How does one configure Cucumber / Aruba to use SimpleCov? - ruby

Cucumber 1.3.10
We use Cucumber with Aruba in a NON-RAILS project that nonetheless uses ActiveRecord. Our cucumber features exercise the code both in-process and out-of-process. The out-of-process code is executed using the same loader sequences as in production through a startup stub in bin:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'pathname'
my_dir =
File.join( File.dirname(
__FILE__ ), '../', 'lib/' ) ).realpath.to_s + '/'
require my_dir + File.basename( __FILE__ ) ARGV ).execute
Our features/support/env.rb file contains this:
$ cat features/support/env.rb
# Must load and start simplecov before any application code
require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.start do
add_filter "/features/"
add_filter "/libexec"
add_filter "/lib/hll_active_record/"
add_filter "/test/"
add_filter "/tmp/"
SimpleCov.command_name( "Cucumber Features" )
# Do not use cucumber/rails in standalone projects
#require 'cucumber/rails'
. . .
When our step definitions call the external bin/file through aruba's run command the step definitions work properly and the tests complete as expected but the code coverage is not merged with the rest of the run. What I am seeking are instructions for how to set up simplecov to report the code coverage of the out-of-process tests together with the portions that are run in-process by cucumber directly.
How does one do this?

I have an environment similar to yours, this is how I got it working:
Assuming a directory tree like:
|- bin
| |- binary
|- lib
| |- ...
|- spec
| |- ...
|- features
| |- support
| | |- env.rb
| |- ...
Fist check this issue
It describes that the binary should start simplecov. It's hackish but I added this header to my binary (project/bin/binary):
require 'simplecov'
# As described in the issue, every process must have an unique name:
SimpleCov.command_name "binary #{}"
# When running with aruba simplecov was using /tmp/aruba as the root folder.
# This is to force using the project folder
SimpleCov.root(File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), '..'))
SimpleCov.start do
# Because simplecov filters everything outside of the SimpleCov.root
# This should be added, cf.
add_filter do |src|
!(src.filename =~ /^#{SimpleCov.root}/) unless src.filename =~ /project/
# Ignoring test folders and tmp for Aruba
add_filter '/spec/'
add_filter '/test/'
add_filter '/features/'
add_filter '/tmp/'
Then in the calling of binary inside cucumber the COVERAGE environment variable should be set.
In the feature/support/env.rb at the before clause:
require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.command_name 'Cucumber'
Before do
# This is using the aruba helper,
# cf.
set_env('COVERAGE', 'true')
# This could also be accomplished with the "I set the environment variables to:" step
If in your environment you have two Frameworks (like RSpec and Cucumber in this example) don't forget to

Using the above, setting the command_name based on the PID of the aruba
process causes SimpleCov to accumulate a very large result set and pollutes
the results with old runs.
I had better luck setting the command name as follows:
# As described in the issue, every process must have an unique name:
SimpleCov.command_name ARGV.join(' ')
Which causes only the latest run with the same arguments to get included in
the results.


how to invoke bundler commands from within a Serverspec/RSpec test

I have a project to create a template ruby project.
I am using serverspec and want to verify the behaviour of the template.
However, using command(`rake -T`) fails. If I execute the command manually, it works as expected.
Debugging, when the test is running in Serverspec, it finds the wrong Gemfile - it is using the Gemfile from my project (.), not the generated directory (target/sample_project).
How can I invoke rake or bundler commands withing a Serverspec/Rspec test?
sample code:
require "spec_helper"
require 'serverspec'
require 'fileutils'
set :backend, :exec
set :login_shell, true
describe "Generated Template" do
# Hooks omitted to create the sample_project
# and change working directory to `project_dir`
describe command('rake -T') do
its(:stdout) { should include "rake serverspec:localhost" }
its(:stdout) { should include "rake serverspec:my_app" }
Bundler has provision for running external shell commands documented here:
Running bundler/rake tasks is possible using rspec using Bundler.with_clean_env, instead of Serverspec.
require 'bundler'
require 'rspec'
RSpec.describe "Generated Template" do
around(:example) do |example|
#Change context, so we are in the generated project directory
around(:example) do |example|
Bundler.with_clean_env do
it "should include localhost" do
expect(`rake -T 2>&1`).to include "rake serverspec:localhost"

Making SimpleCov work when executing gem binary

I am trying to add SimpleCov coverage to my gem that has a binary.
I would like to test its command line interface, so I wish to test the binary execution itself, and not the library it uses.
I am getting no coverage report (0 LOC) by SimpleCov.
As I understand, the issue is most likely due to the fact that in my test (either cucumber features or rspec specs), I am executing the gem's binary with system or popen3, but I don't know how I can tell SimpleCov to "follow through" (or if I am barking at the right tree...).
I have tried playing with SimpleCov.command_name, = $$, SimpleCov.track_files and almost every other remotely related configuration I found.
I do not wish to use Aruba, although I have tried reviewing their source to look for possible answers.
Related code snippets:
# spec_helper.rb
require 'simplecov'
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
Bundler.require :default, :development
# test_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe "my bin" do
it "should be covered" do
system 'bin/runme'
I have prepared a minimal repo as an easy testing ground, if that helps at all.
well it's not easy to find a solution to this issue in particular.
not sure this solves your problem but maybe a start?
without the start block which modifies the filters i could not get SimpleCov to watch the bin directory (using the sample github repo you provided).
Used command_name to give the main processes coverage reports a name and then in the fork used command_name to give the forked processes report a name (SimpleCov merges them for us as long as they have different names).
then used load to load the bin file instead of using system.
(I couldn't figure out a way to make system or spawn add to the coverage reports, maybe if you called it through a script that restarts SimpleCov for you with an alternate command_name)
again, not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but may be a start. code below:
# spec_helper.rb
require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.command_name "main_report"
SimpleCov.start do
filters.clear # This will remove the :root_filter and :bundler_filter that come via simplecov's defaults
add_filter do |src|
!(src.filename =~ /^#{SimpleCov.root}/) unless src.filename =~ /bin/ #make sure the bin directory is allowed
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
Bundler.require :default, :development
# test_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe "my bin" do
it "should be covered" do
pid = Process.fork do
SimpleCov.start do
command_name "bin_report_section"
load "bin/runme"
Coverage report generated for bin_report_section, main_report to
1 / 1 LOC (100.0%) covered.
Have you tried this?
Basically, in your spec_helper.rb
require "simplecov"
# Only necessary if your tests *might* take longer than the default merge
# timeout, which is 10 minutes (600s).
# Store our original (pre-fork) pid, so that we only call `format!`
# in our exit handler if we're in the original parent.
pid =
SimpleCov.at_exit do
SimpleCov.result.format! if == pid
# Start SimpleCov as usual.
Then inside your bin/runme, add:
# Give our new forked process a unique command name, to prevent problems
# when merging coverage results.
SimpleCov.command_name SecureRandom.uuid
Child process' test coverage will merge into the parent's process.
If you use SimpleCov's coverage_dir, make sure it's in all SimpleCov.start blocks so that results are written to same location.

Rspec: requiring spec/workers

I've got a bunch of Sidekiq workers in app/workers, and some matching specs in spec/workers. How can I add both to my rspec runs? As in stands none are included when I hit up rspec on the Terminal.
I see a few alternatives for your situation:
Rspec loading:
Make sure your test files in spec/worker follow the pattern setup for Rspec (e.g. *.rb or *_spec.rb).
Require the worker files in the spec_helper.rb.
Manual loading: Require the spec/worker and app/worker files in your spec_helper.rb with a Ruby-defined glob.
Sidekiq helper gem: Add the rspec-sidekiq gem to your project, as explained at Sidekiq's.
To add a bulk of files to the load path, you can either:
Add path strings to the $: global variable, early in your boot process (e.g. at the beginning of spec_helper.rb):
$:.unshift(File.expand_path('../app/workers/**/*_worker.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))
Use a glob to load the files without modifying the load path:
Dir[File.expand_path('../app/workers/**/*_worker.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))].each do |file|
require file

How to quickly test Class behavior in ruby

I'm building a class-based Tic-tac-toe game with all the classes in tic_tac_toe.rb. I can load the class into irb for interactive testing with irb -r ./tic_tac_toe.rb, but I have to manually create a player and gameboard instance every time. I included p1 = int tic_tac_toe.rb but that does not seem to run.
More generally, is what I'm doing a good workflow or not? How should I go about writing some code for my class and testing it and going back? (Is there something simpler than unit testing for this small project?)
To directly address your question, you can simplify your workflow greatly with the addition of RSpec. RSpec is a BDD (behavior driven development) tool for Ruby that will let you describe your classes in an (arguably) more descriptive way than plain jane unit tests. I have included a small code sample below to help get you started.
Create a Gemfile if you do not have one for your project and add RSpec. If you've never done this check out Bundler for more information on Gemfiles.
# in your Gemfile
gem 'rspec' # rspec testing tool
gem 'require_relative' # allows you to require files with relative paths
Create a spec folder to house your specs (specs are what RSpec calls its tests).
# via Command Line (or in Windows Explorer) create a spec folder in your project
mkdir spec
Create a spec_helper.rb in the spec/ folder to house the configuration for your tests.
# in spec/spec_helper.rb
require "rspec" # require rspec testing tool
require_relative '../tic_tac_toe' # require the class to be tested
config.before(:suite) do
#=> code here will run before your entire suite
#first_player =
#second_player =
Now that you've setup two players before your test suite runs, you can use these in your tests. Create a spec for your class that you would like to test and suffix it with _spec.
# in spec/player_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper' # require our setup file and rspec will setup our suite
describe Player do
before(:each) do
# runs before each test in this describe block
it "should have a name" do
# either of the bottom two will verify player's name is not nil, for example == false be_nil
Run these tests from the root of your project by using bundle exec rspec. This will look for a spec/ folder, load the spec helper, and run your specs. There is much more you can do with RSpec, such as work in Factories etc (this would be for larger projecxts). However for your project you would only need a few specs for your classes.
Other things I would suggest would be RSpec-Given, when you have a firm grasp of rspec. This gem helps DRY up your rspec tests and makes them a bit more readable.
You can also look into Guard and creating a Guardfile, which will watch your files for you and run tests when you change files.
Lastly, I included a small suggestion on a basic project structure to visualize this a bit easier.
--- Gemfile
--- tic_tac_toe.rb
--- spec/
------- spec_helper.rb
------- player_spec.rb
I have linked all the referenced docs so if you have any questions definitely check the links out. The documentation on Bundler, RSpec, RSpec-Given, and Guard is pretty decent. Happy programming.

How to integrate rubocop with Rake?

rubocop is a code style checker for Ruby. A similar tool to rubocop, Cane, can be integrated with Rake. I prefer rubocop to Cane since rubocop makes checks based on the Ruby Style Guide and it seems to spot more problems. To automate the process of style checking I would like to integrate rubocop with Rake so that the build fails if code quality is lacking.
Gem already supports adding tests to packages via Rake. I would like to do the same with style checks so that style checks are run along with the tests. How can I do this?
If it helps to start with a Rakefile here is one:
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: ruby -*-
require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
require 'rake/testtask' do |t|
t.libs << 'test'
t.test_files = FileList['test/unit/test*.rb']
desc 'Run tests'
task default: :test
As of version 0.10.0 rubocop contain a custom rake task that you can use. Just put the following in your Rakefile
require 'rubocop/rake_task'
Make sure to use upper-case 'R' and 'C' or you will get a NameError.
I highly recommend,
require 'rubocop/rake_task' do |t|
t.options = ['--display-cop-names']
This uses the rubocop's own rake tasks and allows you to pass options if you like.
You will probably find useful if you use Guard for your RSpec tests. It enables Rubocop to give you instant feedback as soon as you save the file, along with your test results.
I needed to do something similar myself, and ended up looking in the internal source code of the RuboCop::RakeTask here:
require 'rubocop'
cli =
puts 'Running RuboCop...' if verbose
result =
abort('RuboCop failed!') if result.nonzero? && fail_on_error
You can actually invoke similar code directly in your own codebase / rake task.
I ended up writing a little wrapper module I can call to, with some default flags that I always want to be applied:
module RubocopCli
require "rubocop"
cli =
result =["--display-cop-names", "--force-exclusion", "--fail-level", "autocorrect", *args])
raise "! Linting failed." if result.nonzero?
Then you can call it with additional args from any task, or app code, like:
files_to_lint = %w[lib/whatever.rb spec/lib/whatever_spec.rb]!("--auto-correct", *files_to_lint)
You can shell out via Rake with the options you prefer:
desc 'Run Rubocop with options'
task rubocop: :environment do
sh 'bundle exec rubocop -D --format offenses --format progress || true'
I then recommend modifying the default task to include the output. The trick is to clear the task and then add back what you want. Note the need to end with || true so that an error from Rubocop will not prevent the next task from running. Here's what I do, which also uses parallel tests:
task(:default).clear.enhance ['parallel:parallel_prepare', 'parallel:spec',
'parallel:features', 'lint:rubocop',
I would recommend shelling out to the rubocop program. It's the simplest solution. Just add this to your Rakefile:
task test: :rubocop
task :rubocop do
sh 'rubocop'
