How to identify company/domain with new OAuth2 authentication? - google-apps-marketplace

I'm converting an existing Google Apps Marketplace app to support OAuth2.
I understand the use of access keys to identify the user account but how can this be used to link a user to a 'company' or 'domain'?
Our app supports having multiple user logins under one business account - we need to be able to identify what company a user belongs to using OAuth2. How can this be done? (we're using C#).
Is there an additional user API that needs to be called after initial authentication, if so, which one? (we're using C#).


Integrating Social Logins with own OAuth2 REST API server

I am trying to make a mobile app in React-Native and Server in Spring-Boot which have a OAuth2 implemented API endpoints.
My question is how can I integrate Social Logins into my React-Native app which in save a user in my user table. apart from Social login I am using naive register/login flow which require username/password to provide access token from OAuth2 Server. How can I do the same with Just Social Login without prompting user any password or other extra information.
any general solution for this will help regardless of tech I am using.
Usually when using social networks to login/sign up you'll get a token returned in your app which you can send via your REST API and on your backend it can then retrieve the users information from the social platform used depending on the granted scopes(e-mail, username, etc...) and store the retrieved values in the database.
Thats basically how it works in general, but if you want to have more information you probably still need to share some more info about your tech used.
Hopefully that helped you out ;)

Xamarin Forms authentication - Authentication Providers?

Newbie question here on Authentication. I am used to incorporating authentication into my app backend server, like Spring Security Authentication for example. I don't really understand how the authentication providers work.
My concern is that somehow each provider can only authenticate its own accounts, ie google can only authenticate for gmail accounts, and Azure Active directory can only authenticate some kind of Microsoft registered account? I am disinclined to oauth because as a user I am always paranoid about signing in for some game or app from an unknown provider becacuse I never am sure whether I just gave my gmail or facebook account password to a rando.
I am fine giving people the option to use Oath, but less comfortable if that's the only option. I would like people to be able to give me whatever email address they want, and a password which they create for my site only.
Also these questions: If I use an authentication provider can I get the actual email address being used to log in? Or do I only get a token?
If I am going to build my own authentication service so I can accept any email domain as user name, what is the easiest to implement in Xamarin forms, and can somebody point me to a tutorial or something?
Advice appreciated thanks.
Yes, you're right, each identity provider provides the ability to authenticate their own users; Google OAuth supports Google accounts, Azure Active Directory supports Microsoft work & school accounts, Microsoft Account supports Microsoft personal accounts, and so on.
You have quite a few options on how to add support for these identity providers in your app, in addition to what we typically call 'local accounts', or accounts created specifically for the given application. I'll list out a few approaches:
You can write all the code yourself to integrate with each identity provider individually, and build-your-own local account solution as well.
You can use an SDK/library in your Xamarin Forms which facilitates using multiple identity providers within your app. The Xamarin.Auth package has historically served this purpose for Xamarin apps. It provides auth capabilities for Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter.
You can use a dedicated cloud service which provides authentication services for your app. Some examples include Azure Mobile Apps, Firebase Auth, Gigya, and more. The exact identity providers supported and the level of support for Xamarin/Xamarin Forms will vary across each one. Azure AD B2C is another option that I know supports Xamarin Forms as well as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and local accounts (disclaimer: I work on AAD B2C). These services sometimes have free tiers & paid tiers, so you can compare & contrast each.
You could also build your own authentication service using open source code like Identity Server if you wish.
It definitely depends which route you go, but generally speaking each solution will provide you access to some user profile information upon user authentication. For Azure AD B2C, you can configure the claims that are returned to your application in the tokens your app receives. For other services, you may need to make a REST API call to get some user data like the email address.

IdP initiated flow - Identify okta account

I have an MVC application (.Net Framework 4.5) which is been there for the last three years and using Forms Authentication mechanism. This application provides different accounts like Personal, freebie, Enterprise etc. For an enterprise account, we are handling everything in the same application. I.e. Suppose an enterprise called “xyz” created an enterprise account with the application, then we are providing a custom URL like “https://application/xyz/login” and from the URL we are identifying that enterprise. I don’t know the exact reason why they implemented like this as I have seen applications that are having enterprise accounts are created as subdomains (e.g. Now the client asked to integrate Okta into this application.
So I looked into Okta and found SAML is the right way to do and ends up in KentorIT Authservices. Initially, I was able to integrate this with a sample MVC application and the authentication part was working fine. With some basic idea about SSO, I have started integrating kentor authsevices into my application. The challenges I found in this implementation are:
1) For Enterprise accounts, Okta configuration settings are different for each enterprise and with my current application implementation, it is not possible to set it in from the web.config. So I have tried to set it from code and I was able to integrate those settings by replacing Configuration.Options.FromConfiguration;. I’m planning to store all configuration related things(Single sign-on URL, Audience URI,Identity Provider Issuer" etc.) in the database so that I can get the information whenever I wanted and I’m assuming that “Identity Provider Issuer Id is unique for each Okta account. In an IdP initiated flow, when the user tries to access the application it will redirect to AuthServices\Acs action method and from that, I’m trying to read the configuration settings. From the request is there any way I can identify from which Okta account call came(like Identity Provider Issuer)? Currently, I set the "Identity Provider Issuer" value (and I think which should be unique for okta account) to the Default RelayState field under General SAML settings tab and I was able to retrieve it from AuthServices\Acs action methods. Does it seem to be a good idea?  Please advice.
2) The Enterprise accounts are limited based on the number of licenses (say 50). Suppose if the Enterprise Okta admin intentionally added 55 users all those users can successfully authenticate the application based on the default settings. Is there any way I can handle this scenario. Do I need to keep a record of the list of users that came under a particular enterprise account?
3) From the documents I understand that Kentor authentication service is only for authentication and authorization part has to be done from the application itself. The current application implementation consists of a custom authorization attribute which checks for user permissions that are stored in the database. That should be there as it is and we have to do the authorization based on database permissions. Right?
Expecting your valuable suggestions and please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks in advance.
Don't use the RelayState for sensitive data unless you cryptographically sign it. It is not protected by any signature when using the POST binding, so the user may manipulate it. To get the issuing idp, check the issuer field of any claim generated by AuthServices instead.
Yes, that's the whole idea with Kentor.AuthServies: To plug SAML2 authentication into the security model of .NET to allow you to use any current/traditional Authorization setup.

Using o-auth to authentify users on my API

I've got a project made of two websites:
The front : A Laravel website without database and logic (just showing static pages and my javascript)
The API : A project using Lumen/Dingo API with my endpoints, my database, my logic and my models
I want to allow my front to ask data to my API depending the user.
Ex. I want to log the user, retrieve his friends, add some post to his
account, etc. (from the Javascript)
What is the best solution?
Using an identification per user (using o-auth or JWT)
Allow my front project to ask to my API then each javascript call needs to use my front without knowing my API) (In this solution I need to create routes similars to my API's routes)
Identification per user is always a better solution as the claims can be decided per user, also in future when it is required to provide permissions to access API based on claims or roles, it becomes easy to give information using the claims and amount of access you can give to a specific user.
So the way it will work is:
There will be identity server which will be containing the list of users in the system, and also the clams and scopes per user.
The API project will trust the identity server, that means any token provided by the identity server can get verified.
Based on the token per user your API app can decide how much information you want to give to the user.
That way in future you can have methods based on roles, claims and users will be provided with only the information that they have access to.

How to manage a user session using Azure Mobile Services?

I'm building mobile applications using .NET. What I'm looking for is a way to manage user sessions and info using Azure Mobile Services. I've read a lot about the authentication in Azure Mobile Services, but this only authenticates a user via Facebook, Twitter, etc ... to access azure services.
I'm looking for user session management, i.e. register, login, logout. Be able to save and retrieve user info, i.e., save certain info against the user such as age for example. Also session management and caching, i.e. the user will remain logged on when the app is closed and re-opened. Also azure mobile services doesn't seem to provide a way to allow me to register users via email.
Basically, If anyone is familiar with Parse, I'm looking for having similar functionality in Azure. Can anyone help please ?
Out of the box, Mobile Services provides easy authentication with social providers (Facebook, Twitter, etc) and Azure Active Directory. If you want to do registration via email, you'll have to create a custom auth system. This is going to be more complex than just flipping a switch and using Facebook auth, but totally doable and I can point you in the right direction. First, check out this post that will explain how you can create a registration / login system using custom API and the script backend. If you're using a .NET backend, you'll need to alter thing a bit (the samples are in JS) but it should be pretty easy to convert. The only piece that is really missing from that post is how to do email verification. To do this with Mobile Services, I would suggest the following.
Sign up for a SendGrid account (free in the Azure store)
From your script, after registering the user, generate a random alphanumeric string that is saved to their account / user record in the table.
Use the same string to create a URL which you can send to the user's email address (check out this tutorial for sending email via SendGrid and Mobile Services).
The link can either go to a different custom API or a web front end. When that endpoint is hit, it should update the user record to show that they have verified their email address.
