Performance of RTree vs kd-trees - algorithm

I have around 10 K points in 5 dimensional space. We can assume that the points are randomly distributed in space (0,0,0,0,0) and (100,100,100,100,100). Clearly, the whole data set can easily reside in memory.
I would like to know which algorithm for k nearest neighbour would run faster, kd-tree or RTree.
Although I have some very high level idea of these two algorithms, I am not sure which will run faster, and why. I am open to exploring other algorithms if any, which could run fast. Please, if possible, specify why an algorithm may run faster.

This depends on various parameters. Most importantly on your capability to implement these algorithms.
I've personally found bulk-loaded R*-trees to be faster for large data, probably because they have a better fan-out. Bulk-loaded R-trees is a more fair comparison, as kd-trees are commonly bulk-loaded (in fact, they don't support incremental operation very well at all).
For tiny data, kd-trees will likely be faster, plus they are much simpler to implement.
For other things, please refer to this earlier question / answer:


best algorithm for spacial partitioning/collision detection on objects from tiny to massive size?

I've looked around and found a billion questions, articles, studies, theses, etc, but I haven't been able to really figure out or find an answer to this question.
Basically, I'm just wondering what the best algorithm(s) for spacial partitioning/collision detection between objects from 1 pixel to the size of the screen itself is. Currently, i'm leaning towards the the loose quadtree.
First, have a look here.
It depends on your requirements. Quadtrees are perfect for small to medium sized datasets up to 100K entries or so. If that fits your requirements, there is no need to read further.
However, normal quadtrees tend to have difficulties with very large or strongly clustered (high point density in some areas) datasets. They are also not that straight forward to implement because with larger tree you may run into precision problems (divide a number by 2 30 times if you go deep in a tree and your quadrants start overlapping or have gaps between them). Otherwise they are relatively easy to implement.
I found my PH-Tree quite useful, it is somewhat similar to a quadtree, but as no precision problems and inherently limited depth. In my experience it's quite fast, especially if you do window queries with a small result set (that's basically what you do in collision detection). Unfortunately it's not that easy to implement. The link above references my own Java implementation, but the doc also contains a link to a C++ version.
You can also try the 'qthypercube2' here, it's a quadtree with some of the PH-Tree's navigation techniques. The current 1.6 version has some precision problems for extreme datasets, but you will find it to be very fast, and a solution to the precision problem is already in the pipeline.

Algorithm for 2D nearest-neighbour queries with dynamic points

I am trying to find a fast algorithm for finding the (approximate, if need be) nearest neighbours of a given point in a two-dimensional space where points are frequently removed from the dataset and new points are added.
(Relatedly, there are two variants of this problem that interest me: one in which points can be thought of as being added and removed randomly and another in which all the points are in constant motion.)
Some thoughts:
kd-trees offer good performance, but are only suitable for static point sets
R*-trees seem to offer good performance for a variety of dimensions, but the generality of their design (arbitrary dimensions, general content geometries) suggests the possibility that a more specific algorithm might offer performance advantages
Algorithms with existing implementations are preferable (though this is not necessary)
What's a good choice here?
I agree with (almost) everything that #gsamaras said, just to add a few things:
In my experience (using large dataset with >= 500,000 points), kNN-performance of KD-Trees is worse than pretty much any other spatial index by a factor of 10 to 100. I tested them (2 KD-trees and various other indexes) on a large OpenStreetMap dataset. In the following diagram, the KD-Trees are called KDL and KDS, the 2D dataset is called OSM-P (left diagram): The diagram is taken from this document, see bullet points below for more information.
This research describes an indexing method for moving objects, in case you keep (re-)inserting the same points in slightly different positions.
Quadtrees are not too bad either, they can be very fast in 2D, with excellent kNN performance for datasets < 1,000,000 entries.
If you are looking for Java implementations, have a look at my index library. In has implementations of quadtrees, R-star-tree, ph-tree, and others, all with a common API that also supports kNN. The library was written for the TinSpin, which is a framework for testing multidimensional indexes. Some results can be found enter link description here (it doesn't really describe the test data, but 'OSM-P' results are based on OpenStreetMap data with up to 50,000,000 2D points.
Depending on your scenario, you may also want to consider PH-Trees. They appear to be slower for kNN-queries than R-Trees in low dimensionality (though still faster than KD-Trees), but they are faster for removal and updates than RTrees. If you have a lot of removal/insertion, this may be a better choice (see the TinSpin results, Figures 2 and 46). C++ versions are available here and here.
Check the Bkd-Tree, which is:
an I/O-efficient dynamic data structure based on the kd-tree. [..] the Bkd-tree maintains its high space utilization and excellent
query and update performance regardless of the number of updates performed on it.
However this data structure is multi dimensional, and not specialized to lower dimensions (like the kd-tree).
Play with it in bkdtree.
Dynamic Quadtrees can also be a candidate, with O(logn) query time and O(Q(n)) insertion/deletion time, where Q(n) is the time
to perform a query in the data structure used. Note that this data structure is specialized for 2D. For 3D however, we have octrees, and in a similar way the structure can be generalized for higher dimensions.
An implentation is QuadTree.
R*-tree is another choice, but I agree with you on the generality. A r-star-tree implementations exists too.
A Cover tree could be considered as well, but I am not sure if it fits your description. Read more here,and check the implementation on CoverTree.
Kd-tree should still be considered, since it's performance is remarkable on 2 dimensions, and its insertion complexity is logarithic in size.
nanoflann and CGAL are jsut two implementations of it, where the first requires no install and the second does, but may be more performant.
In any case, I would try more than one approach and benchmark (since all of them have implementations and these data structures are usually affected by the nature of your data).

Quadtree performance issue

The problem I have is that a game I work on uses a quadtree for fast proximity detection, used for range checks when weapons are firing. I'm using the classic "4 wide" quadtree, meaning that I subdivide when I attempt to add a 5th child node to an already full parent node.
Initially the set of available targets was fairly evenly spread out, so the quadtree worked very well. Due to design changes, we now get clusters of large numbers of enemies in a relatively small space, leading to performance problems because the quadtree becomes significantly unbalanced.
There are two possible solutions that occur to me, either modify the quadtree to handle this, or switch to an alternative representation.
The only other representation I'm familiar with is a spatial hash, and not very familiar at that. From what I understand, this risks suffering the same problem since the cluster would wind up in a relatively small number of hash buckets. From what I know of it, a BSP is a possible solution that will deal with the uneven distribution better than a quadtree or spatial hash.
No fair, I know, there are actually three questions now.
Are there any modifications I can make to the quadtree, e.g. increasing the "width" of nodes that would help deal with this?
Is it even worth my time to consider a spatial hash?
Is a BSP, or some other data structure a better bet to deal with the uneven distribution?
I usually use quadtree with at least 10 entries per node, but you'll have to try it out.
I have no experience with spatial hashing.
Other structures you could look into are:
KD-Trees: They are quite simple to implement and are also good for neighbour search, but get slower with string clustering. They are a bit slow to update and may get imbalanced.
R*Tree: More complex, very good with neighbour search, but even slower to update than KD-Trees. They won't get imbalanced because of automatic rebalancing. Rebalancing is mostly fast, but in extreme cases it can occasionally slow thing down further.
PH-Tree: Quite complex to implement. Good neighbour search. Has very good update speed (like quadtree), maximum depth is limited by the bit width of your coordinates (usually 32 or 64bit), so they can't really get imbalanced. Scales very well with large datasets (1 million and more), I have little experience with small datasets.
If you are using Java, I have Apache licensed versions available here (R*Tree) and here (PH-Tree).

Efficient data structure for quality threshold clustering algorithm

I'm trying to implement the quality threshold clustering algorithm. The outline of it (taken from here) is listed below:
Initialize the threshold distance allowed for clusters and the minimum cluster size
Build a candidate cluster for each data point by including the closest point, the next closest, and so on, until the distance of the cluster surpasses the threshold
Save the candidate cluster with the most points as the first true cluster, and remove all points in the cluster from further consideration
Repeat with the reduced set of points until no more cluster can be formed having the minimum cluster size
I've been reading up on some nearest neighbor search algorithms and space partitioning data structures, as they seem to be the kind of thing I need, but I cannot determine which one to use or if I'm supposed to be looking at something else.
I want to implement the data structure myself for educational purposes, and I need one that can successively return the nearest points for some point. However, since I don't know the number of times I need to query (i.e. until the threshold is exceeded), I can't use k-nearest neighbor algorithms. I've been looking mostly at quadtrees and k-d trees.
Additionally, since the algorithm constantly builds new candidate clusters, it would be interesting to use a modified data structure that uses cached information to speed up subsequent queries (but also taking point removal into account).
This algorithm sounds like a predecessor of DBSCAN (Wikipedia), which is known to work very well with R*-Tree indexes (Wikipedia). But of course, kd-trees are also an option. The main difference between these two is that R*-trees are meant for database use - they support online insertions and deletions very well, and are block oriented - while kd-trees are more of an in-memory data structure based on binary splits. R*-trees perform rebalancing, while kd-trees will slowly become unbalanced and will need to be rebuilt.
I find nearest neighbor search in R*-trees much more understandable than in k-d-trees, because you have the bounding rectangles are very intuitive.
DBSCAN also "removes" points from further consideration, but simply by marking them as already assigned. That way you don't need to update the index; and it's sufficient to bulk-load it once in the beginning. You should be able to do this for QT, too. So unless I'm mistaken, you can get the QT clustering efficiently by running DBSCAN with epsilon set to the QT clustering and minPts=2 (although one would prefer higher values in proper DBSCAN).
There are a number of DBSCAN implementations around. The one in Weka is exceptionally crappy, so stay away from it. The fpc implementation in R is okay, but could still be a lot faster. ELKI seems to be the only one with full index support, and the speed difference is massive. Their Benchmark shows a 12x speed gain by using an index on this data set, allowing them to cluster in 50 seconds instead of 603 (without index). Weka took incredible 37917 seconds, R fpc 4339 there. That aligns with my experiences, Weka has the reputation of being quite slow, and R only kicks ass at vectorized operations, once the R interpreter has to work, it is significantly slower than anything native. But it is a good example about how different the same algorithm can perform when it is implemented by different people. I would have expected this to be 2x-5x, but apparently the differences can easily be 50x from one programmer implementing the same algorithm to another.

What can be parameters other than time and space while analyzing certain algorithms?

I was interested to know about parameters other than space and time during analysing the effectiveness of an algorithms. For example, we can focus on the effective trap function while developing encryption algorithms. What other things can you think of ?
First and foremost there's correctness. Make sure your algorithm always works, no matter what the input. Even for input that the algorithm is not designed to handle, you should print an error mesage, not crash the entire application. If you use greedy algorithms, make sure they truly work in every case, not just a few cases you tried by hand.
Then there's practical efficiency. An O(N2) algorithm can be a lot faster than an O(N) algorithm in practice. Do actual tests and don't rely on theoretical results too much.
Then there's ease of implementation. You usually don't need the best intro sort implementation to sort an array of 100 integers once, so don't bother.
Look for worst cases in your algorithms and if possible, try to avoid them. If you have a generally fast algorithm but with a very bad worst case, consider detecting that worst case and solving it using another algorithm that is generally slower but better for that single case.
Consider space and time tradeoffs. If you can afford the memory in order to get better speeds, there's probably no reason not to do it, especially if you really need the speed. If you can't afford the memory but can afford to be slower, do that.
If you can, use existing libraries. Don't roll your own multiprecision library if you can use GMP for example. For C++, stuff like boost and even the STL containers and algorithms have been worked on for years by an army of people and are most likely better than you can do alone.
Stability (sorting) - Does the algorithm maintain the relative order of equal elements?
Numeric Stability - Is the algorithm prone to error when very large or small real numbers are used?
Correctness - Does the algorithm always give the correct answer? If not, what is the margin of error?
Generality - Does the algorithm work in many situation (e.g. with many different data types)?
Compactness - Is the program for the algorithm concise?
Parallelizability - How well does performance scale when the number of concurrent threads of execution are increased?
Cache Awareness - Is the algorithm designed to maximize use of the computer's cache?
Cache Obliviousness - Is the algorithm tuned for particulary cache-sizes / cache-line-sizes or does it perform well regardless of the parameters of the cache?
Complexity. 2 algorithms being the same in all other respects, the one that's much simpler is going to be a much better candidate for future customization and use.
Ease of parallelization. Depending on your use case, it might not make any difference or, on the other hand, make the algorithm useless because it can't use 10000 cores.
Stability - some algorithms may "blow up" with certain test conditions, e.g. take an inordinately long time to execute, or use an inordinately large amount of memory, or perhaps not even terminate.
For algorithms that perform floating point operations, the accumulation of round-off error is often a consideration.
Power consumption, for embedded algorithms (think smartcards).
One important parameter that is frequently measure in the analysis of algorithms is that of Cache hits and cache misses. While this is a very implementation and architecture dependent issue, it is possible to generalise somewhat. One particularly interesting property of the algorithm is being Cache-oblivious, which means that the algorithm will use the cache optimally on multiple machines with different cache sizes and structures without modification.
Time and space are the big ones, and they seem so plain and definitive, whereby they should often be qualified (1). The fact that the OP uses the word "parameter" rather than say "criteria" or "properties" is somewhat indicative of this (as if a big O value on time and on space was sufficient to frame the underlying algorithm).
Other criteria include:
domain of applicability
mathematical tractability
definitiveness of outcome
ease of tuning (may be tied to "complexity" and "tactability" afore mentioned)
ability of running the algorithm in a parallel fashion
(1) "qualified": As hinted in other answers, a -technically- O(n^2) algorithm may be found to be faster than say an O(n) algorithm, in 90% of the cases (which, btw, may turn out to be 100% of the practical cases)
worst case and best case are also interesting, especially when linked to some conditions in the input. if your input data shows some properties, an algorithm, by taking advantage of this property, may perform better that another algorithm which performs the same task but does not use that property.
for example, many sorting algorithm perform very efficiently when input are partially ordered in a specific way which minimizes the number of operations the algorithm has to execute.
(if your input is mostly sorted, an insertion sort will fit nicely, while you would never use that algorithm otherwise)
If we're talking about algorithms in general, then (in the real world) you might have to think about CPU/filesystem(read/write operations)/bandwidth usage.
True they are way down there in the list of things you need worry about these days, but given a massive enough volume of data and cheap enough infrastructure you might have to tweak your code to ease up on one or the other.
What you are interested aren’t parameters, rather they are intrinsic properties of an algorithm.
Anyway, another property you might be interested in, and analyse an algorithm for, concerns heuristics (or rather, approximation algorithms), i.e. algorithms which don’t find an exact solution but rather one that is (hopefully) good enough.
You can analyze how far a solution is from the theoretical optimal solution in the worst case. For example, an existing algorithm (forgot which one) approximates the optimal travelling salesman tour by a factor of two, i.e. in the worst case it’s twice as long as the optimal tour.
Another metric concerns randomized algorithms where randomization is used to prevent unwanted worst-case behaviours. One example is randomized quicksort; quicksort has a worst-case running time of O(n2) which we want to avoid. By shuffling the array beforehand we can avoid the worst-case (i.e. an already sorted array) with a very high probability. Just how high this probability is can be important to know; this is another intrinsic property of the algorithm that can be analyzed using stochastic.
For numeric algorithms, there's also the property of continuity: that is, whether if you change input slightly, output also changes only slightly. See also Continuity analysis of programs on Lambda The Ultimate for a discussion and a link to an academical paper.
For lazy languages, there's also strictness: f is called strict if f _|_ = _|_ (where _|_ denotes the bottom (in the sense of domain theory), a computation that can't produce a result due to non-termination, errors etc.), otherwise it is non-strict. For example, the function \x -> 5 is non-strict, because (\x -> 5) _|_ = 5, whereas \x -> x + 1 is strict.
Another property is determinicity: whether the result of the algorithm (or its other properties, such as running time or space consumption) depends solely on its input.
All these things in the other answers about the quality of various algorithms are important and should be considered.
But time and space are two things that vary at some rate compared to the size of the input (n). So what else can vary according to n?
There are several that are related to I/O. For example, the number of writes to a disk is an important one, which may not be directly shown by space and time estimates alone. This becomes particularly important with flash memory, where the number of writes to the same memory location is the significant metric in some algorithms.
Another I/O metric would be "chattiness". A networking protocol might send shorter messages more often adding up to the same space and time as another networking protocol, but some aspect of the system (perhaps billing?) might make minimizing either the size or number of the messages desireable.
And that brings us to Cost, which is a very important algorithmic consideration sometimes. The cost of an algorithm may be affected by both space and time in different amounts (consider the separate costing of server storage space and gigabits of data transfer), but the cost is the thing that you wish to minimize overall, so it may have its own big-O estimations.
