SSRS - Space / Margin between header and tablix in content area on subsequent page - visual-studio

Okay, I know that the question is hard to digest.
So I hope this attached picture will make more sense of my question.
Basically I want to maintain some space between my header and my tablix after first page.
I use bottom border for my header and user don't want to see the table and the header just glued together.
tried to put empty textbox (hidden) but not really working as I can't repeat the textbox on subsequent page.

It looks as though you have a gap between the top of the Report Body section and the top of your tablix - this would lead to an extra gap on the first page, which is not repeated on subsequent pages.
If you move your tablix so that there is no gap between it and the top of the Report Body section, this should resolve the problem.

Mark Bannister's answer is correct. Your pictures incorrectly place space between the header and content - tablix. The header shares a border the content - tablix not the body.
The solution, is to place an empty header in your report and that will create the space between the top of the page and the content - tablix you need.


Hide page footer in RDLC

I have a report where I need to print a footer only on the last page.In order to doing so, I'm using a Rectangle in the footer area with this formula:
Using this method, the footer is printed only in the last page, but in all the other pages, I have a lot of white space where the footer is supposed to be.I think the problem is I change visibility only on the Rectangle object.Is there a way to hide all the footer based on a condition?
You can put that rectangle below the table itself rather than putting it in the footer then it will come only in the last page

Push items to bottom of report

I'm trying to create a report with some controls "anchored" to the very end. The difficulty is that I can't add this to the page footer because the report could span multiple pages leaving a giant white space at the end of each report if I decide to toggle visibility. The items I have should only appear on the very last page and be positioned just above the footer.
For example, in this scenario, I need the letter's closing signature, titles, etc. positioned at the very end of the last page the report spans.
As an alternative to adding a sub report you could try the suggestion below.
It all depends on how you data is laid out in your report whether it could work for you.
If all the data required to populate the controls exists in the report dataset why not add an outer lever of grouping that encompasses the entire dataset. You could do this using a dummy column containing 1 for example.
Just add a footer to this group and put your data in the group footer.
You can additional rows as necessary to the group footer.
This footer will always appear as the last row(s) in the tablix

Print SubReport is in next page using IReport 5.5.0

I have use one sub-report in main report with use of jasper Reports. sub-report is print half of is in one page and other half in next page. but i want to print it is in single page. Please help me.
You can set SplitType to equal Prevent in the detail band properties, but that only prevents a band from splitting from page to page, forcing it to begin on the following page of your report. If the output of your sub-report is naturally longer than the page height you have set, then this will just force the sub-report to begin on the following page. I do not think this would be a desirable outcome since in that case the subreport would still populate two separate pages (actually 3 if you include the resulting blank first page).
All that said one solution would be to check off "Ignore Pagination" in your main reports properties. This will ensure that your entire report is viewed as one single page, but this causes problems when printing or PDF'ing.
You are a bit vague in your question, but its also possible that the detail band height is too high. IReport is "pixel perfect" so if the subreport element begins in the middle of the band then that is where it will start. Also if you have title, page header, or column header bands that are not being used, these will result in unwanted white space.
Hope this helps!
There is a property called "isSplitAllowed" in the band tag that should help you.

Repeat element on every page of an RDLC outside of header/footer

In VS2010 I have a report, with a table of data that can cause the report to span multiple pages.
Also on this report I have a rectangle that has some contact information for the company the report is for, that I need it to repeat on every page, to the side of the previous table. However this rectangle is not, and cannot be in the header or footer. Is there a way to make an element of a report repeat on every page?
I'm afraid there isn't. You'll have to mimic this by splitting your report into pieces and forcing page breaks after which you display the header again. You can use the List component to do this and group your data to a fixed row height to break to a next page.

Reporting Services - header with blank spaces

I got the problem that my RDLC-Report always repeats the whole header, if there is data or not, it always repeats the blank space.
I dont want to use a Rectangle instead of my header or something, is there a workaround with let this header-data in the header?
I dont want to have this blank spaces, i wanna see my body there.
Thanks in ancipiation
You can try a group header...? Hide the row(s) if there's no data for it, and that won't leave a space... set the header to repeat on each page.
Would that be an option?
I've done a few reports that required a footer but some of the stuff in there was only needed on the last page but I didn't want that huge white space in the footer area when the visibility was set to hide for all the pages but the last one... A group footer didn't work for me because I needed certain things at the very bottom of every page (like a form) and you can't access the globals from in the body of the report to toggle visibility... Ultimately I had to setting for that stuff I wanted on the last page to be at the end of the data, meaning it might be in the middle of the last page.... But I positioned my main tablix inside a big rectangle that's is equal to the whole page length - margin size - header length - footer length - (that rectangle I want on the last page).length so that if there is only one row of data, that last page item isn't directly below it but actually right above the footer where it should be. However, if the data is more than a page, that rectangle is just at the end of the data, which is an okay compromise.
