Xpath of a text containing Bold text - xpath

I am trying to click on the link whose site is www.qualtrapharma.com‎ by searching in google
"qualtra" but there is problem in writing xpath as <cite> tag contains <B> tag inside it. How to do any any one suggest?
<div class="f kv" style="white-space:nowrap">
<cite class="vurls">

You may overcome this by using the '.' in the XPath, which stands for the 'text in the current node'.
The XPath would look like the following:


Extracting links (get href values) with certain text with Xpath under a div tag with certain class

SO contributors. I am fully aware of the following question How to obtain href values from a div using xpath?, which basically deals with one part of my problem yet for some reason the solution posted there does not work in my case, so I would kindly ask for help in resolving two related issues. In the example below, I would like to get the href value of the "more" hyperlink (http://www.thestraddler.com/201715/piece2.php), which is under the div tag with content class.
<div class="content">
<h3>Against the Renting of Persons: A conversation with David Ellerman</h3>
<p>More here.</p>
In theory I should be able to extract the links under a div tag with
xidel website -e //div[#class="content"]//a/#href
but for some reason it does not work. How can I resolve this and (2nd part) how can I extract the href value of only the "here" hyperlink?

Trouble accessing a text with XPath query

I have this html snippet
<div id="overview">
<strong>some text</strong>
some other text
<strong>more text</strong>
<div id="sub">...</div>
How can I get the text I am looking for (shown in caps)?
I tried this, I get an error message saying not able to locate the element.
I tried this, I get the div with id=sub, but not the text (correctly so)
Is there anyway to get the text, other than doing some string matching or regex with contents of overview div?
following-sibling is the axis, you still need to specify the actual node (in your example the XPath processor is searching for an element named following-sibling). You separate the axis from the node with ::.
Try this:
This specifies the first text node after the second strong in the div.
If you always want the text immediately preceding the <div id="sub"> then you could try
That would give you everything between the </strong> and the opening <div ..., i.e. the upper case text plus its leading and trailing new lines and whitespace.

How to find xpath expression to select this text

I have this html code , trying many times to get the pure xpath for text "sample text" then "author" text in separate xpath and i don't find any criteria for that!!!
<div class="Text">
“sample article here with quotation marks .”
so please help , it make me mad!!
The first part you can get by getting the div by class, get br inside and retrieve the preceding-sibling's text:
The second part is easier, just get the text of a tag inside the div:

How do HtmlAgilityPack extract text from html node whose class attribute appended dynamically

Dear friends,I want to extract text 平均3.6 星 from this code segment excerpted from amazon.cn.
<div class="content"><ul>
<span class="crAvgStars" style="white-space:no-wrap;">
<span class="asinReviewsSummary" ref="dp_db_cm_cr_acr_pop_" name="B004GUSIKO">
<span class="swSprite s_star_3_5 " title="平均3.6 星">
<span>平均3.6 星</span>
My question is span class tag value "s_star_3_5 " vary from different customer's rating level and appended dynamically. So I attempt to use doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(" //span[#class='swSprite']").InnerText or //span[#class='swSprite s_star_3_5 '], but the result is an error or not what my want !
Any suggestions?
First of all, I suggest you saving the value of doc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml to a local .html file and see if the code you're obtaining is that code. The thing is that sometimes you start parsing a website using HtmlAgilityPack, but the very first problem is that you're not getting the valid HTML correctly. Maybe you're getting a 404 error, or a redirection, etc.
I'm suggesting this because I tested //span[#class='swSprite s_star_3_5 '] and worked correctly.
That was the issue in the following questions:
Selecting nodes that have an attribute with spaces using HTMLAgilityPack
XPath Query Problem using HTML Agility Pack
If that doesn't help, post the HTML code and I'll help you ;)
This works for me:
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
HtmlNode node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[starts-with(#class, 'swSprite')]");
Console.WriteLine("Text=" + node.InnerText.Trim());
and outputs
平均3.6 星
Note I use the XPATH starts-with function.

Selecting specific using x-path while disregarding certain nodes

I have some html that looks pretty much like this.
<a img src="img src">
This is the text I want to select using xpath.
How can I select only this particular text node as indicated above using xpath?
How do I get at only this particular
text element in question using xpath?
"/p/text()" xpath expression will select the text from "p" node in above XML (Posted in question).
this will remove trailing spaces from string. This xpath produces exactly what you want.
There is very good tutorial at http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/
