New Relic, Heroku error: ERROR : [New Relic] Error running task in worker loop, likely a server error - ruby

I am using Papertrail to monitor my heroku app and it seems that I am getting this same error repeatedly:
app/web.2: ** [NewRelic][12/13/13 17:14:17 +0000 f00d3735-79e0-4b0a-9e0d-9315444e2641 (2)] ERROR : Error running task in worker loop, likely a server error:
I read in the ruby docs here that this is probably:
This is probably a server error which has been logged in the server along
# with your account name. Check and see if the agent listener is in the
# stack trace and log it quietly if it is.
I am not quite sure how to debug it and would love some help. Thanks!
Please let me know if my source code would be helpful


Error: command "bash" failed with no error message?

I am using terraform on my Mac system, and terraform apply results with below error
Error: command "bash" failed with no error message
on line 7, in data "external" "ssm-dynamic-general":
7: data "external" "ssm-dynamic-general" {
However there is nothing wrong in file, same runs perfectly fine in my another system.
Can some one please let me know what i am missing here?
You might have done what I accidentally did: not follow the external program protocol:
In my particular case, I failed to send the errors that were coming from my program to standard error. Instead, those errors were going to standard out.
That's why Terraform wasn't able to report on those errors.
So if you send any and all errors from your program to standard error using > &2, you should be able to see those errors when you run terraform plan.

VIM-Go Debugger on Windows results in "Goroutine not found"

I am setting up a vim-go environment on Windows, which is working for the most part. The one thing I cannot get to work is the debugger. I start it with :GoDebugStart. This already leads to a lot of errors regarding the debug layer=rpc.
Then I get more rpc related errors when trying to create the breakpoint. At the end when starting to debug with :GoDebugNext it complains about Goroutine not found. Does anybody have any similar issues or has an idea what this could be or what is missing?
Here is some of the error output:
ERR: 2019-09-24T16:43:37+02:00 info layer=debugger launching process with args: [C:\Users\henri\AppData\Local\Temp\VIA7813.tmp]
ERR: 2019-09-24T16:43:53+02:00 debug layer=rpc <- RPCServer.CreateBreakpoint(rpc2.CreateBreakpointIn{"Breakpoint":{"id":0,"name":"","addr":0,"file":"C:/Users/henri/go/src/local/flightGenerator/readAirports.go","line":38,"Cond":"","continue":false,"traceReturn":false,"goroutine":false,"stacktrace":0,"LoadArgs":null,"LoadLocals":null,"hitCount":null,"totalHitCount":0}})
ERR: 2019-09-24T16:43:53+02:00 info layer=debugger created breakpoint: &api.Breakpoint{ID:1, Name:"", Addr:0x4d179f, File:"C:/Users/henri/go/src/local/flightGenerator/readAirports.go", Line:38, FunctionName:"main.main", Cond:"", Tracepoint:false, TraceReturn:false, Goroutine:false, Stacktrace:0, Variables:[]string(nil), LoadArgs:(*api.LoadConfig)(nil), LoadLocals:(*api.LoadConfig)(nil), HitCount:map[string]uint64{}, TotalHitCount:0x0}
ERR: 2019-09-24T16:43:53+02:00 debug layer=rpc -> *rpc2.CreateBreakpointOut{"Breakpoint":{"id":1,"name":"","addr":5052319,"file":"C:/Users/hen
Also, after starting the debugging process with :GoDebugNext I get error stating that:
current goroutine not found...
vim-go: dictionary required
This seems to be a bug and I filed it as bug #2511 with the developer on github. Just in case somebody else has this problem.
I am reading here Request: option to suppress delve debugging logs
They are not errors, they're just the diagnostics that delve sends on
stderr , hence ERR. You're free to ignore them.

Issue installing openwhisk with incubator-openwhisk-devtools

I have a blocking issue installing openwhisk with docker
I typed make quick-start right after a git pull of the project incubator-openwhisk-devtools. My OS is Fedora 29, docker version is 18.09.0, docker-compose version is 1.22.0. JDk 8 Oracle.
I get the following error:
adding the function to whisk ...
ok: created action hello
invoking the function ...
error: Unable to invoke action 'hello': The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). (code ciOZDS8VySDyVuETF14n8QqB9wifUboT)
[ERROR] [#tid_sid_unknown] [Invoker] failed to ping the controller: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) for health-0: 30069 ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time
[ERROR] [#tid_sid_unknown] [KafkaProducerConnector] sending message on topic 'health' failed: Expiring 1 record(s) for health-0: 30009 ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time
Please note that controller-local-logs.log is never created.
If I issue a touch controller-local-logs.log in the right directory the log file is always empty after I try to issue make quick-start again.
http://localhost:8888/ping gives me the right answer: pong.
http://localhost:9222 is not reacheable.
Where am I wrong?
Thank you in advance

TFS2015 Test Agent Aborted - PowerShell script completed with errors

I am running a TFS nightly build that for the last few days has not been able to complete all its tests. It fails after several hours with a "Test run is aborted" message. Previous to this the tests always ran successfully, and no major changes(or even minor) have been made to the system that runs these tests.
Two MStest runs in the build(unit tests)
Timeout is set to 20 hours
Runs for approx. 15 hours before failure
Tests are set to continue on failure
When I look in the TFS log for the latest run it lists the following(2017-04-11T06:42:47.5500707Z):
[warning]DistributedTests: Test run is aborted. Logging details of the run logs.
[warning]DistributedTests: New test run created.
[warning]Test Run queued for Project Collection Build Service
[warning]DistributedTests: Test discovery started.
[warning]DistributedTests: Test Run Discovery Completed . Test run id: 533
[warning]DistributedTests: 290 test cases discovered.
[warning]DistributedTests: Test execution started. Test run id : 533
[warning]DistributedTests: Test run timed out. Test run id : 533
[warning]DistributedTests: Test run aborted. Test run id: 533
[error]The test run was aborted, failing the task.
When I look at the run log(worker_20170410-234426-utc_864.log) I see:
06:42:47.659516 BaseLogger.LogConsoleMessage(scope.JobId =
7ced7f31-e360-47f3-b334-ef20faeaf000, message = ##[error]The test run
was aborted, failing the task.) 06:42:47.659516
PowerShell script completed with errors. at
context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at
context, TaskWrapper task, CancellationTokenSource tokenSource)
In the test log, I don't see any errors in the VS, just a warning about not able to connect(I see these often):
W, 2060, 5, 2017/04/10, 16:26:03.595, XXXTESTING\QTController.exe,
Test of LoadTestResultConnectString failed: A network-related or
instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to
SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify
that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to
allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26
- Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
I also see an error thrown in the Application Event log at the same time:
The description for Event ID 0 from source Application cannot be
found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on
your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install
or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information
had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
Error Handler Exception: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException:
There was an error reading from the pipe: The pipe has been ended.
(109, 0x6d). ---> System.IO.IOException: The read operation failed,
see inner exception. ---> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException:
There was an error reading from the pipe: The pipe has been ended.
(109, 0x6d). ---> System.IO.PipeException: There was an error reading
from the pipe: The pipe has been ended. (109, 0x6d).....
the message resource is present but the message is not found in the
string/message table
The issue is that I really don't know how to interpret these messages, each log just says "test run was aborted, failing the task", I'm not even certain the powershell issue is what caused it. I'm also not sure that the error thrown in the application log is related, though it was thrown at exactly the same time that the run failed.
It's also difficult to research this issue, when you really don't know what's causing the test agent to fail. There are posts related to VS, and to the TFS Test Agent, but these don't strike me as related issues, and of course there is this somewhat unhelpful post about the Powershell message.
Has anyone seen this sort of issue before? I don't think anything on my build server has changed over the last few days(maybe updates...), what do you think would cause an issue like this to occur?
If you look at the failed build(containing tests) after it is aborted in the "Build" section of TFS, its says it was "Aborted", that's it... If you look at results of the build(containing tests) in the "Test" section of TFS it specified that the test run "Exceeded Timeout".
Apparently MSTest was running up against the default value of this little gem. I think it defaults to 8 hours when not specified, but I'm not too sure about this. Anyways I set the following setting in my "Default.testsettings" file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TestSettings name="TestSettings1">
<Timeouts runTimeout="200000000" />
Seems to resolve the issue. Tests runs successfully and no longer time out.

Show Python exception errors in Heroku log

I have a Heroku application written i Python. When it fails it does not log anything, but just stops code execution at the location of failure (it does not execute print statements just below) and then continues to run as nothing happens.
How can I display exception errors and traceback in the log? Is the behaviour different when exceptions are raised using the raise statement?
I have set the following in the config file:
DEBUG = True
It depends on your environment.
Try to add these lines:
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
Also, if you run the server with Gunicorn, you should add --log-level debug to your Procfile
