Include all files from a folder in MSI - visual-studio

How can I to include all files from source folder and deploy them into a target folder during installation. I have multiple images in a folder and i want all of them to be included in msi automatically rather than including all of them separately using <File> element.

You need to Read about HEAT in the wix installer tutorial,
"%WIX%\bin\heat.exe" dir "$(SolutionDir)bin\Release -out Release.wxs"
this is the type of pre-build event you will need to define in order to harvest a directory.


Copy app.publish folder in VSTS Build/Release

Similar to the question here: Copy one file in target directory on deploy from visual studio team services, I am trying to copy the contents of the app.publish directory of a ClickOnce application via VSTS build/release.
This is the Copy Publish Artifact step of the Build
This obviously outputs everything in the bin folder to the drop folder on the server share.
This is the Copy Files step of the Release
This copies only the files in the app.publish folder but it builds out the entire hierarchy to the folder app.publish folder; however, it builds out the full folder structure. i.e. bin\Release\app.publish or bin\Debug\app.publish.
I like the idea of being able to publish and store different configurations (debug/release) but I don't like that I'm having to specify the InstallUrl in the msbuild arguments in order to pick up debug/release in the folder path. Even if I didn't try to maintain multiple configurations, the configuration would still be in the path.
So my question is: Is there a way to use the copy files task to just copy the app.publish folder and/or the contents to another location, without it creating the full hierarchy?
You need to specify the copy root in Source Folder of Copy Files, in your example, the copy root should be like:
Source Folder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\$(Build.DefinitionName)\bin\$(BuildConfiguration)\
Contents: **\app.publish\**
In this way, you should only have app.publish in your Target Folder.
Configure the "Copy Root" of "Copy Publish Artifacts" step in your build definition to the path of build configuration folder and "Content" to "**".
For example, if the path of your build output is:
You can set the Copy Root to:
And Content set to:

Build from a Solution folder into a specific subfolder of the output folder

I know how to move built .dlls to a folder using post-build events to copy the files, or using the output path setting.
Can I do something like that for all projects in a solution folder, where I wouldn't need to set up build events. I want all projects in a solution folder "SomeDir" to be moved to a "SomeDir" folder when built.
"SomeDir" would be the subfolder of the main output folder

How to automatically copy files in building project with Visual Studio

I have some custom made XML files and a read me file that I've included in my project.
How do I make it so that these files are copied to my debug/release folders automatically when I build my project? I've tried setting the Copy to Output Directory property to "Copy Always" but this doesn't seem to do the trick.
I'm using VS2010
I've found the answer. The build action needs to be set to Content if you want to just directly copy the file to the output folder.

NSIS - How to include all folders from source to Installer

I have an application which consists one .exe, many .dlls and a few folders.
I use NSIS to create an installer. It works but when I install the software, I don't see all the folders inside my application.
What do I have to do to bundle all the folders within my application into the installer?
This is the code I set the data source at this time:
File "c:\MyProject\MyApp\*"
The documentation tells us that the /r argument of the File command includes all sub folders and files. So you would use something like this:
File /r "c:\MyProject\MyApp\*"
The relevant section of the documentation can be found here:

What's the easiest way to install 100s of files in a Visual Studio setup project

I have a standard c# application that acts as a GUI front end for a an "R" statistics engine. "R" consists of approx 600 files in approx 50 different folders and can be "installed" on a machine through xcopy deployment.
I would like to package up both the R engine and my c# gui into one setup.exe so that the user doesn't need to go and install R first and then my c# application seperately.
I know that I can produce a setup project and then add in the R files one by one but adding all 600 files will be very tedious!
Is there an easier way of doing what I want? Can I add the single R folder and automatically add the subfolders and files to save me adding them in one by one? Or maybe do an unzip procedure in my setup project which will unzip the R engine in one go?
You can simply drag/drop the folder in Windows Explorer into the File System view of your Installer vdproj. All the files and folders in the hierarchy will be added to your setup project.
Tip: If the folders are in SVN or similar source control, delete all the hidden folders before you do this! If you have PowerShell, check out
get-childitem . -include _svn -force -recurse | foreach ($_) {remove-item -recurse -force $_.fullname}
Or you can always use Windows Search to find all hidden directories in the hierarchy and delete them from the Results Window.
I couldn't work out the project file so what I did in the end was to zip up all the files I wanted to deploy, add the zip file to the application and create a custom Installer class to unzip them (using CSharp ziplib)
I think Badjer is most of the way there.
If your 600 files are part of a project and the "Build action" for each of these is set as content you can add all of these by simply:
Going to the setup project
Selecting Add > Project Output
Selecting the project the files belong to from the drop down
Selecting the "Content Files" option from the list below
Clicking OK.
You can check the files will be added to the appropriate place by going to View > File System on the setup project and checking that the content files output is being added to the correct folder.
The files will be added to the install directory in the same hierarchy as they are specified in the project they belong to.
Have a look at the project file. I believe is text based. You might be able to insert the file paths directly there with some copy-paste-replace.
One thing you could try is adding the R files as content in the C# project - then the setup project can just copy them over for you (make sure you configure the setup file to copy content files from your project, not just the primary output).
You can either add the R folders into the project manually, or set up a script to modify the .csproj file (it's just an XML file) - content items are represented by these nodes:
<Content Include="myfile" />
