Repeating Images in HTML Preview - image

I have created a report in iReport-5.5.0 (JasperReports) with a pair of images that displays properly in it's internal preview, pdf, and word. When I generate html from the report, I get hundreds of extra occurrences of my images in various sizes all throughout the resulting document. The images in question are contained (one each) in SubReports in my form, but all of the SubReport content is static. Furthermore, the SubReports are contained in Page Header and Page Footer bands, and the SubReports themselves also only contain either a Page Header or Page Footer band.
Why is the html not displaying the report correctly? Where are these extra images coming from?

The expression class for my images from when they were dragged out were set to 'java.lang.String'. When I changed them to 'java.awt.image', the repeating stopped. It looks like they may have reverted back, but the repeating didn't come back, so I'm not worrying about it.


Overlap Subreports SSRS

I was trying to create one report with several pages doing this:
I've created like 3 reports with different embedded datasets (each report has nothing to do with the others).
I've created a main report where i put the 3 subreports, overlaying them.
In SSRS web view i can change the the pages in order to see each subreport in a different page.
The problem is when i tried to export the report in PDF, there is not a "page break" so the first page contain all the reports overlayed.... this is a big issue....
Is there a way to fix this?
You can enclose sub reports in a rectangle and provide page break properties to the rectangle.
1st sub-report should be within 1st rectangle and as is.
You can also make sure, sub-reports are one-by-one in the design for proper page breaks.

Printing issue with SSRS report

I have run into a problem with an SSRS report..... The report will generate around 20 pages, with unique data on each page. I have used a page break to do this.
At the top of each page is some data referring to each page.... a vehicle reg number, a driver name etc. This data is coming from an expression. reportitems!.columnName.Value & reportitems!.columnName.ValueWhen the report is run, in design mode, or viewed in Chrome after being deployed, each page has the correct data at the top of the page.... the driver name changes etc.
However, when the report is printed from the browser, or exported to a PDF, the data at the top of each page is now the same. Basically page 1 info is repeated on each page. The report data is still unique on each page, but the reference at the top has now repeated.
Has anyone ever encountered a similar problem, or any idea what may be causing this? I am very confused, as before printing, the report is showing all data as expected.
The 2 images show page 1 and 2 of the report, both numbers in the expression are different.
This image shows page 1 and 2 in the PDF, both numbers are now the same.

SSRS - Space / Margin between header and tablix in content area on subsequent page

Okay, I know that the question is hard to digest.
So I hope this attached picture will make more sense of my question.
Basically I want to maintain some space between my header and my tablix after first page.
I use bottom border for my header and user don't want to see the table and the header just glued together.
tried to put empty textbox (hidden) but not really working as I can't repeat the textbox on subsequent page.
It looks as though you have a gap between the top of the Report Body section and the top of your tablix - this would lead to an extra gap on the first page, which is not repeated on subsequent pages.
If you move your tablix so that there is no gap between it and the top of the Report Body section, this should resolve the problem.
Mark Bannister's answer is correct. Your pictures incorrectly place space between the header and content - tablix. The header shares a border the content - tablix not the body.
The solution, is to place an empty header in your report and that will create the space between the top of the page and the content - tablix you need.

crystal reports page footer not showing on the first page if no page header

I have several Crystal Reports (2008) and the layout I want on the first page contains report header (summary graph of data) and the page footer (text-box and number). This works just fine on 3 reports. But then there is this report which is not working.
I have positioned in this report exactly the same elements of the same sizes and of the same positions as in the other reports. Page setup is the same in all of them. But when the problematic report have the same report header size (18,75cm), which in other reports leaves the good space for the footer, the footer is not showing. When I decrease the size of the report header-section about to 17cm suddenly the page header pops up there together with the footer. As can be guessed, I don't want the page header appear in the bottom of the first page... it does not do so in the other reports.
What makes Crystal "think" that page header should be displayed before showing page footer?

Repeat element on every page of an RDLC outside of header/footer

In VS2010 I have a report, with a table of data that can cause the report to span multiple pages.
Also on this report I have a rectangle that has some contact information for the company the report is for, that I need it to repeat on every page, to the side of the previous table. However this rectangle is not, and cannot be in the header or footer. Is there a way to make an element of a report repeat on every page?
I'm afraid there isn't. You'll have to mimic this by splitting your report into pieces and forcing page breaks after which you display the header again. You can use the List component to do this and group your data to a fixed row height to break to a next page.
