adult child qty field in magento store - magento

I m building one hotel booking site and i need to create functionality that display two qty box for adult and child i have decided to create config product but it may need lengthy i just want to add two qty field dynamically and manage product i can get adult and child qty in cart as well as in full order process.I have also attached image.
So how can i achieve this.any help would be much appreciated.

Create simple product with custom options.

I use Mageworx Advanced Product Options for this.
It allows you to to specify quantity, pricing, images, and more for custom options.
Alternatively you can use Bundled products to accomplish this, by creating the simple products and linking them as a bundled option.
Bundle item = Europe Tour
Bundled with Simple Items
Simple item = Adult Ticket
Simple item = Child Ticket
This will result in a Europe Tour Product, with a choice for adult and child tickets, and different pricing. You could take this further to customize the Tour more so.


Reloading prices on product page when product option selected

On my product view page, I'm outputting the product price in a couple of places using the getPrice and getSpecialPrice methods.
Selecting a product option on a configurable product won't update these prices at the front end though, which saddens me.
Can anyone tell me how I do about making these values update when we select an option from the dropdown?
I would recommend that you do two separate methods binding them to a checklist box, one with the product price only (so that if the user selects it, it displays the face value of the product price) and the other one with example *x10% so that when the person checks it the product price will be decreased by 10% and store the temp new value so that you don't have it hard-coded.
Hope you get what I mean, my English is not so good
You should learn something about Servlets coupled with ajax.

How to setup Products in Magento CE, if owner wants to sell some gift boxes along with the products

Just stuck while doing setup for Magento products. How am I supposed to create product and associate some multiple options for Gift boxes.
So that, when a customer selects a product, a number of gift boxes will be displayed (optional for customer).
I am confused between group products and bundle products.
which one would be better to do so? Please guide me.
I think you should see about the cross-sells.This can fulfill your requirement. Have a look to the below link for general overview.
If you want to choose the product type among above two, I think you should go with Bundle product. But may not fulfill your requirement. Have better understanding about these product types and choose the best according to your requirement.

Creating configurable products with recurring options

I need to sell configurable product (allowing to choose size and color) with recurring delivery that happens few time per year.
So first I have created One configurable product with recurring option ON and few simple products under it.
But when I\’m trying to add it to the cart it says “Nominal item can be purchased standalone only. To proceed please remove other items from the quote. “. I\’m only adding one configurable product that has recurring profile to the empty shopping cart.
Okay, I\’m trying another way - turning off recurring option for Configurable product and enabling it for simple products.
Now it adds to card and I can complete checkout process, but in admin it show up as regular order without recurring profile.
Tried turning on recurring option for both: configurable and Simple product - the same error “Nominal item can be purchased standalone only. “
Are there any other options? What can you suggest?
Many thanks in advance!
I have accomplished something similar to this.
Please not this isnt exactly an answer to your problem, but I see you dont have much help here, so Hopefully, if anything, this will get you another way of thinking about it.
You may be able to do this with Bundled products.
Lets say you are selling Tshirts.
Simple item Shirt
Simple item Color
Simple item Embroidery
Bundle item = Custom Tshirt
This will show the Custom Tshirt as a bundled item, and the user will select from the bundle options. For example, sometimes black tshirts are more expensive. So you could set up pricing for those options
Simple Item shirt = $20
Simple Item Color -
Black = $5
White = $0
Simple Item Embroidery = $20
This will allow the customer to create a customized order with specified options.
I apologize if this doesnt help at all, but perhaps it will give you an idea!

Update magento price using custom attributes

I am a newbie to Magento Framework.
Can any one tell me how to add custom pricing to products based on custom attributes.
For example: I would not enter price or I will enter a dummy number for price in admin panel and other attributes like weight and type of item and category.
Based on the category, weight and type of item I want to calculate the actual price something
like price=weight*category+typeOfItem And also if there is any special price to the product it should also apply along with tier prices
I have created a custom module using Alan Storm's Blog but I am unable to override the pricing. Sometimes it works in the product listing page but never works with 'tier' price.
You might find it easier to use a configurable product for this, assuming you don't have a huge range of weights and products
Otherwise maybe look at overwriting the
getFinalPrice() method in the Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Price model.

Proper solution to handle genders

i'm creating a big online clothing shop using magento and i was wondering - is there any good solution to handle genders in magento? I need to be able to add products to Male or Female gender but also to some categories like pants, hats or jackets. Categories are the same for both genders so using Gender as top-level category and clothing-categories as gender sub-categories would be a bit redundant i think.
Any ideas or tips would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
I've seen Magento stores where Male/Female are the top level categories, and it works well because generally the first thing customers would like to do is see only Male/Female items.
Another alternative is to create a new "Select" attribute for gender (Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes) and set a gender for all products. Then you could set up top level categories for Jackets, etc and allow customers to filter by gender using the layered navigation.
Given your category tree is the same, and gender is equally appropriate as an attribute of a product as it is a category - it would make sense simply to use attributes to facilitate it. Otherwise you will have a needless duplication of category tree.
Using a multiple select attribute for "gender" with two options "Male/Female" - you would be able to have the 1 to many, 1 to 1 relationship that you need for the products.
Then it is just a case of adapting your menu to suit. You could easily just append
to your menu URL and it would pre-select the appropriate filter from the layered navigation.
The better way
Would be to add a custom extension to "shop by X", gender in your case - then customise your top nav to reflect the shop by Male/Female options. Then you would have cleaner SEO urls to capture keyword phrases for "Mens suit jackets" by having a landing page for such.
Planning this element of your store is critical and the implementation even more so, to make it both scalable and a positive shopping experience for your customer.
