerator wasn't being found. After re-installing the Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Power Tools, the .g.cs files were being updated.
I searched forever for a fix and installing the 2010 SharePoint Power Tools solution fixed the issue! The solution I was working on must have been a 2012 Sandbox solution.
