How to add path to system PATH for MSBuild? - windows-7

Even when I try to put the path to the containing folder of MSBuild.exe e.g. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\, calling MSBuild from a command-line doesn't work.
How can I reach that?

I figure it out my mistake. It seems I have one extra space preceeding C:\ when adding to PATH; i.e. (something before); C:\my\path. It should be (something before);C:\my\path


nar-maven-plugin change output path

I am using nar-maven-plugin to build my c++ projects,everything is OK, the only problem is that the output is located at
This is a long path, I have two questions for this:
can this path be represented by one variable like ${project.xx}?
can I customize this path?

Using a passed in parameter value to set PATH variables in a batch file

Right now I have a batch file that sets the PATH variable to all of the required directories.(there is actually a bunch more required directories, i just took them out so the code snippet would not be too long)
#echo off
set PATH=D:/src/trunk/build/bin;D:/src/trunk/build/bin/CoreTools;D:/src/trunk/build/bin/Plugins/Extensions;D:/src/trunk/build/bin/Plugins/CustomUI
set DEBRIEF_INSTALL_DIR=D:/src/trunk/DebriefSuite/D3D_Installation
set READERS=D:/src/trunk/build/bin/CoreTools/Readers
set BINARY_DIR=D:/src/trunk/build
cd D:/src/trunk/build/bin
start PROGRAM.exe --ConfigFile="D:/src/trunk/DebriefSuite/Installation/config/Projects/config.xml" ^
--Mode-File="D:/src/trunk/DebriefSuite/Installation/config/Projects/Common/anotherconfig.xml" ^
cd D:/src/trunk
It works fine, but all of the directories are hard-coded. This needs to be able to work for other computers that might have their root directory in a different location. I need to be able to pass in a root directory (something like "D:\different_root_location") and substitute it in to each place in this code that currently says "D:\src\trunk". The problem is, i am not sure what the syntax would be for something like this. I am new to writing batch files. I tried doing something like
SET ROOTDIR=%1 .....
And then
set PATH=%ROOTDIR%/build/bin;%ROOTDIR%/build/bin/CoreTools;%ROOTDIR%/build/bin/Plugins/Extensions;%ROOTDIR%/build/bin/Plugins/CustomUI ..........
start PROGRAM.exe --ConfigFile="%ROOTDIR%/DebriefSuite/Installation/config/Projects/config.xml" ^
but it did not work. I'm not really sure how to make this work! Also, any links to good sources of information about writing batch files in general would be extremely helpful since i am starting out!
Change your line so it includes the original path as well.
From this:
set PATH=D:/src/trunk/build/bin...
to this: (and Windows uses \ and not / even though it works in some cases)
set PATH=%path%;D:\src\trunk\build\bin....

xcode 4.5.1. Header Search path not working, <directory/file.h> file not found

I have added a include directory in my home directory. I can run "ls -l ~/include" from the build directory.
I have added that directory in both "Header Seach Path" and in "User Header Search Path". In both places I have tried with both non-recursive and recursive.
But xcode 4.5.1 can not in any situation find the first stated header file.
It is stated in source code calls.m as:
#include <directory/file.h>
I get a "Lexical or Preprocessor issue 'directory/file.h' file not found."
But when running xcodebuild from cli it has no problems what so ever to build the source.
I have tried many of the suggestions found on internet
Putting a include in /usr/ om my drive
Adding a index to the project, adding files with no copy and no "Add to target" marked.
Restart xcode.
Specifying all specific paths.
But still no go.
What is the problem. BugĀ“s in xcode?
I just had a similar issue, and it was because there were spaces in the path which I defined for the Header Search Path. For example, I was defining the following as a search path:
which was being expanded out to the following:
/Users/skoota/Documents/Xcode Projects/My App/Frameworks/Headers
as you can see, there are spaces within the path (which are not immediately evident, as you are using the $(SRCROOT) variable) and the compiler doesn't particularly appreciate the spaces. I solved this problem by changing the search path to this:
(note the quote marks around $(SRCROOT) which escapes the spaces). This now expanded out to:
"/Users/skoota/Documents/Xcode Projects/My App"/Frameworks/Headers
which works perfectly, although looks a bit odd with the embedded " marks. This took me a while to figure out, so hopefully it helps!
This usually happens if there are spaces in your directory's path. To overcome this problem, use double quotes around the path.
Suppose you want to use your project directory, then you should use: $PROJECT_DIR. Enable recursive if you want to search within the folders as well. Alternatively, you can use $(SRCROOT)

Placing the semicolon in the Windows PATH environment variable

Where should the trailing semicolon in the Windows PATH environment variable be placed when adding a new folder?
Is it
[oldPATH];C:\My Folder
[oldPATH]C:\My Folder;
[oldPATH];C:\My Folder;
I saw different practices.
This is not really a syntax thing, actually. The correct answer here is: Place the semicolon so the result is a valid PATH.
This usually means one of the following:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Foo\Bar
set PATH=C:\Foo\Bar;%PATH%
because usually PATH doesn't end in a semicolon, so you have to add one appropriately to not mangle an existing path in it.
Just look at how PATH looks like and consider what you need to do if you add another path. This means you have to add a separator (the semicolon) and the path itself.
The first one. At least thats what Windows does on mine, so if Windows does it that way then that will probably be best :)
The first one:
[oldPATH]; C:\My Folder.
If you want to be sure, you can use the formula:
"%PATH%;C:\My Folder".
If it is only to execute something in, for example, a BAT script, use:
SET PATH "%PATH%;C:\My Folder".
(this one will be working just as a temporal variable)
To add a permanent User Enviroment Variable through command line:
SETX PATH "%PATH%;C:\My Folder".
Your oldPATH may end with semicolon, so when using fourth style [newPath];[OldPath] you don't add double semicolons.
Note that windows doesn't care whether you write commands upper- or lowercase.

TFS2010: Need the Absolute Path of the Source Directory

I am invoking VSDBCMD.EXE in my build process template, there is a custom setvar parameter that requires a reference to the current source directory, passing this path has become an unexpected challenge.
I've tried using relative paths and $(SourceDirectory) to no avail (it remains as the literal string "$(SourceDirectory)" when I see the debug output), the parameter needs an absolute path.
Is there any way to get the absolute path for the current source directory when the script runs?
In the DefaultTemplate build workflow there is a variable called SourcesDirectory that contains the absolute path.
If you pass it to an InvokeProcess you just type the variable name in the activity property, no $() around it.
It might be worth checking out this resource, where author makes use of ConvertWorkspaceItem within his build in order to pass in a string the disk location of a know target in source control
