Xcode quit unexpectedly while using the dsc_extractor.bundle plugin - xcode

When I attach my new iPhone 5s to my Mac, Xcode crashes with this error:
Xcode quit unexpectedly while using the dsc_extractor.bundle plugin
This happens while Xcode is processing symbols from the device.
It all works fine on my iPad4 which is running IOS 6.1.3.
I updated MacOS to Maverick, I reinstalled Xcode and I still have the same error.
My current Xcode version is 5.0.2 (3335.32), iPhone IOS is 7.0.4 (11B554a).

For me it worked out when I delete the "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/(iOS Version of the device)" folder. It is recreated next time, when the device is connected to the Mac and Xcode is running.
A previous restore of the iPhone 5S did not help and I had no problems to connect the device to another Mac. So it seems to be an issue only on the Mac and not on the device.

I use a 5S both with a MBPro/Mavericks and regular MB/Snow Leopard; it works fine. Something is messed up on your system, I suspect. Any 3rd party extensions? Try logging out, and logging back in with the shift key down (prevents extensions from loading).

I formatted hard drive and re installed Maverick and that did the trick.


Xcode Simulator 14.0 not deleting/ removing app

I have recently updated 14.0 version of Xcode and simulator. I am facing a strange issue that app is not removing from the simulator. Before this update it's working perfect but after updated its showing this behaviour. Have a look a below, I have tried with both Remove app and Edit Home screen option. Both of them did't work for me. I have also tried to delete app from App library it also did't work.
So, I just ran into this weird issue as well, but I found that it wasn't consistent. Sometimes I could actually delete the app and sometimes I couldn't.
I think I figured out how to delete it every time:
When the app is running, go into Xcode and press "Stop" (CMD + .)
Now delete the app from the simulator
It's a work-around, but it doesn't look like Apple wants to fix this issue or maybe it was never reported to them, I don't know, but this seems to be working for me at least.
I'm running macOS Ventura 13.1, Xcode 14.2 and an iPhone 14 (iOS 16.2) simulator, so basically the newest versions and it's still present.

Xcode 12.3 keeps freezing

I updated to the latest AppStore release of Xcode (12.3, 12C33).
It worked fine for an hour or two. After that it started to constantly freeze after being open for a few seconds to minutes.
I've tried the following, all without success so far:
restart macOS
clear derived data
tried with different projects
updating to latest macOS 11
Any other ideas or suggestions how to fix this?
I can confirm that this is fixed in Xcode 12.5
I found an answer by Darr on the question "Xcode freezes after upgrade to 12.3" on Apple's developer forums that worked for me:
Unpairing my device connected via network and using only lightning cable seems to have resolved the issue for me.
Xcode > Window > Devices and Simulators > device > Connect via network
After going mad, I fixed this by removing all devices from Devices and Simulators (I had connect via network activated).
For now, it's working fine.
Power off your Apple Watch
Xcode may hang if the host Mac is connected to an iOS device which has one or more companion watches. The hangs occur when the watches aren't fully prepared for development, or if they are experiencing poor wireless connectivity. (72490921) (FB8945320)
Workaround: Power off the watches, or unpair them from the iPhone.
Xcode 12.4 Release Notes
You can force Xcode to freshly prepare a watch for development using these steps:
Force-quit Xcode.
Power-off and disconnect all iOS device from the Mac.
Reboot the Mac.
Launch Xcode, close all projects, and open the Devices and Simulators window.
Power-on and unlock an iOS device and its companion watchOS devices by entering the passcode as required.
Plug the iOS device into the Mac using USB cable.
Check each iOS device and each watch for any pairing request and approve the requests.
Monitor the status of device preparation in the Devices and Simulators window. If Xcode presents device-preparation errors, follow the guidance in the error message to resolve the error.
Once Xcode finishes preparing the iOS device and its companion watches for development, repeat steps 5 through 8 for each remaining iOS device and its companion watches until you verify that Xcode has prepared all devices for development. You may now open your Xcode projects and resume development.
I've been having the same problem. I had an iOS device connected via USB, unplugged it and it un-froze. Then I continued to have issue requiring force close each time.
I then clear derived data and things have been fine. I opened a StickerPack project and also had the same issue. Clearing DerivedData also fixed it.
Clear Derived Data:
Xcode pulldown menu > Preferences > Locations tab
Click the little arrow next to the path under Derived Data.
Delete the entire folder for you project. It will look like "MyAppName-bwonddotztrgkkfexrjxoncvmjit"
See this explanation about whether it's safe to delete DerivedData for your project.
I had the same problem with appstore version and someone advised to install from site, now it works fine. https://developer.apple.com/download/more/
Disable WLAN on my iMac fixes the problem currently.
Hope they will releast a fix very soon.
Xcode 12.3 is unstable and many times it crashes.
I reverted back to Xcode 12 and copied disk image of 14.3 in Device Support folder of Xcode (Contents > Developer > Platforms > iPhoneOS.platforms-DeviceSupport).
This I needed to debug on iPhone device having version iOS 14.3
I recently had similar situation. My Xcode 12.3 project could not be opened. I tried to open directly from popup that appears on start of the Xcode.
What worked for my was to downgrade Xcode to 12.2 and launch Xcode on new project. And then click my old one.
Maybe it would work without downgrading but I didn't check.
I had this problem too. I fixed it by going Devices and Simulators in the Windows file and disconnecting the iPhone reference I had for my phone when testing and app. Since the phone was no longer connected, its presence seemed to create a freeze.
In my case XCode 12.5 hangs/freezes on startup more or less instantly, right after it opens kind of an empty workspace.
I removed everything that I could imagine that deals with XCode on my machine, but it didn't help.
At the end I just used the hotkey for "Close Workspace" - Ctrl+Alt+Cmd+W
I hit this combo very often, very fast right after opening XCode and it worked!
The strange empty workspace showed up and closed instantly - now I could select other projects and everything works again.
There could be the multiple reasons and in my case reason was source control
preferences > Source Control > uncheck Enable source control
I have these performance problems with the newly updated Xcode from the AppStore to 12C33 (Xcode frozen for many seconds, instability of interface builder, etc.) only with apps which have frameworks added with cocoa pods and when working in the xcworkspace-file. (Integration of frameworks with Catharge even fail with error message 65). I'm running Xcode under macOS Catalina. Don't know what the technical reason could be, hence would appreciate if someone has an idea on this how to fix it.
Update: In the meantime I could fix it:
I eliminated my own devices from the device list and did then a deintegration and a new install of the cocoa pods for the projects. Afterwards I setup my devices again in the device list and all worked well again. Only eliminating and reintegration of my devices as described above didn't work in my case.

Message from debugger: unable to attach error for osx app

I have been building mac app on my mac mini and it always worked well but today i faced this error, searched a lot but no luck.
Message from debugger: unable to attach
What i tried:
Clear derived data
Quit Xcode
Restart machine
installation directory set to blank and also to /Applications
Tried Skip Install No / Yes
Using developer Signing certs
M using only Developer certificates and not provisioning profile to sign my cocoa app
Xcode 8.2
OSX 10.12.1
Please help :)
This is what fixed it for me, perhaps it will help others but I do realize the question was for 8.2. I had it set to Xcode 9 "New Build System" disabling this and switching to "Standard Build System" in the Project Settings under the File Menu. I had tried all the other things like killing DerivedData, clean build, restarting Xcode. I also verified that my dependent libraries were set correctly. The only thing that worked was disabling new "New Build System"
I just had this problem today. I have little demo code in a mac project(created with Xcode 9.4). This error just started to occur after I upgraded system to macOS Mojave 10.14. However, in Xcode 10 this project runs no problem(without changing anything). If you can use Xcode 10 it will probably be fixed.
Unfortunately, the above solutions didn't work for me (although I am sure they work for some people).
Here is what worked for me, in case this helps anyone else:
Close Xcode
Open Xcode and Create a new Xcode project
In the iOS template, select Single View App then click Next
yes, I know you are trying to get a macOS app attaching to the debugger :).
Give the iOS app any product name and organization identifier you would like and click Next
Create the new project anywhere you would like (I saved it to my desktop)
Build and run (cmd + r) the iOS app on a simulator like the iPhone 8 (starting a simulator and running the iOS app will take a little time, so have patients)
After the iOS app runs in the simulator, click to stop it from running (the stop button is next to the run button)
Open your macOS app that you are having trouble connecting a debugger to, and build and run it (cmd + r)
This, for some reason, allowed me to connect to the debugger with my macOS app...
Xcode version: 10.1, macOS Mojave version: 10.14.2

Xcode 4.6.2 IOS Simulator

Τhe last few days I experienced a problem with Xcode 4.6.2 when I try to run twice an application, in IOS Simulator only, the program throws an exception.
Somehow the simulator keeps the instance active even though the stop button was pressed and requires to press it again many times in order to run it again,on the other hand in my device Xcode works properly.
Any ideas ?
Xcode 4.6.3 was just released to fix a hang/crash issue with the ios simulator (and lldb debugger), particularly on osx 10.8.4.

IOS Simulator cannot find sdk and the simulated application quit errors

I have been having this Xcode problem for a couple of months where my iOS simulator stops working whenever i run any application on Xcode and says, "The simulated application quit." and "iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reinstalled." I am running Xcode 4.3.3 and have iOS sdk 5.1 and everything updated but it happened on my previous version of Xcode also. I have tried reinstalling Xcode over 10 times now and have been posting this question for a while now. No one has been able to get a solution. I have even sent in a bug report to apple but i don't think they will respond. I have tried doing everything every other person that has this problem has been told to do in other threads. I'm honestly thinking about just buying a new mac and seeing if Xcode will work on that one or taking in my current one to get looked at by apple. So if anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads and make sure the "Target SDK" you have selected in your project is in fact installed under the Downloads windows. For me this magically was uninstalled. Once i installed the SDK that my app was using, all worked again
This worked for me: http://www.colinbowern.com/posts/the-simulated-application-quit
I just deleted the folder "6.1" under ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator
The I just launched again the app and the simulator recreated correctly the 6.1 folder.
Resetting the simulator settings (iOS Simulator > Reset Contents and Settings) resolved this issue for me.
I had the same issue. For me suddenly all the installed simulators (4.3 through to 6.0) stopped working. I then went to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads, and there I had the chance to update at least the 5.0 simulator. This is now working, yet I was not able to get the 4.3 or 5.1 or 6.0 to work.
I have personally experienced a weird thing with xcode regarding this issue. Sometimes the sdk is installed properly but it still gives this error. I have two classes, if I call first class from the app delegate then the ipad simulator works fine but when I call the second class then it gives the error that the sdk needs to be re-installed.
In my case when the error occured, I had two errors in the second class. When I corrected the errors after debugging, the ipad simulator started to work completely fine. This is quite weird but its not the problem with your sdk, the problem is somewhere in the code.
This just happened to me. I tried to launch with iPhone 5.1 Simulator, got the error "iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reinstalled." I tried running iPad 5.1 Sim, which worked. I switched to non-retina iPad. Then I tried running iPhone 5.1 Simulator again, and it worked.
