Why won't Code::Blocks Build->Abort kill my running C++ program? - codeblocks

I am using Code::Blocks 12.11 on Windows 7.
I am writing small programs for learning and they don't appear to contain any infinite loops but regardless, Build->Abort does not work in those situations in which I find that I have to use it for some reason after Build->Run.
In this most recent case, the following is displayed in the "Build log" tab of the "Logs & others" window at the bottom of the screen.
Checking for existence: C:\CodeBlocks\Test_Cpp11\bin\Debug\Test_Cpp11.exe Executing:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks/cb_console_runner.exe"
"C:\CodeBlocks\Test_Cpp11\bin\Debug\Test_Cpp11.exe" (in
I exited Code::Blocks, came back in, reopened the project, and immediately ran the program and it ran fine.
EDIT: I found out the problem. If the "console window" - that came up to display cout statements - is still open, then you will have a greyed out Build->Run and Build->Build items until you close that window. My assumption that I needed to do Build->Abort at that point was incorrect. As pointed out in the answer below, that would not abort a running project process anyway, only a build/compile process that may be running.

THis happens when the previous execution is not terminated properly.
On windows, Open up the task manager and kill the commandline processes which contain the output of the previous run. Doing so will restore the build / run to icons to green and they are rendered available.

To kill the running process while you are debugging, click on the red-color 'X' button on the debug bar. This is the button named "Stop Debugging" in the image shown below.
In Code::Blocks, the Build->Abort menu item will abort building (making or compiling) your project. It has nothing to do with killing a running process. Hope this helps you.

When the application has completed and returned from its main function, it will prompt you to "Press any key to continue".
Once you do so, this will abort the launched process and the build buttons will no longer be greyed out.


Linking Windows Debugger to Project

i coded a big project that runs when I open it in Debug or Release Mode, but when i open it without Debugging (ctrl + f5) it crashs. I searched a long time to find the heap error, but didnt find anything. The problem is i need the running .exe of the programm, so i wanted to ask if there is a possibility to link the windows debugger to the .exe so it always starts with it.
If it doesn't crash right away, maybe this helps:
You can run the executable.
Open your solution in visual studio. Make sure it's the same build.
Open the DEBUG menu and click attach to process.
A window will open, listing all processes that are running. Select the executable that's crashing
Click the DEBUG menu again and select Exceptions (ctrl-alt-E)
Make sure the checkbox "Thrown" is checked for Common Language Runtime Exceptions
Now crash your application.. It will halt at the line that causes it.
Also look for environment directives. like #IF DEBUG #END IF. or #IF RELEASE That kind of stuff. Tricked me a couple of times too..
Good luck. Hope this helps!
You can do various things. First make sure you have a "big out try block" in main. i.e. put the main logic in a try can catch exceptions and report these clearly. This probably isn't what's happening in your case.
You can attach a debugger - including Visual Studio, to a running process - see the "Attach to process" option under the debug menu. If it's built with debug symbols, which you can do, even for release code this may help. If it's optimised you may find it difficult though.
Finally, you could generate a crash dump and inspect that after it's failed. See docs on MiniDumpWriteDump. There are several examples on its usage. Or you can install an abort handler: See here. This mentions _set_abort_behavior which if invoked with _CALL_REPORTFAULT will generate a crash dump too.

Avoiding "Press any key to continue" when running console application from Visual Studio

When running a console application in Visual Studio via "Start without Debugging" (Ctrl+F5), the console remains open at the end of the run asking to
Press any key to continue . . .
thus requiring to activate the window and hit a key. Sometimes this is not appropriate.
Why this matters:
At the very moment I write json serialisation code, my workflow goes like this:
adapt c# code
run a console app that writes file out.json
view out.json in the browser with a json viewer
do this again and again, no need to debug anything, just trimming serialisation and check output is good.
It is workflows like this, where the "press any ..." behavior is hindering as it requires the steps
activate the console window
press key
No answers:
Starting the application outside VS in a separate console is not an answer.
Saying, you dont need this.
I'm pretty sure that you cannot affect or change this behavior.
As you mention, it has nothing to do with your application itself, because it doesn't do it when you double-click on the EXE. You only see this effect when you run the app from within Visual Studio without the debugger attached.
Presumably, when you invoke Ctrl+F5, Visual Studio is running your app in a particular way that causes the console window to remain open. I can think of two ways it might be doing it:
%COMSPEC% /k "C:\Path\To\YourApplication.exe"
%COMSPEC% /c ""C:\Path\To\YourApplication.exe" & pause"
With either of these, the pausing behavior you're seeing is baked right into the command used to launch your app and is therefore external to your application. So unless you have access to the Visual Studio sources, you're not going to change it. Calling an exit function from your app won't have any effect because your app has already quit by the time that message appears.
Of course, I can't see why it really matters, aside from an issue of curiosity. This doesn't happen when you start the app with the debugger attached, which is what you'll be doing 99% of the time when you launch the app from the IDE. And since you don't ship Visual Studio along with your app, your users are going to be starting the app outside of VS.
In response to the updates made to your question, the best solution would be to change your app so that it is not a console application. This behavior doesn't affect standard Windows applications; when they get closed, they close for good.
If you do not require any output on the console window, then this is very simple to do: just change the "Application type" in your project's properties. A Windows Forms application will work just fine. If you do not display a window (aka form), one will not be automatically created. This is the difference between regular Windows applications and console applications, which always create a console window, whether you need one or not.
If you do need to display output on the console window, you have a couple of options:
Create and use a simple form with a ListBox or ListView control. Each line that you would normally output to the console, you add as a new item to the list control. This works well if you're not using any "advanced" features of the console.
P/Invoke and call the AllocConsole function to create a console that your Windows application can use. You do not need a form for this.
I found a solution that works if you are using python (I could not test anything else).
You need to go to
Tools -> Options -> Python Tools -> Debugging
Uncheck Wait for input when process exits normally.
I hope you can apply this somehow to your problem.
2020 UPDATE : Microsoft has listened.
It also closes the console in "Start Without Debugging" mode ;)
The setting is a little buried, but works :
Well, at least in Visual Studio 2010, typing
Removes the "Press any key to continue....."
According to the VS2019 documentation:
Automatically close the console when debugging stops: Tells Visual Studio to close the console at the end of a debugging session.
It works, but only if you make sure your project starts with the debugger on. This sounds trivial, but I was trying at first with a solution with two projects, one Console one to copy files to use in my app, the other to run the actual app. I set the Console one to Start without debugging because I don't need debugging on it, but that did not close it after it ran. Only when setting it to Start (with debugging) this option worked.
In vs2017 you have to uncheck the python environment setting under the vs-options:
in german: Auf Eingabe warten, wenn der Prozess normal beendet wird

Execute Till User Code doesn't work

I'm trying to use OllyDbg's "Execute Till User Code" feature (which is essential for me) but it never works.
I first tried it on a program which called MessageBoxA. When it called it I paused the program in the debugger and issued OllyDbg to execute till user code, but the program was still paused and completely frozen. I couldn't even click the MessageBox's OK button, or even make it continue from OllyDbg. When I tried too hard to make it continue it just crashed.
So I decided to write an application in NASM (to have complete control) and tried it there. The MessageBoxA popped, I paused, executed till user code, I could press the OK button this time, but OllyDbg didn't pause the program once I did. The program just executed as if nothing happened.
Why doesn't it work and what can I do to solve it?
OllyDbg 1.10 (No Plugins)
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit
I've tried to use OllyDbg 2.0 but the Execute till user code button is completely disabled for some reason.
I ran into the same issue while following Lena's tutorial #4 and I think I've figured it out. When I press Alt+F9 to "Execute Until User Code," I notice that all but one thread in the Threads window (Alt+T) have the suspend flag set. Evidently, Alt+F9 only resumes one thread. Fortunately, OllyDbg has the ability to manually resume the other threads by right clicking on them and selecting "Resume" (or by using the + key). For me, this was sufficient both to unfreeze the dialog and to get OllyDbg to pause immediately after the call to MessageBoxA.

Visual Studio 2010 suddenly stops displaying Debug output

So there I am, working on a Silverlight app, and between one build & run and the next, my debug output goes away. Where before I had dozens of lines of Debug.Writeline text, I now have only the module load and thread messages.
Yes, I'm in debug mode (vs. release mode).
Yes, my Output window says "Show output from: Debug".
Yes, when I right-click on the output window, every option is checked.
No, my Tools > options > debugging > general > "Redirect all output text to the immediate window" is not checked.
All I can figure (and it's a wild guess) is that for some reason, the VS debugger isn't attaching to the Silverlight app like it should.
What's weird is this has been happening for the last couple of days, out of the blue. And just as suddenly, all my debug messages start showing up again.
This is VERY frustrating.
EDIT: Of course, after returning to the project after the weekend, all Debug messages are back. No idea what was causing the issue, so I'm sure it will happen again.
Now the question is: should I leave this question open in case the problem arises again in the near future? What happens to an unawarded bounty?
I found the same problem and just by setting options → debugging → output window → Thread Exit Messages to true the output windows was begin to send the right messages !?
I had exactly the same issue. Out of the blue, debug.print stopped working. In my case, it used to go to the Immediate Window. Nothing there. Nothing in the Output window. I followed several suggestions to no avail until I found this one at http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/26894732/Debug-Print-and-Debug-Write-no-longer-work-in-Visual-Studio-2010.html
There is a context menu in the Output/Debug pane. The "Program Output"
menu item was accidentally cleared.
Checked the item and it started working again (even though my output was the immediate window). What a relief...
Ensure that the DEBUG conditional compilation symbol is defined. The Debug class suggests that you "add the /d:DEBUG option to the compiler command line when you compile your code using a command line, or add #define DEBUG to the top of your file".
Did you create or modify an Application config? If yes: the initial created configuration by VS does contains the necessary wiring configurations to enable the debugging at all. Not sure what and if there are counterparts in Silverlight, but in WPF environments simply replacing the app.config will have the same effect as you expierience.
Check the Immediate Window. Check the options. There is a general setting that says "send Debug output to Immediate Window"

What is the best way to debug a crashing explorer.exe?

I work for an orginization that has a custom built Access/SQL Application running in house. We have a problem Explorer.exe throwing an error and crashing.
This is a picture of the crash:
What is the best way to start tracking this problem down and finding a solution ?
Make sure WinDBG is installed, set it up as the default debugger then use Analyze and get a crash dump.
The next time you get that dialog click "OK" to attach in WinDbg
Keep in mind that if you attach a debugger to explorer, then break, that you should not try to do anything in the debugger that invokes a call to explorer or you will deadlock the debugger. This can be surprisingly tricky as it means you cannot open a "File Open" dialog, print, browse to another computer and any number of other things.
