How to write an assembly sorting program 8086 with works with 6 digits numbers? [closed] - sorting

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Closed 9 years ago.
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im new to assembly language and i know many codes.
However im working with 8086 emulator with only works with 16 bit numbers.
this is a home work that im really stuck in :
How can i write an assembly code with do the following :
1-get 20 , maximum 6-digits decimal numbers and store them in an array.
2- sort the array in ascending order.
its really hard for me to understand how to manage registers and stack for this long numbers.
every help will be appreciated in advance .

In order to sort 32bit numbers (or broader) with 16bit registers you have to compare the upper part of each number separately.
Assume we have these random two 32 bit numbers (shown in hex) 4567afdf and 321abc09.
Now when you look at them as 16 bit values they look like this:
4567 afdf
321a bc09
As you can easily see, the upper 16 bits you can compare individually.
If the upper 16 bits are higher or lower, then you know that the lower part doesn't matter anymore and you sort them accordingly.
If the upper 16 bits are equal, then you compare the lower 16 bits and if they are also equal, both numbers are equal => no sort needed, otherwise you shuffle them accordingly. Since the upper 16 bits are also equal, you don't even need to shuffle them.
If the upper 16bits are different, you still have to shuffle the lower 16 bits accordingly, as they might be different.
The basics of this approach can be used for an arbitrary number of bits not just 32bits. Generally when you have a seemingly hard problem, you should try to think of the easy examples and how you can solve it. Then you can extend it to more complicated cases.
An alternative approach would be, if you have strings of decimal numbers and you want to sort them based on the string representation instead of the numbers.
In this case, you can do it as follows
If the length of the two number strings are differnt, the shorter one is the lower number.
if the length is equal, then you can look at each digit individually (starting with the first digit) until you hit a non-equal digit or the string end. If you reaced the end of the string, the numbers are the same, otherwise you kn ow which one is higher/lower.


Fastest algorithm to convert hexadecimal numbers into decimal form without using a fixed length variable to store the result

I want to write a program to convert hexadecimal numbers into their decimal forms without using a variable of fixed length to store the result because that would restrict the range of inputs that my program can work with.
Let's say I were to use a variable of type long long int to calculate, store and print the result. Doing so would limit the range of hexadecimal numbers that my program can handle to between 8000000000000001 and 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Anything outside this range would cause the variable to overflow.
I did write a program that calculates and stores the decimal result in a dynamically allocated string by performing carry and borrow operations but it runs much slower, even for numbers that are as big as 7FFFFFFFF!
Then I stumbled onto this site which could take numbers that are way outside the range of a 64 bit variable. I tried their converter with numbers much larger than 16^65 - 1 and still couldn't get it to overflow. It just kept on going and printing the result.
I figured that they must be using a much better algorithm for hex to decimal conversion, one that isn't limited to 64 bit values.
So far, Google's search results have only led me to algorithms that use some fixed-length variable for storing the result.
That's why I am here. I wanna know if such an algorithm exists and if it does, what is it?
Well, it sounds like you already did it when you wrote "a program that calculates and stores the decimal result in a dynamically allocated string by performing carry and borrow operations".
Converting from base 16 (hexadecimal) to base 10 means implementing multiplication and addition of numbers in a base 10x representation. Then for each hex digit d, you calculate result = result*16 + d. When you're done you have the same number in a 10-based representation that is easy to write out as a decimal string.
There could be any number of reasons why your string-based method was slow. If you provide it, I'm sure someone could comment.
The most important trick for making it reasonably fast, though, is to pick the right base to convert to and from. I would probably do the multiplication and addition in base 109, so that each digit will be as large as possible while still fitting into a 32-bit integer, and process 7 hex digits at a time, which is as many as I can while only multiplying by single digits.
For every 7 hex digts, I'd convert them to a number d, and then do result = result * ‭(16^7) + d.
Then I can get the 9 decimal digits for each resulting digit in base 109.
This process is pretty easy, since you only have to multiply by single digits. I'm sure there are faster, more complicated ways that recursively break the number into equal-sized pieces.

{Two's complement} Bit shifting

I got confused by all this shifting thing since I saw two different results of shifting the same number. I know there are tons of questions about this thing but seems like I still couldn't find what I was looking for (Feel free to post link of a question or a website that could help).
So, first I have seen the number 13 binary like: 001101 (not whole word of bits).
When applied shifting to the left by 2 they hold the last bit (bit for sign probably) and results like 0|10100 = 20. However on other place I have seen the number 13 represented like: 01101, and now the 01101<<2 was 0|0100 = 4. I know shifting left is same as multiplying by the base, however this made me confused. Should i present 13 as 001101 or 01101 and apply shifting.
I think we omit the overflow considering the results.
Thank you !!
This behaviour seems to be corresponding with integers of length 5 and
4 (in bits, not counting the sign bit). So it seems overflow is indeed the problem. If it isn't, could you add some context as to where these strange results occur?
001101, 01101 and also 1101 and 00001101 and other sizes have equal claim to "being" 13. You can't really say that 13 has one definitive size, rather it is the operation that has a size (which may be infinite, then a left shift never wraps).
So you have to decide what size of shift you're doing, independently of the value you're shifting. Common choices are 32 or 64 bits, but you're certainly not limited to that, although "strange" sizes take more effort to implement on typical machines and in typical programming languages.
The sign is never deliberately kept in left shifts by the way, there is no useful way to do so: forcefully keeping it means the wrapping happens in a really odd way, instead of the usual wrapping modulo a power of two (which has nice properties).

What determines the result of overflowed operations? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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int max = a > b ? a : b;
int min = a + b - max;
What determines whether this will work? The processor? The hardware? The language? Help me understand this at as deep a level as possible.
The processor IS the hardware (at least for the purposes of this question).
The language is purely a way for you to express things in such a way as to allow it to convert it to what the processor itself expects. The role of the language here would be to define what "int" means, what arithmetic operators are/do, and what their exceptional behavior is. In the low-level languages (like C/C++), it leaves several things to be "implementation defined", like the overflow behavior of integers. Other languages (like Python) may define "int" to be an abstract (not a hardware) concept and thereby change some of the rules (like detecting overflows and doing custom behavior).
If the language leaves something implementation defined and the implementation offloads that decision to the hardware, then the hardware is what defines the behavior of your code.
The high level programming language provides a way for humans to describe what they want to happen. A compiler reduces that down into a language the processor understands, (ultimately) machine code. The instruction set for a particular processor is designed to be useful for doing tasks, general purpose processors for general purpose tasks including the ones you have described. Unlike pencil and paper math where if we need another column another power of ten, 99+1 = 100 for example two digits wide going in, 3 digits coming put. Processors have a fixed with for their registers, that doesnt mean you cant get creative, but the language and the resources (memory, disk space, etc) have limits. And the processor either directly in the logic or the compiler implementing the right sequence of instructions, can and will detect an overflow if you ask it to, in general. Some processors harder than others and some processors are not general purpose enough, but I dont think we need to worry about those, the one you are reading this web page in definitely can handle this.
Computers(hardware) represent numbers in two's complement. Check this for details of two's complement, and why computers use it.
In two's complement signed numbers(not floating ones for now, for sake of simplicity) have a sign bit as most significant bit. For example:
Represents 127 in two's complement. And
represents -128. In both example, the first bit is sign bit, if it's 0, then the number is positive, else negative.
8-bit signed numbers can represent numbers between -128 and 127, so if you add 127 and 3, you won't get 130, you will get -126 because of overflow. Let's see why:
10000010 which is a negative number, -126 in two's complement.
How hardware understand if an overflow occurred? In addition for example, if you add two positive numbers and the result gets negative, it means overflow. And if you add two negative numbers and result gets positive it means overflow again.
I hope that would be a nice example for how these things are happening in hardware level.

How many number of primitive operations does a 16, 32 or a 64-bit processor execute to perform logical right shift of an N-bit Binary number? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Recently,I have been trying to understand how the Binary Extended Euclidean Algorithm works at the processor level. This question is all about finding an Inverse element in GF(2^m) with polynomial basis.
Generally I came across the Extended Euclidean Algorithm for evaluating an inverse element but the fact is that it involves too many addition and multiplication operations. The Binary EEA algorithm requires just bit shifting operations (equivalent to division by 2--logical shift right). The algorithm is in this link, page number 8.
In step 3 and 5 of this algorithm, every iteration shifts the parameters u and b by 1 bit to the right adding zero to the MSB at the same time. The loop ends when u == 1 and returns b. My question is how many primitive operations does a processor (say a 32 bit processor for example) perform in step 3 or step 5 of every iteration?
I came across barrel shifter and I am quite confused about how fast the shifting takes place. Should I really consider these primitive operations or should I ignore them if because the shifting may be faster?
It would really help me a lot if someone would show the primitive operations for the case where the size of u is 194 bits.
In case you might be wondering about the denominator x in step 3 and 5 of the algorithm, its the polynomial representation and x means nothing but 10 in binary and parameter u is an N-bit binary number.
There is no generic answer to this question: you can use portable code that will be tedious to optimize or highly machine specific code that will be even more complicated to optimize without breaking.
If you want real performance, you have to use MMX/AVX registers on the maximum width you can get your hands on. Intel provides lightweight wrappers on low-level instructions as macros and inline functions.
Always use unsigned types for your shifting operations to avoid unnecessary steps.
Usually ther is a "right shift" assembly OP code which is able to right shift a register a given number of bits. Such an operation takes one cycle.
This assumes thet your value is already loaded to the register however.
The best answer anyway: Implement this algorithm in a low level language (C, C++) and look at the assembly code produced by the compiler.

Error correcting algorithm for very strange data channel [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Please recommend an error correcting algorithm for using very strange data channel.
The channel consists of two parts: Corrupter and Eraser.
Corrupter receives a word consisting of 10000 symbols in 3-symbol alphabet, say, {'a','b','c'}.
Corrupter changes each symbol with probability 10%.
Corrupter input: abcaccbacbbaaacbcacbcababacb...
Corrupter output: abcaacbacbbaabcbcacbcababccb...
Eraser receives corrupter output and erases each symbol with probability 94%.
Eraser produces word of the same length in 4-symbol alphabet {'a','b','c','*'}.
Eraser input: abcaacbacbbaabcbcacbcababccb...
Eraser output: *******a*****************c**...
So, on eraser output, approximately 6%*10000=600 symbols would not be erased, approximately 90%*600=540 of them would preserve their original values and approximately 60 would be corrupted.
What encoding-decoding algorithm with error correction is best suited for this channel?
What amount of useful data could be transmitted providing > 99.99% probability of successful decoding?
Is it possible to transmit 40 bytes of data through this channel? (256^40 ~ 3^200)
Here's something you can at least analyze:
Break your 40 bytes up into 13 25-bit chunks (with some wastage so this bit can obviously be improved)
2^25 < 3^16 so you can encode the 25 bits into 16 a/b/c "trits" - again wastage means scope for improvement.
With 10,000 trits available you can give each of your 13 encoded byte triples 769 output trits. Pick (probably at random) 769 different linear (mod 3) functions on 16 trits - each function is specified by 16 trits and you take a vector dot product between those trits and the 16 input trits. This gives you your 769 output trits.
Decode by considering all possible (2^25) chunks and pick the one which matches most of the surviving trits. You have some hope of getting the right answer as long as there are at least 16 surviving trits, which I think excel is telling me via BINOMDIST() happens often enough that there is a pretty good chance that it will happen for all of the 13 25-bit chunks.
I have no idea what error rate you get from garbling but random linear codes have a pretty good reputation, even if this one has a short blocksize because of my brain-dead decoding technique. At worst you could try simulating the encoding transmission and decoding of 25-bit chunks and work it out from there. You can get a slightly more accurate lower bound on error rate than above if you pretend that the garbling stage erases as well and so recalculate with a slightly higher probability of erasure.
I think this might actually work in practice if you can afford the 2^25 guesses per 25-bit block to decode. OTOH if this is a question in a class my guess is you need to demonstrate your knowledge of some less ad-hoc techniques already discussed in your class.
