Restore default working dir if bat file is terminated abruptly - shell

I have a scenario where during execution of a batch file, it navigates to a different folder (say to "../asdf"); and at the end of execution it will set the current working dir as the same folder from where the user called the .bat file.
But if the user terminates the batch processing before it is complete, the cmd show the current working dir (say "../asdf").
But in my case, I need to restore the working dir to the default/predefined one. Is it possible?
Batch file is written by me, so I can modify it.
CMD is opened through a desktop shortcut to CMD, which I have control of; so properties like working dir or passing args to CMD etc can be done there.

In your batch script use setlocal to encapsulate the running environment of your batch session. If the user terminates the script before you cd or popd to return, your script will still exit in the directory in which it started. Here's a brief test:
#echo off
pushd c:\Users
exit /b
Notice I didn't popd or cd %userprofile%\Desktop, but I still ended up back at my Desktop after the script exited.
Additionally, setlocal keeps you from junking up your environment with orphaned variables that mean nothing outside of your batch script. It's just good practice. At the console, type help setlocal for more info.


Batch | Why can't a script running in admin access other scripts? [duplicate]

I have a batch file that is in the same directory as the file I want to xcopy. But for some reason the file is not being found.
I thought that current directory was always where the batch file was located.
I run batch file as administrator. This occurs on a Windows 7 64-bit desktop computer.
Batch file:
XCOPY /y "File1.txt" "File2.txt"
File not found - File1.txt
0 File(s) copied
Which directory is current working directory on starting a batch file with context menu item Run as administrator depends on User Account Control (UAC) setting for the current user.
This can be demonstrated with following small batch file C:\Temp\Test.bat:
#echo Current directory is: %CD%
With having selected in User Account Control Settings
Default - Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer
Don't notify me when I make changes to Windows settings
and using Run as administrator, Windows uses registry key
This registry key does not contain a default string for executing the batch file. Instead there is the string value DelegateExecute with the CLSID {ea72d00e-4960-42fa-ba92-7792a7944c1d}.
The result is opening a dialog window with title User Account Control and text:
Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?
Program name: Windows Command Processor
Verified publisher: Microsoft Windows
After confirmation by the user, Windows opens temporarily a new user session like when using on command line RunAs.
In this new user session the current working directory is %SystemRoot%\System32 on executing now the command defined in Windows registry with default string of key
which is:
%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /C "%1" %*
Therefore a console window is opened with title C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe and the 2 lines:
Current directory is: C:\Windows\System32
Press any key to continue . . .
After hitting any key, batch execution finishes which results in closing cmd.exe which results in closing the user session.
But with having selected in User Account Control Settings
Never notify me when
Programs try to install software or make changes to my computer
I make changes to Windows settings
the behavior is different as the user has already elevated privileges.
Now Windows uses directly the command
%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /C "%1" %*
according to default string of key
in current user session.
The result is opening a console window also with title C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe, but displayed in window is:
Current directory is: C:\Temp
Press any key to continue . . .
The current working directory of the parent process (Windows Explorer as desktop) is used for executing of the batch file because no switch to a different user session was necessary in this case.
PA has posted already 2 possible solutions in his answer which I replicate here with a small improvement (pushd with directory in double quotes) and with adding a third one.
Change current directory to directory of batch file using pushd and popd:
pushd "%~dp0"
%SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "File1.txt" "File2.txt" /Y
This works also for UNC paths. Run in a command prompt window pushd /? for an explanation why this also works for UNC paths.
Use directory of batch file in source and destination specifications:
%SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "%~dp0File1.txt" "%~dp0File2.txt" /Y
Change working directory to directory of batch file using cd:
cd /D "%~dp0"
%SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "File1.txt" "File2.txt" /Y
This does not work for UNC paths because command interpreter cmd does not support a UNC path as current directory by default, see for example CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories for details.
The error message is very self explanatory. The file file1.txt is not found.
Because the file name does not include an absolute path, the system tries to find it on the current directory. Your current directory does not contain this file.
Your misconception is that the current directory is not the directory that contains the bat file. Those are two unrelated concepts.
You can easily check by adding this two commands in your bat file
echo BAT directory is %~dp0
echo Current directory is %CD%
you can notice they are different, and that there is a subtle difference in the way the last backslash is appended or not.
So, there are esentially two ways to cope with this problem
either change the current directory to match the expected one
pushd %~dp0
XCOPY /y "File1.txt" "File2.txt"
or specify the full path in the command
XCOPY /y "%~dp0File1.txt" "%~dp0File2.txt"
For the sake of completeness and obscurity, I add another workaround, confirmed as working under Windows 8.1 and expected to work elsewhere, as it relies on documented functionality:
You can change the runas command definition keys
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\batfile\shell\runas\command and
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\cmdfile\shell\runas\command into
%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /S /C "(for %%G in (%1) do cd /D "%%~dpG") & "%1"" %*
Which results in the bat or cmd file starting in its containing directory when started using the runas verb, respectively the "Run as Administrator" menu entry.
What the additions to the original command exactly do:
cmd /S strips away first and last (double) quote in command string after /C
for %%G in (%1) do enumerates its single entry, the %1 argument,
making it available for expansion as %%G in the loop body; the letter is arbitrary but some may be "reserved"
%%~dpG expands to the drive and path of %%G, the ~ tilde stripping away quotes if present, which is why we add them back explicitly
cd /D changes both the drive and directory to its argument, and finally
& runs the second command "%1" %* regardless of success of the first one.
You can use pushd which will even support UNC paths, but a stray popd would land any script in the system32 directory, not a behavior I would be fond of.
It should be possible to do this for the exefile entry as well, but frankly, I'd rather live with the inconsistency than to attempt this on my system, as any error there could break a lot.
Enjoy defeating the security mechanics of your operating system :)

Cannot run python server using batch file

Here are the commands in batch:
cd D:\Startup\venv\Scripts
cd D:\Startup\
python runserver
Commands after "activate" are not executed for some reasons. I tried to put "cmd /k activate" instead "activate" but result is still the same except the command line is still open. What is wrong here
I suppose activate is a batch file and therefore needed is:
cd /D D:\Startup\venv\Scripts
call activate.bat
cd D:\Startup
python.exe runserver
Without command call the processing of a batch file continues on other batch file without returning which is the reason why the last two lines where never executed. Run in a command prompt window call /? and read output help and for more details see for example also answer on How to call a batch file in the parent folder of current batch file?
Command CD with parameter /D makes it possible to change directory and drive at the same time as cd /? executed in a command prompt window explains.
In batch files it is advisable to specify batch files and executables with file extension.

Why cannot i use batch XCOPY while running in admin mode?

i have run very simple script:
xcopy some.exe c:\folder\ /h/y and it works normally. but when i try to run .bat file with this code as administrator - cmd line opens for a moment but nothing happens (file not copied). Can anyone explain this issue?
i also tried to use echo xcopy instead of xcopy, but nothing had changed.
i need only admin running of .bat file, cause i want to copy file in \windows\system32 folder
when you start a batchfile as administrator, it's working directory is C:\windows\system32\. So your script doesn't find your file. Either work with absolute paths, or change the working directory.
You can change it to the directory, where your batchfile resides with:
cd /d "%~dp0"
Note: to keep the window open to read any errormessages, append a pause command.

Run exe from current directory in batch

I'm trying to run 2 *.exe files from whatever directory the batch file is located in. Commands:
#echo off
Echo programs
start %1myprogram.exe
start %1myprogram1.exe
This works perfect when I open my batch file simply by double clicking it, but it doesn't work when I run the batch file as administrator. I need to do this as the two exe's have to have administrator privileges. I suspect this error occurs because it runs the batch file as if it were in the SYSTEM32 folder. Is this correct?
Thanks for your help!
Although the answer is in the comments, it should be as an actual answer so that this question is removed from the "unanswered" list.
#echo off
echo programs
cd %~dp0
start %1myprogram.exe
start %1myprogram1.exe

How to end a batch file with an open command window at a certain folder location

This seems like it should be ridiculously simple but I cannot find the answer online or in these forums.
I want to run a command from a batch file, leave the command window open and end at a particular file location.
I can't seem to get both to happen in the same window. This is for a script to run an automated task everytime and leave the window open to run a 2nd task that has a variable input.
start cmd /k c:\users\test\desktop\dmiwtool1.1\win64\dmiwtoolx64.exe & cd c:\users\test\desktop\dmiwtool1.1\win64\
If I run either by itself, they work (runs the exe, ends at /desktop prompt), but in this sequence only the first runs.
this works here:
START /b "" "path\program.exe" "parameter"
CD %UserProfile%\Desktop
Do not use setlocal in your Batch or put endlocal in the line before the CD command.
This should work:
start cmd /k "c:\users\test\desktop\dmiwtool1.1\win64\dmiwtoolx64.exe & cd c:\users\test\desktop\dmiwtool1.1\win64\"
If you leave out the quote marks, the start command and the cd command are run separately.
