User Interface - Dropdown - user-interface

What is the best way to design an interface so that very long drop down values that get trucated due to size limits do not create a very bad user experience. My question is for web applications.
Could you please send your suggestions.

One option is to use 'type-ahead' with postback (AJAX) to reduce the size of the list.

Well, what I have done in such a case is:
Using autocomplete (so that the user can start typing and get at the intended option faster).
Have the dropdown of a fixed length like 30 chars. Now, if the value of the drop down is longer I just truncate it to 25 with a '...' at the end. A hover on this value will make the full text appear as a 'title' or similar.

You can use a another window (div?) with list/grid with paging instead of dropdown.
Its very intuitive for general users.

have a tooltip for each item in the dropdown list so when a user hovers his mouse pointer to an item, he'll still be able to see the full description of the item.
or have your dropdown width auto-resize to the longest description in the list.


Filemaker Pro popover showing a list with values to select from or a searchable dropdown

I'm a FM beginner and would like to know how I can show a searchable dropdown. When I create a product, I need to select a supplier from a large list. I would like to tyoe some characters, from where I find a value in the dropdown. As far as I see now, that isn't possible and the only way to do this is through a popover.
But my question is then, how to show a full table in the popover, from which I can select a value, which is filled in my form.
I would like to tyoe some characters, from where I find a value in the dropdown. As far as I see now, that isn't possible and the only way to do this is through a popover.
Actually, it's the other way around: with a drop-down list you get the option to Auto-complete using value list, which is unavailable with a pop-up menu.
how to show a full table in the popover, from which I can select a value,
You cannot show a full table in a popover. You can show a portal in a popover, and make it show all records in a table by using the x operator when defining the relationship.
Or - preferably, IMHO - use a card window to show all the records you want to select from; this could be the full table or a reduced set as the result of a find.
Selecting products or other related records using popovers always feels slow when you try to search/filter the list of records, with the introduction of card windows doing such searches/selects became a lot faster and easier to implement, if you have 2 different layouts that need to search the same list of records you can use the same card window for both, that was also a nice thing.

How do I have Primefaces focus not move to first field and yet show validation

I want to use <p:focus> in two ways:
1. Move to the input field if that field fails validation, i.e. is required
2. If on a page that has an input field that is visible when the page loads then move to that field. But if the page has a lot of introduction text and the input field is way down the page then don't move to the field as the user has to then scroll up to read the start of the page.
How can I have both cases handled? It seems that if I have <p:focus> I cannot avoid the page scrolling automatically way down the page if the first input field is there but I also want to move to the required field if a value has not been given.
First, don't use the attribut for to select the default focused element.
Second, you only have to update your p:focus, and it will automatically select the first field where error occured.
For 1: See the answer above or
For 2: The only solution I know of that can achieve this is to not use the <p:focus/> and implement your own focus code (not to difficult). Detect the position of the first input and if it is far down, don't 'focus' it.

Filemaker: List View: Different UI for each record

I am using the List View. Based on variables I want to display different groups of objects (buttons, text etc.) in different records (shown at the same time).
My first attempt for a solution was to use tabs that I control via scripts. The problem is, that all records in the list view always display the same tab
of a tab control. So if I go to one tab in a records all other records also go to this tab.
Unfortunatly there is also no hide option that allows to hide groups of objects.
Is there any solution? I have filemaker 11 and 12. Altough a solution for filemaker 11 would be prefered.
Thank you!
No. You can do this in form view (hidden tabs and a trigger) or in a report (sliding elements surrounded by portals), but not in the list view.
Well.. The way you say can not be done as far as I know.
What you can do to hide the fields is using some other element on top of it with "conditional formatting" so that it can be hidden.

In what scenarios can i use an auto-suggest textbox?

I have a list of brand names for a particular product in the db. I can either display it on the screen using a drop down or and auto-suggest textbox.
I love the user experience of the auto-suggest textbox. But, is it right to use it here?
I would also want to know the best scenario to use it?
I think it depends on the number of items you need to display. If there are only a few, it gives hardly any advantage. But when there are many items, you can use it to filter out a lot of items, until there are only a few left. This makes finding the right item easier.
The Auto-Suggest textbox should be used when the user will be entering in a new piece of data MOST of the time... and the dropdown box should be used when the user will be entering repeated data MOST of the time.
Can you offer both? One of the products I worked on had a drop down list of brand names but allowed the user to type free text as well. The drop down list would narrow as you typed characters.
This was using Java: JComboBox.setEditable(true) with some additional fiddling if I remember right.

How can I create an autocomplete ComboBox in VB6?

Is it possible to use the default ComboBox control under VB6 to make it a smart ComboBox?
We suppose that the values are already populated in the ComboBox. For example:
New Delhi
New World
New York
We need the ComboBox to respond to one of the default events, so when for example the user writes 'N' the value in the ComboBox will be the first Value starting by 'N'. In our case it's New Delhi and then the user can continue typing till they write the exact word or he writes something different.
This technique is very used in web Application (for example in Google when you put the first word you will get a droped down list containing the suggestions).
But how to do that in VB6 :-(
In case its not possible, how can we keep the ComboBox droped down, the values changes when the text in the comboBox change and the first element in the ComboBox correspond to the first word starting by the value entered by the user?
Thanks a lot.
Actually I found an easy solution :) thanks to FreeVbCode uder Forms&Contorls Tab. There is a control named AutoControl. We can use it easly for our requirement.
You might also want to look at this control from, which supports auto-completion. The vbAccelerator code is usually high quality. Of course you're introducing quite a dependency into your code whenever you use a third-party control.
