nar-maven-plugin change output path - maven

I am using nar-maven-plugin to build my c++ projects,everything is OK, the only problem is that the output is located at
This is a long path, I have two questions for this:
can this path be represented by one variable like ${project.xx}?
can I customize this path?


Unable to load/require file from Lua running from Atom in Windows

I'm trying to use Atom to run a Lua script. However, when I try to load files via the require() command, it always says it's unable to locate them. The files are all in the same folder. For example, to load utils.lua I have tried
require 'utils'
require 'utils.lua'
require 'D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua'
require 'D:\\Users\\Mike\\Dropbox\\Lua Modeling\\utils.lua'
require 'D:/Users/Mike/Dropbox/Lua Modeling/utils.lua'
I get errors like
Lua: D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\main.lua:12: module 'D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua' not found:
no field package.preload['D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua']
no file '.\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua.lua'
no file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua.lua'
no file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua\init.lua'
no file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua.lua'
The messages says on the first line that 'D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua' was not found, even though that is the full path of the file. What am I doing wrong?
The short answer
You should be able to load utils.lua by using the following code:
And by starting your program from the directory that utils.lua is in:
cd "D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling"
lua main.lua
The long answer
To understand what is going wrong here, it is helpful to know a little bit about how require works. The first thing that require does is to search for the module in the module path. From Programming in Lua chapter 8.1:
The path used by require is a little different from typical paths. Most programs use paths as a list of directories wherein to search for a given file. However, ANSI C (the abstract platform where Lua runs) does not have the concept of directories. Therefore, the path used by require is a list of patterns, each of them specifying an alternative way to transform a virtual file name (the argument to require) into a real file name. More specifically, each component in the path is a file name containing optional interrogation marks. For each component, require replaces each ? by the virtual file name and checks whether there is a file with that name; if not, it goes to the next component. The components in a path are separated by semicolons (a character seldom used for file names in most operating systems). For instance, if the path is
then the call require"lili" will try to open the following files:
Judging from your error message, your Lua path seems to be the following:
.\?.lua;D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?.lua;D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?\init.lua;D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\?.lua
To make that easier to read, here are each the patterns separated by line breaks:
D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?.lua
D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?\init.lua
D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\?.lua
From this list you can see that when calling require
Lua fills in the .lua extension for you
Lua fills in the rest of the file path for you
In other words, you should just specify the module name, like this:
Now, Lua also needs to know where the utils.lua file is. The easiest way is to run your program from the D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling folder. This means that when you run require("utils"), Lua will expand the first pattern .\?.lua into .\utils.lua, and when it checks that path it will find the utils.lua file in the current directory.
In other words, running your program like this should work:
cd "D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling"
lua main.lua
An alternative
If you can't (or don't want to) change your working directory to run the program, you can use the LUA_PATH environment variable to add new patterns to the path that require uses to search for modules.
set LUA_PATH=D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\?.lua;%LUA_PATH%;
lua "D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\main.lua"
There is a slight trick to this. If the LUA_PATH environment variable already exists, then this will add your project's folder to the start of it. If LUA_PATH doesn't exist, this will add ;; to the end, which Lua fills in with the default path.

KDB: How to convert relative path to absolute path?

Is there a way to convert a relative path to an absolute path in KDB?
For example:
filePath: `$concat[localPath,"\\",inProcessID,"\\",filename]
Which returns:
`..\..\code\products\Q\ShortLocator2\Request Files\1\Locate_CCL_11-13-2018_074736.csv
And then now I want to convert this to absolute path.
Ultimately you should solve the problem of why your "localPath" variable is relative in the first place, but here is an ugly function to solve your problem:
q){hsym `$("\\" sv neg[c]_"\\" vs system"cd"),"\\","\\" sv (c:count where ".."~/:a)_a:"\\" vs string x}[filePath]
`:C:\Users\code\products\Q\ShortLocator2\Request Files\1\Locate_CCL_11-13-201..
It is specific to windows
Do you need the canonical path to the file? If you are on linux readlink is commonly available and may help:
system "readlink -f ", filepath
But this obviously doesn't help for Windows (which it looks like you are using?). I'm not aware of a similar tool.
You can get the current working directory by typing...
q)homepath:`$system"pwd" // for Linux
q)homepath:`$system"cd" // for Windows
To get the absolute path do...
q).Q.dd[hsym homepath; filepath]
This should return the absolute path.
Does that answer your question?

How can I resolve a relative path to absolute path in golang?

Is there a api like 'path.resolve' in node? Or something can do the same?
For Example (nodejs code):
Should got: /home/currentuser/
Resolving ~ (denoting the user home) is a different story, and usually it's the shell that resolves this. For details see Expand tilde to home directory.
If you want to do it from Go code, you may use the user.Current() function to get details about the current user, including its home folder which will be User.HomeDir. But still, you'll have to handle replacing this yourself.
Original answer follows.
You may use path.Join() or filepath.Join().
For example:
base := "/home/bob"
fmt.Println(path.Join(base, "work/go", "src/"))
You may use path.Clean() and filepath.Clean() to "remove" dots . and double dots .. from your path.
You may use filepath.Abs() to resolve relative paths and get an absolute (prepending the working directory if it's not absolute). filepath.Abs() also calls Clean() on the result.
For example:
/home/alice <nil>
Try the examples on the Go Playground.
See related question: Resolving absolute path from relative path

How to add path to system PATH for MSBuild?

Even when I try to put the path to the containing folder of MSBuild.exe e.g. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\, calling MSBuild from a command-line doesn't work.
How can I reach that?
I figure it out my mistake. It seems I have one extra space preceeding C:\ when adding to PATH; i.e. (something before); C:\my\path. It should be (something before);C:\my\path

TFS2010: Need the Absolute Path of the Source Directory

I am invoking VSDBCMD.EXE in my build process template, there is a custom setvar parameter that requires a reference to the current source directory, passing this path has become an unexpected challenge.
I've tried using relative paths and $(SourceDirectory) to no avail (it remains as the literal string "$(SourceDirectory)" when I see the debug output), the parameter needs an absolute path.
Is there any way to get the absolute path for the current source directory when the script runs?
In the DefaultTemplate build workflow there is a variable called SourcesDirectory that contains the absolute path.
If you pass it to an InvokeProcess you just type the variable name in the activity property, no $() around it.
It might be worth checking out this resource, where author makes use of ConvertWorkspaceItem within his build in order to pass in a string the disk location of a know target in source control
