How to approach migrating web content from Joomla to Liferay? - joomla

I am starting to migrate a website based on Joomla! to Liferay. In the first phase I am looking for a best way to migrate web content. This is mostly static articles.
In the transition period both sites will operate simultaneously, so it would be good, if there was a way to automatically update Liferay with changes done on Joomla site. The articles aren't that many, so it could be done manually, however I would prefer some more programmatic method.
Can anyone suggest how to do that?

For the updating you can use a content plugin with the onContentAfterSave event to trigger an update of the Liferay database.


OctoberCMS (Laravel) + Vue.js + Tailwind CSS Best Setup

I am new with OctoberCMS. There are few tutorials in the internet. May I ask what is the best setup may I use or possible setup may I use with this web tech stacks?
We have a project and the requirement is we need to use octobercms so that's why we have to used this octobercms.
Possible Setup:
Micro Service Setup?
Two seperate folder for OctoberCMS and Vue.js. The communication would be an API Request calls.
Then for the deployment part for the production, we will use the dist folder from Vue.js Folder. I'm not 100% sure but I think this will be my initial thought that will be possible.
May I ask for any suggestions or clarifications on what will I use project setup. Thank you.
While it would be entirely possible to have two separate web properties with October providing the API, you can also just use Vue within an October CMS theme itself. See for more information on doing that.
If your project is more of a traditional CMS requirement then I would recommend at least trying the Vuetober approach. If it's a lot more complex and is mostly utilizing October for its powerful backend features, then the API-only approach could work fine too.
The main reason you'd want to go with running vuetober is if you were going to be utilizing the AJAX framework provided by October. You can still technically use it even when October is being run as a headless CMS just providing an API, but it gets more complicated with CORS and some other stuff you have to setup to make sure it works properly.

ASP.NET MVC 5 per user custom built views with widgets

I want to make an MVC 5 app that will allow users to customize views/pages, create new ones. On the custom pages they can set-up widgets and be able to save the views. Also they should be able to setup the default view that will be loaded by default.
Any ideas how can I achieve this? I believe the views should be saved in the database.
I found this template engine RazorEngine. This seams to be what I am looking for. Anybody has any experience using RazorEngine?
I think you should try some CMS like dotnetnuke etc. other wise build your own framework for all the things so that it can save and fetch your details to and from database.

Application to display information from database

I understand that this is a very broad question and could get flagged but I need inputs from experienced programmers and will ask it anyway. If there is another forum where I can post this question, please let me know.
Currently we manage all our application information in an Excel spreadsheet. At a high level it contains an app id, the server names that it is hosted on and the name of the environment. The Excel spreadsheet has become too large and I am looking to build a simple application for it.
Ideally, I would like to write this app on Windows as everyone uses Windows but dont know how to go about it in Windows. I then thought of using MySQL and PHP or Perl (CGI) to build this but thought of exploring something new. I read about Joomla and a few other CMS products which make it very easy to build websites but am not sure whether these allows me to pull information from a database.
I am seeking inputs on what would be a good way to way to build this application.
Use Joomla! CMS is a good choice and to pull data from database you may use webservice calls. So, you will able to create a CMS website using joomla and will able to pull data easily from database with the help of webservice.
You can get webservice support in joomla by installing component redCORE in joomla.
Other videos:
Joomla dev group discussion
You can also post questions in Joomla forum
I think Joomla is a great option to handle big loads of information. If you already know PHP and don't need to reinvent the wheel, it's cool. The way of handling data in Joomla is using Components.
If you want to try, it would be as easy as installing a local copy of Joomla, building the field structure on installing it and importing the data inside the component using phpmyadmin.

Symfony Sonata AJAX image multi-upload

I am trying to create a portfolio site and am stuck finding a good approach to deal with images. I have integrated the SonataAdmin Bundle and have setup Admin classes for "Projects" and "Images". My goal is to go into a Project and add images to it and select one of these images as the Project thumbnail.
Ideally I would like to integrate an AJAX multi-uploader. I am not sure the best approach for this and am looking for any suggestions / thoughts.
I have looked at the Sonata Media Bundle, though it seems more robust than I actually need and the learning curve to customize it seems a bit steep. I have already setup an image entity (symfony2 cookbook for uploading documents) I imagine I can create a many-to-one on images and projects rather than using the MediaBundle, though I am still at a loss of how to integrate an AJAX script for this.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
I suggest you to look at
This bundle is based on the excellent blueimp jQuery-File-Upload package and provides multiple file uploads.
Edit 28/04/14: There is now also OneupUploaderBundle which supports a variety of uploaders and seems to be under more active development.
checkout its support multiupload but only with flash plugin.
Also this bundle is worth a shot. Not really mentioning AJAX, but seems really strong in basic uploading features. Once you get that done, you can ajaxify by yourself. I'm planning to try this bundle in few days, I may update this answer later.
So I endedup using Valumns Ajax multi uploader:
I tried to customize the Sonata Admin Page but this proved a bit difficult, Instead I simply created a route / controller / view specifically for uploading batch images. It seems to be working great!

Creating simple CRUD frontend component in joomla1.5

I am trying to convert a php application to joomla1.5 app. I have read some docs on how to create components in joomla1.5 but however i am lost at the best approach to create a simple CRUD frontend Component.
Here are my few questions
1) Should i perform my CRUD operations using JTable or simply use models and write my insert,update,select and delete scripts in the methods?
2) Where should this table class be placed if JTable
Ok, first thing before you get too far is to upgrade to 2.5. There is no point in developing anything for software that is reaching end of life in about 60 days.
Next, anything dealing with the database should be put in the model. In Joomla it should be pretty straight forward, have you ready the MVC tutorial? Start with that, it should clear things up.!2.5
Yeah, forget Joomla 1.5 and then use this scaffolding tool
