sed command in to use sed to replace only first n ocuurences - bash

I want to replace only first four occurences of can i do that.
sed -i "s/LC-COUNT=1/LC-COUNT=$LC_COUNT/1,4" file.txt

Try this -
sed -e '0,/LC-COUNT=1/s//LC-COUNT=\$LC_COUNT/' file.txt > output.txt
Running it only once will replace first occurrences of LC-COUNT=1 by LC-COUNT=$LC_COUNT and will put the output output.txt file. Note : You will have to escape $ char first.
You are going to have to run it four times. But next time, consider output.txt as the original file, I mean do the replace in output.txt.
I think finding and replacing first N occurrences is not possible with sed.
In vim you do the similar kind of thing like -
There gc option will ask you for confirmation on each find-replace. You can

This is better suited for awk.
Consider this awk command:
awk -F= '$1=="LC-COUNT" && c<=4 {$2="=$LC_COUNT";c++}1' OFS= file


Bash script delete a line in the file

I have a file, which has multiple lines.
For example:
I want to use sed or awk delete the line, if the line include symbols or numbers. (For example, I want to delete: ab#, ad., a12fs.... lines)
or in another words, I just want to keep the line which include [a-z][A-Z] .
I know how to delete number line,
sed '/[0-9]/d' file.txt
but I do not know how to delete symbols lines.
Or there has any easy way to do that?
To keep blank lines:
grep '^[[:alpha:]]*$' file
sed '/[^[:alpha:]]/d' file
awk '/^[[:alpha:]]*$/' file
To remove blank lines:
grep '^[[:alpha:]]+$' file
sed -E -n '/^[[:alpha:]]+$/p' file
awk '/^[[:alpha:]]+$/' file
grep works well too and is even simpler: just do the reverse: keep the lines that interest you, which are way easier to define
grep -i '^[a-z]*$' file.txt
(match lines containing only letters and empty lines, and -i option makes grep case-insensitive)
to remove empty lines as well:
grep -i '^[a-z]+$' file.txt
caution when using Windows text files, as there's a carriage return at the end of the line, so nothing would match depending on grep versions (tested on windows here and it works)
but just in case:
grep -iP '^[a-z]*\r?$'
(note the P option to enable perl expressions or \r is not recognized)
You can use this sed:
sed '/^[A-Za-z0-9]\+$/!d' file
sed '/[^A-Za-z0-9]/d' file
$ awk '!/[^[:alpha:]]/' file.txt

How to combine multiple sed and awk commands?

I have a folder with about 2 million files in it. I need to run the following commands:
sed -i 's/<title>/<item><title>/g;s/rel="nofollow"//g;s/<\/a> •/]]><\/wp:meta_value><\/wp:postmeta><content:encoded><![CDATA[/g;s/By <a href="http:\/\/\/authors.*itemprop="author">/<wp:postmeta><wp:meta_key><![CDATA[custom_author]]><\/wp:meta_key><wp:meta_value><![CDATA[/g' /home/testing/*
sed -i '$a]]></content:encoded><wp:status><![CDATA[draft]]></wp:status><wp:post_type><![CDATA[post]]></wp:post_type><dc:creator><![CDATA[Database]]></dc:creator></item>\' /home/testing/*
awk -i inplace 1 ORS=' ' /home/testing/*
The problem I'm having is that when I run the first command, it cycles through all 2 million files, then I move on to the second command and so on. The problem is that I'm basically having to open files 6 million times in total.
I'd prefer that when each file is opened, all 3 commands are run on it and then it moves on to the next. Hopefully that makes sense.
You can do everything in one awk command as something like:
awk -i inplace -v ORS=' ' '{
gsub(/<\/a> •/,"]]><\/wp:meta_value><\/wp:postmeta><content:encoded><![CDATA[")
gsub(/By <a href="http:\/\/\/authors.*itemprop="author">/,"<wp:postmeta><wp:meta_key><![CDATA[custom_author]]><\/wp:meta_key><wp:meta_value><![CDATA[")
print $0 "]]></content:encoded><wp:status><![CDATA[draft]]></wp:status><wp:post_type><![CDATA[post]]></wp:post_type><dc:creator><![CDATA[Database]]></dc:creator></item>"
}' /home/testing/*
but that doesn't mean it's necessarily the best way to do what you want.
The above relies on my correctly interpreting what your commands are doing and is obviously untested since you didn't provide any sample input and expected output. It also still relies on GNU awk for -i inplace like your original script did.
Assuming that your files are small enough for a single file to fit into memory as a whole (and assuming GNU sed, which your use of -i without an option-argument implies):
sed -i -e ':a;$!{N;ba}; s/.../.../g; ...; $a...' -e 's/\n/ /g' /home/testing/*
s/.../.../g; ...; and $a... in the command above represent your actual substitution and append commands.
:a;$!{N;ba}; reads each input file as a whole, and then performs the desired substitutions, appending, and replacement of all newlines with a single space each.[1]
This allows you to make do with a single sed command per input file.
[1] Your awk 1 ORS=' ' command actually creates output with a trailing space instead of a newline. By contrast, 's/\n/ /g' applied to the whole input file will only place a space between lines, and terminate the overall file with a newline (assuming the input file ended in one).

Delete every other row in CSV file using AWK or grep

I have a file like this:
How can I make it like this using a simple Bash command? :
Im other words, I need to delete every other row, starting with the second.
hek2mgl's (deleted) answer was on the right track, given the output you actually desire.
awk -F, '$2'
This says, print every row where the second field has a value.
If the second field has a value, but is nothing but whitespace you want to exclude, try this:
awk -F, '$2~/.*[^[:space:]].*/'`
You could also do this with sed:
sed '/,$/d'
Which says, delete every line that ends with a comma. I'm sure there's a better way, I avoid sed.
If you really want to explicitly delete every other row:
awk 'NR%2'
This says, print every row where the row number modulo 2 is not zero. If you really want to delete every even row it doesn't actually matter that it's a comma-delimited file.
awk provides a simple way
awk 'NR % 2' file.txt
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '2~2d' file
sed 'n;d' file
Here's the gnu sed equivalent of the awk answers provided. Now you can safely use sed's -i flag, by specifying a backup extension:
sed -n -i.bak 'N;P' file.txt
Note that gawk4 can do this too:
gawk -i inplace -v INPLACE_SUFFIX=".bak" 'NR%2==1' file.txt
If OPs input does not contain space after last number or , this awk can be used.
awk '!/,$/'
But its not robust at all, any space after , brakes it.
This should fix the last space:
awk '!/,[ ]*$/'
Thank for your help guys, but I also had to make a workaround:
Read it into R and then wrote it out again. Then I installed GNU versions of awk and used gawk '{if ((FNR % 2) != 0) {print $0}}'. So if anyone else have the same problem, try it!

Bash - remove all lines beginning with 'P'

I have a text file that's about 300KB in size. I want to remove all lines from this file that begin with the letter "P". This is what I've been using:
> cat file.txt | egrep -v P*
That isn't outputting to console. I can use cat on the file without another other commands and it prints out fine. My final intention being to:
> cat file.txt | egrep -v P* > new.txt
No error appears, it just doesn't print anything out and if I run the 2nd command, new.txt is empty.
I should say I'm running Windows 7 with Cygwin installed.
use ^ to anchor your pattern to the beginning of the line ;
delete lines matching the pattern using sed and the d flag.
Solution #1
cat file.txt | sed '/^P/d'
Better solution
Use sed-only:
sed '/^P/d' file.txt > new.txt
With awk:
awk '!/^P/' file.txt
The condition starts with an ! (negation), that negates the following pattern ;
/^P/ means "match all lines starting with a capital P",
So, the pattern is negated to "ignore lines starting with a capital P".
Finally, it leverage awk's behavior when { … } (action block) is missing, that is to print the record validating the condition.
So, to rephrase, it ignores lines starting with a capital P and print everything else.
sed is line oriented and awk column oriented. For your case you should use the first one, see Edouard Lopez's reponse.
Use sed with inplace substitution (for GNU sed, will also for your cygwin)
sed -i '/^P/d' file.txt
BSD (Mac) sed
sed -i '' '/^P/d' file.txt
Use start of line mark and quotes:
cat file.txt | egrep -v '^P.*'
P* means P zero or more times so together with -v gives you no lines
^P.* means start of line, then P, and any char zero or more times
Quoting is needed to prevent shell expansion.
This can be shortened to
egrep -v ^P file.txt
because .* is not needed, therefore quoting is not needed and egrep can read data from file.
As we don't use extended regular expressions grep will also work fine
grep -v ^P file.txt
grep -v ^P file.txt > new.txt
This works:
cat file.txt | egrep -v -e '^P'
-e indicates expression.

Appending to line with sed, adding separator if necessary

I have a properties file, which, when unmodified has the following line:
I would like to use sed to append to that line a value so that after sed has run, the line in the file reads:
But, when I run the script a second time, I want sed to pick up that a value has already been added, and thus adds a separator:
That's the bit that stumps me (frankly sed scares me with its power, but that's my problem!)
Thats easy! If you're running GNU sed, you can write it rather short
sed -e '/worker.list=/{s/$/,myValue/;s/=,/=/}'
That'll add ',myValue' to the line, and then remove the comma (if any) after the equal sign.
If you're stuck on some other platform you need to break it apart like so
sed -e '/worker.list=/{' -e 's/$/,myValue/' -e 's/=,/=/' -e '}'
It's a pretty stupid script in that it doesn't know about existance of values etc (I suppose you CAN do a more elaborate parsing, but why should you?), but I guess that's the beauty of it. Oh and it'll destroy a line like this
which will turn into
If that's a problem let me know, and I'll fix that for you.
you can also use awk. Set field delimiter to "=". then what you want to append is always field number 2. example
$ more file
$ awk -F"=" '/worker\.list/{$2=($2=="")? $2="test" : $2",test"}1' OFS="=" file
$ awk -F"=" '/worker\.list/{$2=($2=="")? $2="test" : $2",test"}1' OFS="=" file >temp
$ mv temp file
$ awk -F"=" '/worker\.list/{$2=($2=="")? $2="test1" : $2",test1"}1' OFS="=" file
or the equivalent of the sed answer
$ awk -F"=" '/worker\.list/{$2=",test1";sub("=,","=")}1' OFS="=" file
