MSTest -- Can i get the tests to run dynamicly? - mstest

i want to call some function once before all test started, and i need to know which tests are going to run. For example, if i selected TestMethod1 and TestMethod3 in my test plan, and run those two testcases, i need to get the test method information of 'TestMethod1' and 'TestMethod3'.
Is there any way to do that??


Check following excepts even if one fails in mocha

I use mocha/chai in my meteor project for testing. When one expect fails the following tests in the it function will not be executed. Is it possible to execute the following expects, too?

Abort mstest test from TestInitialize

I'm trying to Abort/Stop/Cancel test run from TestInitialize.
What I'm trying is to check if test method has custom attribute and if so ,abort the test.
TestContext doesn't have this ability ,
Is there any solutions to abort test using code?
If you want to stop the test run, you can call Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill() or Environment.Exit. This will stop the current process (where the tests are running).
If you want to stop only the test which is about to run. You not group your tests so that only the relevant tests are executed:
How to: Group and Run Automated Tests Using Test Categories

Queue sub suites for execution in MTM

I have a test plan which contains a test suite which has 4 sub suites of automated test cases. I want to execute all the subsuites one after the other without manual intervention. Is it possible?
try running test cases from command prompt, this requires the least manual intervention, as once all things are set you need to change only the build number to run your test cases.
refer this link

fitnesse: update test scenario file from fixture

is it possible to find test scenario file from fixture, i want to update content.txt and use this update in future test runs.
Idea :1st test run records data from application, other runs compares data with returned from application
${PAGE_PATH}.${PAGE_NAME} will generate path to current test from fitnesse root, put it into setup

Cannot run VSTS LoadTest at a time

I have a VSTS project with a list of 30 LoadTest tests that I want to run sequentially. All tests are independent from each other.
When I try to run all the tests, it starts with the first test and it executes it perfectly, but once the first test is finished, it automatically starts to mark the rest of the tests as completed, but without executing them.
Do I have to configure any option to run all of them together? Am I missing something?
Note: when the first test is finished it also asks me if I want to view the "detailed results from the load test".
Any advice/comment is welcomed...
UPDATE (16/07/2010)
More info... I'm trying to run the load tests as in the image that you can see at After the first loadtest is finished the rest of them are just marked as completed.
The load tests are individual tests, and have never seen a way to execute them simultaneously. You create individual web tests that you then put into a load test to run.
