Azure biztalk project in visual studio 2015? - visual-studio

I am trying to install Azure biztalk services SDK and then create project in vs 2013 and vs 2015 community edition but dont see any project template.
I can only see project template for biztalk in vs 2012 professional.
This is also made clear in the link here
However the issue is the microsoft doesnt sell vs 2012 online anymore and i dont see any reason in buying a 3 year old IDE when i have VS 2015.
So just checking if any one here has been able to create biztalk projects for azure in vs 2015.

Its the same problem with Microsoft at Every Release of BizTalk and Visual Studio, the same question you asked get asked everytime
I have VS 2010 but BizTalk project 2006R2 template doesn't appear
I have VS 2012 but BizTalk project 2010 template doesn't appear
You have to know that unfortunately BizTalk Project templates are not backward compatible this means that unless you have VS 2012 you won't be able to get those templates.
BUT There is maybe a chance that you can copy those templates from an existing install and get it on your computer (i'll try this at home and edit my answer later) i think it can work if it does i'll post this stuff


Is it possible to use Visual Studio 2010 with VSTS?

We have an old MVC2 project stranded in Visual Studio 2010 and assigned to TFS 2010.
Is it possible to copy this project into VSTS and access VSTS in Visual Studio 2010?
Because it is an old project there is no need to migrate the version history.
What are my options?
Yes, you can access Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) from Visual Studio 2010, however, you will need two software updates:
Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (KB2736182)
TFS 2012 compatibility update for Visual Studio 2010 (KB2662296)
Having said that, upgrading to Visual Studio 2017 is preferable if you can do that.
To bring your data into VSTS, the easiest way to do that is to use the TFS to VSTS migration tool, which providers an easy, high-fidelity migration into the cloud. However, since you don't require history, you can also perform a manual migration, where you simply check your assets into TFS directly.

Can I use Visual Studio Community 2015 without .NET?

I'm looking for a new html/jquery/css IDE to edit and publish existing websites. Can I use Visual Studio Community 2015 to edit a website that doesn't use .NET and publish it to a server using ftp?
Yes you can use Visual Studio as your main editor. Select any ASP.NET project as your starting point, delete everything in the project and you're good to go. You can add a Publish Profile to enable web deployment (which supports FTP).
It will require the concept of a "Project File" for most features to work well. There is the old Web Site project which just works on any folder, but that hasn't seen much love in the past years. It's new cousin is being introduced with Visual Studio 15 (which will likely be Visual Studio 2016 or 2017).
As an alternative you may want to look at Visual Studio Code as well, it's the light weight cousin of Visual Studio Community Edition and is suited perfectly for the kind of work you're planning it seems.

TFS for Visual Studio 2012

I am using Visual Studio 2012 to work on my ASP.NET Projects.
Currently, I am trying to add my projects to Source Control preferably Team Foundation Server.
Installed TFS 2015 on a server and tried connecting from Visual studio 2012 to add a team project, which is not successful. Please let me know which version of tfs is compatible with VS2012 and details would be appreciated.
I was trying to get TFS 2012 but I got a response from the technical support that 'Based on the search results, the only versions available on the VLSC site are 2013 and 2015.' The techical support person from my workplace was trying to download TFS 2012 as per my request for me to work on the set up.
Please provide any help links available.I haven't done anything on the admin side and this confuses me a lot.
Thanks in advance!
TFS 2015 requires latest Visual Studio 2012 update. Supports Git with Visual Studio Tools for Git extension.
Check TFS requirements and compatibility at website below:
Based on your comments, you're trying to create a new team project in TFS 2015.
In order to create a Team Project, you need to be using the same version of Visual Studio as you're using TFS. So, to create a team project in TFS 2015, you need to use Visual Studio 2015. This can be done from VS2015 Community or Team Explorer 2015.

Migrating report app from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2013

I have looked through a several forums and cannot find an answer to my specific question so don't hurt me if I have asked something that has been answered before. I have a SSRS report project that was created in Visual Studio 2005 (then upgraded to 2008) before my time at my company and i need to upgrade it to 2013 Visual studio. I know normally you just open the file and use the migration wizard, however i get an error because my Visual Studio 2013 does not recognize the .rptproj file and thus does not fully migrate the solution. I have a copy of VS Shell 2010 that was able to upgrade it to 2010 but this did not help me to migrate it to 2013. Is there a way i can migrate this over without having to buy more copies of VS to do a stair step migration?
You can first check if the Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013 module is installed on your computer.

Is it possible to build a VS 2010 solution using TFS 2012?

I have a TFS 2012 configuration, and the majority of my assets are based on C# in VS 2012 solutions. Right now I'm trying to integrate some other assets into my build, however these are BizTalk 2010 assets in a VS 2010 solution.
BizTalk 2010 is explicitly not supported in VS 2012; instead, VS 2012 supports only BizTalk 2013. My challenge is to build this VS 2010 solution in our TFS 2012 environment, alongside our VS2012 solution, since upgrading to BizTalk 2013 is not an option.
I tried naively to add the VS 2010 solution to the build definition, but the compiler barfs on my btproj files, probably because it's treating them as if they were BizTalk 2013.
CSC (0): Source file 'C:\Builds\1005\TeamProject\Sources\Source\BizTalk\BizTalk.Schemas\SchemaHelper.xsd.cs' could not be found
For what it's worth, there is no evidence that my BizTalk 2010 project references this .xsd.cs file; I'm assuming this is a sidecar file introduced with BizTalk 2013 that the compiler is expecting to find. My build server has both VS 2010 and VS 2012 installed.
Has this kind of thing come up before? I can't seem to find much information. My first instinct is to attempt to add a copy of the "Items to Build" field in the build process parameters that will be used explicitly for VS2010 solutions, and then attempt to define an activity to invoke the 2010 compiler against those projects.
Does this sound sane? Is there a better way?
While you can likely get it to work in the 2012 build server by forcing the build through 2010 I believe that the only result of trying to build Biztalk 2010 is pain and suffering. Notwithstanding 2012.
You can create a purely 2010 build server and environment and plug that into TFS 2012:
