Capture float in string using Ruby short-hand regex syntax - ruby

I have a Ruby string which contains a dollar amount that I would like to convert into a float. I found a short hand syntax for extracting the float from the string:
# => 123.45
Now I realize that it does not work when there is a comma in the number:
# => 23.45
How do I change the syntax of this regex to exclude the comma while still keeping the syntax as concise as possible?

You can delete the commas first using String#delete
#=> 1023.45

"$1,023.45".gsub(/[\$,]/, '').to_f
# => 1023.45

p "$1,023.45".delete(",$").to_f #=> 1023.45

This regex should do the job [/\d+[,.]\d+/]
[.,] means , or . may be at that position
Update: I thought you mean instead of the . like the eropeans do it. So this might not work for you. You should go for deleting the comma first to avoid a 1,234.56 situation, like the others stated. This can not be solved with regex directly.


delete matched characters using regex in ruby

I need to write a regex for the following text:
"How can you restate your point (something like: \"<font>First</font>\") as a clear topic?"
that keeps whatever is between the
\" \"
characters (in this case <font>First</font>
I came up with this:
/"How can you restate your point \(something like: |\) as a clear topic\?"/
but how do I get ruby to remove the unwanted surrounding text and only return <font>First</font>?
lookbehind, lookahead and making what is greedy, lazy.
str[/(?<=\").+?(?=\")/] #=> "<font>First</font>"
If you have strings just like that, you can .split and get the first:
> str.split(/"/)[1]
=> "<font>First</font>"
You certainly can use a regular expression, but you don't need to:
str = "How can you restate (like: \"<font>First</font>\") as a clear topic?"
#=> "<font>First</font>"
or, for those like me who never use three dots:

Extracting numbers with regex in ruby from a numbers divided by a dot (thousand delimiter)

Trying to extract '4995' from the string '4.995,-' with regex in Ruby.
I tried with
Which seems to work from this Rubular screenshot:
but running it only outputs
You cannot match it in a single regex because it is not a single substring.
"4.995,-".gsub(/\D/, "") # => "4995"
I'm up-voting sawa's answer because it's a good answer.
But since you are new to regular expressions, you may want further explanation as to why his answer works for you.
When you are trying to match with the regexp /\d+/, what you are saying is "Match for me 1 or more consecutive digits." But your target string, 4.995,-, is not made up of only consecutive digits. It has a 4 and it has a 995. The first match of "1 or more consecutive digits" is 4. That's why what you're getting as a result is 4.
Try to look at your problem differently. Instead of saying, "Find me all the digits and extract those out," you could say, "Find me anything that's not a digit, and get rid of it." To do this, you can use ruby's search-and-replace function, gsub. gsub searches a target string for anything that matches a given regular expression, and then it replaces those matches with some replacement string that you also provide. Documentation on gsub can be found here
The regular expression for "non-digit" is /\D/. So, you can do a gsub that looks for any /\D/ and replaces it with a blank string.
Do as below using String#[] and String#tr:
"4.995,-"[/\d+.\d+/].tr('.','') # => "4995"
# more Rubyish way using #tr method only
"4.995,-".tr("^0-9",'') # => "4995"
p '4.995,-1'.delete('.')[/\d+/] #=> "4995"
Here's another way that, like #Arup's solution, works when a digit follows the first non-digit:
'4.995,-1'.sub('.','').to_i.to_s #=> "4995"
This works because
'4.995,-1'.sub('.','') #=> "4995,-1"
and to_i takes the first part part of a string that can be converted to a Fixnum.
'4.995,-1'.to_f.to_s.sub('.','') #=> "4995"

ruby remove variable length string from regular expression leaving hyphen

I have a string such as this: "im# -33.870816,151.203654"
I want to extract the two numbers including the hyphen.
I tried this:
mystring = "im# -33.870816,151.203654"
This gives me:
How do I get the hyphen?
I need to do this in ruby
Edit: I should clarify, the "im# " was just an example, there can be any set of characters before the numbers. the numbers are mostly well formed with the comma. I was having trouble with the hyphen (-)
Edit2: Note that the two nos are lattidue, longitude. That pattern is mostly fixed. However, in theory, the preceding string can be arbitrary. I don't expect it to have nos. or hyphen, but you never know.
How about this?
arr = "im# -33.2222,151.200".split(/[, ]/)[1..-1]
and arr is ["-33.2222", "151.200"], (using the split method).
arr[0].to_f is -33.2222 and arr[1].to_f is 151.2
EDIT: stripped "im#" part with [1..-1] as suggested in comments.
EDIT2: also, this work regardless of what the first characters are.
If you want to capture the two numbers with the hyphen you can use this regex:
> str = "im# -33.870816,151.203654"
> str.match(/([\d.,-]+)/).captures
=> ["33.870816,151.203654"]
Edit: now it captures hyphen.
This one captures each number separetely:
Note: Using String#scan will match all ocurrences of given pattern, in this case
> str.scan /\b\s?([-\d.]+)/
=> [["-33.870816"], ["151.203654"]] # Good, but flattened version is better
> str.scan(/\b\s?([-\d.]+)/).flatten
=> ["-33.870816", "151.203654"]
I recommend you playing around a little with Rubular. There's also some docs about regegular expressions with Ruby:
Your regex doesn't work because the hyphen is caught by \D, so you have to modify it to catch only the right set of characters.
[^0-9-]* would be a good option.

Ruby regular expression for this string?

I'm trying to get the first word in this string: Basic (11/17/2011 - 12/17/2011)
So ultimately wanting to get Basic out of that.
Other example string: Premium (11/22/2011 - 12/22/2011)
The format is always "Single-word followed by parenthesized date range" and I just want the single word.
Use this:
str = "Premium (11/22/2011 - 12/22/2011)"
str.split.first # => "Premium"
The split uses ' ' as default parameter if you don't specify any.
After that, get the first element with first
You don't need regexp for that, you can just use
str.split(' ')[0]
I know you found the answer you are needing but in case anyone stumbles on this in the future, in order to pull the needed value out of a large String of unknown length:
word_you_need = s.slice(/(\b[a-zA-Z]*\b \(\d+\/\d+\/\d+ - \d+\/\d+\/\d+\))/).split[0]
This regular expression will match the first word with out the trailing space
"^\w+ ??"
If you really want a regex you can get the first group after using this regex:
(\w*) .*
"Single-word followed by parenthesized date range"
'word' and 'parenthesized date range' should be better defined
as, by your requirement statement, they should be anchors and/or delimeters.
These raw regex's are just a general guess.
Actually, all you need is:

Help with Regex statement in Ruby

I have a string called 'raw'. I am trying to parse it in ruby in the following way:
raw = "HbA1C ranging 8.0—10.0%"
raw.scan /\d*\.?\d+[ ]*(-+|\342\200\224)[ ]*\d*\.?\d+/
The output from the above is []. I think it should be: ["8.0—10.0"].
Does anyone have any insight into what is wrong with the above regex statement?
Note: \342\200\224 is equal to — (em-dash, U+2014).
The piece that is not working is:
I think it should be equivalent to saying, match on 1 or more - OR match on the string \342\200\224.
Any help would be greatly appreciated it!
The original regex works for me (ruby 1.8.7), justs needs the capture to be non-capturing and scan will output the entire match. Or switch to String#[] or String#match instead of String#scan and don't edit the regex.
raw = "HbA1C ranging 8.0—10.0%"
raw.scan /\d*\.?\d+[ ]*(?:-+|\342\200\224)[ ]*\d*\.?\d+/
# => ["8.0—10.0"]
For testing/building regular expressions in Ruby there's a fantastic tool over at that makes it a lot easier. is the edited regex with a few test cases to make sure it works against them.
raw = "HbA1C ranging 8.0—10.0%"
#=> ["8.0\342\200\22410.0"]
