Does anyone have an idea of how to make a stratified sampling in pig?
For the moment, I do something like :
relation2 = SAMPLE relation1 0.05;
but my dataset contains a label columns with a few occurrences, some of them are rare (0.5 % for example) and I would like my random down sampling not to forget all of them.
Thanks a lot.
You could implement your own method of sampling by using RANDOM() and then filtering out rows with values below, say, 0.95. So, if you want to stratify this sampling, you could compute what fraction of your rows contain a certain value, and then scale your random value accordingly so that different values get sampled at different rates.
I need help in understanding the gnomAD allele frequency.
I need to filter the variants having < 1 % in population. I have seen in some annotated file "gnomAD highest frequency" column, on the basis of this the other scientists have filtered out < 1% variants.
In my file i can only see AF in my gnomAD table. Also the numbers in AF column are like 0.9876 , 0.087 but not in percentage form.
My question is should i take AF column for selecting <1 % . Also for that i need to first multiply the numbers in AF column by 100 to get it in percentage.
Please guide me if i am on the right path or not.
Thanks in advance!
The gnomAD data sets contain many different allele frequencies for different population. AF in your file could be any of these. If it is not documented you should be able to work it out by comparing values with those on the gnomAD website. With regards which frequency to use, it all depends on what you are trying to achieve. I use AF_popmax (Maximum allele frequency across populations) to filter out common variants in the context of genomic testing for rare disease but if you want to filter out rare variants then the best frequency to use would depend on your specific use case. All the values are expressed as frequencies, ie 1 = 100%, 0.01 = 1%.
What is best method to identify and replace outlier for ApplicantIncome,
CoapplicantIncome,LoanAmount,Loan_Amount_Term column in pandas python.
I tried IQR with seaborne boxplot, and tried to identified the outlet and fill with NAN record after that take mean of ApplicantIncome and filled with NAN records.
Try to take group of below combination column ex: gender, education, selfemployed, Property_Area
And having below column in my dataframe
Loan_ID LP001357
Gender Male
Married NaN
Dependents NaN
Education Graduate
Self_Employed No
ApplicantIncome 3816
CoapplicantIncome 754
LoanAmount 160
Loan_Amount_Term 360
Credit_History 1
Property_Area Urban
Loan_Status Y
Just like missing values, your data might also contain values that diverge heavily from the big majority of your other data. These data points are called “outliers”. To find them, you can check the distribution of your single variables by means of a box plot or you can make a scatter plot of your data to identify data points that don’t lie in the “expected” area of the plot.
The causes for outliers in your data might vary, going from system errors to people interfering with the data through data entry or data processing, but it’s important to consider the effect that they can have on your analysis: they will change the result of statistical tests such as standard deviation, mean or median, they can potentially decrease the normality and impact the results of statistical models, such as regression or ANOVA.
To deal with outliers, you can either delete, transform, or impute them: the decision will again depend on the data context. That’s why it’s again important to understand your data and identify the cause for the outliers:
If the outlier value is due to data entry or data processing errors,
you might consider deleting the value.
You can transform the outliers by assigning weights to your
observations or use the natural log to reduce the variation that the
outlier values in your data set cause.
Just like the missing values, you can also use imputation methods to
replace the extreme values of your data with median, mean or mode
You can use the functions that were described in the above section to deal with outliers in your data.
Following links will be useful for you:
Python data cleaning
Ways to detect and remove the outliers
I want to split my dataset into two random halves in weka.
How can I do it?
I had same question and the answer is too simple. First, you need to randomly shuffle the order of instances with weka filter (Unsupervised-> instances) and then split data set into two parts. You can find a complete explanation at below link:
you can use first randomize data set in filter , to make it randomly, secondly use, the Remove percentage filter, use first for 30% for testing and save it then reuse it but check the INVERT box so will be the other 70% and save it
so u will have the testing, and training sets randomized and splitted
I have an idea but not using Weka native api. How about use Random Number Generator? Math.random() generates numbers from 0 to 1.
Suppose that we want to split dataset into set1 and set2.
for every instance in dataset
if Math.random() < 0.5
put the instance into set1
put the instance into set2
I think that this method may generate similar number of instances for the two subset. If you want to generate exactly the same quantities, you may add additional conditions to if-else.
Hope this may offer you some inspiration.
I'm attempting to estimate the total amount of results for app engine queries that will return large amounts of results.
In order to do this, I assigned a random floating point number between 0 and 1 to every entity. Then I executed the query for which I wanted to estimate the total results with the following 3 settings:
* I ordered by the random numbers that I had assigned in ascending order
* I set the offset to 1000
* I fetched only one entity
I then plugged the entities's random value that I had assigned for this purpose into the following equation to estimate the total results (since I used 1000 as the offset above, the value of OFFSET would be 1000 in this case):
The idea is that since each entity has a random number assigned to it, and I am sorting by that random number, the entity's random number assignment should be proportionate to the beginning and end of the results with respect to its offset (in this case, 1000).
The problem I am having is that the results I am getting are giving me low estimates. And the estimates are lower, the lower the offset. I had anticipated that the lower the offset that I used, the less accurate the estimate should be, but I thought that the margin of error would be both above and below the actual number of results.
Below is a chart demonstrating what I am talking about. As you can see, the predictions get more consistent (accurate) as the offset increases from 1000 to 5000. But then the predictions predictably follow a 4 part polynomial. (y = -5E-15x4 + 7E-10x3 - 3E-05x2 + 0.3781x + 51608).
Am I making a mistake here, or does the standard python random number generator not distribute numbers evenly enough for this purpose?
It turns out that this problem is due to my mistake. In another part of the program, I was grabbing entities from the beginning of the series, doing an operation, then re-assigning the random number. This resulted in a denser distribution of random numbers towards the end.
I did a little more digging into this concept, fixed the problem, and tried it again on a different query (so the number of results are different from above). I found that this idea can be used to estimate the total results for a query. One thing of note is that the "error" is very similar for offsets that are close by. When I did a scatter chart in excel, I expected the accuracy of the predictions at each offset to "cloud". Meaning that offsets at the very begging would produce a larger, less dense cloud that would converge to a very tiny, dense could around the actual value as the offsets got larger. This is not what happened as you can see below in the cart of how far off the predictions were at each offset. Where I thought there would be a cloud of dots, there is a line instead.
This is a chart of the maximum after each offset. For example the maximum error for any offset after 10000 was less than 1%:
When using GAE it makes a lot more sense not to try to do large amounts work on reads - it's built and optimized for very fast requests turnarounds. In this case it's actually more efficent to maintain a count of your results as and when you create the entities.
If you have a standard query, this is fairly easy - just use a sharded counter when creating the entities. You can seed this using a map reduce job to get the initial count.
If you have queries that might be dynamic, this is more difficult. If you know the range of possible queries that you might perform, you'd want to create a counter for each query that might run.
If the range of possible queries is infinite, you might want to think of aggregating counters or using them in more creative ways.
If you tell us the query you're trying to run, there might be someone who has a better idea.
Some quick thought:
Have you tried Datastore Statistics API? It may provide a fast and accurate results if you won't update your entities set very frequently.
I did some math things, I think the estimate method you purposed here, could be rephrased as an "Order statistic" problem.
For example:
If the actual entities number is 60000, the question equals to "what's the probability that your 1000th [2000th, 3000th, .... ] sample falling in the interval [l,u]; therefore, the estimated total entities number based on this sample, will have an acceptable error to 60000."
If the acceptable error is 5%, the interval [l, u] will be [0.015873015873015872, 0.017543859649122806]
I think the probability won't be very large.
This doesn't directly deal with the calculations aspect of your question, but would using the count attribute of a query object work for you? Or have you tried that out and it's not suitable? As per the docs, it's only slightly faster than retrieving all of the data, but on the plus side it would give you the actual number of results.
How do I distribute a small amount of data in a random order in a much larger volume of data?
For example, I have several thousand lines of 'real' data, and I want to insert a dozen or two lines of control data in a random order throughout the 'real' data.
Now I am not trying to ask how to use random number generators, I am asking a statistical question, I know how to generate random numbers, but my question is how do I ensure that this the data is inserted in a random order while at the same time being fairly evenly scattered through the file.
If I just rely on generating random numbers there is a possibility (albeit a very small one) that all my control data, or at least clumps of it, will be inserted within a fairly narrow selection of 'real' data. What is the best way to stop this from happening?
To phrase it another way, I want to insert control data throughout my real data without there being a way for a third party to calculate which rows are control and which are real.
Update: I have made this a 'community wiki' so if anyone wants to edit my question so it makes more sense then go right ahead.
Update: Let me try an example (I do not want to make this language or platform dependent as it is not a coding question, it is a statistical question).
I have 3000 rows of 'real' data (this amount will change from run to run, depending on the amount of data the user has).
I have 20 rows of 'control' data (again, this will change depending on the number of control rows the user wants to use, anything from zero upwards).
I now want to insert these 20 'control' rows roughly after every 150 rows or 'real' data has been inserted (3000/20 = 150). However I do not want it to be as accurate as that as I do not want the control rows to be identifiable simply based on their location in the output data.
Therefore I do not mind some of the 'control' rows being clumped together or for there to be some sections with very few or no 'control' rows at all, but generally I want the 'control' rows fairly evenly distributed throughout the data.
There's always a possibility that they get close to each other if you do it really random :)
But What I would do is:
You have N rows of real data and x of control data
To get an index of a row you should insert i-th control row, I'd use: N/(x+1) * i + r, where r is some random number, diffrent for each of the control rows, small compared to N/x. Choose any way of determining r, it can be either gaussian or even flat distribution. i is an index of the control row, so it's 1<=i<x
This way you can be sure that you avoid condensation of your control rows in one single place. Also you can be sure that they won't be in regular distances from each other.
Here's my thought. Why don't you just loop through the existing rows and "flip a coin" for each row to decide whether you will insert random data there.
for (int i=0; i<numberOfExistingRows; i++)
int r = random();
if (r > 0.5)
This should give you a nice random distribution throughout the data.
Going with the 3000 real data rows and 20 control rows for the following example (I'm better with example than with english)
If you were to spread the 20 control rows as evenly as possible between the 3000 real data rows you'd insert one at each 150th real data row.
So pick that number, 150, for the next insertion index.
a) Generate a random number between 0 and 150 and subtract it from the insertion index
b) Insert the control row there.
c) Increase insertion index by 150
d) Repeat at step a)
Of course this is a very crude algorithm and it needs a few improvements :)
If the real data is large or much larger than the control data, just generate interarrival intervals for your control data.
So pick a random interval, copy out that many lines of real data, insert control data, repeat until finished. How to pick that random interval?
I'd recommend using a gaussian deviate with mean set to the real data size divided by the control data size, the former of which could be estimated if necessary, rather than measured or assumed known. Set the standard deviation of this gaussian based on how much "spread" you're willing to tolerate. Smaller stddev means a more leptokurtic distribution means tighter adherence to uniform spacing. Larger stdev means a more platykurtic distribution and looser adherence to uniform spacing.
Now what about the first and last sections of the file? That is: what about an insertion of control data at the very beginning or very end? One thing you can do is to come up with special-case estimates for these... but a nice trick is as follows: start your "index" into the real data at minus half the gaussian mean and generate your first deviate. Don't output any real data until your "index" into the real data is legit.
A symmetric trick at the end of the data should also work quite well (simply: keep generating deviates until you reach an "index" at least half the gaussian mean beyond the end of the real data. If the index just before this was off the end, generate data at the end.
You want to look at more than just statistics: it's helpful in developing an algorithm for this sort of thing to look at rudimentary queueing theory. See wikipedia or the Turing Omnibus, which has a nice, short chapter on the subject whose title is "Simulation".
Also: in some circumstance non-gaussian distributions, particularly the Poisson distribution, give better, more natural results for this sort of thing. The algorithm outline above still applies using half the mean of whatever distribution seems right.