Parallel portlet instances on Liferay MVCPortlet that are not independant - ajax

I am trying to use portlets based on MVCPortlet on Liferay 6.1.1, and it does not behave as I was expecting. My portlets are supposed to be independent, but are not...
My need:
I have a first portlet A with a form.
I have several instances of a portlet B, based on MVCPortlet.
When the form is submitted, the portlet A launches an event, and all portlet B receive this event. When a portlet B receive the event, it must build an URL, connect to it and read data from it, and display the result.
My B portlet is based on MVCPortlet, is instanceable, ajaxable and with a render-weight of 0, for having a parallel processing and displaying of all instances of portlet B.
But it does not work well:
1) I could not do the processing of the URL in the event processing, as all events reception (one per instance of my portlet B ) are processed in the same thread. So in the event I just set a renderRequest parameter, so the jsp page automatically use an ActionURL to call the action processing in my portlet.
This action builds the URL, use it, process the data, and redirect to the result display page (response.setRenderParameter("jspPage", "/html/display/results.jsp")).
2) I was expecting each portlet to be independent from the other, but they are not. There is only one instance of the MVCPortlet, shared by all portlets, that greatly surprised me. The portlet session is also shared by all my instances of portlet. The action method is executed by different thread, that is good, but the rendering of portlets can be blocked by actions processing of other portlets. One portlet can provoke the whole page refresh. All things that I wanted to avoid by having instanceable, ajaxable and render-weight with 0...
I wonder if there is something wrong, if it is normal to have only one instance of the class extending MVCPortlet, etc. Or if there is a best way to have the desired behavior.

1) I'm not completely sure what you're doing here: Event handling is AFAIK undefined in terms of parallelism, so it's normal behaviour that all events are handled sequentially in the same thread. However, I don't understand what you mean by the ActionURL part of your description. You're able to change state of your portlet in the eventhandler, but not during the render phase. Typically every request handles only one action, multiple (as necessary) events, then renders all portlets. Do you imply that this is followed by an action on every single B-portlet? That's unexpected and I'd rather recommend you do either the processing in your event handler or trigger it to asynchronously run in the back while continuing through the event processing (especially when it takes time)
2) The portlets are independent of each other, however, not every portlet maps to a single Java object. In fact, the implementation is just like in the servlet world: There's only one object that's not supposed to have any state. Almost all instances of member variables in a portlet (or a servlet) are a sign of misunderstanding the API: The whole state of the portlet is coming in through the various PortletRequest and PortletResponse objects, nothing shall be kept within portlet member variables.
Based on your intent to asynchronously render all B portlets, I assume that rendering might take a while - eventhandling should continue as quickly as possible. Otherwise there's no point in rendering asynchronously if the whole result is already there.


Alt data dependency between actions not stores

I have a react app where I'm using alt for the flux architecture side of things.
I have a situation where I have two stores which are fed by ajax calls in their corresponding actions.
Having read the alt getting started page on data dependencies it mentions dependencies between stores using waitFor - but I don't see a way to use this kind of approach if one of my store actions is dependent on another store action (both of which are async).
If I was doing this inside a single action handler, I might return or chain some promises but I'm not sure how to implement this across action handlers. Has anyone achieved this? or am I going about my usage of ajax in react the wrong way?
EDIT: More detail.
In my example I have a list of nodes defined in a local json config file, my node-store makes an ajax request to get the node detail.
Once it's complete, a different component (with a different action handler and store) wants to use the node collection to make an ajax query to different endpoints a node may expose.
The nodes are re-used across many different components so I don't want to roll their functionality into several different stores/action handlers if possible.

How to avoid action chains

I'm trying to understand Flux pattern.
I believe that in any good design the app should consist of relatively independent and universal (and thus reusable) components glued together by specific application logic.
In Flux there are domain-specific Stores encapsulating data and domain logic. These could be possibly reused in another application for the same domain.
I assume there should also be application-specific Store(s) holding app state and logic. This is the glue.
Now, I try to apply this to imaginary "GPS Tracker" app:
When a user clicks [Stop Tracking] button, corresponding ViewController raises STOP_CLICK.
stopGPS(); this.on = false; emit('change')
saveTrack(); calcStatistics(); this.tracking = false; emit('change')
So, I've got an event snowball.
It is said that in Flux one Action should not raise another.
But I do not understand how this could be done.
I think user actions can't go directly to domain Stores as these should be UI-agnostic.
Rather, AppState (or wherever the app logic lives) should translate user actions into domain actions.
How to redesign this the Flux way?
Where should application logic go?
Is that correct to try to keep domain Stores independent of the app logic?
Where is the place for "services"?
Thank you.
All of the application logic should live in the stores. They decide how they should respond to a particular action, if at all.
Stores have no setters. The only way into the stores is via a dispatched action, through the callback the store registered with the dispatcher.
Actions are not setters. Try not to think of them as such. Actions should simply report on something that happened in the real world: the user interacted with the UI in a certain way, the server responded in a certain way, etc.
This looks a lot like setter-thinking to me:
Instead, dispatch the thing that actually happened: STOP_TRACKING_BUTTON_CLICKED (or TRACKING_STOPPED, if you want to be UI-agnostic). And then let the stores figure out what to do about it. All the stores will receive that action, and they can all respond to it, if needed. The code you have responding to two different actions should be responding to the same action.
Often, when we find that we want dispatch within a dispatch, we simply need to back up to the original thing that happened and make the entire application respond to that.

Spring Cache For Pending Method Calls

Let's say I'm writing a Spring web-service that gets called by an external application. That application requests data that I need to load from an external resource. Furthermore, the design has it that it calls my service more than once with different parameters. In other words, the user sitting in front of the application presses one button, which generates a bunch of requests to my web-service in a very short time frame.
My web-service parses the parameters and comes up with necessary requests to the external resource. The logic has it that it may cause calling the external resource with the same parameters over and over again, which makes this the ideal candidate for caching.
The user presses that one button in the application
Application initiates ten requests to my web-service
My web-service receives them in parallel
After analysing the parameters of all requests, overall I'd need to call the external resources 15 times, but the parameters are mostly equal and only show that three calls would be enough to serve the 15 intended calls.
However, one call to the external resource may take some time.
As far as I understand how Spring does caching it writes the result of a #Cachable method into the cache. Apparently this means that before it treats another invocation of that method with the same parameters as cache hit, it must have a result of a previous invocation. This means that it doesn't provide support for pending method calls.
I need something like "Hey, I just saw a method invocation with the same parameters a second ago, but I'm still waiting for the result of that invocation. While I can't provide a result yet, I will hold that new invocation and reuse the result for it."
What are my options? Can I make Spring do that?
You can't make Spring do that out-of-the-box for very good reasons. The bottom line is that locking and synchronizing is very hard using a specific cache implementation so trying to do that in an abstraction is a bit insane. You can find some rationale and some discussion here
There is a discussion of using ehcache's BlockingCache SPR-11540
Guava also has such feature but the cache needs to be accessed in a very specific way (using a callback) that the CacheInterceptor does not really fit. It's still our plan to try to make that work at some point.
Do not forget that caching must be transparent (i.e. putting it on and off only leads to a performance change). Trying to parse arguments and compute what call should be made to your web service has high chances to lead to side effects. Maybe you should cache things at a different place?

Wicket and complex Ajax scenarios

When a screen has multiple interacting Ajax controls and you want to control the visibility of components to react to these controls (so that you only display what makes sense in any given situation), calling target.addComponent() manually on everything you want to update is getting cumbersome and isn't very maintainable.
Eventually the web of onClick and onUpdate callbacks can reach a point where adding a new component to the screen is getting much harder than it's supposed to be.
What are the commonly used strategies (or even libraries if such a thing exists) to avoid this build-up of complexity?
Update: Thank you for your answers, I found all of them very useful, but I can only accept one. Sorry.
In Wicket 1.5 there is an event bus. Each component has onEvent(Object payload) method. With component.send() you can broadcast events and each component can check the payload (e.g. UserJoinedEvent object) and decide whether it wants to participate in the current Ajax response. See for a simple demo.
You could add structural components such as WebMarkupContainers, when you add this to the AjaxTarget everything contained in it will also get updated. This allows you to update groups of components in a single line.
When I'm creating components for a page I tend to add them to component arrays:
Component[] pageComponents = {
new TextField<String>("Field1"),
new TextField<String>("Field2"),
new TextField<String>("Field3")
As of Wicket 1.5 the add functions take array parameters [1]. Therefore elements can be added to the page or target like this:
Components can then be grouped based on which you want to refresh together.
Well, of how many components do we speak here? Ten? Twenty? Hundreds?
For up to twenty or about this you can have a state controller which controls which components should be shown. This controller sets the visible field of a components model and you do always add all components to your requests which are handled by the controller. The components ajax events you simply redirect to the controller handle method.
For really large numbers of components which have a too heavy payload for a good performance you could use javascript libraries like jQuery to do the show and hide things by the client.
I currently use some sort of modified Observer-Pattern to simulate an event-bus in Wicket 1.4.
My Pages act as an observable observer since my components don't know each other and are reused in different combinations across multiple pages. Whenever one component receives an Ajax-event that could affect other components as well, it calls a method on it's page with an event-object and the ajax-target. The page calls a similar method on all components which have registered themselves for this kind of event and each component can decide, on the base of the supplied event-object if and how it has to react and can attach itself to the target.
The same can be archived by using the wicket visitor. I don't know which one is better, but I think that's mainly a matter of taste.

ASP.NET MVC 2 beta Asynchronous RenderAction

Start from 27:15,RenderAction has been discussed at 28:43 that a RenderAction will not be part of Asynchronocity as an asyncronous action method called.
(Let's say your home portal index action calling 1.GetNews 2.GetWeather 3.GetStock asynchronously.You have have a RenderAction displaying user recent posts on the same view. (GetUserRecentPosts))
What if RenderActions themselves are asynchronous ?
Would GetUserRecentPosts be called only after home index completed its action even though?
Should RenderActions be rendered asynchronously on a view by default?
I don't think you can do this successfully. The point where you could benefit from asynch processing has already passed when your views start rendering. The MVC pipeline that sets up the begin/end methods has already completed and the View has no way to get back into it on the same request. Seems like you may be stuck with synchronous processing OR devise some way to retrieve all your data up front and cache it in TempData or something for rendering.
Lift framework in Scala is probably the only one that I am aware of that has parallel partial actions which will not block the rendering of the main content but will use Comet-push to deliver partial view content for those blocks which may take a while to get data for.
to use it, just wrap a block in your view inside a parallel node
//this is where Html.RenderAction("GottaFetchNetworkDataFromSomewhereView");
//this is where Html.RenderAction("GottaFetchNetworkDataFromSomewhereView2");
// would go
Lift will also take care of connection starvation of your page to manage http requests in the appropriate manner so that browser pushes are not "waiting 'round".
Unfortunately, ASP.NET MVC has poor Comet support. There's not much outside of Asynchronous Controllers, which is an improvement but not as elegant as, say, Akka's framework suspend() method for long-polling.
