Opennms: How to increase the events listing in the events page - opennms

I'm hoping someone can shed the some light on this.
If you are familiar with Opennms then you know that the events page will only display a maximum of 10 records at a time.
Is there a away to change this ?

Yes, you could either use the "Advanced Event Search" or you could manually change the "limit" attribute.
Advanced Event Search : http://localhost:8980/opennms/event/advsearch.jsp
Manually Change the Limit Attribute: http://localhost:8980/opennms/event/list?limit=1000


With an Oracle APEX form, is it possible to have other fields grey out based on other picks from a drop down menu?

I have a "Form" typed menu... in Oracle Application Express. In the menu, you pick whether you are raising a Problem or a Change. If you raise a Change, I want the estimated date of resolution field to be greyed out, because it's not relevant and might confuse users. Does anyone have any advice on how I may best achieve this? Thanks.
Dynamic Actions are what you need. You can define a dynamic action to occur on change of an item, which can show/hide other components.
The client-side condition decides true vs false.
See 'Creating an enable/disable declarative dynamic action in this OBE.
You could also check out other dynamic action examples with an application Juergen created here
Or even use them to invoke PL/SQL

How to know the time taken by expand all and collapse all actions in free-jqgrid

I am using free-jqgrid version 4.6.0, of course it is older. And we have dynamic content for filling in this jqgrid and it will sometime be lesser and sometime very huge as well. I want to measure the time taken by "Expand all" and "Collapse all" actions. Does jqgrid provides any configurations for this?
How can I measure the time taken by these action in browser? I welcome your suggestions!
Thank you!

Can I store state in a TIBCO Spotfire Visualisation

I am making a custom visualisation for Spotfire and I would like to store some state so the next time my visualisation is opened it can look the same. It is likely to be a small string. Is there a recommended way of doing this?
Thanks in advance
You can use a bookmark to store the "state" of your current analysis. You can add as many of these as you want, and name them whatever you want, and make them available to other users too!
Also, if you go to Edit > Document Properties > Library (tab) and check the "Remember personalized view for each Web Player user" this will save the last state of the analytic for each user, so when you open it back up it will look the way it did when you left it.

Abbyy Flexicapture - Dropdown

I am trying to create a dropdown in AbyyFlexicapture.
The dropdown should be filled from database (i have external DLL ready to do the job) or with fixed values. The problem is I cant find the appropriate element for the job. All i found (the closest) was checkbox group, but I dont know how to use it (add items programaticaly). The documentation on this is very poor ...
Any help would be appreciated!
Figured it out. You just push data to textbox with query and it gets auto-converted to dropdown. But theres no way (at least known to me) how to set up default selection...
Look at the IField.Suggest() method.

User Interface - Dropdown

What is the best way to design an interface so that very long drop down values that get trucated due to size limits do not create a very bad user experience. My question is for web applications.
Could you please send your suggestions.
One option is to use 'type-ahead' with postback (AJAX) to reduce the size of the list.
Well, what I have done in such a case is:
Using autocomplete (so that the user can start typing and get at the intended option faster).
Have the dropdown of a fixed length like 30 chars. Now, if the value of the drop down is longer I just truncate it to 25 with a '...' at the end. A hover on this value will make the full text appear as a 'title' or similar.
You can use a another window (div?) with list/grid with paging instead of dropdown.
Its very intuitive for general users.
have a tooltip for each item in the dropdown list so when a user hovers his mouse pointer to an item, he'll still be able to see the full description of the item.
or have your dropdown width auto-resize to the longest description in the list.
