Using Plink and redirect output in bash script - bash

I've got problem, I've setup plink to create a connection to a BlueCoat device, retrieve the full configuration and redirect the output to a file.
The problem is, when I try it from the script, the output of plink is displayed on screen and not redirected to the file, but if I use the same exact command interactively, it works!
I've checked the file rights, etc. they all seem to be ok.
The way I use it is:
/usr/bin/plink -4 -batch -ssh -l <user> -pw <password> -m /tmp/bluecoat.backup <hostname> > output.txt
Any clues?
Kind regards,


How to use PGPASS file in Powershell to avoid password prompt?

I had to automate my postgre database backup. As instructed by my software vendor I am trying to use pg_dump.exe (see below) file to take a backup but that prompts me for password.
.\pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -v -b -F t -f "C:\Backup\Backup.tar" Repo
So googled and found that as per "" I can create a pgpass.conf file within 'C:\Users\User1\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\pgpass.conf" which I did.
Then I tried to pass data of pgpass.conf file to env variable before executing my pg_dump command. But it is not working. Still I am getting prompt to enter password. This is the content of pgpass.conf file: *:*:*:postgres:password
Below is the code I am trying in PowerShell,
cd "C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Repository\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin"
.\pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -v -b -F t -f "C:\Backup\Backup.tar" Repo
Why am I still being asked for password?
When I type following code $Env:AppData I get following response "C:\Users\User1\AppData\Roaming"
Everywhere there are guidance on how to use it in UNIX or command prompt but not in powershell. Any help is appreciated. Also if you could direct me how to secure this password file then it will be great.
With password prompt I cannot automate it with windows task scheduler.
I suspect you have a suitable solution, however, as a quick (and not secure) workaround via the command prompt, you can use the variable PGPASSWORD to hold the password then run the backup script.
A sample might be something like:
cd "C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Repository\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin" pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -b -F t -f "d:\qs_backup\QSR_backup.tar" QSR
I have yet to get the damned thing to work yet, but I did find this:
--no-password Never issue a password prompt. If the server requires password authentication and a password is not available by other means
such as a .pgpass file, the connection attempt will fail. This option
can be useful in batch jobs and scripts where no user is present to
enter a password.
I don't see a -w parameter in your call to pg_dump
I used pg_hba file to allow connection "trust" this is riskier method but I had to get things done ASAP. Thank you for your time and effort

How do I give automation commands/ instructions after logging into PuTTy

I searched and didnt find much help.
Using Plink.exe
After logging in (which I can launch from command line), pass as a string argument for my system() command,
plink user# -pw password
I need to pass just one command to start an iperf server
iperf -s -i 1 -w 2m -p 5115 -u -l 1400
How do I do that? plink allows me to give some batch files as a command line argument with one of the options.
I figured this out. plink.exe allows you to pass a batch file as as an argument which can contain all the instructions/commands you wish to give in it.
It was pretty straight forward and simple.

Automatic login using PUTTY.EXE with Sudo command

I am using below command to open putty through windows command prompt:
PUTTY.EXE -ssh -pw "mypass" user#IP -m C:/ -t
Where mentioned in above command file contains:
sudo su - rootuser
After executing the command, putty console is opened and it prompts for password.
Is there any way where I can provide this password automatically without typing it?
There's a bit of a horrible workaround using Expect and embedding a password.
This is a bad idea.
As an alternative:
Configure sudo to allow NOPASSWD.
Login directly as root using public-private key auth.
Both these introduce a degree of vulnerability, so should be used with caution - but any passwordless auth has this flaw.
Finally, after struggling for almost whole day, I got the way to get this working.
Below command can be executed from windows machine:
PLINK.EXE -t -ssh -pw "password" user#IP /home/mydir/ file is located on remote machine. And this file contains below command to execute script with sudo command without prompting password.
echo password | sudo u user -S
Here, password should be replaced with your password. user should be replaced with your actual user and is the script on remote machine that you want to fire after sudo login.

Transforming a sftp shell script command into a ftp command

I am writing my first shell script ever and trying to figure out how to transform this command:
sftp -o IdentityFile=/home/test/test/id_dsa < sftp_put.txt;
into an equivalent command where I connect to a ftp server. The key difference is that I will be logging into this server via a username and password not my ssh credentials. Note I am trying to upload two files.
Again any help would be more than appreciated!
You can use .netrc for this:
$ cat > .netrc
machine your.machine.ip.address
$ ftp your.machine.ip.address < ftp_cmds.txt
Which would prompt you for a password. If you're okay with it, you can save the password (clear text) in .netrc to skip this prompt. See man netrc for more details.
ftp -v -n <<EOF > ${LOG_FTP} 2>&1
put sftp_put.txt

NCFTPPUT command problem

I using passive mode FTP command provide by NCFTP, Currently i want to pass a raw ftp command after file transferred. i found that got an option to do that:
ncftpput -u user -p password -X "rename 123.exe 1234.exe" host /path C:\123.exe
however, it is not working. It can put the file, but rename command not working.
Have anyone did that before?Pls help
-X use RAW FTP commands
Use the following syntax:
ncftpput -u user -p password -X "RNFR 123.exe" -X "RNTO 1234.exe" host /path/123.exe
It works with ncftls as well. It is more immediate if you what you have to do is just a rename without actually uploading anything on the FTP server.
(-W is like -X. The only difference is that it does the rename immediately after logging in)
Here is the syntax:
ncftpls -u name -p psw -W "RNFR FTPfolder/anotherFolder/OLDname.txt" -W "RNTO FTPfolder/anotherFolder/NEWname.txt"
