Blank lines after ftp down/up - ftp

I'm having a weird trouble for quite some time.
I use Filezilla as FTP agent and Aptana Studio as IDE. In some servers, when I upload/download files, it breaks all formating.
I tried both Binary and ASCII (though i know for .php and text files, ASCII is right), but the files keeps coming back like this:
In some cases, even in notepad it opens really weird; like in one line only. If I delete those blank lines by hand, sometimes the code don't even work, but sometimes it does.
I've made plenty of research here and over the web, but besides putting on ASCII mode in FTP, I got nothing usefull =/

So, I'm still not 100% sure WHY this happens, (apparently some osX setups x Windows configs... old story, same players), but here's how I fixed:
Search and replace with regex:
At Sublime Text, just ctrl+h and click the Regular Expression icon (The first on the left, like the Sum Symbol)
Find What: [\r\n]{2,}
Replace With: \n
Replace All, and you're done.


Why is VS Code adding many blank lines at the end of all my files?

I just installed Win 10 1809 on my Dell PC, and it seems to run okay. But the first thing I did was start up VS Code. I wanted to run yarn start for my React project, but I had to type it way down in the terminal window, while the prompt was at the top. It worked though.
And when I open any project file, there seems to be approximately 100 blank lines appended at the end of each. But the line numbers don't go down that far and the cursor stops at the last line number. But the scroll bar acts as if those blank lines are there.
So I'm guessing the same number of blank lines are being added to the terminal too. But in the terminal window, the cursor is positioned at the bottom of the scrollable window.
What's going on? Is there a fix?
I see that I can scroll the file's window up until the cursor and last line is at the top, but no further, regardless of the window size. Maybe this has always be the case, and I never noticed. But now because of my terminal problem, I am suspicious of everything and checking for any abnormalities. So I don't think that extra blank lines are being added to my files. Sorry for the mistake.
But the terminal problem persists. The screen clip below shows the terminal display after I enter "yarn start". The typed input shows up way down from the initial prompt, and the blank area is a long string of "0D0A" characters. Sometimes I can click on "kill Terminal" and then start a new one and the new one works correctly. But not always.
Still trying to figure this out.
Can you share snapshots for your problems?
This is some hint for your problem
In VS Code, type
Linux / Windows: Ctrl + Shift + P
MacOS: Cmd + Shift + P
Type Settings to go Settings
At settings, search end of file, at here you can configure something for your problem with auto append blank lines each file
I hope it will help you :)
Your Terminal Problem is described as Bug in VS Code Issues.
As of July 2019 the intergration is pending due to stability problems.
Addendum (August 2019):
The Problem seams to be fixed with VS Code 1.37.1 and Windows 10 Patchlevel 1903
Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling?
Going back to your questions.
What's going on? No idea.
Fix. Use this extension
Open Visual Studio project and collapse all the folder and make it handy.
Now press ā€œ Control + Shift + H ā€œ key combination and you can see the Popup which shows Find and Replace options.
In the Find place input ā€œ^&\nā€ combination and select Use Regular Expression checkbox without fail as this input will mainly work with the regular expressions only.
In the replace field leave it empty so nothing will be replaced rather remove the empty blank lines.
In the input Find field we have give ^ for Start of the line and $ for end of line and \n which is for new line break.
source for second solution:
The extension will be useful overall especially when working in a team project where a lot of people might be leaving too many empty lines. Good luck

Sublime Text autocomplete suggestions looks corrupt, how to fix?

Not sure what is happening to my installation of Sublime Text, when ever autocomplete drop down appears it is populated with a bunch of corrupted looking suggestions, this just started recently. I have Googled around and have not yet seen another person with the same issue. I've already tried uninstalling, throwing out User/me/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3 folder, and re-installing, but still the corrupted text shows up in my autocomplete. I am working on a Macbook Air, I also use a Macbook Pro at work with the same setup and have never seen this happen before?
As established in the comments, you have base64-encoded strings (likely an inline image) elsewhere in your file. Sublime's default autocomplete populates its choices menu with elements from your file, and uses fuzzy matching to bring up selections. Since base64 can contain all letters and numbers, chances are that any sequence you're typing may match, and that string will be brought to the top of the autocomplete dropdown.
There are a couple of ways around this. First, if the base64 content is actually scoped as a string (i.e., it's surrounded by single or double quotes), you can add the following line to your settings (Preferences -> Settings-User):
"auto_complete_selector": "source - comment - string, meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin"
This should hopefully solve your problem for the time being, with the downside that you lose any other string-encoded information that you may wish to be in autocomplete.
You can also try using an autocomplete engine like SublimeCodeIntel (works for multiple languages, including JS) or TernJS. These can have the option of turning off Sublime's internal autocomplete mechanism, and just filling in the choices with their generated content.

Remove spaces from a string of text in clipboard

This is maybe a weird request but hear me out:
I have a huge database at my shop containing product codes, like 87 445 G 6 which I need to check for availability on a supplier's website. The problem is, the supplier's website consists of a web form in which I have to enter the code without spaces, so imagine that I have to manually delete spaces every time I paste a code or write it manually without.
I can't edit the database from which I copy the codes.
I wonder if some sort of plugin, script, or trick can be used directly in browser on the supplier's web form, or some software to modify how the windows clipboard works, maybe some option to copy text without spaces. Using Windows XP.
The OP has probably moved on, but for anyone else looking here, my approach was to tackle this from the windows clipboard side.
For background: I keep a list of my credit card info in Keepass. Sometimes (poorly coded) shopping cart checkout forms don't like spaces in between card numbers. I like storing them with spaces since it's easier to read off that way.
There's various Windows clipboard utilites out there, but it took me a while to find one that could do some processing on the clipboard contents and pasting it out - Clipboard Help and Spell
The program has a way to "save" a bunch of text transformations, and even assign the action to a hotkey.
For reference, my "Find and Replace" action is to find "\s" (without quotes) and leave the Replace textbox empty. "\s" will match whitespace character.
Use the javascript console
You could use the javascript console for your browser to edit the textarea after you paste.
Using Google Chrome (or Firefox)
Paste your text in the text area.
Right click the text area and click Inspect Element
Look at the id for the element
Now switch to the console view
then run these lines (making sure to replace with 'the-id' with your id)
var my_text_area = document.getElementById('the-id'); // Put your id in here
my_text_area.value = my_text_area.value.replace(/ /g,"") // Deletes just spaces
It's even simpler if you have access to jQuery:
$('#the-id').val($('#the-id').val().replace(/ /g, ""))
The replace function is simply using regular expressions to convert spaces to nothing. If you want to replace all whitespace (including newlines) you would use .replace(/\s/g,"").
For firefox, the names are the same but the UI is a little bit different.
Use greasemonkey
You can either write a greasemonkey plugin or try to find one that fits your needs.

How to create code box without rich text formatting

My question is related to this topic How to copy and paste code without rich text formatting? except its from the opposite viewpoint: I'm creating a document from PowerPoint in which I have code snippets in text boxes. I want to make the document as simple as possible by making the code snippet text boxes easy to copy and paste the code into a terminal to run without editing anything. However, the way I have it right now is that when I copy and paste it keeps the formatting and I have to go though letter by letter to erase the end of line symbols. How should I format this in PowerPoint?
You can get rid of most formatting by copy/pasting from PPT to Notepad and then copy/pasting from there to your terminal program, or if the latter has a Paste Special command, you should be able to paste as plain text, which'd get rid of formatting.
Line/Paragraph breaks are another matter. If the end of line symbols are the only formatting problem when you've pasted the text into a terminal (emulator program, I assume), it sounds as though the terminal's using CR or LF as a line ending, whereas PPT's using CR/LF pairs. It might only be necessary to reconfigure the terminal software to use CR/LF.
It's worth a look at this page on my site, where I explain what line and paragraph ending characters are used by different versions of PowerPoint in different situations.
Paragraph endings and line breaks
Sorry, my mistake was not realizing that PowerPoint auto formats hyphens and quotation marks to make them stylized, and the terminal was not recognizing the symbols. All I did was type in a quotation mark/hyphen then copying that before I pressed the space bar after it to save the original formatting.

Visual Studio stack trace in notepad++

This is probably just a setting I'm not seeing, but when I get a stack trace out of Visual Studio's exception helper dialog, it has \r\n after each "line" in the call stack. When I copy this and paste it into Notepad++, it shows up as literally \r\n, visible in the document. Of course I'd like these to be interpreted as CR LF, so everything's on a different line.
Anyone know how to do this?
I know this question is old, but maybe someone will find the solution helpful.
Open find and replace, and
go to the replace tab
In the find box type \\r\\n
In the replace box type \r\n (both without quotes)
Make sure the Extended search mode is selected in the bottom left.
Finally, hit replace all.
It took me a while the first time to find the setting. It's View >> Show Symbol >> Show All Characters.
This sounds like a Notepad++ bug. I can paste into regular Notepad and UltraEdit without the side effects you describe.
Like Cerebrus says, you can workaround it on the Notepad++ side by using its search/replace facility.
