Caching OVERLAPPED structures when using IOCPs in Windows - windows

I'm using I/O Completion Ports in Windows, I have an object called 'Stream' that resembles and abstract an HANDLE (so it can be a socket, a file, and so on).
When I call Stream::read() or Stream::write() (so, ReadFile()/WriteFile() in the case of files, and WSARecv()/WSASend() in the case of sockets), I allocate a new OVERLAPPED structure in order to make a pending I/O request that will be completed in the IOCP loop by some other thread.
Then, when the OVERLAPPED structure will be completed by the IOCP loop, it will be destroyed there. If that's the case, Stream::read() or Stream::write() are called again from the IOCP loop, they will instance new OVERLAPPED structures, and it will go forever.
This works just fine. But now I want to improve this by adding caching of OVERLAPPED objects:
when my Stream object does a lot of reads or writes, it absolutely makes sense to cache the OVERLAPPED structures.
But now arise a problem: when I deallocate a Stream object, I must deallocate the cached OVERLAPPED structures, but how I can know if they've been completed or are still pending and one of the IOCP loops will complete that lately? So, an atomic reference count is needed here, but now the problem is that if I use an atomic ref counter, I have to increase that ref counter for each read or write operations, and decrease on each IOCP loop completion of the OVERLAPPED structure or Stream deletion, which in a server are a lot of operations, so I'll end up by increasing/decreasing a lot of atomic counters a lot of times.
Will this impact very negatively the concurrency of multiple threads? This is my only concern that blocks me to put this atomic reference counter for each OVERLAPPED structure.
Are my concerns baseless?
I thought this is an important topic to point out, and a question on SO, to see other's people thoughts on this and methods for caching OVERLAPPED structures with IOCP, is worth it.
I wish to find out a clever solution on this, without using atomic ref counters, if it is possible.

Assuming that you bundle a data buffer with the OVERLAPPED structure as a 'per operation' data object then pooling them to avoid excessive allocation/deallocation and heap fragmentation is a good idea.
If you only ever use this object for I/O operations then there's no need for a ref count, simply pull one from the pool, do your WSASend/WSARecv with it and then release it to the pool once you're done with it in the IOCP completion handler.
If, however, you want to get a bit more complicated and allow these buffers to be passed out to other code then you may want to consider ref counting them if that makes it easier. I do this in my current framework and it allows me to have generic code for the networking side of things and then pass data buffers from read completions out to customer code and they can do what they want with them and when they're done they release them back to the pool. This currently uses a ref count but I'm moving away from that as a minor performance tweak. The ref count is still there but in most situations it only ever goes from 0 -> 1 and then to 0 again, rather than being manipulated at various layers within my framework (this is done by passing the ownership of the buffer out to the user code using a smart pointer).
In most situations I expect that a ref count is unlikely to be your most expensive operation (even on NUMA hardware in situations where your buffers are being used from multiple nodes). More likely the locking involved in putting these things back into a pool will be your bottleneck; I've solved that one so am moving on to the next higher fruit ;)
You also talk about your 'per connection' object and caching your 'per operation' data locally there (which is what I do before pushing them back to the allocator), whilst ref counts aren't strictly required for the 'per operation' data, the 'per connection' data needs, at least, an atomically modifiable 'num operations in progress' count so that you can tell when you can free IT up. Again, due to my framework design, this has become a normal ref count for which customer code can hold refs as well as active I/O operations. I've yet to work a way around the need for this counter in a general purpose framework.


programatically determine amount of time remaining before preemption

i am trying to implement some custom lock-free structures. its operates similar to a stack so it has a take() and a free() method and operates on pointer and underlying array. typically it uses optimistic conncurrency. free() writes a dummy value to pointer+1 increments the pointer and writes the real value to the new address. take() reads the value at pointer in a spin/sleep style until it doesnt read the dummy value and then decrements the pointer. in both operations changes to the pointer are done with compare and swap and if it fails, the whole operation starts again. the purpose of the dummy value is to insure consistency since the write operation can be preempted after the pointer is incremented.
this situation leads me to wonder weather it is possible to prevent preemtion in that critical place by somhow determining how much time is left before the thread will be preempted by the scheduler for another thread. im not worried about hardware interrupts. im trying to eliminate the possible sleep from my reading function so that i can rely on a pure spin.
is this at all possible?
are there other means to handle this situation?
EDIT: to clarify how this may be helpful, if the critical operation is interrupted, it will effectively be like taking out an exclusive lock, and all other threads will have to sleep before they could continue with their operations
EDIT: i am not hellbent on having it solved like this, i am merely trying to see if its possible. the probability of that operation being interrupted in that location for a very long time is extremely unlikely and if it does happen it will be OK if all the other operations need to sleep so that it can complete.
some regard this as premature optimization, but this is just my pet project. regardless - that does not exclude research and sience from attempting to improve techniques. even though computer sience has reasonably matured and every new technology we use today is just an implementation of what was already known 40 years ago, we should not stop to be creative to address even the smallest of concerns, like trying to make a reasonable set of operations atomic woithout too much performance implications.
Such information surely exists somewhere, but it is of no use for you.
Under "normal conditions", you can expect upwards of a dozen DPCs and upwards of 1,000 interrupts per second. These do not respect your time slices, they occur when they occur. Which means, on the average, you can expect 15-16 interrupts within a time slice.
Also, scheduling does not strictly go quantum by quantum. The scheduler under present Windows versions will normally let a thread run for 2 quantums, but may change its opinion in the middle if some external condition changes (for example, if an event object is signalled).
Insofar, even if you know that you still have so and so many nanoseconds left, whatever you think you know might not be true at all.
Cnnot be done without time-travel. You're stuffed.

Overlapped IO or file mapping?

In a Windows application I have a class which wraps up a filename and a buffer. You construct it with a filename and you can query the object to see if the buffer is filled yet, returning nullptr if not and the buffer addres if so. When the object falls out of scope, the buffer is released:
class file_buffer
file_buffer(const std::string& file_name);
void* buffer();
I want to put the data into memory asynchronously, and as far as I see it I have two choices: either create a buffer and use overlapped IO through ReadFileEx, or use MapViewOfFile and touch the address on another thread.
At the moment I'm using ReadFileEx which presents some problems, as requests greater than about 16MB are prone to failure: I can try splitting up the request but then I get synchronisation issues, and if the object falls out of scope before the IO is complete I have buffer-cleanup issues. Also, if multiple instances of the class are created in quick succession things get very fiddly.
Mapping and touching the data on another thread would seem to be considerably easier since I won't have the upper limit issues: also if the client absolutely has to have the data right now, they can simply dereference the address, let the OS worry about page faults and take the blocking hit.
This application needs to support single core machines, so my question is: will page faults on another software thread be any more expensive than overlapped IO on the current thread? Will they stall the process? Does overlapped IO stall the process in the same way or is there some OS magic I don't understand? Are page faults carried out using overlapped IO anyway?
I've had a good read of these topics: (IO Concepts in File Management) (File mapping)
but I can't seem to infer how to make a performance tradeoff.
You will definitively want to go with memory-mapped files. Overlapped IO (with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING) has been advocated as "the fastest way to get data into RAM" by some people for years, but this is only true in very contrieved cases with very specific conditions. In the normal, average case, turning off the buffer cache is a serious anti-optimization.
Now, overlapped IO without FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERINGhas all the quirks of overlapped IO, and is about 50% slower (for a reason I still cannot understand).
I've done some rather extensive benchmarking a year ago. The bottom line is: Memory mapped files are faster, better, less surprising.
Overlapped IO uses more CPU, is much slower when using the buffer cache, asynchronous reverts to synchronous under some well-documented and some undocumented conditions (e.g. encryption, compression, and... pure chance? request size? number of requests?), stalling your application at unpredictable times.
Submitting requests can sometimes take "funny" amounts of time, and CancelIO sometimes doesn't cancel anything but waits for completion. Processes with outstanding requests are unkillable. Managing buffers with outstanding overlapped writes is non-trivial extra work.
File mapping just works. Fullstop. And it works nicely. No surprises, no funny stuff. Touching every page has very little overhead and delivers as fast as the disk is able to deliver, and it takes advantage of the buffer cache. Your concern about a single-core CPU is no problem. If the touch-thread faults, it blocks, and as always when a thread blocks, another thread gets CPU time instead.
I'm even using file mapping for writing now, whenever I have more than a few bytes to write. This is somewhat non-trivial (have to manually grow/preallocate files and mappings, and truncate to actual length when closing), but with some helper classes it's entirely doable. Write 500 MiB of data, and it takes "zero time" (you basically do a memcpy, the actual write happens in the background, any time later, even after your program has finished). It's stunning how well this works, even if you know that it's the natural thing for an operating system to do.
Of course you had better not have a power failure before the OS has written out all pages, but that's true for any kind of writing. What's not on the disk yet is not on the disk -- there's really not much more to say to it than that. If you must be sure about that, you have to wait for a disk sync to complete, and even then you can't be sure the lights aren't going out while you wait for the sync. That's life.
I don't claim to understand this better than you, as it seem you made some inventigation. And to be totally sure you will need to experiment. But this is my understanding of the issues, in reverse order:
File mapping and overlapped IO in Windows are different implentations and none of them rely on the other under the hood. But both use the asynchronous block device layer. As I imagine it, in the kernel every IO is actually asynchronous, but some user operations wait for it to finish and so they create the illusion of synchronicity.
From point 1, if a thread does IO, other threads from the same process will not stall. That, unless the system resources are scarce or these other threads do IO themselves and face some kind of contention. This will be true no matter the kind of IO the first thread does: blocking, non-blocking, overlapped, memory-mapped.
In memory-mapped files, the data is read at least one page at a time, probably more because of the read-ahead, but you cannot be sure about that. So the probing thread will have to touch the mapped memory at least one on every page. That will be something like probe/block-probe-probe-probe-probe/block-probe... That might be a bit less efficient than a big overlapped read of several MB. Or maybe the kernel programmers were smart and it is even more efficient. You will have to make a little profiling... Hey, you could even go without the probing thread and see what happens.
Cancelling overlapping operations is a PITA, so my recommendation will be to go with the memory-mapped files. That is way easier to set up and you get extra functionality:
the memory is usable even before it is fully in memory
the memory can/will be shared by several instances of the process
if the memory is in the cache, it will be ready instantaneously instead of just quickly.
if the data is read-only, you can protect the memory from writing, catching bugs.

Efficient Overlapped I/O for a socket server

Which of these two different models would be more efficient (consider thrashing, utilization of processor cache, overall desgn, everything, etc)?
1 IOCP and spinning up X threads (where X is the number of processors the computer has). This would mean that my "server" would only have 1 IOCP (queue) for all requests and X Threads to serve/handle them. I have read many articles discussing the effeciency of this design. With this model I would have 1 listener that would also be associated to the IOCP. Lets assume that I could figure out how to keep the packets/requests synchronized.
X IOCP (where X is the number of processors the computer has) and each IOCP has 1 thread. This would mean that each Processor has its own queue and 1 thread to serve/handle them. With this model I would have a separate Listener (not using IOCP) that would handle incomming connections and would assign the SOCKET to the proper IOCP (one of the X that were created). Lets assume that I could figure out the Load Balancing.
Using an overly simplified analogy for the two designs (a bank):
One line with several cashiers to hand the transactions. Each person is in the same line and each cashier takes the next available person in line.
Each cashier has their own line and the people are "placed" into one of those lines
Between these two designs, which one is more efficient. In each model the Overlapped I/O structures would be using VirtualAlloc with MEM_COMMIT (as opposed to "new") so the swap-file should not be an issue (no paging). Based on how it has been described to me, using VirtualAlloc with MEM_COMMIT, the memory is reserved and is not paged out. This would allow the SOCKETS to write the incomming data right to my buffers without going through intermediate layers. So I don't think thrashing should be a factor but I might be wrong.
Someone was telling me that #2 would be more efficient but I have not heard of this model. Thanks in advance for your comments!
I assume that for #2 you plan to manually associate your sockets with an IOCP that you decide is 'best' based on some measure of 'goodness' at the time the socket is accepted? And that somehow this measure of 'goodness' will persist for the life of the socket?
With IOCP used the 'standard' way, i.e. your option number 1, the kernel works out how best to use the threads you have and allows more to run if any of them block. With your method, assuming you somehow work out how to distribute the work, you are going to end up with more threads running than with option 1.
Your #2 option also prevents you from using AcceptEx() for overlapped accepts and this is more efficient than using a normal accept loop as you remove a thread (and the resulting context switching and potential contention) from the scene.
Your analogy breaks down; it's actually more a case of either having 1 queue with X bank tellers where you join the queue and know that you'll be seen in an efficient order as opposed to each teller having their own queue and you having to guess that the queue you join doesn't contain a whole bunch of people who want to open new accounts and the one next to you contains a whole bunch of people who only want to do some paying in. The single queue ensures that you get handled efficiently.
I think you're confused about MEM_COMMIT. It doesn't mean that the memory isn't in the paging file and wont be paged. The usual reason for using VirtualAlloc for overlapped buffers is to ensure alignment on page boundaries and so reduce the number of pages that are locked for I/O (a page sized buffer can be allocated on a page boundary and so only take one page rather than happening to span two due to the memory manager deciding to use a block that doesn't start on a page boundary).
In general I think you're attempting to optimise something way ahead of schedule. Get an efficient server working using IOCP the normal way first and then profile it. I seriously doubt that you'll even need to worry about building your #2 version ... Likewise, use new to allocate your buffers to start with and then switch to the added complexity of VirtualAlloc() when you find that you server fails due to ENOBUFS and you're sure that's caused by the I/O locked page limit and not lack of non-paged pool (you do realise that you have to allocate in 'allocation granularity' sized chunks for VirtualAlloc()?).
Anyway, I have a free IOCP server framework that's available here: which might help you get started.
Edited: The complex version that you suggest could be useful in some NUMA architectures where you use NIC teaming to have the switch spit your traffic across multiple NICs, bind each NIC to a different physical processor and then bind your IOCP threads to the same processor. You then allocate memory from that NUMA node and effectively have your network switch load balance your connections across your NUMA nodes. I'd still suggest that it's better, IMHO, to get a working server which you can profile using the "normal" method of using IOCP first and only once you know that cross NUMA node issues are actually affecting your performance move towards the more complex architecture...
Queuing theory tells us that a single queue has better characteristics than multiple queues. You could possibly get around this with work-stealing.
The multiple queues method should have better cache behavior. Whether it is significantly better depends on how many received packets are associated with a single transaction. If a request fits in a single incoming packet, then it'll be associated to a single thread even with the single IOCP approach.

How do you efficiently debug reference count problems in shared memory?

Assume you have a reference counted object in shared memory. The reference count represents the number of processes using the object, and processes are responsible for incrementing and decrementing the count via atomic instructions, so the reference count itself is in shared memory as well (it could be a field of the object, or the object could contain a pointer to the count, I'm open to suggestions if they assist with solving this problem). Occasionally, a process will have a bug that prevents it from decrementing the count. How do you make it as easy as possible to figure out which process is not decrementing the count?
One solution I've thought of is giving each process a UID (maybe their PID). Then when processes decrement, they push their UID onto a linked list stored alongside the reference count (I chose a linked list because you can atomically append to head with CAS). When you want to debug, you have a special process that looks at the linked lists of the objects still alive in shared memory, and whichever apps' UIDs are not in the list are the ones that have yet to decrement the count.
The disadvantage to this solution is that it has O(N) memory usage where N is the number of processes. If the number of processes using the shared memory area is large, and you have a large number of objects, this quickly becomes very expensive. I suspect there might be a halfway solution where with partial fixed size information you could assist debugging by somehow being able to narrow down the list of possible processes even if you couldn't pinpoint a single one. Or if you could just detect which process hasn't decremented when only a single process hasn't (i.e. unable to handle detection of 2 or more processes failing to decrement the count) that would probably still be a big help.
(There are more 'human' solutions to this problem, like making sure all applications use the same library to access the shared memory region, but if the shared area is treated as a binary interface and not all processes are going to be applications written by you that's out of your control. Also, even if all apps use the same library, one app might have a bug outside the library corrupting memory in such a way that it's prevented from decrementing the count. Yes I'm using an unsafe language like C/C++ ;)
Edit: In single process situations, you will have control, so you can use RAII (in C++).
You could do this using only a single extra integer per object.
Initialise the integer to zero. When a process increments the reference count for the object, it XORs its PID into the integer:
object.tracker ^=;
When a process decrements the reference count, it does the same.
If the reference count is ever left at 1, then the tracker integer will be equal to the PID of the process that incremented it but didn't decrement it.
This works because XOR is commutative ( (A ^ B) ^ C == A ^ (B ^ C) ), so if a process XORs the tracker with its own PID an even number of times, it's the same as XORing it with PID ^ PID - that's zero, which leaves the tracker value unaffected.
You could alternatively use an unsigned value (which is defined to wrap rather than overflow) - adding the PID when incrementing the usage count and subtracting it when decrementing it.
Fundementally, shared memory shared state is not a robust solution and I don't know of a way of making it robust.
Ultimately, if a process exits all its non-shared resources are cleaned up by the operating system. This is incidentally the big win from using processes (fork()) instead of threads.
However, shared resources are not. File handles that others have open are obviously not closed, and ... shared memory. Shared resources are only closed after the last process sharing them exits.
Imagine you have a list of PIDs in the shared memory. A process could scan this list looking for zombies, but then PIDs can get reused, or the app might have hung rather than crashed, or...
My recommendation is that you use pipes or other message passing primitives between each process (sometimes there is a natural master-slave relationship, other times all need to talk to all). Then you take advantage of the operating system closing these connections when a process dies, and so your peers get signalled in that event. Additionally you can use ping/pong timeout messages to determine if a peer has hung.
If, after profiling, it is too inefficient to send the actual data in these messages, you could use shared memory for the payload as long as you keep the control channel over some kind of stream that the operating system clears up.
The most efficient tracing systems for resource ownership don't even use reference counts, let alone lists of reference-holders. They just have static information about the layouts of every data type that might exist in memory, also the shape of the stack frame for every function, and every object has a type indicator. So a debugging tool can scan the stack of every thread, and follow references to objects recursively until it has a map of all the objects in memory and how they refer to each other. But of course systems that have this capability also have automatic garbage collection anyway. They need help from the compiler to gain all that information about the layout of objects and stack frames, and such information cannot actually be reliably obtained from C/C++ in all cases (because object references can be stored in unions, etc.) On the plus side, they perform way better than reference counting at runtime.
Per your question, in the "degenerate" case, all (or almost all) of your process's state would be held in shared memory - apart from local variables on the stack. And at that point you would have the exact equivalent of a multi-threaded program in a single process. Or to put it another way, processes that share enough memory start to become indistinguishable from threads.
This implies that you needn't specify the "multiple processes, shared memory" part of your question. You face the same problem anyone faces when they try to use reference counting. Those who use threads (or make unrestrained use of shared memory; same thing) face another set of problems. Put the two together and you have a world of pain.
In general terms, it's good advice not to share mutable objects between threads, where possible. An object with a reference count is mutable, because the count can be modified. In other words, you are sharing mutable objects between (effective) threads.
I'd say that if your use of shared memory is complex enough to need something akin to GC, then you've almost got the worst of both worlds: the expensive of process creation without the advantages of process isolation. You've written (in effect) a multi-threaded application in which you are sharing mutable objects between threads.
Local sockets are a very cross-platform and very fast API for interprocess communication; the only one that works basically identically on all Unices and Windows. So consider using that as a minimal communication channel.
By the way, are you using consistently using smart pointers in the processes that hold references? That's your only hope of getting reference counting even half right.
Use following
int pids[MAX_PROCS]
int counter;
find i such pid[i]=0 // optimistic
my_pos = i;
So you know all processes using this object
You MAX_PROCS big enough and search free
place randomly so if number of processes significanly lower then MAX_PROCS the search
would be very fast.
Next to doing things yourself: you can also use some tool like AQTime which has a reference counted memchecker.

Win32 Overlapped I/O - Completion routines or WaitForMultipleObjects?

I'm wondering which approach is faster and why ?
While writing a Win32 server I have read a lot about the Completion Ports and the Overlapped I/O, but I have not read anything to suggest which set of API's yields the best results in the server.
Should I use completion routines, or should I use the WaitForMultipleObjects API and why ?
You suggest two methods of doing overlapped I/O and ignore the third (or I'm misunderstanding your question).
When you issue an overlapped operation, a WSARecv() for example, you can specify an OVERLAPPED structure which contains an event and you can wait for that event to be signalled to indicate the overlapped I/O has completed. This, I assume, is your WaitForMultipleObjects() approach and, as previously mentioned, this doesn't scale well as you're limited to the number of handles that you can pass to WaitForMultipleObjects().
Alternatively you can pass a completion routine which is called when completion occurs. This is known as 'alertable I/O' and requires that the thread that issued the WSARecv() call is in an 'alertable' state for the completion routine to be called. Threads can put themselves in an alertable state in several ways (calling SleepEx() or the various EX versions of the Wait functions, etc). The Richter book that I have open in front of me says "I have worked with alertable I/O quite a bit, and I'll be the first to tell you that alertable I/O is horrible and should be avoided". Enough said IMHO.
There's a third way, before issuing the call you should associate the handle that you want to do overlapped I/O on with a completion port. You then create a pool of threads which service this completion port by calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus() and looping. You issue your WSARecv() with an OVERLAPPED structure WITHOUT an event in it and when the I/O completes the completion pops out of GetQueuedCompletionStatus() on one of your I/O pool threads and can be handled there.
As previously mentioned, Vista/Server 2008 have cleaned up how IOCPs work a little and removed the problem whereby you had to make sure that the thread that issued the overlapped request continued to run until the request completed. Link to a reference to that can be found here. But this problem is easy to work around anyway; you simply marshal the WSARecv over to one of your I/O pool threads using the same IOCP that you use for completions...
Anyway, IMHO using IOCPs is the best way to do overlapped I/O. Yes, getting your head around the overlapped/async nature of the calls can take a little time at the start but it's well worth it as the system scales very well and offers a simple "fire and forget" method of dealing with overlapped operations.
If you need some sample code to get you going then I have several articles on writing IO completion port systems and a heap of free code that provides a real-world framework for high performance servers; see here.
As an aside; IMHO, you really should read "Windows Via C/C++ (PRO-Developer)" by Jeffrey Richter and Christophe Nasarre as it deals will all you need to know about overlapped I/O and most other advanced windows platform techniques and APIs.
WaitForMultipleObjects is limited to 64 handles; in a highly concurrent application this could become a limitation.
Completion ports fit better with a model of having a pool of threads all of which are capable of handling any event, and you can queue your own (non-IO based) events into the port, whereas with waits you would need to code your own mechanism.
However completion ports, and the event based programming model, are a more difficult concept to really work against.
I would not expect any significant performance difference, but in the end you can only make your own measurements to reflect your usage. Note that Vista/Server2008 made a change with completion ports that the originating thread is not now needed to complete IO operations, this may make a bigger difference (see this article by Mark Russinovich).
Table 6-3 in the book Network Programming for Microsoft Windows, 2nd Edition compares the scalability of overlapped I/O via completion ports vs. other techniques. Completion ports blow all the other I/O models out of the water when it comes to throughput, while using far fewer threads.
The difference between WaitForMultipleObjects() and I/O completion ports is that IOCP scales to thousands of objects, whereas WFMO() does not and should not be used for anything more than 64 objects (even though you could).
You can't really compare them for performance, because in the domain of < 64 objects, they will be essentially identical.
WFMO() however does a round-robin on its objects, so busy objects with low index numbers can starve objects with high index numbers. (E.g. if object 0 is going off constantly, it will starve objects 1, 2, 3, etc). This is obviously undesireable.
I wrote an IOCP library (for sockets) to solve the C10K problem and put it in the public domain. I was able on a 512mb W2K machine to get 4,000 sockets concurrently transferring data. (You can get a lot more sockets, if they're idle - a busy socket consumes more non-paged pool and that's the ultimate limit on how many sockets you can have).
The API should give you exactly what you need.
Not sure. But I use WaitForMultipleObjects and/or WaitFoSingleObjects. It's very convenient.
Either routine works and I don't really think one is any significant faster then another.
These two approaches exists to satisfy different programming models.
WaitForMultipleObjects is there to facilitate async completion pattern (like UNIX select() function) while completion ports is more towards event driven model.
I personally think WaitForMultipleObjects() approach result in cleaner code and more thread safe.
