How to control irregular Image button click area in cocos2dx - opengl-es

I want to use multiple irregular picture makes up a map, each picture is a button.Transparent part of the images will overwrite each other, how should I do to make their control areas does not overlap.
I use a lot of pictures makes up a large map.
And each piece of the map is irregular, but their control area is a rectangle. Because they all have transparent pixels.
I just want to make the hit area and their shape becomes the same.Some encountered a similar problem?

I have implemented one for the cocos2d-x v3.x:
It works OK on cocos2d-x v3.2. Maybe you can have a try XD


Is there a way to make the view called when UIImagePickerController.allowsEditing = true have a circle instead of square?

I'm trying to implement a way to allow a user to quickly edit which portion of their selected photo to be an icon. However the default state is simply a square but my icons are circles. I know I can simply make a circle from the square image they select but from a UX standpoint that's not ideal. I would prefer them to simply select an image with knowledge of it being a circle in mind.
As far as I know, there is no way to easily do this. I would suggest keeping it as a square and simply displaying the image in a round imageView.
There should be no significant difference between saving the image as a circle and displaying it as a circle.
Hope this helps.

how to limit an image to it's real shape

How can I use an image that whenever I want to make a collision in XNA, it happens only for area of the shape not around of it.
For example when I use below picture, I want collision detection happens only when arrow in shape is touched.
The collision detection happens in the area in this picture
How can I make limitation for area of image only?
What you can do is also to create two rectangles. That makes the overlapping area (the area there the image isn't but the rectangle) a bit smaller. But if you need to do this pixel excact you have to use the recource-expensive per-pixel-collision.
You shouldn't try restricting the image shape, because regardless of your efforts - you will have a rectangle. What you need to do is work with detecting pixel collisions. It is a fairly extensive topic - you can read more about a Windows Phone-specific XNA implementation here.

Warping GUI elements in Unity's OnGUI

I am using Unity3D, and I have a function which is being called inside of OnGUI to lay out the various gui components of my application. Ordinarily, the labels and buttons are all inside of a certain Rect that I supply, which is centered on the screen.
No problem there... however, what I want to is sometime render the exact same gui elements, which can be dynamic, and thus not just put into a prefabbed texture, into a trapezoid-shaped area off to the side, looking as if that gui were actually on a flat plane, pushed away from the center of the screen, and rotated slightly. All gui buttons that were drawn in the function should still respond normally.
I was rather hoping I could just specify some values in GUI.matrix to map the rectangle to a trapezoid, but my initial exploration seems to show that the gui elements don't appear to use homogenous coordinates, and everything still shows up as rectangular.
Is there any way to do this with Unity, ideally without requiring access to pro-only features?
Since now Unity3D GUI system isn't very flexible. The new GUI system is one of the features still not released in Unity 4 (we are all waiting for it).
From my point of view it has several problems, particularly:
You are forced to layout components using the flow of the code, instead of having a more declarative (or at least a more structured) way to do that.
It's quite inefficient (at least one draw call for button).
It isn't flexible at all. Add, Remove, Enable/Disable buttons can be come quick a painful operation when the number of buttons increase.
however, what I want to is sometime render the exact same gui
elements, which can be dynamic, and thus not just put into a prefabbed
texture, into a trapezoid-shaped area off to the side, looking as if
that gui were actually on a flat plane, pushed away from the center of
the screen, and rotated slightly. All gui buttons that were drawn in
the function should still respond normally.
This is quite hard if not impossible to obtain using Unity's GUI classes.
I see 2 possibilities:
Don't use GUI classes to do that. If your GUI is simple enough, you can implement your own (even 3d) buttons using for example:
A mesh (a plane or a trapezoid mesh) with a texture for the button background
TextMesh for drawing 3D text
RayCasting to check if a button has been pressed
Use a library that implements a more advanced GUI system like NGUI
When I ran into the same problem, I just used normal 3D GameObjects cubes with textures and called OnMouseDown(PC/Mac) or RayCasting(Android/iOS) on them. I guess that's how everyone does it.

How to custom the map controller in Windows Phone to use my Map image

I am developing a Map App for our school. Our school provide me its own map image and coordinate information. So I want use my map image as the source of map and accord to user's location to show a point in the map image. Can anybody gives me some advice?
Thanks in advance.
There are 2 ways:
It is possible to change the source of the map-tiles (e.g. from Bing to say Nokia or Google) of the Map Control. However, for this to work, it is important that map-tiles source implements mechanisms like quadkeys (e.g. see this). Therefore, to answer your question if you would like to use the Bing Map Control with your school's map so that you can leverage the positioning features of the control, it would require that you have a map-tile server properly designed in order to achieve this. AND, there might be some legal issue with altering the Bing Map control if i am not mistaken.
However, given that you are suggesting an image of the map and then doing positioning, then i would suggest that it can be as easy as you calibrating the pixel X-Y coordinate system on the map with that of the geo-coordinate provided by the geo-watcher. Then, in your code you could do a simple mapping between these 2 systems and then draw something on top of the image. For this part you could use a writeablebitmap or simply use the fact that you can overlay UI controls with silverlight. So, for the latter have a canvas with the an image of the map of your school and then on top of that canvas you can have an <image> representing the device and change its top-left coordinate wrt to the canvas.
So, in summary, as the geo-watcher gives geo x-y coordinates to your code, there is mapping function to the pixel X-Y (which you have pre-calculated) and use that XY to position an overlay <image> or draw some "pin" on a writeablebitmap where you have previously draw the image of the map of your school. Things get complicated with this approach when you want to have zooming as well but, this solution is easily scalable.
Does this help clear things a bit?
Answering 2nd question in comment below:
Yes you can zoom in and out of the canvas but, you would have to program it yourself. The control itself, the canvas does not have this capability. Hence, you would have to recognize the triggers for a zoom action (e.g. clicking on the (+) or (-) buttons or, pinch and stretch gestures) and react to that by re-drawing on the canvas a portion of the region on the canvas so that now that regions stretches over the entire canvas. That is, zooming. For instance for the zoom in case: you would have to determine a geometrical area which corresponds to the zoom factor and is in ratio to the dimensions of the canvas object. Then, you would have to scale that portion up so that edges and empty spaces representing walls and spaces between them grow proportionately. Also, you have to determine the center point of that region which your fix on the canvas so that everything grows away from it. Hence, you would be achieving a appropriate zooming effect. At this point you would have to re-adjust your mapping function of geo-coordinates to pixel XY so that the "pin" or object of interest can be drawn with precision and accurately on the newly rendered surface.
I understand that this can appear quite intensive but, it is straightforward once you appreciate for yourself the mechanics of what is required.
Another easier option could be to use SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) in a Web-Browser control. Note that you would still require the geo-coordinate to pixel-xy system. However, with this approach you can get the zooming for free with the combination of SVG (which have transformation capabilities for the scale up and down operations) and Web-Browser which enables you to render the SVG and does the gesture handling of zooming in to the map. For that, i believe that the cost of work would be in re-creating the map of your school which is in bitmap to SVG. There are tools like Inkscape which you can use to load the image of your map and then trace the outlines over it. You can then save that outline document as an SVG. In fact, i would recommend this approach to your problem before tackling the Canvas method as i feel that it would be the easiest path for your needs.

OpenGL draw partial object in scrollable panel

I am making a GUI in OpenGL (more specifically lwjgl). I have tried hard to research different ways of doing this but I am having a hard time finding exactly what I want. I do not want to use any external libraries (only ones built in OpenGL, even trying to stay away from using GLUT) and I would like to have it work on anything that supports OpenGL (ex. Frame Buffer Objects don't work on older graphic cards).
I am making a 3D GUI with a scrollable panel as a component. The problem is I don't know how to draw a partial GUI component without doing a lot of calculations to only render part of it. I am making the components out of OpenGL primitives, not textures. I was hoping there is an easy way to do this like use multiple viewports. I don't really even understand what viewports are.
In short: I need to have a scrollable panel as a component overlapping other GUI components (since it will be a drop down menu) and not let any of the components in my panel draw outside my panel.
If you just want to prevent drawing pixels that are outside of a rectangular region (and I think that's what you're asking), than glScissor is exactly what you're looking for.
In lwjgl, you can find the function in org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.
If you want to scroll a larger scene within a fixed region on the screen, the most straightforward way to go is by just modifying your projection matrix for the scroll position and redrawing the scene. If you are using gluPerspective to set up your projection matrix you'll have to convert it to a direct call to glFrustum; if you're using glOrtho it's much more straightforward.
Keep in mind that "scrolling" a perspective view has no one right way to do things - it depends on what sort of effect you want to achieve, and what particular sort of distortion you want near the edges of the overall viewport.
