Ckeditor Toolbar Dropdown Element - ckeditor

I am using ck-editor 3 and have written custom code which will destroy ck-editor instance on blur action.
Problem i am facing is if i select any of the drop-down boxes from toolbar for e.g. style,size.
then on-blur event of instance is called and as per code its gets destroyed due to which i am not able to format it and editor gets closed.
I don't want to prevent on-blur event as a whole but wanted to prevent only when any of the toolbar element is accessed.
Is there any way to prevent this?


Using bootstrap calendar inside slickgrid then Calendar is stuck issue

I am using bootstrap calendar inside slickgrid. When calendar popup is opened and use Alt+tab or scope out of slickgrid then calendar gets stuck. I have to reload application to get rid of calendar popup. I want to close calendar pop up as soon as user scopes out of slickgrid. Please suggest way to do it.
Not sure if it's your problem but you can't use just a z-index in SlickGrid that won't work and won't do anything, you need to use position: absolute on your Editor (each editor has a args.position passed to their constructor) that you can use to reposition your editor next to the cell that you clicked, however make sure that you also add a position() method that will be called if it exist and of course you need to add proper code to reposition the DOM element inside that method. Also when you click on a different cell then the previous Editor will call the destroy method, so make sure you remove the Editor properly by adding necessary code in your destroy() method.
All of that position usage can be seen in 1 of the built-in Editor which is the LongText defined in the slick.editors.js on this line
The absolute style is applied here
and the position(cellPosition) method is defined here
If your problem is really that your Editor doesn't get removed from the DOM, then it's because you didn't code the destroy() properly and here is the LongText destroy() method for reference. Also you might want to add an onBlur event that will call your destroy() method after a blur or any other event that you choose.
and here's a print screen of the LongText Editor that is repositioned over the cell you clicked and you can test it yourself in this Example - Editing

Angular Material md-select load options in async way

I need to load select's options asynchronously (
through a service), using the Angular Material md-select component.
Actually, I use a click event to load data. It works but I need to click the select twice to show the options. That it's a problem.
The expected behavior is shown at this link (AngularJs Material)
The actual behavior is shown at this link.
Is Async options' loading supported by md-select?
The reason you need to click twice is because when you first click, there are no options in the select control and so it doesn't try and open the panel. Then your async method loads the options into the DOM and on the next click it will open.
In order to deal with this, you must always include at least one <mat-option> in your <mat-select>. You can add a disabled <mat-option> with a <mat-spinner> showing that the data is loading for example.
Here the most simple example of that. This is not the best approach... see below.
However, this still uses the click event which isn't the best approach. If you put the click event on the <mat-select> there are spots where you can click on the control but your click event wont trigger even though the dropdown panel still opens (places like the floating label area). You could put the click event on the <mat-form-field> but then there will be places where you can click and trigger the click event but the dropdown panel wont open (places like the hint/error text area). In both cases you lose keyboard support.
I would suggest using the <mat-select> openChanged event instead of a click event. This has its own quirks too but they are manageable.
Here is an example using the openChanged event. I also made the component more robust overall.
I also made a version that uses the placeholder element to show the spinner instead of using a disabled mat-option. This required View Encapsulation to be turned off.
Note: In my example, the service can return different data depending on the circumstances. To simulate this my fake service keeps track of how many requests you send it and changes the options returned accordingly. So I have to set the option list back to empty and clear the formControl's value every time the list is opened. I save the selected value before clearing the formControl so that if the service returns a list with the same item I can automatically reselect the value. If you only need to load the options once, then you would want to modify the code a bit to only load the options the first time the user opens the select.

How to Asynchronously Show a Create New Button On a CRM Sub Grid?

I need to hide the "Add New" button on a sub grid until certain criteria are met. Calling Xrm.Page.ui.refreshRibbon will trigger my JS function defined in my Enable Rule, but I can't get the + button to show up.
Is this unsupported, or is there some methodology to get this to work?
Seems like you have to do few extra trick.
Refreshing the subgrid command bar
You will find that when the form is loaded, if there is a value in the attribute you have referenced in your enable rule, the Add New button will be visible. If however the value changes, the sub-grid command bar will not automatically refresh to reflect the new state. Upon adding or deleting rows in the sub-grid the command bar is refresh – but this isn’t much use in this case.
The main form command bar can be refreshed using Xrm.Page.ui.refreshRibbon() however this will not refresh sub-grid command bars. Instead, we can add an onchange event to the fields that are used in our VaueRule and call:;
This will refresh the sub-grids and re-evaluate any of the EnableRules however it will also save any other dirty attributes and so should be used with caution if you do not have auto-save enabled.
Arun Vinoth did find a great article to describe the issue, but actually I've found that just calling refresh on the grid itself was all that was actually required.
It's important to note, that this does not re-run the enable rules, just shows the button if the state has changed.

Reinitialize bootstrap modals after loading ajax content

I'm using Bootstrap Modals, with normal usage cases it works well, but when adding new content via AJAX I need to make it remap the newly added elements.
I need that function like bootstrap_modal() or bootstrap_modal.init() to be fired after the new content was added.
I have a table of elements, each element has a modal that contains more information about it, these elements are added using AJAX (with a click of a button) so I want that when I click on that button, the new content loads and the the modal remapping is triggered to take into account the new elements.
I don't have enough rep. to leave a comment on your question, but can you paste some code and let me know what programming language you're using? I have examples in both c#/ASP.NET and php.

Oracle Apex 5.0 dynamic actions setting page items

I am trying to retrieve one text value from a textfield on the samepage to an other.
I am using a dynamic action onclick for a button this fires the folEncountering lots of bugs…
With dynamic actions cant access the values of existing page items all seems to be empty. I tried nvl(:P3_TO, :P3_FROM) but this doesnt do shit.
Also i noticed that setting a label on a button it doesnt show up.
