i coded a big project that runs when I open it in Debug or Release Mode, but when i open it without Debugging (ctrl + f5) it crashs. I searched a long time to find the heap error, but didnt find anything. The problem is i need the running .exe of the programm, so i wanted to ask if there is a possibility to link the windows debugger to the .exe so it always starts with it.
If it doesn't crash right away, maybe this helps:
You can run the executable.
Open your solution in visual studio. Make sure it's the same build.
Open the DEBUG menu and click attach to process.
A window will open, listing all processes that are running. Select the executable that's crashing
Click the DEBUG menu again and select Exceptions (ctrl-alt-E)
Make sure the checkbox "Thrown" is checked for Common Language Runtime Exceptions
Now crash your application.. It will halt at the line that causes it.
Also look for environment directives. like #IF DEBUG #END IF. or #IF RELEASE That kind of stuff. Tricked me a couple of times too..
Good luck. Hope this helps!
You can do various things. First make sure you have a "big out try block" in main. i.e. put the main logic in a try can catch exceptions and report these clearly. This probably isn't what's happening in your case.
You can attach a debugger - including Visual Studio, to a running process - see the "Attach to process" option under the debug menu. If it's built with debug symbols, which you can do, even for release code this may help. If it's optimised you may find it difficult though.
Finally, you could generate a crash dump and inspect that after it's failed. See docs on MiniDumpWriteDump. There are several examples on its usage. Or you can install an abort handler: See here. This mentions _set_abort_behavior which if invoked with _CALL_REPORTFAULT will generate a crash dump too.
I need to debug a process (starting from an external exe) that terminates immediately after start, so I don't have time to attach. How can I debug it?
UPD I don't have source code of that external exe; I can decompile it, but it's impossible to compile it back
You need to launch your process for debug in a suspended state. Visual Studio is capable of that, just invoke the debugger like this:
devenv /debugexe yourprog.exe <arguments>
The process will start suspended so you'll be able to iterate through first instructions before the crash.
See the detailed answer here.
You just need to open Visual Studio, go to File -> Open -> Project / Solution
and select the exe.
Press F5 and you will see the exception in the Output window. If you go to the Debug -> Exceptions window and select everything you will see the first chance exception before it shutdowns the application.
Note that you don't need the source code at all to do this.
Hope it helps.
You need to start it with the debugger. This will start the program with the debugger already attached.
If you cannot do that with Visual Studio, you can use the Windows Debugging Tools, part of the Windows Driver Kit. Note that the linked kit is for Windows 8.1, you may need to find older versions if you're not on Windows 8.
You can enable debug mode runtime by placing some piece of code.
write a method as below:
private static void DebugMode()
and call this method where you want to start debugging, for example in the OnStart event.
you have to build your code with debug mode. dont forget to remove this piece of code after debugging and want to release.
When i am debugging my program and an error occur, the debug session ends, but the program remains in memory. Using the activity manager of Windows to close it does not work. I need to close Visual Studio in order to kill the process.
Why is this happening?
When during debugging a program error occurs, the program usually does not "end". Instead, the debugger (VS2010) pauses execution, allowing you to inspect the code resulting in the error. Depending on the language used (e.g. C#) and the way you compiled your program, you may even be able to edit the program on the fly, move the execution cursor back a bit and continue the program from there.
If the Debug toolbar is visible (in my case it shows up automatically whenever I'm debugging), you should see a couple of "playback" buttons, allowing you to start/continue, pause, stop your program etc. If you stop your program, it will be gone from the task manager too.
As I mentioned in a comment on your question, you can also use the Debug menu to accomplish these tasks.
So there I am, working on a Silverlight app, and between one build & run and the next, my debug output goes away. Where before I had dozens of lines of Debug.Writeline text, I now have only the module load and thread messages.
Yes, I'm in debug mode (vs. release mode).
Yes, my Output window says "Show output from: Debug".
Yes, when I right-click on the output window, every option is checked.
No, my Tools > options > debugging > general > "Redirect all output text to the immediate window" is not checked.
All I can figure (and it's a wild guess) is that for some reason, the VS debugger isn't attaching to the Silverlight app like it should.
What's weird is this has been happening for the last couple of days, out of the blue. And just as suddenly, all my debug messages start showing up again.
This is VERY frustrating.
EDIT: Of course, after returning to the project after the weekend, all Debug messages are back. No idea what was causing the issue, so I'm sure it will happen again.
Now the question is: should I leave this question open in case the problem arises again in the near future? What happens to an unawarded bounty?
I found the same problem and just by setting options → debugging → output window → Thread Exit Messages to true the output windows was begin to send the right messages !?
I had exactly the same issue. Out of the blue, debug.print stopped working. In my case, it used to go to the Immediate Window. Nothing there. Nothing in the Output window. I followed several suggestions to no avail until I found this one at http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/26894732/Debug-Print-and-Debug-Write-no-longer-work-in-Visual-Studio-2010.html
There is a context menu in the Output/Debug pane. The "Program Output"
menu item was accidentally cleared.
Checked the item and it started working again (even though my output was the immediate window). What a relief...
Ensure that the DEBUG conditional compilation symbol is defined. The Debug class suggests that you "add the /d:DEBUG option to the compiler command line when you compile your code using a command line, or add #define DEBUG to the top of your file".
Did you create or modify an Application config? If yes: the initial created configuration by VS does contains the necessary wiring configurations to enable the debugging at all. Not sure what and if there are counterparts in Silverlight, but in WPF environments simply replacing the app.config will have the same effect as you expierience.
Check the Immediate Window. Check the options. There is a general setting that says "send Debug output to Immediate Window"
In Visual Studio 2008, after debugging about 1-2 minutes, when I press F10 (Step Over), the debugger hangs and Visual Studio freezes for 5-10 seconds and then go to the next line. Then whatever I do (F10, F5, F11, etc), the debugger continues the execution as if i pressed F5 and all my forms that I was debugging close. I always have to restart the application.
It is very hard to reproduce and it does not occurs every time I want to debug something. Does anyone has a solution ?
EDIT : I've managed to reproduce my problem with the following code :
static void Main(string[] args)
XElement e = new XElement("root");
Test(e, 0);
static void Test(XElement parentElement, int i)
if (i < 1000)
XElement element = new XElement("element");
Test(element, ++i);
You need to put a conditional breakpoint on the line "XElement element = new XElement("element");" with the condition "i == 999". Then start the program, wait 2-3 seconds and put normal breakpoint on the line "parentElement.Add(element);". Now VisualStudio freezes and it is impossible to debug. In a WinForm application, it closes all the forms that are open after pressing F10.
But I found that if I disable the debug option "Call string conversion function on objects in variables windows" in "Tools -> Options -> Debugging", I can debug. It is slow but at least VisualStudio doesn't freeze. Does anyone know why it is doing this? Because I don't want to disable this option, it's really annoying to debug without it.
I also noticed that if I only put a breakpoint at the end of the main method, the code runs really fast compare to having a conditional breakpoint in the recursive method.
Try deleting the solution user options file (.suo) where the debug/breakpoint information is stored. You will lose all solution user settings, such as breakpoint locations. When you have "funny" debugging incidents, this is the first thing to try because this file can get corrupted.
If this does not solve the problem, then you have something else going on, such as threading issues, excessive memory fragmentation, garbage collection issues, dispose/finalize issues, and so on.
I found the answer to this question on another Stackoverflow thread. There's a MS hotfix for this issue.
I've found that I get slowdowns like this whenever I have added remote unc shares that don't exist to the list of symbol directories.
Try going to Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Symbols and make sure that all of the directories in that list actually exist.
I have no idea how that would cause your program to continue after that point however.
Not sure I've ever run into this, but if I were you, if you haven't, delete your bin folder, and rebuild your project. Then run a clean solution to be safe. Sometimes, funky things can happen with your PDB's getting out of date -- so you need to clear them out.
Also, if your calling outside assemblies, remove them and reattach them to make sure you have the most up-to-date assemblies.
I have had this exact same problem just as you described. The MS Hotfix addressed the issue and now I install this hotfix whenever I do a fresh 2008 VS install.
Please download the fix from this link
I know this is an old thread but this occurred when debugging an Excel add-in in my case.
Problem was that my breakpoint was in a background thread and in my watch window I had an old check on the ActiveWorkbook in Excel. That call just like many others should only occur on Excel's main thread.
Once I removed that watch, it debugged just fine again.
I work for an orginization that has a custom built Access/SQL Application running in house. We have a problem Explorer.exe throwing an error and crashing.
This is a picture of the crash:
What is the best way to start tracking this problem down and finding a solution ?
Make sure WinDBG is installed, set it up as the default debugger then use Analyze and get a crash dump.
The next time you get that dialog click "OK" to attach in WinDbg
Keep in mind that if you attach a debugger to explorer, then break, that you should not try to do anything in the debugger that invokes a call to explorer or you will deadlock the debugger. This can be surprisingly tricky as it means you cannot open a "File Open" dialog, print, browse to another computer and any number of other things.