bash script doesn't find mkdir [duplicate] - bash

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Getting "command not found" error in bash script
(6 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I've created a simple script to check if a folder exists and if not to create it. The script that follow
if [ ! -d $PATH$FOLDER ]
echo $PATH$FOLDER 'not exists'
/bin/mkdir $PATH$FOLDER
echo $PATH$FOLDER 'has been created'
works only if the mkdir command is preceded by /bin/. Failing in that, bash env output the error message "command cannot be found".
I though this could have been related to the system $PATH variable, but it looks regular (to me) and the output is as following:
I'm not sure whether the order with the different bin folders have been listed make any difference, but the /bin one (where the mkdir on my OSX Maverick) seems to reside is there hence I would expect bash to being able to execute this.
In fact, if I call the bash command from terminal, by typing just mkdir bash output the help string to suggest me how the mkdir command should be used. This suggests me that at a first instance bash is able to recognise the $PATH variable.
So what could be the cause? Is there any relation between the opening statement at the top of my .sh - #!/bin/bash - file and the "default" folder?

Yeah, sometimes it is a bad idea to use capital letters for constant variables, because there are some default ones using the same convention. You can see some of the default variables here (Scroll to Special Parameters and Variables section). So it is better to use long names if you don't want to get any clashes.
Another thing to note is that you're trying to replicate mkdir -p functionality, which creates a folder if it does not exist (also it does create all of the parents, which is what you need in most cases)
One more thing - you always have to quote variables, otherwise they get expanded. This may lead to some serious problems. Imagine that
rm $fileToRemove
This code will remove all files in the current folder, not a file named * as you might expect.
One more thing, you should separate path from a folder with /. Like this "$MY_PATH/$MY_FOLDER". That should be done in case you forget to include / character in your path variable. It does not hurt to have two slashes, that means that /home/////////user/// folder is exactly the same /home/user/ folder.
Sometimes it is tricky to get ~ working, so using $HOME is a bit safer and more readable anyway.
So here is your modified script:
mkdir -p "$MY_PATH/$MY_FOLDER"

The problem is that your script sets PATH to a single directory, and that single directory does not contain a program called mkdir.
Do not use PATH as the name of a variable (use it to list the directories to be searched for commands).
Do learn the list of standard environment variable names and those specific to the shell you use (e.g. bash shell variables). Or use a simple heuristic: reserved names are in upper-case, so use lower-case names for variables local to a script. (Most environment variables are in upper-case — standard or not standard.)
And you can simply ensure that the directory exists by using:
mkdir -p ~/Dropbox/Web_Development
If it already exists, no harm is done. If it does not exist, it is created, and any other directories needed on the path to the directory (eg ~/Dropbox) is also created if that is missing.


How to execute a script within a subfolder of a directory in path

Consider the following folder structure:
$ tree ~/test_path
`-- sub_folder
1 directory, 1 file
Let's say that you have added test_path to your path by
export PATH=$PATH:~/test_path
$ whereis sub_folder
sub_folder: /home/murtraja/test_path/sub_folder
Now how to execute by calling sub_folder/
$ sub_folder/
bash: sub_folder/ No such file or directory
EDIT: I don't want to change the call sub_folder/ because this is called by another script which I cannot (am avoiding to) change.
Short answer: You can't, but depending on the set of constraints you're facing, there might be another way to handle it.
Long answer: When a command name contains at least one slash character, it treated as a path to the executable (i.e. it doesn't search the directories in $PATH). With the command name sub_folder/, it contains a slash, but doesn't start with a slash, so it'll be resolved relative to the current working directory.
So there are a couple of possibilities for making this work:
If you can cd to ~/test_path before running this, it'll find it directly. Of course, this may break other things (i.e. anything else that uses relative paths and/or plain filenames and expects them to be resolved somewhere else). Also, be sure to check for errors when you cd, or the script could execute in an unexpected directory, with unexpected consequences.
If the script needs to execute from a different working directory, you might be able to create a symbolic link from sub_folder in that working directory to ~/test_path/sub_folder. But depending on where the script's working directory is, this may be impossible or unsafe. I'd avoid using this option if possible.
There's also an option that depends on a weird/nonstandard feature of bash: the ability to define function names with slash in them. But this has weird limitations depending on the version of bash you have:
You can define a function like this:
sub_folder/ { ~/test_path/sub_folder/ "$#"; }
and then either use export -f sub_folder/ (so bash subprocesses inherit it), or do this in a wrapper script and then source the script you can't change from there (so it's the same shell, and inheritance isn't necessary).
Difficulty: some versions of bash refuse to export functions with weird names, and some refuse to inherit them. So the export method might or might not work (and might break unexpectedly due to an update). The source method might be better, but also might cause other trouble.
If there's any way at all to change the other script, that'd really be the best option.
Since you've added it to your path, you can just call the script by name. It should also let you tab complete as well.
$ ./

Why does my PWD variable not retain its value?

I have the following code:
echo $PWD
echo $PWD
If I run this from within /home/USER/sandbox, the output of the above is:
Why does PWD not preserve its value? Is there any way to get it to preserve its value?
The key is that you called the variable PWD. This is one of several all-uppercase names used specially by Bash:
The current working directory as set by the cd command.
After each cd command, $PWD is updated to match.
I recommend you use lower-case for your variable names, to avoid surprises like this.
If I type all of those commands into the command line, I find that WD does "preserve it's value".
However I've run into this issue multiple times with various scripts and the root cause is one shell session (and/or a script) doesn't transfer its environment to another. Common solutions include doing everything I want to do in one script and saving values in a file for later use.
Hope this helps.

mkdir command not found in bash script

I don't know why I get error while running this simple script:
read -p "Please enter directory name: " DIR
read -p "Please enter the path: " PATH
mkdir -p "$PATH/$DIR"
line 7: mkdir: command not found
Don't use the variable PATH. This variable contains a list of directories to search for executable programs. Since you're replacing it, the script can no longer find the mkdir program.
In general, avoid using variables that are all uppercase, these are often used as parameters for the shell or other programs.
The variable PATH is an important environment variable - it is the way that programs (like mkdir) are found, and you are overwriting it. You shouldn't do that, but if you must then:
/bin/mkdir -p "$PATH/$DIR"
but honestly DON'T USE UPPERCASE! There are loads of reserved or special variables in Bash, and if you can't remember them all then just remember that all except one is in UPPERCASE. Variables in Bash are case-sensitive, like in all sensible programming languages.

Why does this script work in the current directory but fail when placed in the path?

I wish to replace my failing memory with a very small shell script.
if ! [ –a $1.sav ]; then
mv $1 $1.sav
cp $1.sav $1
nano $1
is intended to save the original version of a script. If the original has been preserved before, it skips the move-and-copy-back (and I use move-and-copy-back to preserve the original timestamp).
This works as intended if, after I make it executable with chmod I launch it from within the directory where I am editing, e.g. with
./ filename
However, when I move it into /usr/bin and then I try to run it in a different directory (without the leading ./) it fails with:
*-bash: /usr/bin/ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Text file busy*
My question is, when I move this script into the path (verified by echo $PATH) why does it then fail?
D'oh? Inquiring minds want to know how to make this work.
The . command is not normally used to run standalone scripts, and that seems to be what is confusing you. . is more typically used interactively to add new bindings to your environment (e.g. defining shell functions). It is also used to similar effect within scripts (e.g. to load a script "library").
Once you mark the script executable (per the comments on your question), you should be able to run it equally well from the current directory (e.g. ./ filename) or from wherever it is in the path (e.g. filename).
You may want to remove .sh from the name, to fit with the usual conventions of command names.
BTW: I note that you mistakenly capitalize If in the script.
The error bad interpreter: Text file busy occurs if the script is open for write (see this SE question and this SF question). Make sure you don't have it open (e.g. in a editor) when attempting to run it.

Deleting a directory contents using shell scripts

I am a newbie to Shell scripting. I want to delete all the contents of a directory which is in HOME directory of the user and deleting some files which are matching with my conditions. After googled for some time, i have created the following script.
echo "$PATH";
if [ -d $PATH ]
rm -r $PATH/*
fuser -kavf $PATH/.n*
rm -rf $PATH/.store
echo 'File deleted successfully :)'
If I run the script, i am getting error as follows,
dinesh: line 11: rm: command not found
dinesh: line 12: fuser: command not found
dinesh: line 13: rm: command not found
File deleted successfully :)
Can anybody help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
You are modifying PATH variable, which is used by the OS defines the path to find the utilities (so that you can invoke it without having to type the full path to the binary). The system cannot find rm and fuser in the folders currently specified by PATH (since you overwritten it with the directory to be deleted), so it prints the error.
tl;dr DO NOT use PATH as your own variable name.
PATH is a special variable that controls where the system looks for command executables (like rm, fuser, etc). When you set it to /users/dinesh/di, it then looks there for all subsequent commands, and (of course) can't find them. Solution: use a different variable name. Actually, I'd recommend using lowercase variables in shell scripts -- there are a number of uppercase reserved variable names, and if you try to use any of them you're going to have trouble. Sticking to lowercase is an easy way to avoid this.
BTW, in general it's best to enclose variables in double-quotes whenever you use them, to avoid trouble with some parsing the shell does after replacing them. For example, use [ -d "$path" ] instead of [ -d $path ]. $path/* is a bit more complicated, since the * won't work inside quotes. Solution: rm -r "$path"/*.
Random other notes: the #!/sbin/fuser line isn't doing anything. Only the first line of the script can act as a shebang. Also, don't bother putting ; at the end of lines in shell scripts.
echo "$path"
if [ -d "$path" ]
rm -r "$path"/*
fuser -kavf "$path"/.n*
rm -rf "$path/.store"
echo 'File deleted successfully :)'
This line:
removes all the standard directories from your PATH (so commands such as rm that are normally found in /bin or /usr/bin are 'missing'). You should write:
This keeps what was already in $PATH, but puts $HOME/di ahead of that. It means that if you have a custom command in that directory, it will be invoked instead of the standard one in /usr/bin or wherever.
If your intention is to remove the directory $HOME/di, then you should not be using $PATH as your variable. You could use $path; variable names are case sensitive. Or you could use $dir or any of a myriad other names. You do need to be aware of the key environment variables and avoid clobbering or misusing them. Of the key environment variables, $PATH is one of the most key ($HOME is another; actually, after those two, most of the rest are relatively less important). Conventionally, upper case names are reserved for environment variables; use lower case names for local variables in a script.
