Efficient Overlapped I/O for a socket server - windows

Which of these two different models would be more efficient (consider thrashing, utilization of processor cache, overall desgn, everything, etc)?
1 IOCP and spinning up X threads (where X is the number of processors the computer has). This would mean that my "server" would only have 1 IOCP (queue) for all requests and X Threads to serve/handle them. I have read many articles discussing the effeciency of this design. With this model I would have 1 listener that would also be associated to the IOCP. Lets assume that I could figure out how to keep the packets/requests synchronized.
X IOCP (where X is the number of processors the computer has) and each IOCP has 1 thread. This would mean that each Processor has its own queue and 1 thread to serve/handle them. With this model I would have a separate Listener (not using IOCP) that would handle incomming connections and would assign the SOCKET to the proper IOCP (one of the X that were created). Lets assume that I could figure out the Load Balancing.
Using an overly simplified analogy for the two designs (a bank):
One line with several cashiers to hand the transactions. Each person is in the same line and each cashier takes the next available person in line.
Each cashier has their own line and the people are "placed" into one of those lines
Between these two designs, which one is more efficient. In each model the Overlapped I/O structures would be using VirtualAlloc with MEM_COMMIT (as opposed to "new") so the swap-file should not be an issue (no paging). Based on how it has been described to me, using VirtualAlloc with MEM_COMMIT, the memory is reserved and is not paged out. This would allow the SOCKETS to write the incomming data right to my buffers without going through intermediate layers. So I don't think thrashing should be a factor but I might be wrong.
Someone was telling me that #2 would be more efficient but I have not heard of this model. Thanks in advance for your comments!

I assume that for #2 you plan to manually associate your sockets with an IOCP that you decide is 'best' based on some measure of 'goodness' at the time the socket is accepted? And that somehow this measure of 'goodness' will persist for the life of the socket?
With IOCP used the 'standard' way, i.e. your option number 1, the kernel works out how best to use the threads you have and allows more to run if any of them block. With your method, assuming you somehow work out how to distribute the work, you are going to end up with more threads running than with option 1.
Your #2 option also prevents you from using AcceptEx() for overlapped accepts and this is more efficient than using a normal accept loop as you remove a thread (and the resulting context switching and potential contention) from the scene.
Your analogy breaks down; it's actually more a case of either having 1 queue with X bank tellers where you join the queue and know that you'll be seen in an efficient order as opposed to each teller having their own queue and you having to guess that the queue you join doesn't contain a whole bunch of people who want to open new accounts and the one next to you contains a whole bunch of people who only want to do some paying in. The single queue ensures that you get handled efficiently.
I think you're confused about MEM_COMMIT. It doesn't mean that the memory isn't in the paging file and wont be paged. The usual reason for using VirtualAlloc for overlapped buffers is to ensure alignment on page boundaries and so reduce the number of pages that are locked for I/O (a page sized buffer can be allocated on a page boundary and so only take one page rather than happening to span two due to the memory manager deciding to use a block that doesn't start on a page boundary).
In general I think you're attempting to optimise something way ahead of schedule. Get an efficient server working using IOCP the normal way first and then profile it. I seriously doubt that you'll even need to worry about building your #2 version ... Likewise, use new to allocate your buffers to start with and then switch to the added complexity of VirtualAlloc() when you find that you server fails due to ENOBUFS and you're sure that's caused by the I/O locked page limit and not lack of non-paged pool (you do realise that you have to allocate in 'allocation granularity' sized chunks for VirtualAlloc()?).
Anyway, I have a free IOCP server framework that's available here: http://www.serverframework.com/products---the-free-framework.html which might help you get started.
Edited: The complex version that you suggest could be useful in some NUMA architectures where you use NIC teaming to have the switch spit your traffic across multiple NICs, bind each NIC to a different physical processor and then bind your IOCP threads to the same processor. You then allocate memory from that NUMA node and effectively have your network switch load balance your connections across your NUMA nodes. I'd still suggest that it's better, IMHO, to get a working server which you can profile using the "normal" method of using IOCP first and only once you know that cross NUMA node issues are actually affecting your performance move towards the more complex architecture...

Queuing theory tells us that a single queue has better characteristics than multiple queues. You could possibly get around this with work-stealing.
The multiple queues method should have better cache behavior. Whether it is significantly better depends on how many received packets are associated with a single transaction. If a request fits in a single incoming packet, then it'll be associated to a single thread even with the single IOCP approach.


How to set up a thread pool for an IOCP server with connections that may perform blocking operations

I'm currently working on a server application that's written in the proactor style, using select() + a dynamically sized thread pool (there's a simple mechanism based on keeping track of idle worker threads).
I need to modify it to use IOCP instead of select() on windows, and I'm wondering what the best way to utilize threads is.
For background information, the server has stateful, long-lived connections, and any request may require significant processing, and block. In fact, most requests call into customer-written code, which may block at will.
I've read that the OS can tell when an IOCP thread blocks, and unblock another one, but it doesn't look like there's any support for creating additional threads under heavy load, or if many of the threads are blocked.
I've read one site which suggested that you have a small, fixed-size thread pool which uses IOCP to deal with I/O only, which sends requests which can block to another, dynamically-sized thread pool. This seems non-optimal due to the additional thread synchronization required (although you can use IOCP as well for the tasks for the second thread pool), and the larger number of threads needed (extra context switching).
Is that the best way?
It sounds like what you've read is one of my articles on IOCP (most probably this one). That's likely a bit out of date now as the whole problem that it sort to avoid (that of I/O being cancelled if the thread that issued it exits before the I/O completes) is no longer a problem with any of Microsoft's currently supported OS's (it's only an issue on XP and before).
You're correct in noticing that my design from 2000/2002 was sub optimal from a context switching point of view; but it worked pretty well at the time, given the constraints of the underlying API.
On a modern OS there's no real advantage in having separate thread pools for I/O and blocking work. A more modern solution would probably involve dynamically expanding and reducing the number of I/O threads servicing the IOCP as required.
You'd need to track the number of IOCP threads that are active (i.e. not waiting on GetQueuedCompletionStatus() ) and spawn more when there are "too few". Likewise just as a thread is about to go back and wait on GQCS you could check to see if you have "too many" and if so, let it die instead.
I should probably update those articles.

Are OpenCL workgroups executed simultaneously?

My understanding was, that each workgroup is executed on the GPU and then the next one is executed.
Unfortunately, my observations lead to the conclusion that this is not correct.
In my implementation, all workgroups share a big global memory buffer.
All workgroups perform read and write operations to various positions on this buffer.
If the kernel operate on it directly, no conflicts arise.
If the workgroup loads chunk into local memory, performe some computation and copies the result back, the global memory gets corrupted by other workgroups.
So how can I avoid this behaviour?
Can I somehow tell OpenCL to only execute one workgroup at once or rearrange the execution order, so that I somehow don't get conflicts?
The answer is that it depends. A whole workgroup must be executed concurrently (though not necessarily in parallel) on the device, at least when barriers are present, because the workgroup must be able to synchronize and communicate. There is no rule that says work-groups must be concurrent - but there is no rule that says they cannot. Usually hardware will place a single work-group on a single compute core. Most hardware has multiple cores, which will each get a work-group, and to cover latency a lot of hardware will also place multiple work-groups on a single core if there is capacity available.
You have no way to control the order in which work-groups execute. If you want them to serialize you would be better off launching just one work-group and writing a loop inside to serialize the series of work chunks in that same work-group. This is often a good strategy in general even with multiple work-groups.
If you really only want one work-group at a time, though, you will probably be using only a tiny part of the hardware. Most hardware cannot spread a single work-group across the entire device - so if you're stuck to one core on a 32-core GPU you're not getting much use of the device.
You need to set the global size and dimensions to that of a single work group, and enqueue a new NDRange for each group. Essentially, breaking up the call to your kernel into many smaller calls. Make sure your command queue is not allowing out of order execution, so that the kernel calls are blocking.
This will likely result in poorer performance, but you will get the dedicated global memory access you are looking for.
Yes, the groups can be executed in parallel; this is normally a very good thing. Here is a related question.
The number of workgroups that can be concurrently launched on a ComputeUnit (AMD) or SMX (Nvidia) depends on the availability of GPU hardware resources, important ones being vector-registers and workgroup-level-memory** (called LDS for AMD and shared memory for Nvidia). If you want to launch just one workgroup on the CU/SMX, make sure that the workgroup consumes a bulk of these resources and blocks further workgroups on the same CU/SMX. You would, however, still have other workgroups executing on other CUs/SMXs - a GPU normally has multiple of these.
I am not aware of any API which lets you pin a kernel to a single CU/SMX.
** It also depends on the number of concurrent wavefronts/warps the scheduler can handle.

Performance benefit of multiple pending reads or multiple pending writes per individual TCP socket?

IOCP is great for many connections, but what I'm wondering is, is there a significant benefit to allowing multiple pending receives or multiple pending writes per individual TCP socket, or am I not really going to lose performance if I just allow one pending receive and one pending send per each socket (which really simplifies things, as I don't have to deal with out-of-order completion notifications)?
My general use case is 2 worker threads servicing the IOCP port, handling several connections (more than 2 but less than 10), where the transmitted data is ether of two forms: one is frequent very small messages (which I combine if possible manually, but generally need to send often enough that the per-send data is still pretty small), and the other is transferring large files.
Multiple pending recvs tend to be of limited use unless you plan to turn off the network stack's recv buffering in which case they're essential. Bear in mind that if you DO decide to issue multiple pending recvs then you must do some work to make sure you process them in the correct sequence. Whilst the recvs will complete from the IOCP in the order that they were issued thread scheduling issues may mean that they are processed by different I/O threads in a different order unless you actively work to ensure that this is not the case, see here for details.
Multiple pending sends are more useful to fully utilise the TCP connection's available TCP window (and send at the maximum rate possible) but only if you have lots of data to send, only if you want to send it as efficiently as you can and only if you take care to ensure that you don't have too many pending writes. See here for details of issues that you can come up against if you don't actively manage the number of pending writes.
For less than 10 connections and TCP, you probably won't feel any difference even at high rates. You may see better performance by simply growing your buffer sizes.
Queuing up I/Os is going to help if your application is bursty and expensive to process. Basically it lets you perform the costly work up front so that when the burst comes in, you're using a little of the CPU on I/O and as much of it on processing as possible.

Windows, multiple process vs multiple threads

We have to make our system highly scalable and it has been developed for windows platform using VC++. Say initially, we would like to process 100 requests(from msmq) simultaneously. What would be the best approach? Single process with 100 threads or 2 processes with 50-50 threads? What is the gain apart from process memory in case of second approach. does in windows first CPU time is allocated to process and then split between threads for that process, or OS counts the number of threads for each process and allocate CPU on the basis of threads rather than process. We notice that in first case, CPU utilization is 15-25% and we want to consume more CPU. Remember that we would like to get optimal performance thus 100 requests are just for example. We have also noticed that if we increase number of threads of the process above 120, performance degrades due to context switches.
One more point; our product already supports clustering, but we want to utilize more CPU on the single node.
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
You cant process more requests than you have CPU cores. "fast" scalable solutions involve setting up thread pools, where the number of active (not blocked on IO) threads == the number of CPU cores. So creating 100 threads because you want to service 100 msmq requests is not good design.
Windows has a thread pooling mechanism called IO Completion Ports.
Using IO Completion ports does push the design to a single process as, in a multi process design, each process would have its own IO Completion Port thread pool that it would manage independently and hence you could get a lot more threads contending for CPU cores.
The "core" idea of an IO Completion Port is that its a kernel mode queue - you can manually post events to the queue, or get asynchronous IO completions posted to it automatically by associating file (file, socket, pipe) handles with the port.
On the other side, the IO Completion Port mechanism automatically dequeues events onto waiting worker threads - but it does NOT dequeue jobs if it detects that the current "active" threads in the thread pool >= the number of CPU cores.
Using IO Completion Ports can potentially increase the scalability of a service a lot, usually however the gain is a lot smaller than expected as other factors quickly come into play when all the CPU cores are contending for the services other resource.
If your services are developed in c++, you might find that serialized access to the heap is a big performance minus - although Windows version 6.1 seems to have implemented a low contention heap so this might be less of an issue.
To summarize - theoretically your biggest performance gains would be from a design using thread pools managed in a single process. But you are heavily dependent on the libraries you are using to not serialize access to critical resources which can quickly loose you all the theoretical performance gains.
If you do have library code serializing your nicely threadpooled service (as in the case of c++ object creation&destruction being serialized because of heap contention) then you need to change your use of the library / switch to a low contention version of the library or just scale out to multiple processes.
The only way to know is to write test cases that stress the server in various ways and measure the results.
The standard approach on windows is multiple threads. Not saying that is always your best solution but there is a price to be paid for each thread or process and on windows a process is more expensive. As for scheduler i'm not sure but you can set the priory of the process and threads. The real benefit to threads is their shared address space and the ability to communicate without IPC, however synchronization must be careful maintained.
If you system is already developed, which it appears to be, it is likely to be easier to implement a multiple process solution especially if there is a chance that latter more then one machine may be utilized. As your IPC from 2 process on one machine can scale to multiple machines in the general case. Most attempts at massive parallelization fail because the entire system is not evaluated for bottle necks. for example if you implement a 100 threads that all write to the same database you may gain little in actual performance and just wait on your database.
just my .02

Win32 Overlapped I/O - Completion routines or WaitForMultipleObjects?

I'm wondering which approach is faster and why ?
While writing a Win32 server I have read a lot about the Completion Ports and the Overlapped I/O, but I have not read anything to suggest which set of API's yields the best results in the server.
Should I use completion routines, or should I use the WaitForMultipleObjects API and why ?
You suggest two methods of doing overlapped I/O and ignore the third (or I'm misunderstanding your question).
When you issue an overlapped operation, a WSARecv() for example, you can specify an OVERLAPPED structure which contains an event and you can wait for that event to be signalled to indicate the overlapped I/O has completed. This, I assume, is your WaitForMultipleObjects() approach and, as previously mentioned, this doesn't scale well as you're limited to the number of handles that you can pass to WaitForMultipleObjects().
Alternatively you can pass a completion routine which is called when completion occurs. This is known as 'alertable I/O' and requires that the thread that issued the WSARecv() call is in an 'alertable' state for the completion routine to be called. Threads can put themselves in an alertable state in several ways (calling SleepEx() or the various EX versions of the Wait functions, etc). The Richter book that I have open in front of me says "I have worked with alertable I/O quite a bit, and I'll be the first to tell you that alertable I/O is horrible and should be avoided". Enough said IMHO.
There's a third way, before issuing the call you should associate the handle that you want to do overlapped I/O on with a completion port. You then create a pool of threads which service this completion port by calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus() and looping. You issue your WSARecv() with an OVERLAPPED structure WITHOUT an event in it and when the I/O completes the completion pops out of GetQueuedCompletionStatus() on one of your I/O pool threads and can be handled there.
As previously mentioned, Vista/Server 2008 have cleaned up how IOCPs work a little and removed the problem whereby you had to make sure that the thread that issued the overlapped request continued to run until the request completed. Link to a reference to that can be found here. But this problem is easy to work around anyway; you simply marshal the WSARecv over to one of your I/O pool threads using the same IOCP that you use for completions...
Anyway, IMHO using IOCPs is the best way to do overlapped I/O. Yes, getting your head around the overlapped/async nature of the calls can take a little time at the start but it's well worth it as the system scales very well and offers a simple "fire and forget" method of dealing with overlapped operations.
If you need some sample code to get you going then I have several articles on writing IO completion port systems and a heap of free code that provides a real-world framework for high performance servers; see here.
As an aside; IMHO, you really should read "Windows Via C/C++ (PRO-Developer)" by Jeffrey Richter and Christophe Nasarre as it deals will all you need to know about overlapped I/O and most other advanced windows platform techniques and APIs.
WaitForMultipleObjects is limited to 64 handles; in a highly concurrent application this could become a limitation.
Completion ports fit better with a model of having a pool of threads all of which are capable of handling any event, and you can queue your own (non-IO based) events into the port, whereas with waits you would need to code your own mechanism.
However completion ports, and the event based programming model, are a more difficult concept to really work against.
I would not expect any significant performance difference, but in the end you can only make your own measurements to reflect your usage. Note that Vista/Server2008 made a change with completion ports that the originating thread is not now needed to complete IO operations, this may make a bigger difference (see this article by Mark Russinovich).
Table 6-3 in the book Network Programming for Microsoft Windows, 2nd Edition compares the scalability of overlapped I/O via completion ports vs. other techniques. Completion ports blow all the other I/O models out of the water when it comes to throughput, while using far fewer threads.
The difference between WaitForMultipleObjects() and I/O completion ports is that IOCP scales to thousands of objects, whereas WFMO() does not and should not be used for anything more than 64 objects (even though you could).
You can't really compare them for performance, because in the domain of < 64 objects, they will be essentially identical.
WFMO() however does a round-robin on its objects, so busy objects with low index numbers can starve objects with high index numbers. (E.g. if object 0 is going off constantly, it will starve objects 1, 2, 3, etc). This is obviously undesireable.
I wrote an IOCP library (for sockets) to solve the C10K problem and put it in the public domain. I was able on a 512mb W2K machine to get 4,000 sockets concurrently transferring data. (You can get a lot more sockets, if they're idle - a busy socket consumes more non-paged pool and that's the ultimate limit on how many sockets you can have).
The API should give you exactly what you need.
Not sure. But I use WaitForMultipleObjects and/or WaitFoSingleObjects. It's very convenient.
Either routine works and I don't really think one is any significant faster then another.
These two approaches exists to satisfy different programming models.
WaitForMultipleObjects is there to facilitate async completion pattern (like UNIX select() function) while completion ports is more towards event driven model.
I personally think WaitForMultipleObjects() approach result in cleaner code and more thread safe.
