how to invoke bundler commands from within a Serverspec/RSpec test - ruby

I have a project to create a template ruby project.
I am using serverspec and want to verify the behaviour of the template.
However, using command(`rake -T`) fails. If I execute the command manually, it works as expected.
Debugging, when the test is running in Serverspec, it finds the wrong Gemfile - it is using the Gemfile from my project (.), not the generated directory (target/sample_project).
How can I invoke rake or bundler commands withing a Serverspec/Rspec test?
sample code:
require "spec_helper"
require 'serverspec'
require 'fileutils'
set :backend, :exec
set :login_shell, true
describe "Generated Template" do
# Hooks omitted to create the sample_project
# and change working directory to `project_dir`
describe command('rake -T') do
its(:stdout) { should include "rake serverspec:localhost" }
its(:stdout) { should include "rake serverspec:my_app" }

Bundler has provision for running external shell commands documented here:
Running bundler/rake tasks is possible using rspec using Bundler.with_clean_env, instead of Serverspec.
require 'bundler'
require 'rspec'
RSpec.describe "Generated Template" do
around(:example) do |example|
#Change context, so we are in the generated project directory
around(:example) do |example|
Bundler.with_clean_env do
it "should include localhost" do
expect(`rake -T 2>&1`).to include "rake serverspec:localhost"


All SauceLabs tests run with Capybara result in "Unnamed Ruby job" and no metadata

I'm setting up a standalone RSpec/Capybara test suite integrated with SauceLabs, but the instructions in the documentation don't seem to be working for me.
Here are the relevant parts of my spec_helper.rb:
require 'capybara'
require 'capybara/rspec'
require 'sauce/capybara'
Sauce.config do |config|
config[:browsers] = [
[ "OSX 10.10", "Safari", "8" ]
Capybara.default_driver = :sauce
And here's the feature (not_found_spec.rb):
feature 'Enroll: 404', :sauce => true do
before :each do
#nonexistent_curriculum = :curriculum
#enroll =
context 'When I visit a page that does not exist' do
scenario 'I see a Not Found message' do
#enroll.go #nonexistent_curriculum
expect(#enroll.not_found).to be_visible
When I then run rspec, the specs run and pass, but no metadata of any kind is recorded. All I see on SauceLabs is "Unnamed Ruby job".
What am I missing?
When you run
bundle exec rake sauce:install:spec
it creates a sauce_helper.rb which is then typically required from the end of your rails_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb depending on what *_helper.rb files you have. It looks like you copied the Sauce config part from sauce_helper into your spec_helper but you haven't shown that you have
require "sauce"
in there which is in the generated sauce_helper. Without requiring "sauce" it may be that sauce/rspec/rspec.rb is not getting required which is where all the hooks into rspec for tests with sauce: true are set up.

Sinatra exits without error

I'm very new to Sinatra, and I'm trying to get asset management & compiling working according to this article. Here is my main file so far:
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'sinatra/assetpack'
require 'sass'
class App < Sinatra::Base
register Sinatra::AssetPack
assets do
css :application, [
css_compression :sass
get '/hi' do
erb "Hello World!"
but, for some reason, when I run ruby main.rb, it just exits without failure or anything. Is there a special keyword to get the application to serve files?
Using the modular style of Sinatra application, as you are doing, running ruby main.rb is going to exit without error because it is being treated as a standard ruby application and no webserver is ever created.
You have two options.
1 Add run! if app_file == $0 just before the final end statement in your example.
This will allow you to run the app with ruby main.rb
2 (This is the preferred method) Create a rackup file with the following contents.
require './main.rb'
run App
Now you can serve the application with the command rackup -p 4567 where 4567 is whatever port number you want to use.
You need to start the application
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'sinatra/assetpack'
require 'sass'
class App < Sinatra::Base
register Sinatra::AssetPack
assets do
css :application, [
css_compression :sass
get '/hi' do
erb "Hello World!"
run! if app_file == $0
one observation, erb should point to a template, example:
get '/hi' do
erb :home
should look for a file in ../views/home.erb
Also Assuming you already did gem install sinatra. I would also use the rerun gem while developing in sinatra, gem install rerun then rerun ruby app.rb. Rerun will reload your project when you make changes to your code so you won't have to restart the app when ever you make a change.

require ruby library in serverspec

I am a newbie in ruby and trying to get my hands dirty in chef. I have written a wrapper cookbook on postgresql community cookbook and wish to test it using test kitchen. Following is the spec.rb file I have written:
require 'serverspec'
require 'pg'
include Serverspec::Helper::Exec
include Serverspec::Helper::DetectOS
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.before :all do
c.path = '/sbin:/usr/sbin'
c.os = backend(Serverspec::Commands::Base).check_os
describe "Postgresql server" do
it "should connect to database" do
conn = => "db",:user => "user1",:password => "password")
conn.status == "CONNECTION_OK"
Through this test I wish to check if the user and database have been created properly.
However this test is unable to resolve the dependency of "pg". Where do I mention this dependency in serverspec?
I have used kitchen verify [node name] to run the test.
Create the Ruby code necessary to install the gem prior to requiring it in your spec_helper.rb file (or on the top of the spec file if it makes more sense):
rescue Gem::LoadError
require 'rubygems/dependency_installer''pg')
require 'pg'

Minitest uninitialized constant error

I am trying to run Minitest with Spec syntax with rake test and get this error:
/path/to/gem/spec/script_spec.rb:3:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant MyGem (NameError)
My Rakefile:
require 'rake/testtask' do |t|
t.test_files = FileList['spec/*_spec.rb']
My file structure:
My script.rb:
module MyGem
class OptionParser
def self.option?(arg)
arg =~ /^-{1,2}\w+$/
Using Minitest::Spec syntax in script_spec.rb:
require "minitest/autorun"
describe MyGem::OptionParser do
describe "option?" do
it "must be true for option name" do
OptionParser.option?('--nocolor').assert true
How do I fix it? Maybe lib folder isn't loaded? Do I miss something related to Spec syntax?
MyGem::OptionParser is not loaded in your tests. You either need to require it in your spec file or create a spec_helper where you require all files that you need in all your tests so you only need to require 'spec_helper' in your specs.
Also, since you're using the spec syntax, you will have to `require 'minitest/spec'. Your spec_helper would look something like:
# spec/spec_helper.rb
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'script'
And do this to your Rakefile so you can do require 'script' like above in your specs instead of doing require_relative '../lib/script'.
require 'rake/testtask' do |t|
t.test_files = FileList['spec/*_spec.rb']
Lastly, for your spec to work, add require 'spec_helper' at the top of your script_spec file. You'll have to do this for all your spec files and make sure to add require for all the files you need to load in your specs to your spec_helper file.
Since you're also doing spec-style testing, you might want to change your test to this:
MyGem::OptionParser.option?('--nocolor').must_equal true
You could also have code like this in your 'spec_helper' file to automatically load all files in your lib folder:
Dir["../lib/**/*.rb"].each do |rb_file|
require rb_file
Hope this helps!

Running RSpec Files From ruby code

I'm trying to run RSpec tests straight from ruby code. More specifically, I'm running some mysql scripts, loading the rails test environment and then I want to run my rspec tests (which is what I'm having trouble with)... I'm trying to do this with a rake task. Here is my code so far:
require "spec/autorun"
require "spec/rake/spectask"
RAILS_ENV = 'test'
namespace :run_all_tests do
desc "Run all of your tests"
puts "Reseting test database..."
system "mysql --user=root --password=dev < C:\\Brian\\Work\\Personal\\BrianSite\\database\\BrianSite_test_CreateScript.sql"
puts "Filling database tables with test data..."
system "mysql --user=root --password=dev < C:\\Brian\\Work\\Personal\\BrianSite\\database\\Fill_Test_Tables.sql"
puts "Starting rails test environment..."
task :run => :environment do
puts "RAILS_ENV is #{RAILS_ENV}"
# Run rspec test files here...
require "spec/models/blog_spec.rb"
I thought the require "spec/models/blog_spec.rb" would do it, but the tests aren't running. Anyone know where I'm going wrong?
UPDATE: I've added the require "spec/autorun" command at the top of the file and now I am running into this error when I do a rake run_all_tests:run :
C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.3.0/lib/spec/runner/options.rb:283:in fi
les_to_load': File or directory not found: run_all_tests:run (RuntimeError)
from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.3.0/lib/spec/runner/options.
from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.3.0/lib/spec/runner/options.
rb:275:in files_to_load'
from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.3.0/lib/spec/runner/options.
from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.3.0/lib/spec/runner.rb:61:in
from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.3.0/lib/spec/runner.rb:45:in
from C:/Ruby/bin/rake:19
It's hitting this error when it gets to the require "spec/models/blog_spec.rb" line. This file does exist because when I try and change the require statement, I just get a file not found error. It seems like rspec is trying to now run the tests, but is running into problems... any thoughts?
Thanks for any help.
Try adding require "spec/autorun to the top of your file.
You don't need to do it that way though, because there are built in Rake tasks (that's what the spec/rake/spectask is including) to do what you're doing:
