How to automatically copy files in building project with Visual Studio - visual-studio-2010

I have some custom made XML files and a read me file that I've included in my project.
How do I make it so that these files are copied to my debug/release folders automatically when I build my project? I've tried setting the Copy to Output Directory property to "Copy Always" but this doesn't seem to do the trick.
I'm using VS2010

I've found the answer. The build action needs to be set to Content if you want to just directly copy the file to the output folder.


Missing "Copy to Output Direcotry" option for files in "Solution Items" folder

I'm using Visual Studio 2022.
There is no Copy to Output Direcotry for files in Solution Items folder. But, this option does exist for files within a project.
Is there a way to make this happen instead of adding those files to a project or adding "xcopy..." to "Post-build event" for each project's page property?

Install not adding all Content files

I have some xml files I want to distribute with the project. The Build Action is set to Content and the Copy to Output Directory is set to Copy always. When I publish, I see all the xml files in my content folder; however, when I install using ClickOnce, these files are missing. What am I missing?
The problem was in the project settings->Publish->Application Files... the xml files under Publish Status must be changed from Data File(Auto) to Include.

Setting "working directory" in visual studio property sheet, $(ProjectDir) or $(TargetDir), which is better?

The default value of working directory in visual studio property sheet is $(ProjectDir). If we have some dependencies (e.g., config files or libs & dlls), we have to put them in the working directory.
Since the default $(ProjectDir) is different from the output directory (namely $(TargetDir), folder where the EXE file resides), we have to copy the dependencies to the output directory if we run the EXE file by double clicking it.
So I'd like to change my working directory to $(TargetDir), in case I have to copy my dependencies twice. The question is: Why is the default working directory set to $(ProjectDir) but not $(TargetDir)? Is there any good reason for visual studio to do so?

Post build event to include a file to the project

I'd like to copy a file and include the file in the web project and would like to do this as a part of the Pre/Post build events.
My understanding is that these events support DOS commands and I can use xcopy for copying a file, but I am not sure how I would update the csproj file to include the file in the project.
Do you need the file to be in the output directory or actually be part of the .csproj file ?
If you really want to update the csproj file then try customising the AfterBuild target in the csproj file of the startup project in your solution. All csproj files are msbuild files and you can use the full power or msbuild including callling any task. Right click on the project in the solution explorer, select unload project and then edit project. Then customise the AfterBuild target to change the particular csproj file you want. Use built in tasks or the excellent extension pack for changing the file. Finally reload the project.

VS2010 "Copy to output directory" not working?

I'm trying to publish my web solution to the file system, using the "Only files needed to run this appllication" option.
I have the following problems:
a) I have a connectionStrings.config file that should be included; I've marked this file as Content and Copy Always.
b) For testing purposes, I've added a textfile.txt that should not be included; I've marked this as Content and Do Not Copy.
Both of these settings fail...
It seems that the setting "Copy to output directory" is simply disregarded.
Any ideas why this happens, and what to do about it?
The "Copy to output directory" is for when you are building your application, not publishing it.
This property specifies the conditions under which the selected source file will be copied to the output directory. Select Do not copy if the file is never to be copied to the output directory. Select Copy always if the file is always to be copied to the output directory. Select Copy if newer if the file is to be copied only when it is newer than an existing file of the same name in the output directory.
There's more information on publishing web sites and applications here
I had the same problem, that files marked as content, with "copy always" set, were not appearing in the output dir.
At the time i noticed this, i was tracking down why certain of my dlls were not getting deployed.
Sorting my project dependencies fixed both issues.
I just had this problem and for some reason choosing "Create application without a manifest" under the project's properties finally copied the linked content file to the build directory.
I re-started my visual studio and select the "copy always" option again. Rebuild and worked.
Good Luck.
