param tag giving me a parsing error - webmatrix

this simple html5 example gives me an 'element param cannot be nested inside of element body'
error when using webmatrix 3 as a parser:
<object id = "a">
<param name = "b" id = "c">
Why the error, and what is another program I could use to check the syntax?

Ignore the webmatrix3 parser. It's valid HTML5:
W3 param tag
W3 valid global attributes

id is not an approved attribute. Try using the approved attributes for the object element as listed here:
I hope that helps.


XPath one of multiple elements of an attribute

in this HTML using scrapy i can access the full info-car by : './/#info-car' XPath
<div class="car car-root"
what is the XPath to pick only the name of info-car ?
You can obtain the name by using a combination of xpath and regex. See below sample code:

Spark SQL (Databricks) function xpath ignores empty tags in XML

Spark SQL (Databricks) function xpath ignores empty tags in XML. For example for below XML XPATH returns array ["ABC"]. We need it as ["ABC", NULL or empty string] because when we use this along with posexplode_outer, omitting null in XPATH will cause incorrect association.
Is there any option in XPATH to retain nulls? I did not find any detailed documentation for this.
Add the nodes not containing any text by using [not(text())] selector:

Xquery the function parse-xml() produces an error on &?

As XML content in an HTTP POST request, I receive the following which I process in Xquery 3.1 (eXist-db 5.2):
<request id="foo">
<p>The is a description with a line break<br/>and another linebreak<br/>and
here is an ampersand&.</p>
My objective is to take the node <p> and insert it into a TEI file in eXist-db. If I just insert the fragment as-is, no errors are thrown.
However I need to transform any instances of string <br/> into element <lb/> before adding it to the TEI document. I try that with fn:parse-xml.
Applying the following, however, throws an error on &amp...which surprises me:
let $xml := <request id="foo">
<p>The is a description with a line break<br/>and
another linebreak<br/>and here is an ampersand&.</p>
let $newxml := <p>{replace($xml//p/text(),"<br/>","<lb/>")}</p>
return <p>{fn:parse-xml($newxml)}</p>
Description: err:FODC0006 String passed to fn:parse-xml is not a well-formed XML document.: Document is not valid.
Fatal : The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.
If I remove & the fragment parses just fine. Why is this producing an error if it is legal XML? How can I achieve the needed result?
Many thanks in advance.
ps. I am open to both Xquery and XSLT solutions.
It seems that the issue is the HTML entities. It would work with numeric entities (i.e. < instead of < and > instead of >), but the XML parser doesn't know about HTML character entities.
Useutil:parse-html() instead of fn:parse-xml().
let $xml := <request id="foo">
<p>The is a description with a line break<br/>and
another linebreak<br/>and here is an ampersand&.</p>
return <p>{util:parse-html($xml/p/text())/HTML/BODY/node()}</p>

How to read id value of a DIV element using Selenium WebDriver?

<div id="ctl00_ContentHolder_vs_ValidationSummary" class="errorblock">
<p><strong>The following errors were found:</strong></p>
<ul><input type="hidden" Name="SummaryErrorCmsIds" Value="E024|E012|E014" />
<li>Please select a title.</li>
<li>Please key in your first name.</li>
<li>Please key in your last name.</li>
here is my snippet for example. i want to get the value of ID i.e., ct100_contentHolder_vs_ValidationSummary. using selenium web driver. h
You can try this :
String id=driver.findElementByXpath("//div[#class='errorblock']").getAttribute("id"));
But in this case the class of this division should be unique.
Use following code to extract id of first div:
WebElement div = driver.findElement(By.tagName("div"));
This is the code for all div available on the page:
List<WebElement> div = driver.findElements(By.tagName("div"));
for ( WebElement e : div ) {
I know this answer is really late but I wanted to put this here for those who come later. Searching by XPath should be avoided unless absolutely necessary because it is more complicated, more error prone, and slower. In this case you can easily do what the accepted answer did without having to use XPaths:
String id = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.errorblock")).getAttribute("id");
Some explanation... this line finds the first element (.findElement vs .findElements) using a CSS Selector. The CSS Selector, div.errorblock, locates all div elements with the class (symbolized by the period .) errorblock. Once it is located, we get the ID using .getAttribute().
CSS Selectors are a great tool that all automators should have in their toolbox. There's a great CSS Selector reference here:

Help in XPath expression

I have an XML document which contains nodes like following:-
<a class="custom">test</a>
<a class="xyz"></a>
I was tryng to get the nodes for which class is NOT "Custom" and I wrote an expression like following:-
XmlNodeList nodeList = document.SelectNodes("//*[self::A[#class!='custom'] or self::a[#class!='custom']]");
Now, I want to get IMG tags as well and I want to add the following experession as well to the above expression:-
//*[self::IMG or self::img] that I get all the IMG nodes as well and any tag other than having "custom" as value in the class attribute.
Any help will be appreciated.
I tried the following and this is an invalid syntax as this returns a boolean and not any nodelist:-
XmlNodeList nodeList = document.SelectNodes("//*[self::A[#class!='custom'] or self::a[#class!='custom']] && [self::IMG or self::img]");
Not sure of what you are asking, but have you tried something like the following?
"//A[#class!='custom'] | //a[#class!='custom'] | //IMG | //img"
