What can be parameters other than time and space while analyzing certain algorithms? - algorithm

I was interested to know about parameters other than space and time during analysing the effectiveness of an algorithms. For example, we can focus on the effective trap function while developing encryption algorithms. What other things can you think of ?

First and foremost there's correctness. Make sure your algorithm always works, no matter what the input. Even for input that the algorithm is not designed to handle, you should print an error mesage, not crash the entire application. If you use greedy algorithms, make sure they truly work in every case, not just a few cases you tried by hand.
Then there's practical efficiency. An O(N2) algorithm can be a lot faster than an O(N) algorithm in practice. Do actual tests and don't rely on theoretical results too much.
Then there's ease of implementation. You usually don't need the best intro sort implementation to sort an array of 100 integers once, so don't bother.
Look for worst cases in your algorithms and if possible, try to avoid them. If you have a generally fast algorithm but with a very bad worst case, consider detecting that worst case and solving it using another algorithm that is generally slower but better for that single case.
Consider space and time tradeoffs. If you can afford the memory in order to get better speeds, there's probably no reason not to do it, especially if you really need the speed. If you can't afford the memory but can afford to be slower, do that.
If you can, use existing libraries. Don't roll your own multiprecision library if you can use GMP for example. For C++, stuff like boost and even the STL containers and algorithms have been worked on for years by an army of people and are most likely better than you can do alone.

Stability (sorting) - Does the algorithm maintain the relative order of equal elements?
Numeric Stability - Is the algorithm prone to error when very large or small real numbers are used?
Correctness - Does the algorithm always give the correct answer? If not, what is the margin of error?
Generality - Does the algorithm work in many situation (e.g. with many different data types)?
Compactness - Is the program for the algorithm concise?
Parallelizability - How well does performance scale when the number of concurrent threads of execution are increased?
Cache Awareness - Is the algorithm designed to maximize use of the computer's cache?
Cache Obliviousness - Is the algorithm tuned for particulary cache-sizes / cache-line-sizes or does it perform well regardless of the parameters of the cache?

Complexity. 2 algorithms being the same in all other respects, the one that's much simpler is going to be a much better candidate for future customization and use.
Ease of parallelization. Depending on your use case, it might not make any difference or, on the other hand, make the algorithm useless because it can't use 10000 cores.

Stability - some algorithms may "blow up" with certain test conditions, e.g. take an inordinately long time to execute, or use an inordinately large amount of memory, or perhaps not even terminate.

For algorithms that perform floating point operations, the accumulation of round-off error is often a consideration.

Power consumption, for embedded algorithms (think smartcards).

One important parameter that is frequently measure in the analysis of algorithms is that of Cache hits and cache misses. While this is a very implementation and architecture dependent issue, it is possible to generalise somewhat. One particularly interesting property of the algorithm is being Cache-oblivious, which means that the algorithm will use the cache optimally on multiple machines with different cache sizes and structures without modification.

Time and space are the big ones, and they seem so plain and definitive, whereby they should often be qualified (1). The fact that the OP uses the word "parameter" rather than say "criteria" or "properties" is somewhat indicative of this (as if a big O value on time and on space was sufficient to frame the underlying algorithm).
Other criteria include:
domain of applicability
mathematical tractability
definitiveness of outcome
ease of tuning (may be tied to "complexity" and "tactability" afore mentioned)
ability of running the algorithm in a parallel fashion
(1) "qualified": As hinted in other answers, a -technically- O(n^2) algorithm may be found to be faster than say an O(n) algorithm, in 90% of the cases (which, btw, may turn out to be 100% of the practical cases)

worst case and best case are also interesting, especially when linked to some conditions in the input. if your input data shows some properties, an algorithm, by taking advantage of this property, may perform better that another algorithm which performs the same task but does not use that property.
for example, many sorting algorithm perform very efficiently when input are partially ordered in a specific way which minimizes the number of operations the algorithm has to execute.
(if your input is mostly sorted, an insertion sort will fit nicely, while you would never use that algorithm otherwise)

If we're talking about algorithms in general, then (in the real world) you might have to think about CPU/filesystem(read/write operations)/bandwidth usage.
True they are way down there in the list of things you need worry about these days, but given a massive enough volume of data and cheap enough infrastructure you might have to tweak your code to ease up on one or the other.

What you are interested aren’t parameters, rather they are intrinsic properties of an algorithm.
Anyway, another property you might be interested in, and analyse an algorithm for, concerns heuristics (or rather, approximation algorithms), i.e. algorithms which don’t find an exact solution but rather one that is (hopefully) good enough.
You can analyze how far a solution is from the theoretical optimal solution in the worst case. For example, an existing algorithm (forgot which one) approximates the optimal travelling salesman tour by a factor of two, i.e. in the worst case it’s twice as long as the optimal tour.
Another metric concerns randomized algorithms where randomization is used to prevent unwanted worst-case behaviours. One example is randomized quicksort; quicksort has a worst-case running time of O(n2) which we want to avoid. By shuffling the array beforehand we can avoid the worst-case (i.e. an already sorted array) with a very high probability. Just how high this probability is can be important to know; this is another intrinsic property of the algorithm that can be analyzed using stochastic.

For numeric algorithms, there's also the property of continuity: that is, whether if you change input slightly, output also changes only slightly. See also Continuity analysis of programs on Lambda The Ultimate for a discussion and a link to an academical paper.
For lazy languages, there's also strictness: f is called strict if f _|_ = _|_ (where _|_ denotes the bottom (in the sense of domain theory), a computation that can't produce a result due to non-termination, errors etc.), otherwise it is non-strict. For example, the function \x -> 5 is non-strict, because (\x -> 5) _|_ = 5, whereas \x -> x + 1 is strict.
Another property is determinicity: whether the result of the algorithm (or its other properties, such as running time or space consumption) depends solely on its input.

All these things in the other answers about the quality of various algorithms are important and should be considered.
But time and space are two things that vary at some rate compared to the size of the input (n). So what else can vary according to n?
There are several that are related to I/O. For example, the number of writes to a disk is an important one, which may not be directly shown by space and time estimates alone. This becomes particularly important with flash memory, where the number of writes to the same memory location is the significant metric in some algorithms.
Another I/O metric would be "chattiness". A networking protocol might send shorter messages more often adding up to the same space and time as another networking protocol, but some aspect of the system (perhaps billing?) might make minimizing either the size or number of the messages desireable.
And that brings us to Cost, which is a very important algorithmic consideration sometimes. The cost of an algorithm may be affected by both space and time in different amounts (consider the separate costing of server storage space and gigabits of data transfer), but the cost is the thing that you wish to minimize overall, so it may have its own big-O estimations.


Why is algorithm time complexity often defined in terms of steps/operations?

I've been doing a lot of studying from many different resources on algorithm analysis lately, and one thing I'm currently confused about is why time complexity is often defined in terms of the number of steps/operations an algorithm performs.
For instance, in Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition by Cormen, he states:
The running time of an algorithm on a particular input is the number of primitive operations or “steps” executed. It is convenient to define the notion of step so that it is as machine-independent as possible.
I've seen other resources define the time complexity as such as well. I have a problem with this because, for one, it's called TIME complexity, not "step complexity" or "operations complexity." Secondly, while it's not a definitive source, an answer to a post here on Stackoverflow states "Running time is how long it takes a program to run. Time complexity is a description of the asymptotic behavior of running time as input size tends to infinity." Further, on the Wikipedia page for time complexity it states "In computer science, the time complexity is the computational complexity that describes the amount of computer time it takes to run an algorithm." Again, these are definitive sources, things makes logical sense using these definitions.
When analyzing an algorithm and deriving its time complexity function, such as in Figure 1 below, you get an equation that is in units of time. It CAN represent the amount of operations the algorithm performs, but only if those constant factors (C_1, C_2, C_3, etc.) are each a value of 1.
Figure 1
So with all that said, I'm just wondering how it's possible for this to be defined as the number of steps when that's not really what it represents. I'm trying to clear things up and make the connection between time and number of operations. I feel like there is a lot of information that hasn't been explicitly stated in the resources I've studied. Hoping someone can help clear things up for me, and without going into discussion about Big-O because that shouldn't be needed and misses the point of the question, in my opinion.
Thank you everyone for your time and help.
why time complexity is often defined in terms of the number of steps/operations an algorithm performs?
TL;DR: because that is how the asymptotic analysis work; also, do not forget, that time is a relative thing.
Longer story:
Measuring the performance in time, as we, humans understand the time in a daily use, doesn't make much sense, as it is not always that trivial task to do.. furthermore - it even makes no sense in a broader perspective.
How would you measure what is the space and time your algorithm takes? what will be the conditional and predefined unit of the measurement you're going to apply to see the running time/space complexity of your algorithm?
You can measure it on your clock, or use some libraries/API to see exactly how many seconds/minutes/megabytes your algorithm took.. or etc.
However, this all will be VERY much variable! because, the time/space your algorithm took, will depend on:
Particular hardware you're using (architecture, CPU, RAM, etc.);
Particular programming language;
Operating System;
Compiler, you used to compile your high-level code into lower abstraction;
Other environment-specific details (sometimes, even on the temperature.. as CPUs might be scaling operating frequency dynamically)..
therefore, it is not the good thing to measure your complexity in the precise timing (again, as we understand the timing on this planet).
So, if you want to know the complexity (let's say time complexity) of your algorithm, why would it make sense to have a different time for different machines, OSes, and etc.? Algorithm Complexity Analysis is not about measuring runtime on a particular machine, but about having a clear and mathematically defined precise boundaries for the best, average and worst cases.
I hope this makes sense.
Fine, we finally get to the point, that algorithm analysis should be done as a standalone, mathematical complexity analysis.. which would not care what is the machine, OS, system architecture, or anything else (apart from algorithm itself), as we need to observe the logical abstraction, without caring about whether you're running it on Windows 10, Intel Core2Duo, or Arch Linux, Intel i7, or your mobile phone.
What's left?
Best (so far) way for the algorithm analysis, is to do the Asymptotic Analysis, which is an abstract analysis calculated on the basis of input.. and that is counting almost all the steps and operations performed in the algorithm, proportionally to your input.
This way you can speak about the Algorithm, per se, instead of being dependent on the surrounding circumstances.
Moreover; not only we shouldn't care about machine or peripheral factors, we also shouldn't care about Lower Order Terms and Constant Factors in the mathematical expression of the Asymptotic Analysis.
Constant Factors:
Constant Factors are instructions which are independent from the Input data. i.e. which are NOT dependent on the input argument data.
Few reasons why you should ignore them are:
Different programming language syntaxes, as well as their compiled files, will have different number of constant operations/factors;
Different Hardware will give different run-time for the same constant factors.
So, you should eliminate thinking about analyzing constant factors and overrule/ignore them. Only focus on only input-related important factors; therefore:
O(2n) == O(5n) and all these are O(n);
6n2 == 10n2 and all these are n2.
One more reason why we won't care about constant factors is that they we usually want to measure the complexity for sufficiently large inputs.. and when the input grows to the + infinity, it really makes no sense whether you have n or 2n.
Lower order terms:
Similar concept applies in this point:
Lower order terms, by definition, become increasingly irrelevant as you focus on large inputs.
When you have 5x4+24x2+5, you will never care much on exponent that is less than 4.
Time complexity is not about measuring how long an algorithm takes in terms of seconds. It's about comparing different algorithms, how they will perform with a certain amount if input data. And how this performance develops when the input data gets bigger.
In this context, the "number of steps" is an abstract concept for time, that can be compared independently from any hardware. Ie you can't tell how long it will take to execute 1000 steps, without exact specifications of your hardware (and how long one step will take). But you can always tell, that executing 2000 steps will take about twice as long as executing 1000 steps.
And you can't really discuss time complexity without going into Big-O, because that's what it is.
You should note that Algorithms are more abstract than programs. You check two algorithms on a paper or book and you want to analyze which works faster for an input data of size N. So you must analyze them with logic and statements. You can also run them on a computer and measure the time, but that's not proof.
Moreover, different computers execute programs at different speeds. It depends on CPU speed, RAM, and many other conditions. Even a program on a single computer may be run at different speeds depending on available resources at a time.
So, time for algorithms must be independent of how long a single atomic instruction takes to be executed on a specific computer. It's considered just one step or O(1). Also, we aren't interested in constants. For example, it doesn't matter if a program has two or 10 instructions. Both will be run on a fraction of microseconds. Usually, the number of instructions is limited and they are all run fast on computers. What is important are instructions or loops whose execution depends on a variable, which could be the size of the input to the program.

Algorithm Perfection Vs Time Analysis : Does Time complexity matters everytime?

I have a very basic and general doubt related to algorithm design. I've learnt basic algorithm and now learning randomized algorithm. Everywhere I observed that a professor mostly focuses on designing the algorithm that will ultimately try to reduces the complexity.
The usual way(What I observed) is to learn some basic(or an older) algorithm which behaves badly in terms of complexity and so the objective is to modify that older one with a newer algorithm which should focus on reducing the complexity, without affecting the output.
But in most of algorithm I've studied, especially distributed algorithms (in distributed operating systems) such as algorithms for distributed mutual exclusion, distributed deadlock detection etc., what I observed is that(and mostly I think that) the design of the algorithm should not focus only on complexity enhancement but it should focus on the perfection of the algorithm as well.
Lets take an example of distributed mutual exclusion algorithm. The very basic algorithm is a Lamport's algorithm and the modified version(by enhancing the complexity) of it is the Ricart-Agarwala algorithm. Since in distributed environment the communication is mostly by means of message passing, for distributed mutual exclusion we have three kinds of messages : a) Request critical resource b) Reply the request c) Release critical resource. The basic algorithm uses extra release messages(to inform all sites that the my site has released the critical resource, so you can enter). But in the advanced version what they did is they discarded these release messages by accommodating it in reply messages. And so they came up with some reduced complexity solution.
But when I tried the implementation of these algorithms in java, I observed that even if the complexity of basic algorithm was bit higher but it was more perfect than the advanced one. Because by reducing the number of messages transferred (in advanced solution), local site is no longer aware of the fact that remote site has actually released the resource or not because on the confirmation of release message only site updates its local data structures such as request queue etc. If we don't send any explicit notification for release, then requests remains pending unnecessarily in request queue of the local site for entire run.
So my doubt is that if enhancement of complexity is so important, why can't perfection ? I mean if algorithm is producing perfect results at the cost of bit higher complexity then how does it matters as far as I am getting perfection in output as compared to the enhanced complexity solution which lacks in perfection ?
Note : By perfection I don't mean correct/incorrect results. Results are always correct. Only the perfection or accuracy of the produced result varies.
Principally a fair complexity comparision is done for two algoritms that produce exactly the same output. E.g sorting.
In your case it is different, you describe algoritms with different behaviour.
To choose the better suited algorithm many factors decide:
Ease of implementations (in praxis very important)
A faster algorithm, that lacks some functionallity like in your case must be incredible faster (faktor 10 on expected data volume) to choose it, or easier to implement.
robustness: well know algo, successfuly used since 10 years, or a new algo from a paper where chance are high that it works only the environment (optimized for the algo) by the scientist. (I know such a case for a telecom network algo)
Consider any NP-complete problem (e.g. the travelling salesman problem).
There are no known non-exponential exact algorithms for these problems (except in special cases), so it would literally take years (or much longer) to find an exact solution for any reasonably-sized version of these problems.
So, instead we use heuristics and approximations (and possibly some randomness) to get a non-exact solution in a reasonable time-frame.
NP-complete problems are just an extreme example - we can also just have a few seconds to get a solution (for whatever reason), but finding an exact solution will take a few minutes. So it all comes down to balancing out how long we want to run the algorithm for and how good we want the results to be (and development time also certainly plays a role).
I hope I understood what you were asking correctly and that this helps.
Instead of "perfection", maybe you should consider "fitness for a particular purpose".
For your example of a distributed mutual exclusion algorithm, consider the "simple" and "improved" algorithms from different viewpoints. As another answer pointed out, the two algorithms behave differently; my point is that different people are interested in different aspects of that behavior.
Someone using an algorithm for a particular purpose probably does not care about all aspects of its behavior. For your example, you are concerned about pending resource locks. However, if the mutual exclusion algorithm is expected to be running all the time, the user might not care, because the locks will be returned promptly anyway, while using fewer messages than the simple version. If you want both efficiency and promptness, there is likely some way to accommodate both -- at the cost of greater complexity -- and if you're looking for practical "perfection", this is the logical endpoint.
A computer scientist does not know how his algorithm might be used. In general, he cannot anticipate all possible variations on a particular technique, and you would not want to read them all if he could! When publishing an algorithm, clarity of expression is the "perfection" you're pursuing -- the idea should be described as simply as possible.

If consistent hash is efficient,why don't people use it everywhere?

I was asked some shortcommings of consistent hash. But I think it just costs a little more than a traditional hash%N hash. As the title mentioned, if consistent hash is very good, why not we just use it?
Do you know more? Who can tell me some?
Implementing consistent hashing is not trivial and in many cases you have a hash table that rarely or never needs remapping or which can remap rather fast.
The only substantial shortcoming of consistent hashing I'm aware of is that implementing it is more complicated than simple hashing. More code means more places to introduce a bug, but there are freely available options out there now.
Technically, consistent hashing consumes a bit more CPU; consulting a sorted list to determine which server to map an object to is an O(log n) operation, where n is the number of servers X the number of slots per server, while simple hashing is O(1).
In practice, though, O(log n) is so fast it doesn't matter. (E.g., 8 servers X 1024 slots per server = 8192 items, log2(8192) = 13 comparisons at most in the worst case.) The original authors tested it and found that computing the cache server using consistent hashing took only 20 microseconds in their setup. Likewise, consistent hashing consumes space to store the sorted list of server slots, while simple hashing takes no space, but the amount required is minuscule, on the order of Kb.
Why is it not better known? If I had to guess, I would say it's only because it can take time for academic ideas to propagate out into industry. (The original paper was written in 1997.)
I assume you're talking about hash tables specifically, since you mention mod N. Please correct me if I'm wrong in that assumption, as hashes are used for all sorts of different things.
The reason is that consistent hashing doesn't really solve a problem that hash tables pressingly need to solve. On a rehash, a hash table probably needs to reassign a very large fraction of its elements no matter what, possibly a majority of them. This is because we're probably rehashing to increase the size of our table, which is usually done quadratically; it's very typical, for instance, to double the amount of nodes, once the table starts to get too full.
So in consistent hashing terms, we're not just adding a node; we're doubling the amount of nodes. That means, one way or another, best case, we're moving half of the elements. Sure, a consistent hashing technique could cut down on the moves, and try to approach this ideal, but the best case improvement is only a constant factor of 2x, which doesn't change our overall complexity.
Approaching from the other end, hash tables are all about cache performance, in most applications. All interest in making them go fast is on computing stuff as quickly as possible, touching as little memory as possible. Adding consistent hashing is probably going to be more than a 2x slowdown, no matter how you look at this; ultimately, consistent hashing is going to be worse.
Finally, this entire issue is sort of unimportant from another angle. We want rehashing to be fast, but it's much more important that we don't rehash at all. In any normal practical scenario, when a programmer sees he's having a problem due to rehashing, the correct answer is nearly always to find a way to avoid (or at least limit) the rehashing, by choosing an appropriate size to begin with. Given that this is the typical scenario, maintaining a fairly substantial side-structure for something that shouldn't even be happening is obviously not a win, and again, makes us overall slower.
Nearly all of the optimization effort on hash tables is either in how to calculate the hash faster, or how to perform collision resolution faster. These are things that happen on a much smaller time scale than we're talking about for consistent hashing, which is usually used where we're talking about time scales measured in microseconds or even milliseconds because we have to do I/O operations.
The reason is because Consistent Hashing tends to cause more work on the Read side for range scan queries.
For example, if you want to search for entries that are sorted by a particular column then you'd need to send the query to EVERY node because consistent hashing will place even "adjacent" items in separate nodes.
It's often preferred to instead use a partitioning that is going to match the usage patterns. Better yet replicate the same data in a host of different partitions/formats

What is an efficient way to go beyond a greedy algorithm

The domain of this question is scheduling operations on constrained hardware. The resolution of the result is the number of clock cycles the schedule fits within. The search space grows very rapidly where early decisions constrain future decisions and the total number of possible schedules grows rapidly and exponentially. A lot of the possible schedules are equivalent because just swapping the order of two instructions usually result in the same timing constraint.
Basically the question is what is a good strategy for exploring the vast search space without spending too much time. I expect to search only a small fraction but would like to explore different parts of the search space while doing so.
The current greedy algorithm tend to make stupid decisions early on sometimes and the attempt at branch and bound was beyond slow.
Want to point out that the result is very binary with perhaps the greedy algorithm ending up using 8 cycles while there exists a solution using only 7 cycles using branch and bound.
Second point is that there are significant restrictions in data routing between instructions and dependencies between instructions that limits the amount of commonality between solutions. Look at it as a knapsack problem with a lot of ordering constraints as well as some solutions completely failing because of routing congestion.
In each cycle there is a limit to how many operations of each type and some operations have two possible types. There are a set of routing constraints which can be varied to be either fairly tight or pretty forgiving and the limit depends on routing congestion.
Integer linear optimization for NP-hard problems
Depending on your side constraints, you may be able to use the critical path method or
(as suggested in a previous answer) dynamic programming. But many scheduling problems are NP-hard just like the classical traveling sales man --- a precise solution has a worst case of exponential search time, just as you describe in your problem.
It's important to know that while NP-hard problems still have a very bad worst case solution time there is an approach that very often produces exact answers with very short computations (the average case is acceptable and you often don't see the worst case).
This approach is to convert your problem to a linear optimization problem with integer variables. There are free-software packages (such as lp-solve) that can solve such problems efficiently.
The advantage of this approach is that it may give you exact answers to NP-hard problems in acceptable time. I used this approach in a few projects.
As your problem statement does not include more details about the side constraints, I cannot go into more detail how to apply the method.
Edit/addition: Sample implementation
Here are some details about how to implement this method in your case (of course, I make some assumptions that may not apply to your actual problem --- I only know the details form your question):
Let's assume that you have 50 instructions cmd(i) (i=1..50) to be scheduled in 10 or less cycles cycle(t) (t=1..10). We introduce 500 binary variables v(i,t) (i=1..50; t=1..10) which indicate whether instruction cmd(i) is executed at cycle(t) or not. This basic setup gives the following linear constraints:
v_it integer variables
0<=v_it; v_it<=1; # 1000 constraints: i=1..50; t=1..10
sum(v_it: t=1..10)==1 # 50 constraints: i=1..50
Now, we have to specify your side conditions. Let's assume that operations cmd(1)...cmd(5) are multiplication operations and that you have exactly two multipliers --- in any cycle, you may perform at most two of these operations in parallel:
sum(v_it: i=1..5)<=2 # 10 constraints: t=1..10
For each of your resources, you need to add the corresponding constraints.
Also, let's assume that operation cmd(7) depends on operation cmd(2) and needs to be executed after it. To make the equation a little bit more interesting, lets also require a two cycle gap between them:
sum(t*v(2,t): t=1..10) + 3 <= sum(t*v(7,t): t=1..10) # one constraint
Note: sum(t*v(2,t): t=1..10) is the cycle t where v(2,t) is equal to one.
Finally, we want to minimize the number of cycles. This is somewhat tricky because you get quite big numbers in the way that I propose: We give assign each v(i,t) a price that grows exponentially with time: pushing off operations into the future is much more expensive than performing them early:
sum(6^t * v(i,t): i=1..50; t=1..10) --> minimum. # one target function
I choose 6 to be bigger than 5 to ensure that adding one cycle to the system makes it more expensive than squeezing everything into less cycles. A side-effect is that the program will go out of it's way to schedule operations as early as possible. You may avoid this by performing a two-step optimization: First, use this target function to find the minimal number of necessary cycles. Then, ask the same problem again with a different target function --- limiting the number of available cycles at the outset and imposing a more moderate price penalty for later operations. You have to play with this, I hope you got the idea.
Hopefully, you can express all your requirements as such linear constraints in your binary variables. Of course, there may be many opportunities to exploit your insight into your specific problem to do with less constraints or less variables.
Then, hand your problem off to lp-solve or cplex and let them find the best solution!
At first blush, it sounds like this problem might fit into a dynamic programming solution. Several operations may take the same amount of time so you might end up with overlapping subproblems.
If you can map your problem to the "travelling salesman" (like: Find the optimal sequence to run all operations in minimum time), then you have an NP-complete problem.
A very quick way to solve that is the ant algorithm (or ant colony optimization).
The idea is that you send an ant down every path. The ant spreads a smelly substance on the path which evaporates over time. Short parts mean that the path will stink more when the next ant comes along. Ants prefer smelly over clean paths. Run thousands of ants through the network. The most smelly path is the optimal one (or at least very close).
Try simulated annealing, cfr. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_annealing .

Is there any reason to implement my own sorting algorithm?

Sorting has been studied for decades, so surely the sorting algorithms provide by any programming platform (java, .NET, etc.) must be good by now, right? Is there any reason to override something like System.Collections.SortedList?
There are absolutely times where your intimate understanding of your data can result in much, much more efficient sorting algorithms than any general purpose algorithm available. I shared an example of such a situation in another post at SO, but I'll share it hear just to provide a case-in-point:
Back in the days of COBOL, FORTRAN, etc... a developer working for a phone company had to take a relatively large chunk of data that consisted of active phone numbers (I believe it was in the New York City area), and sort that list. The original implementation used a heap sort (these were 7 digit phone numbers, and a lot of disk swapping was taking place during the sort, so heap sort made sense).
Eventually, the developer stumbled on a different approach: By realizing that one, and only one of each phone number could exist in his data set, he realized that he didn't have to store the actual phone numbers themselves in memory. Instead, he treated the entire 7 digit phone number space as a very long bit array (at 8 phone numbers per byte, 10 million phone numbers requires just over a meg to capture the entire space). He then did a single pass through his source data, and set the bit for each phone number he found to 1. He then did a final pass through the bit array looking for high bits and output the sorted list of phone numbers.
This new algorithm was much, much faster (at least 1000x faster) than the heap sort algorithm, and consumed about the same amount of memory.
I would say that, in this case, it absolutely made sense for the developer to develop his own sorting algorithm.
If your application is all about sorting, and you really know your problem space, then it's quite possible for you to come up with an application specific algorithm that beats any general purpose algorithm.
However, if sorting is an ancillary part of your application, or you are just implementing a general purpose algorithm, chances are very, very good that some extremely smart university types have already provided an algorithm that is better than anything you will be able to come up with. Quick Sort is really hard to beat if you can hold things in memory, and heap sort is quite effective for massive data set ordering (although I personally prefer to use B+Tree type implementations for the heap b/c they are tuned to disk paging performance).
Generally no.
However, you know your data better than the people who wrote those sorting algorithms. Perhaps you could come up with an algorithm that is better than a generic algorithm for your specific set of data.
Implementing you own sorting algorithm is akin to optimization and as Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare said, "We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil".
Certain libraries (such as Java's very own Collections.sort) implement a sort based on criteria that may or may not apply to you. For example, Collections.sort uses a merge sort for it's O(n log(n)) efficiency as well as the fact that it's an in-place sort. If two different elements have the same value, the first element in the original collection stays in front (good for multi-pass sorting to different criteria (first scan for date, then for name, the collection stays name (then date) sorted)) However, if you want slightly better constants or have a special data-set, it might make more sense to implement your own quick sort or radix sort specific exactly to what you want to do.
That said, all operations are fast on sufficiently small n
Short answer; no, except for academic interest.
You might want to multi-thread the sorting implementation.
You might need better performance characteristics than Quicksorts O(n log n), think bucketsort for example.
You might need a stable sort while the default algorithm uses quicksort. Especially for user interfaces you'll want to have the sorting order be consistent.
More efficient algorithms might be available for the data structures you're using.
You might need an iterative implementation of the default sorting algorithm because of stack overflows (eg. you're sorting large sets of data).
Ad infinitum.
A few months ago the Coding Horror blog reported on some platform with an atrociously bad sorting algorithm. If you have to use that platform then you sure do want to implement your own instead.
The problem of general purpose sorting has been researched to hell and back, so worrying about that outside of academic interest is pointless. However, most sorting isn't done on generalized input, and often you can use properties of the data to increase the speed of your sorting.
A common example is the counting sort. It is proven that for general purpose comparison sorting, O(n lg n) is the best that we can ever hope to do.
However, suppose that we know the range that the values to be sorted are in a fixed range, say [a,b]. If we create an array of size b - a + 1 (defaulting everything to zero), we can linearly scan the array, using this array to store the count of each element - resulting in a linear time sort (on the range of the data) - breaking the n lg n bound, but only because we are exploiting a special property of our data. For more detail, see here.
So yes, it is useful to write your own sorting algorithms. Pay attention to what you are sorting, and you will sometimes be able to come up with remarkable improvements.
If you have experience at implementing sorting algorithms and understand the way the data characteristics influence their performance, then you would already know the answer to your question. In other words, you would already know things like a QuickSort has pedestrian performance against an almost sorted list. :-) And that if you have your data in certain structures, some sorts of sorting are (almost) free. Etc.
Otherwise, no.
