A Boolean is required [closed] - crystal-reports-2008

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to change the background color of Object in Crystal report according to some Condition which is (e.g)
if (({DataTableCable.ColumnChange} and 4) = 4) then
DataTableCable.ColumnChange is a field Contains a number , i want to make a bitwise and with 4 , if the result is 4 then change the background of Object
but i receive the following error
"A Boolean is required"
how should make a bitwise and in crystal report?

Your code doesn't compile in C# or VB.NET at all. However, maybe you want something like this:
if (DataTableCable.ColumnChange == 4)
// change to green

i want to check if the logical and of ColumnChange with 4 is 4 then do the rest
so you need to use & < logical and, and use == (comparision) instead of = (assignment)
if ((DataTableCable.ColumnChange & 4)== 4)
// change to green

So, if I'm reading your post correctly, you are trying to perform a bitwise comparison against your value ({DataTableCable.ColumnChange}) in the Crystal Reports code.
Looking around online, I can't seem to see anything that indicates that crystal can perform that kind of comparison. One alternative is to perform that calculation in your .Net code, and store it against a property/column of your datasource object - that way you can simply check if the property is true/false.
Another option, perhaps, is to perform manual arithmetic to calculate this. Nopadol (Link provided by OP) seems to have good examples of how to do this (I've reproduced the code below for posterity). The No Stress Tech Guide to Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 (Lesson 9) seems to cover the use of the Formula Editor which should help get you started.
Function Name: ToBin
Function (NumberVar n)
Local StringVar b;
Local NumberVar d;
b := "";
d := n;
b := CStr(Truncate(d Mod 2),0) & b;
d := Truncate(d / 2);
While (d > 1);
CStr(Truncate(d),0) & b;
Function Name: ToNum
Function (StringVar b)
Local NumberVar lng := length(b);
Local NumberVar n := 0;
Local NumberVar i;
For i := lng To 1 Step -1 Do
n := n + ((2 ^ (lng – i)) * Truncate(ToNumber(Mid(b,i,1))))
Function Name: BitAnd
Function (NumberVar n1, NumberVar n2)
Local StringVar b1 := ToBin(n1);
Local StringVar b2 := ToBin(n2);
Local NumberVar l1 := length(b1);
Local NumberVar l2 := length(b2);
Local NumberVar lng := IIF(l1 > l2, l1, l2);
Local StringVar x;
Local StringVar y;
Local StringVar z := "";
Local NumberVar i;
For i := lng To 1 Step -1 Do
x := "0";
If (l1 >= i) Then
x := Mid(b1, (l1-i)+1, 1);
y := "0";
If (l2 >= i) Then
y := Mid(b2, (l2-i)+1, 1);
z := z & IIF(x=y And x="1","1","0");
Function Name: BitXOr
Function (NumberVar n1, NumberVar n2)
n1 + n2 – (BitAnd(n1, n2) * 2)
Function Name: BitOr
Function (NumberVar n1, NumberVar n2)
n1 + n2 – BitAnd(n1, n2)
BitAnd(1, 5) // = 1
BitXOr(1, 5) // = 4
BitOr(1, 5) // = 5


Pascal - How do i sum all the numbers that can be divided by 4, must use repeat

Cant obtain a correct answer it sums incorectly and multiplicates too, i must use repeat when solving this problem, i suppose the problem is in sum:=i+i but i dont know how to solve it
program SAD;
uses crt;
var a, i, sum, prod: integer;
for i:=1 to 26 do
if i mod 4 = 0 then sum:=i+i;
until i = 26;
for a:=1 to 26 do
if a mod 4 = 0 then prod:=a*a;
until a = 26;
writeln('Suma numerelor divizate la 4 este:', sum);
writeln('Produsul numerelor divizate la 4 este:', prod);
I think the instruction "use repeat" probably intends that you should avoid using for as well.
There are a few errors in your code:
In the sum loop, you should add i to sum, not to itself.
In the prod loop, since you set prod to zero at the start, it will stay as zero because zero times anything is zero. So you need to adjust the logic of your prod calculation so that if prod is zero, when the mod 4 condition is satisfied, you set prod to the current value of a, otherwise you multiply it by a.
Here is some code which fixes the above points and avoids the use of for.
program Sad;
uses crt;
a, i, sum, prod: integer;
i := 0;
if (i mod 4) = 0 then
sum := sum + i;
until i = 26;
a :=0;
if a mod 4 = 0 then begin
if prod = 0 then
prod := a
prod := prod * a;
until a = 26;
writeln('Suma numerelor divizate la 4 este:', sum);
writeln('Produsul numerelor divizate la 4 este:', prod);

Draw n random integers whose sum is equal to 100 [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Pseudocode example:
Random function: (1 to 5, values less than 100, sum must be equal to 100 when all random numbers are added).
Result example:
Number 1 = 35
Number 2 = 15
Number 3 = 10
Number 4 = 20
Number 5 = 20
Your problem isn't quite well-defined. There are many possible solutions, with different properties.
Here is the first one that sprung to my mind: create a subdivision of the interval [0, 1] into n parts by choosing n − 1 points in [0, 1] randomly. Then scale this to [0, A] and use the lengths of these subintervals as your n random numbers with sum A.
function GetRandomNumbers(ACount: Integer; const ASum: Double): TArray<Double>;
Itvs: TArray<Double>;
i: Integer;
if ACount < 1 then
raise Exception.Create('GetRandomNumbers: Invalid parameters.');
// Create a subdivision of [0, 1]
SetLength(Itvs, ACount + 1);
Itvs[0] := 0;
for i := 1 to ACount - 1 do
Itvs[i] := Random;
Itvs[ACount] := 1;
SetLength(Result, ACount);
for i := 0 to ACount - 1 do
Result[i] := ASum * (Itvs[i + 1] - Itvs[i]);
For example, this might give
for n = 5 and A = 100.
This uses modern Delphi techniques like generics, but the general idea should be clear enough, so you can implement it in Delphi 7 and use any sorting method you like. Also, I'll leave it as an exercise to make an integer version of GetRandomNumbers.
Using only integer numbers and Fisher-Yates shuffle:
program cont3;
{$R *.res}
SummandsCount = 5;
WantedSum = 100;
i, j, t, Cnt, WhereToInsert: integer;
JustNaturalNumbers: array[1..WantedSum] of Integer;
DividingPoints: array[0..SummandsCount] of Integer;
Cnt := 1;
DividingPoints[0] := 0;
DividingPoints[SummandsCount] := 100;
for i := 1 to WantedSum - 1 do
JustNaturalNumbers[i] := i;
for i := WantedSum - 1 downto WantedSum - SummandsCount + 1 do begin
j := 1 + Random(i);
WhereToInsert := Cnt;
while (WhereToInsert > 1) and (JustNaturalNumbers[j] < DividingPoints[WhereToInsert-1]) do begin
DividingPoints[WhereToInsert + 1] := DividingPoints[WhereToInsert]
DividingPoints[WhereToInsert] := JustNaturalNumbers[j];
JustNaturalNumbers[j] := JustNaturalNumbers[i];
t := 0;
for i := 1 to SummandsCount do begin
Writeln(DividingPoints[i] - DividingPoints[i-1]);
t := t + (DividingPoints[i] - DividingPoints[i-1]);
Writeln('Sum = ', t);
Output example:
Sum = 100

Optimize a perfect number check to O(sqrt(n))

Part of the program I have checks if an input number is a perfect number. We're supposed to find a solution that runs in O(sqrt(n)). The rest of my program runs in constant time, but this function is holding me back.
function Perfect(x: integer): boolean;
i: integer;
sum: integer=0;
for i := 1 to x-1 do
if (x mod i = 0) then
sum := sum + i;
if sum = x then
This runs in O(n) time, and I need to cut it down to O(sqrt(n)) time.
These are the options I've come up with:
(1) Find a way to make the for loop go from 1 to sqrt(x)...
(2) Find a way to check for a perfect number that doesn't use a for loop...
Any suggestions? I appreciate any hints, tips, instruction, etc. :)
You need to iterate the cycle not for i := 1 to x-1 but for i := 2 to trunc(sqrt(x)).
The highest integer divisor is x but we do not take it in into account when looking for perfect numbers. We increment sum by 1 instead (or initialize it with 1 - not 0).
The code if (x mod i = 0) then sum := sum + i; for this purpose can be converted to:
if (x mod i = 0) then
sum := sum + i;
sum := sum + (x div i);
And so we get the following code:
function Perfect(x: integer): boolean;
i: integer;
sum: integer = 1;
sqrtx: integer;
sqrtx := trunc(sqrt(x));
i := 2;
while i <= sqrtx do
if (x mod i = 0) then
sum := sum + i;
sum := sum + (x div i) // you can also compare i and x div i
//to avoid adding the same number twice
//for example when x = 4 both 2 and 4 div 2 will be added
if sum = x then

Algol: correct syntax leads to problems in compilation?

Here is a relatively simple code for "Evaluation of pi using the Mid-ordinate Rule on a quadrant of circle with radius 2 units."
REAL x, y, sumy, pi;
INT n := lowerlimit, p := 1, lowerlimit := 10, upperlimit := 100, interval := 10;
FOR n BY interval TO upperlimit DO
sumy := 0.0;
FOR p BY 2 TO n+n-1 DO
x := p/n;
y := sqrt(4.0 - x**2);
sumy := sumy + y;
pi := sumy * (2.0 / n);
I'm getting the following errors:
a68g: syntax error: 1: possibly a missing or erroneous separator nearby.
sh-4.3$ a68g main.alg
13 sumy := sumy + y;
a68g: warning: 1: skipped superfluous semi-symbol.
15 pi := sumy * (2.0 / n);
a68g: syntax error: 1: possibly a missing or erroneous separator nearby.
Try it live here.
What am I doing wrong? How to correct it?
The short answer:
The following code has your specific problem fixed...
The thing to remember is that a ";" is a "statement separator"... so all "compound statement" should have each statement separated by a ";".. eg consider:
statement; statement; statement # is a valid program #
statement; statement statement; # is not valid #
(statement; statement; statement) # is a valid program #
(statement; statement; statement;) # is not valid #
(statement; statement; statement); # is not valid #
The moral is... separate all statements with a ";" and dont put a ";" after the last statement. (eg before an END, FI, DO, ")" or ESAC)
REAL x, y, sumy, pi;
INT n := lowerlimit, p := 1, lowerlimit := 10, upperlimit := 100, interval := 10;
FOR n BY interval TO upperlimit DO
sumy := 0.0;
FOR p BY 2 TO n+n-1 DO
x := p/n;
y := sqrt(4.0 - x**2);
sumy := sumy + y
pi := sumy * (2.0 / n);
It is interesting to note that you can often use a "," instead of a ";", this tells the compiler you dont care what order the statements are run. It is called a GOMMA. (A contraction of go on and comma)
e.g. The GOMMA should be used sparingly as the compiler is not required to warn you about side effects... for example (in theory)
#!/usr/bin/a68g --script #
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
INT x:=0;
(x+:=1, x+:=2); # allow the compiler the choice of threading #
PAR(x+:=10, x+:=20); # force statements into different threads #
What is the Answer? ... it could be 33, but it might also be 21 or 12 etc. depending on your compiler.
In this case the +:= operation is so small and fast that the answer will probably be 33.
The long answer:
The location of the statement separators in languages cause caused grief through the years. For example consider the following FORTRAN code with a missing comma:
DO 999 I=1 1000
This bug was found and corrected before the launch of Project Mercury. Urban myth has it that the Mariner Program had a similar bug causing it to crash.
Note that it is often useful to have "Fake" statements, this is used to fulfill syntax/semantic requirements. Python as various examples, eg: "None", "NoneType" and "pass". Algol68 has "VOID", "SKIP" and "~"
To demonstrate the usage of SKIP (or "~").
REAL x, y, sumy, pi;
INT n := lowerlimit, p := 1, lowerlimit := 10, upperlimit := 100, interval := 10;
FOR n BY interval TO upperlimit DO
sumy := 0.0;
FOR p BY 2 TO n+n-1 DO
x := p/n;
y := sqrt(4.0 - x**2);
sumy := sumy + y; SKIP # insert a "fake statement after the ";" #
OD; # the ";" is still needed #
pi := sumy * (2.0 / n);
SKIP is often used to permit code to be cleanly commented out:
statement4 # eg. no ";" on the last statement #
Without the SKIP the program would not compile.
In the case of Algol68, there is a weird case Yoneda's ambiguity. This ambiguity has haunted numerous programming languages ever since, including Ada and python, and maybe even C...
To find out more go to your university library and read: "A History of ALGOL 68" - by C. H. Lindsey - [Includes a candid reflection of the language design process "Revision by mail", language feature struggles "The Bend" and included/excluded ambiguities (eg Yoneda's ambiguity and incestuous unions)]
In python they tries to side step the "Separator" by making it optional and hiding it with indentation... but the comma ambiguity remained.. eg. spot the syntax/semantic error, and run time error in the following...
print [i for i in ()]
print [i for i in (1)]
print [i for i in (1,2)]
print [i for i in (1,2,3)]
ab="ab etc etc etc"
print "first 2 only: %c,%c"%ab[0:2]
C also suffers a little from "where do I put a semicolon and comma"... the logic is that the ";" need never follow a "}", eg always ";}" but never "};"... It turns out that sometimes you do need ";};"
Then C completely throws a spanner in the works for commas with never ",)" but sometimes "),".
1968's Algol68 does produce an error message for this class of ambiguities. The moral to the story might be: if your compiler does not pick up this kind of ambiguity at compile time, then (just maybe) you should pick another language.
BTW: You can find some sample Algol68 Programs here... And next is your code with the sharp edges removed.
INT lower limit = 10, upper limit = 100, interval = 10;
PROC circle = (REAL x)REAL: sqrt(4 - x**2);
FOR n FROM lower limit BY interval TO upper limit DO
REAL sum y := 0;
FOR p FROM 1 BY 2 TO 2*n DO
REAL x = p/n;
REAL y = circle(x);
sum y +:= y
REAL pi := sum y * 2 / n;
printf(($g(0)": "g(-real width,real width-2)l$,n,pi))
Compare the code changes to see if you can figure out the effect and what hints they provide... :-)
Or... here is how a standard numerical quadrature program might be coded for sharing. Note the use of passing functions as arguments, in particular there is a concept called Currying here circle(2,) ... where the comma is significant!
INT lower limit = 10, upper limit = 100, interval = 10;
PROC circle = (REAL radius, x)REAL: sqrt(radius**2 - x**2);
PROC mid point integrate = (PROC(REAL)REAL f, REAL lwb, upb, INT num steps)REAL: (
REAL dx := (upb - lwb ) / num steps;
REAL x := lwb + dx/2;
REAL sum y := 0;
FOR p TO num steps DO
REAL y = f(x);
sum y +:= y;
x +:= dx
sum y * dx
FOR num steps FROM lower limit BY interval TO upper limit DO
REAL pi := mid point integrate(circle(2,),0,2,num steps);
printf(($g(0)": "g(-real width,real width-2)l$,num steps,pi))

combination without repetition of N elements without use for..to..do

i want load in a list the combination of N number without repetition, giving to input the elements and group.
For example, with 4 elements [1,2,3,4], i have for:
Group 1: [1][2][3][4];
Group 2: [1,2][1,3][1,4][2,3][2,4][3,4];
Group 3: [1,2,3][1,2,4][1,3,4][2,3,4]
Group 4: [1,2,3,4]
Now, i have solved it using nested loop for, for example with group 2, i write:
for x1 := 1 to 3 do
for x2 := Succ(x1) to 4 do
// x1, x2 //
or for group 3, i wrote:
for x1 := 1 to 2 do
for x2 := Succ(x1) to 3 do
for x3 := Succ(x2) to 4 do
// x1, x2, x3 //
and so for other groups.
In general, if i want to do it for group N, as i can to do, without write N procedures with nested loops?
I have thinked to a double while..do loop one to use for counter and one to use for groups count, but so is little hard, i wanted know if there was some solution more simple and fast, too using operator boolean or something so.
Who can give me some suggest about it? Thanks very much.
It seems you are looking for a fast algorithm to calculate all k-combinations. The following Delphi code is a direct translation of the C code found here: Generating Combinations. I even fixed a bug in that code!
program kCombinations;
// Prints out a combination like {1, 2}
procedure printc(const comb: array of Integer; k: Integer);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to k-1 do
if i<k-1 then
Generates the next combination of n elements as k after comb
comb => the previous combination ( use (0, 1, 2, ..., k) for first)
k => the size of the subsets to generate
n => the size of the original set
Returns: True if a valid combination was found, False otherwise
function next_comb(var comb: array of Integer; k, n: Integer): Boolean;
i: Integer;
i := k - 1;
while (i>0) and (comb[i]>=n-k+1+i) do
if comb[0]>n-k then// Combination (n-k, n-k+1, ..., n) reached
// No more combinations can be generated
Result := False;
// comb now looks like (..., x, n, n, n, ..., n).
// Turn it into (..., x, x + 1, x + 2, ...)
for i := i+1 to k-1 do
comb[i] := comb[i-1]+1;
Result := True;
procedure Main;
n = 4;// The size of the set; for {1, 2, 3, 4} it's 4
k = 2;// The size of the subsets; for {1, 2}, {1, 3}, ... it's 2
i: Integer;
comb: array of Integer;
SetLength(comb, k);// comb[i] is the index of the i-th element in the combination
//Setup comb for the initial combination
for i := 0 to k-1 do
comb[i] := i;
// Print the first combination
printc(comb, k);
// Generate and print all the other combinations
while next_comb(comb, k, n) do
printc(comb, k);
Here's a rather fun solution reliant on bitsets. As it stands it's limited to sets of size not greater than 32. I don't think that's a practical limitation since there are a lot of subsets for a set of cardinality greater than 32.
The output is not in the order that you want, but that would be easy enough to remedy if it matters to you.
program VisitAllSubsetsDemo;
procedure PrintBitset(Bitset: Cardinal; Size: Integer);
i: Integer;
Mask: Cardinal;
SepNeeded: Boolean;
SepNeeded := False;
for i := 1 to Size do begin
Mask := 1 shl (i-1);
if Bitset and Mask<>0 then begin
if SepNeeded then begin
SepNeeded := True;
procedure EnumerateSubsets(Size: Integer);
Bitset: Cardinal;
for Bitset := 0 to (1 shl Size)-1 do begin
PrintBitset(Bitset, Size);
And here is a variant that just lists the subsets of a specified cardinality:
function SetBitCount(Bitset: Cardinal; Size: Integer): Integer;
i: Integer;
Mask: Cardinal;
Result := 0;
for i := 1 to Size do begin
Mask := 1 shl (i-1);
if Bitset and Mask<>0 then begin
procedure EnumerateSubsets(Size, NumberOfSetBits: Integer);
Bitset: Cardinal;
for Bitset := 0 to (1 shl Size)-1 do begin
if SetBitCount(Bitset, Size)=NumberOfSetBits then begin
PrintBitset(Bitset, Size);
EnumerateSubsets(4, 2);
This seems to be a question that comes up over and over and a few bits of code are
kicking about that address the problem. A very nice algorithm in some code has been
written but it wasn't strictly clean C and not portable across UNIX or Linux or any
POSIX system, therefore I cleaned it up and added warning messages, usage and the
ability to provide a set size and sub_set size on the command line. Also comb[] has
been transitioned to a more general pointer to an array of integers and calloc used
to zero out the memory needed for whatever set size one may want.
The following is ISO IEC 9899:1999 C clean :
* The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6
* IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition
* An XSI-conforming application should ensure that the feature
* test macro _XOPEN_SOURCE is defined with the value 600 before
* inclusion of any header. This is needed to enable the
* functionality described in The _POSIX_C_SOURCE Feature Test
* Macro and in addition to enable the XSI extension.
* Compile with c99 or with gcc and CFLAGS to include options
* -std=iso9899:199409 -pedantic-errors in order to ensure compliance
* with ISO IEC 9899:1999 C spec.
* Code cleanup and transition to comb as a pointer to type ( int * )
* array by Dennis Clarke dclarke#blastwave.org 28 Dec 2012
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Prints out a combination like {1, 2} */
void printc( int *comb, int k) {
int j;
printf("{ ");
for ( j = 0; j < k; ++j )
printf("%d , ", *( comb + j ) + 1 );
printf( "\b\b}\n" );
} /* printc */
next_comb(int comb[], int k, int n)
Generates the next combination of n elements as k after comb
comb => the previous combination ( use (0, 1, 2, ..., k) for first)
k => the size of the subsets to generate
n => the size of the original set
Returns: 1 if a valid combination was found
0, otherwise
int next_comb( int *comb, int k, int n) {
int i = k - 1;
++*( comb + i );
while ( ( i >= 0 ) && ( *( comb + i ) >= n - k + 1 + i ) ) {
++*( comb + i );
if ( *comb > n - k) /* Combination (n-k, n-k+1, ..., n) reached */
return 0; /* No more combinations can be generated */
/* comb now looks like (..., x, n, n, n, ..., n).
* Turn it into (..., x, x + 1, x + 2, ...) */
for (i = i + 1; i < k; ++i)
*( comb + i ) = *( comb + ( i - 1 ) ) + 1;
return 1;
} /* next_comb */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int *comb, i, n, k;
n = 9; /* The size of the set; for {1, 2, 3, 4} it's 4 */
k = 6; /* The size of the subsets; for {1, 2}, {1, 3}, .. it's 2 */
if ( argc < 3 ) {
printf ( "\nUSAGE : %s n k\n", argv[0] );
printf ( " : Where n is the set size and k the sub set size.\n" );
printf ( " : Note that k <= n\n" );
return ( EXIT_FAILURE );
n = atoi ( argv[1] );
k = atoi ( argv[2] );
if ( k > n ) {
printf ( "\nWARN : k > n is not allowed.\n" );
printf ( "USAGE : %s n k\n", argv[0] );
printf ( " : Where n is the set size and k the sub set size.\n" );
printf ( " : Note that k <= n\n" );
return ( EXIT_FAILURE );
comb = ( int * ) calloc( (size_t) k, sizeof(int) );
for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i)
*( comb + i ) = i;
/* Print the first combination */
printc( comb, k );
/* Generate and print all the other combinations */
while ( next_comb( comb, k, n ) )
printc( comb, k );
free ( comb );
return ( EXIT_SUCCESS );
One may compile the above on an Opteron based machine thus :
$ echo $CFLAGS
-m64 -g -malign-double -std=iso9899:199409 -pedantic-errors -mno-mmx
-mno-sse -fexceptions -fpic -fvisibility=default -mtune=opteron
-march=opteron -m128bit-long-double -mpc80 -Wl,-q
$ gcc $CFLAGS -o combinations combinations.c
A quick trivial test with a set size of 10 and a sub-set of 6 will be thus :
$ ./combinations 10 6 | wc -l
The math is correct :
( 10 ! ) / ( ( 10 - 6 )! * ( 6! ) ) = 210 unique combinations.
Now that the integer array comb is based on a pointer system we are only restricted
by available memory and time. Therefore we have the following :
$ /usr/bin/time -p ./combinations 20 6 | wc -l
real 0.11
user 0.10
sys 0.00
This looks correct :
( 20 ! ) / ( ( 20 - 6 )! * ( 6! ) ) = 38,760 unique combinations
We may now push the limits a bit thus :
$ ./combinations 30 24 | wc -l
Again the math agrees with the result :
( 30 ! ) / ( ( 30 - 24 )! * ( 24! ) ) = 593 775 unique combinations
Feel free to push the limits of your system :
$ /usr/bin/time -p ./combinations 30 22 | wc -l
real 18.62
user 17.76
sys 0.83
I have yet to try anything larger but the math looks correct as well as the output
thus far. Feel free to let me know if some correction is needed.
Dennis Clarke
28 Dec 2012
Following the link that David posted and clicking around led me to an article where they coin the term "Banker's Search", which seems to fit your pattern.
The article provides an example solution in C++, utilizing recursion:
Efficiently Enumerating the Subsets of a Set
Unless you can't make function calls by some requirement, do this:
select_n_from_list(int *selected, int n, int *list, int list_size):
if (n==0) {
// print all numbers from selected by traversing backward
// you can set the head to a special value or make the head location
// a static variable for lookup
for (int i=0; i<=list_size-n; i++) {
*selected = list[i];
select_n_from_list(selected+1, n-1, list+i+1, list_size-i-1);
You really need some sort of recursion because you need automatic storage for intermediate results. Let me know if there's special requirement that makes this solution don't work.
I created this script here and worked very well:
$("#search").on('click', function(){
var value = $("#fieldArray").val().split(",");
var results = new SearchCombinations(value);
var output = "";
for(var $i = 0; $i< results.length;$i++){
results[$i] = results[$i].join(",");
output +="<li>"+results[$i]+"</li>";
/*Helper Clone*/
var Clone = function (data) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
/*Script of Search All Combinations without repetitions. Ex: [1,2,3]*/
var SearchCombinations = function (statesArray) {
var combinations = new Array(),
newValue = null,
arrayBeforeLevel = new Array(),
$level = 0,
array = new Clone(statesArray),
firstInteration = true,
indexFirstInteration = 0,
sizeValues = array.length,
totalSizeValues = Math.pow(2, array.length) - 1;
combinations = new Clone(array);
arrayBeforeLevel = new Clone(array);
loopLevel: while ($level < arrayBeforeLevel.length) {
for (var $i = 0; $i < array.length; $i++) {
newValue = arrayBeforeLevel[$level] + "," + array[$i];
newValue = newValue.split(",");
newValue = newValue.join(",");
if (combinations.indexOf(newValue) == -1 && arrayBeforeLevel[$level].toString().indexOf(array[$i]) == -1) {
if (firstInteration) {
firstInteration = false;
indexFirstInteration = combinations.length
if (sizeValues == totalSizeValues) {
break loopLevel;
if ($level == arrayBeforeLevel.length) {
firstInteration = true;
arrayBeforeLevel = new Clone(combinations);
arrayBeforeLevel = arrayBeforeLevel.splice(indexFirstInteration);
indexFirstInteration = 0;
$level = 0;
for (var $i = 0; $i < combinations.length; $i++) {
combinations[$i] = combinations[$i].toString().split(",");
return combinations;
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