Spring Cache For Pending Method Calls - spring

Let's say I'm writing a Spring web-service that gets called by an external application. That application requests data that I need to load from an external resource. Furthermore, the design has it that it calls my service more than once with different parameters. In other words, the user sitting in front of the application presses one button, which generates a bunch of requests to my web-service in a very short time frame.
My web-service parses the parameters and comes up with necessary requests to the external resource. The logic has it that it may cause calling the external resource with the same parameters over and over again, which makes this the ideal candidate for caching.
The user presses that one button in the application
Application initiates ten requests to my web-service
My web-service receives them in parallel
After analysing the parameters of all requests, overall I'd need to call the external resources 15 times, but the parameters are mostly equal and only show that three calls would be enough to serve the 15 intended calls.
However, one call to the external resource may take some time.
As far as I understand how Spring does caching it writes the result of a #Cachable method into the cache. Apparently this means that before it treats another invocation of that method with the same parameters as cache hit, it must have a result of a previous invocation. This means that it doesn't provide support for pending method calls.
I need something like "Hey, I just saw a method invocation with the same parameters a second ago, but I'm still waiting for the result of that invocation. While I can't provide a result yet, I will hold that new invocation and reuse the result for it."
What are my options? Can I make Spring do that?

You can't make Spring do that out-of-the-box for very good reasons. The bottom line is that locking and synchronizing is very hard using a specific cache implementation so trying to do that in an abstraction is a bit insane. You can find some rationale and some discussion here
There is a discussion of using ehcache's BlockingCache SPR-11540
Guava also has such feature but the cache needs to be accessed in a very specific way (using a callback) that the CacheInterceptor does not really fit. It's still our plan to try to make that work at some point.
Do not forget that caching must be transparent (i.e. putting it on and off only leads to a performance change). Trying to parse arguments and compute what call should be made to your web service has high chances to lead to side effects. Maybe you should cache things at a different place?


Use Cases for LRA

I am attempting to accomplish something along these lines with Quarkus, and Naryana:
client calls service to start a process that takes a while: /lra/start
This call sets off an LRA, and returns an LRA id used to track the status of the action
client can keep polling some endpoint to determine status
service eventually finishes and marks the action done through the coordinator
client sees that the action has completed, is given the result or makes another request to get that result
Is this a valid use case? Am I visualizing the correct way this tool can work? Based on how the linked guide reads, it seems that the endpoints are more of a passthrough to the coordinator, notifying it that we start and end an LRA. Is there a more programmatic way to interact with the coordinator?
Yes, it might be a valid use case, but in every case please read the MicroProfile LRA specification - https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-lra.
The idea you describe is more or less one LRA participant executing in a new LRA and polling the status of this execution. This is not totally what the LRA is intended for, but surely can be used this way.
The main idea of LRA is the composition of distributed transactions based on the saga pattern. Basically, the point is to coordinate multiple services to achieve consistent results with an eventual consistency guarantee. So you see that the main benefit arises when you can propagate LRA through different services that either all complete their actions or all of their compensation callbacks will be called in case of failures (and, of course, only for the services that executed their actions in the first place). Here is also an example with the LRA propagation https://github.com/xstefank/quarkus-lra-trip-example.
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to add the programmatic API that allows same interactions as annotations - https://github.com/jbosstm/narayana/blob/master/rts/lra/client/src/main/java/io/narayana/lra/client/NarayanaLRAClient.java. However, note that is not in the specification and is only specific to Narayana.

REST API for main page - one JSON or many?

I'm providing RESTful API to my (JS) client from (Java Spring) server.
Main site page contains a number of logical blocks (news, last comments, some trending stuff), each of them has a corresponding entity on server. Which way is a right one to go, handle one request like
/api/main_page/ ->
news: {...}
comments: {...}
or let the client do a few requests like
I know in general it's better to have one large request/response, but is this an answer to this situation as well?
Ideally, you should have different API calls for fetching individual configurable content blocks of the page from the same API.
This way your content blocks are loosely bounded to each other.
can extend, port(to a new framework) and modify them independently at
anytime you want.
This comes extremely useful when application grows.
Switching off a feature is fairly easy in this
A/B testing is also easy in this case.
Writing automation is
also very easy.
Overall it helps in reducing the testing efforts.
But if you really want to fetch this in one call. Then you should add additional params in request and when the server sees that additional param it adds the additional independent JSON in the response by calling it's own method from BL layer.
And, if speed is your concern then try caching these calls on server for some time(depends on the type of application).
I think in general multiple requests can be justified, when the requested resources reflect parts of the system state. (my personal rule of thumb, still WIP).
i.e. if a news gets displayed in your client application a lot, I would request it once and reuse it wherever I can. If you aggregate here, you would need to request for it later, maybe some of them never get actually displayed, and you have some magic to do if the representation of a news differs in the aggregation and /news/{id}-resource.
This approach would increase communication if the page gets loaded for the first time, but decrease communication throughout your client application the longer it runs.
The state on the server gets copied request by request to your client or updated when needed (Etags, last-modified, etc.).
In your example it looks like /news and /comments are some sort of latest or since last visit, but not all.
If this is true, I would design them to be a resurce as well, like /comments/latest or similar.
But in any case I would them only have self-links to the /news/{id} or /comments/{id} respectively. Then you would have a request to /comments/latest, what results in a list of news-self-links, for what I would start a request only if I don't already have that news (maybe I want to check if the cached copy is still up to date).
It is also possible to trigger the request to a /news/{id} only if it gets actually displayed (scrolling, swiping).
Probably the lifespan of a news or a comment is a criterion to answer this question. Meaning the caching in the client it is not that vital to the system, in opposite of a book in an Book store app.

Is there a way to keep ajax calls from firing off seemingly sequentially in web2py?

I'm developing an SPA and find myself needing to fire off several (5-10+) ajax calls when loading some sections. With web2py, it seems that many of them are waiting until others are done or near done to get any data returned.
Here's an example of some of Chrome's timeline output
Where green signifies time spent waiting, gray signifies time stalled, transparent signifies time queued, and blue signifies actually receiving the content.
These are all requests that go through web2py controllers, and most just do a simple operation (usually a database query). Anything that accesses a static resource seems to have no trouble being processed quickly.
For the record, I'm using sessions in cookies, since I did read about how file-based sessions force web2py into similar behavior. I'm also calling session.forget() at the top of any controller that doesn't modify the session.
I know that I can and I intend to optimize this by reducing the number of ajax calls, but I find this behavior strange and undesirable regardless. Is there anything else that can be done to improve the situation?
If you are using cookie based sessions, then requests are not serialized. However, note that browsers limit the number of concurrent connections to the same host. Looking at the timeline output, it does look like groups of requests are indeed made concurrently, but Chrome will not make all 21 requests concurrently.
If you can't reduce the number of requests but must make them all concurrently, you could look into domain sharding or configuring your web server to use HTTP/2.
As an aside, in web2py, if you are using file based sessions and want to unlock the session file within a given request in order to prevent serialization of requests, you must use session.forget(response) rather than just session.forget() (the latter prevents the session from being saved even if it has been changed, but it does not immediately unlock the file). In any case, there is no session file to unlock if you are using cookie based sessions.

Should requests contain unnecessary parameters which are sent if manually browsing the application

I'm currently testing a asp.net application. I have recorded all the steps i need and i have noticed that if i remove some of the parameters that i'm sending with the request the scripts still work and the desired outcome still happens. Anyway i couldn't find difference in the response time with them or without them, and i was wondering can i remove those parameters which are not needed and is this going to impact the performance in any way? I understand that the most realistic way of executing the scripts should be to do it like a normal user does (send all which is sent with normal usage) but this would really improve the readability of my scripts, any idea?
Thank you in advance and here is a picture which shows for example some parameters which i can remove and the scripts still work this is from a document management system and i'm performing step which doesn't direct the document as the parameters say but the normal usage records those :
Although it may be something very trivial like pre-populating date and time in calendar in user's time zone I believe you shouldn't be omitting any request parameters.
I strongly believe that load testing should mimic real user as close as possible so if it is not a big deal to send these extra parameters and perform their correlation - I would leave them.
Few other tips:
Embedded Resources (scripts, styles, images). Real-browsers download these entities so
Make sure you have "Retrieve All Embedded Resources" box checked
Make sure you "Use concurrent pool" size 3-5 threads
Filter out any "external" stuff via "URLs must match" input
Well-behaved browsers download embedded resources but do it only once. On subsequent requests they're being returned from browser's cache. Add HTTP Cache Manager to your Test Plan to simulate browser cache.
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to represent browser cookies and deal with cookie-based authentication.
See How To Make JMeter Behave More Like A Real Browser article for above tips explained just in case you want to dive into details
Less data to send, faster response time (normally).
Like you said, it's more realistic to test with all data from the recorded case, but if these parameters really doesn't impact your result and measured time, you can remove them for a better readability.
Sometimes jmeter records not necessary parameters because they are only needed for brower compability.

NewRelic: Which parts of the method take the longest?

I am currently using Neo4j over the REST interface and would love to use NewRelic to analyze which calls take the longest. It can happen that within a request/response cycle (or action/view) I need to call the DB more than once.
I tried using NewRelic for the first time, but it can only show me the many HTTP calls im making and how long they take, but not which call correlates to which part of the method.
I hope I have expressed my problem somewhat clearly, I would just love to be able to figure out which calls take the longest.
You can give different names to your various HTTP calls using New Relic's custom instrumentation (see the section "Tracing Blocks of Code"). You can wrap a block of Ruby with a call to trace_execution_scoped, a method provided in the Ruby agent API.
The names you give your different calls will show up in Transaction Traces and in the breakdown of where each of your Web Transactions spends time in aggregate.
