How to represent a calculation in Graphviz? - graphviz

I need to represent in a graph (preferable using graphviz) a calculation of a formula, like this:
raw_unitary_value = <user_input>
quantity = <user_input>
discount = <user_input>
net_unitary_value = raw_unitary_value * (1 - discount/100)
total_value = quantity * net_unitary_value
I could implement thus:
raw_unity_value -> net_unitary_value
discount -> net_unitary_value
net_unitary_value -> total_value
quantity -> total_value
raw_unity_value -> net_unitary_value_calc
discount -> net_unitary_value_calc
net_unitary_value_calc [label="%"]
net_unitary_value_calc -> net_unitary_value
net_unitary_value -> total_value_calc
quantity -> total_value_calc
total_value_calc [label="*"]
total_value_calc -> total_value
But in both the approaches I can't feel comfortable that this is a good solution. This is only the first part of the formula, it has about 30 variables in total.
It is difficult to represent the details of the calculation, so in the second approach I added a new node called *_calc to represent the operation that has been made.
Does anybody have an idea of how to render this kind of explanation? Or, maybe, is this case not suitable to be represented in a graph?

Traditionally in a (control) engineering sense, what you're asking for is a block diagram. Block diagrams are convenient way to capture relationships that depend on prior state (typically a summation or integration in a discrete or continuous sense). This method is pretty extensive in scope and I'm sure it encompasses what you want.
Although graphviz could do this, you're looking for a higher degree of layout control than what you typically get with the graphviz tools. There are engineering tools like simulink for solving this problem, but they tend to be excessive if you already have the code. Perhaps a better option is to generate LaTeX / TiKZ code, and generate PDFs from there. This ensures you get (academic) publication quality diagrams. There are great packages for doing this already.


Recursion algorithm for multilevel report

I'm currently developing a multi-level SSRS report, and I'm struggling with the algorithm. I've developed a recursion class which looks like below, but the level numbers are incorrect. I want the parent record (represented by a, b, and c) to show the child records so that the child records' level = (parentRecLevel+1). Right now, the level values just increment by 1. Anyone have any advice?
protected BOMLevel getBomLevelItem(str itemId, int numLevel, boolean firstRec)
while select tmpBOM
bomLevel = this.getBomLevelItem(bomLevel.ItemId, bomLevel.Level, false);
Current Outcome (where b1, c1, and c2 are children of b and c respectively):
1 a
2 b
2 b1
3 c
4 c1
5 c2
Wanted Outcome:
1 a
2 b
3 b1
2 c
3 c1
3 c2
TLDR: Do not reinvent the wheel, use existing algorithms and frameworks.
I'm assuming your question is not for a training exercise, but a real world problem. If it is an exercise, try to get a good grasp of recursion in an easy to use language of your choice with a big community before coming back to x++.
Your recursion method looks incomplete, because in each recursion, you iterate through all records of tmpBom, which (unless you modify the records in that table somewhere else) does not make sense and will never terminate. I also don't see how this method could produce the outcome you describe. I suggest you take a look at some recursion algorithm training material to learn about the fundamental parts of a recursion.
You tagged the question x++ and the syntax also looks very much like that. Unfortunately you did not add the information which version of microsoft-dynamics you are using, but I will assume dynamics-ax-2012 as it is currently the most common version in use.
In this version, there is already an out-of-the-box SSRS report that will show you the structure of a bill of material. You can call the report at Inventory management > Reports > Bills of materials > Lines. It should be fairly easy to modify this report so that it also shows the level if the report does not already fulfill your requirements.
If you still need to implement your own solution, take a look at class BOMSearch and its children. It is used in several places (check the cross references) and can also used to expand/explode a bill of material.
Also note that there are a lot of articles out there that try to explain how to expand or explode a bill of material in x++ code, but as with all things on the internet, be careful: Most of them are incomplete or plain wrong.

Adaptive Updates In Vowpal Wabbit Formula

I am looking at the following 2 presentations about the updates done by VW when the --adaptive flag is used. It seems these are different.
With these two descriptions (respectively):
My questions:
Which of these are correct (or are they the same)?
For number 1 it appears that the gradient from the t+1 example is used in the denominator. How is this done? Does this mean that the new weight (labeled w_i) is the weight for example t+1?
As you noticed, the first presentation contains an error/typo in the AdaGrad formula. The formula should be w_{i, t+1} := w_{i, t} - (\eta * g_{i, t} / \sqrt{sum}), where sum=\sum_{t'=1}^t g_{i, t'}^2.
In VowpalWabbit, --adaptive (corresponding to the AdaGrad idea) is on by default. But --normalized and --invariant are also on by default, which means that on top of plain AdaGrad few more tricks/improvements are applied. The interaction of all these tricks is complex and there is no single slide which describes all the aspects, so the only reference is the source code (
Which of these are correct (or are they the same)?
I think they are not same, but they are different "layers" of the complex code. I think that the slide 33 (which you cite as #2) of the second presentation corresponds to the slide 31 (which you don't cite) of the
first presentation, but I am not sure.

Maximum difference between columns using relational algebra

Is it possible to obtain the maximum difference between two columns (for example starting and ending weights)?
Right now I'm leaning towards no as this would require a new column with the difference between the two columns for each row, then taking the max of that. Doing it the way I orginally intended doesn't work either since arithmetic operations are not allowed in the conditions of select operations (e.g. SIGMA (c1 - c2 < c3 - c4)(Table) is not allowed).
Disclosure: this is part of a homework question.
It can be done, exactly in the way you planned, but you need generalized projection for that. The generalized projection is the operator
Π(E1, E2,..., En)R
where R is a relation, and E1...En are expressions in the form a⊕b, where a and b are attributes of R or constants, and ⊕ is an arbitrary binary operator between them. The result is a relation with attributes E1...En.
This would allow you to project the differences into a new relation (R' := Π(x-y)R), then find the maximum on that, just as you planned.
If we're not allowed to use generalized projection, then I think we have no means to actually subtract an attribute from another, or to actually calculate anything from them, as the definition of projection allow only attribute names, and the definition of selection allow only expressions of the form aθb where a and b are attributes or constants and θ is a binary relational operator (this is logical, in its way, because if we have a relation R(X,Y), then we have no idea about the type of X or Y, making operations on them quite meaningless).
I think generalized projection is a great extension to relational algebra. It's obviously immensely useful in real life, and it can be defended even from a more scientific point of view: if we allow binary conditional operators on the values like "X > 50", then we made assumptions on the type already, rendering that point kind of moot. Your instructor may disagree, though.
If you're looking to do this in the real world, you should be able to do this with a subquery (or a view, which amounts to much the same thing), something like:
select max (diff) from (
select high - low as diff from blah blah blah
Whether this applies to the abstract world of relational algebra, I couldn't say. I'm too busy fixing those damn real-world problems :-)

Prolog Beginner - Is This a Bad Idea?

The application I'm working on is a "configurator" of sorts. It's written in C# and I even wrote a rules engine to go with it. The idea is that there are a bunch of propositional logic statements, and the user can make selections. Based on what they've selected, some other items become required or completely unavailable.
The propositional logic statements generally take the following forms:
A => ~X
ABC => ~(X+Y)
A+B => Q
A(~(B+C)) => ~Q A <=> B
The symbols:
=> -- Implication
<=> -- Material Equivalence
~ -- Not
+ -- Or
Two letters side-by-side -- And
I'm very new to Prolog, but it seems like it might be able to handle all of the "rules processing" for me, allowing me to get out of my current rules engine (it works, but it's not as fast or easy to maintain as I would like).
In addition, all of the available options fall in a hierarchy. For instance:
If an item at the second level (feature, such as Color) is implied, then an item at the third level (option, such as Red) must be selected. Similarly if we know that a feature is false, then all of the options under it are also false.
The catch is that every product has it's own set of rules. Is it a reasonable approach to set up a knowledge base containing these operators as predicates, then at runtime start buliding all of the rules for the product?
The way I imagine it might work would be to set up the idea of components, features, and options. Then set up the relationships between then (for instance, if the feature is false, then all of its options are false). At runtime, add the product's specific rules. Then pass all of the user's selections to a function, retrieving as output which items are true and which items are false.
I don't know all the implications of what I'm asking about, as I'm just getting into Prolog, but I'm trying to avoid going down a bad path and wasting lots of time in the process.
Some questions that might help target what I'm trying to find out:
Does this sound do-able?
Am I barking up the wrong tree?
Are there any drawbacks or concerns to trying to create all of these rules at runtime?
Is there a better system for this kind of thing out there that I might be able to squeeze into a C# app (Silverlight, to be exact)?
Are there other competing systems that I should examine?
Do you have any general advice about this sort of thing?
Thanks in advance for your advice!
Sure, but Prolog has a learning curve.
Rule-based inference is Prolog's game, though you may have to rewrite many rules into Horn clauses. A+B => Q is doable (it becomes q :- a. q :- b. or q :- (a;b).) but your other examples must be rewritten, including A => ~X.
Depends on your Prolog compiler, specifically whether it supports indexing for dynamic predicates.
Search around for terms like "forward checking", "inference engine" and "business rules". Various communities keep inventing different terminologies for this problem.
Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) is a logic programming language, implemented as a Prolog extension, that is much closer to rule-based inference/forward chaining/business rules engines. If you want to use it, you'll still have to learn basic Prolog, though.
Keep in mind that Prolog is a programming language, not a silver bullet for logical inference. It cuts some corners of first-order logic to keep things efficiently computable. This is why it only handles Horn clauses: they can be mapped one-to-one with procedures/subroutines.
You can also throw in DCGs to generate bill of materials. The idea is
roughly that terminals can be used to indicate subproducts, and
non-terminals to define more and more complex combinations of a subproducts
until you arrive at your final configurable products.
Take for example the two attribute value pairs Color in {red, blue, green}
and Material in {wood, metal}. These could specify a door knob, whereby
not all combinations are possible:
knob(red,wood) --> ['100101'].
knob(red,metal) --> ['100102'].
knob(blue,metal) --> ['100202'].
You could then define a door as:
door ... --> knob ..., panel ...
Interestingly you will not see any logic formula in such a product specification,
only facts and rules, and a lot of parameters passed around. You can use the
parameters in a knowledge acquisition component. By just running uninstantiated
goals you can derive possible values for the attribute value pairs. The predicate
setof/3 will sort and removen duplicates for you:
?- setof(Color,Material^Bill^knob(Color,Material,Bill,[]),Values).
Value = [blue, red]
?- setof(Material,Color^Bill^knob(Color,Material,Bill,[]),Values).
Material = [metal, wood]
Now you know the range of the attributes and you can let the end-user successively
pick an attribute and a value. Assume he takes the attribute Color and its value blue.
The range of the attribute Material then shrinks accordingly:
?- setof(Material,Bill^knob(blue,Material,Bill,[]),Values).
Material = [metal]
In the end when all attributes have been specified you can read off the article
numbers of the subproducts. You can use this for price calculation, by adding some
facts that give you additional information on the article numbers, or to generate
ordering lists etc..:
?- knob(blue,metal,Bill,[]).
Bill = ['100202']
Best Regards
Oh it seems that the bill of materials idea used in the product configurator
goes back to Clocksin & Mellish. At least I find a corresponding
comment here:

2D PHP Pattern Creator Altgorithm

I'm looking for an algorithm to help me build 2D patterns based on rules. The idea is that I could write a script using a given site of parameters, and it would return a random, 2-dimensional sequence up to a given length.
My plan is to use this to generate image patterns based on rules. Things like image fractals or sprites for game levels could possibly use this.
For example, lets say that you can use A, B, C, & D to create the pattern. The rule is that C and A can never be next to each other, and that D always follows C. Next, lets say I want a pattern of size 4x4. The result might be the following which respects all the rules.
Are there any existing libraries that can do calculations like this? Are there any mathematical formulas I can read-up on?
While pretty inefficient concering runtime, backtracking is an often used algorithm for such a problem.
It follows a simple pattern, and if written correctly, you can easily replace a rule set into it.
Define your rule data structures; i.e., define the set of operations that the rules can encapsulate, and define the available cross-referencing that can be done. Once you've done this, you should have a clearer view of what type of algorithms to use to apply these rules to a potential result set.
Supposing that your rules are restricted to "type X is allowed to have type Y immediately to its left/right/top/bottom" you potentially have situations where generating possible patterns is computationally difficult. Take a look at Wang Tiles (a good source is the book Tilings and Patterns by Grunbaum and Shephard) and you'll see that with the states sets of rules you might define sets of Wang Tiles. Appropriate sets of these are Turing Complete.
For small rectangles, or your sets of rules, this may only be of academic interest. As mentioned elsewhere a backtracking approach might be appropriate for your ruleset - in which case you may want to consider appropriate heuristics for the order in which new components are added to your grid. Again, depending on your rulesets, other approaches might work. E.g. if your ruleset admits many solutions you might get a long way by randomly allocating many items to the grid before attempting to fill in remaining gaps.
