understanding about stackoverflow underlying software infrastructure - hadoop

I wonder what all databases/combination of databases stack overflow uses underneath, managing extensive user profile information over various verticals.
As i case of social networking sites like twitter and facebook the Big Data managemnet is done over hadoop. Is stack overflow also handles such higher volumes of data?
How about indexing the information , is redis part of stackoverflow solutions?
It will be really interesting to understand solution deployed at world most popular technical forum .

This article provides a glimpse at what stackoverflow's architecture looks like circa March 2011: http://highscalability.com/blog/2011/3/3/stack-overflow-architecture-update-now-at-95-million-page-vi.html
At a high level, its a .NET application which uses MS SQL server for a database, Redis for caching, HAProxy for load balancing, and a whole host of tools and hosted on both windows servers and linux servers (ubuntu+centos).
It doesn't look like they had any hadoop usage at the time of that article, but that could have changed. They might also be doing something different/custom for map/reduce type jobs or might not need anything like that at all yet. With delicacy, SQL servers can be scaled pretty far without needing to lean on "big data" toys. This is especially true if you can get most of your data out of your caching layer.


NoSQL for multi-site archival logging with full-text search

I'm looking at building a somewhat complex log handling system to replace an old ad-hoc setup and could use a bit of advice. I'm pretty familiar with SQL databases and networking, but am very new to NoSQL stores, which seem to be the key to solving this mess. Note that we have a very good team, but a limited licensing budget, so free/open-source options are vastly preferred. (That said, availability of support if something goes pear-shaped would be nice.)
Archive (test) logs generated in the several GB/day range at multiple sites around the world.
Provide full text search of those logs at each site fairly instantaneous for debugging purposes.
Push that archived data back to a central location (though a replica at each site would be absolutely okay).
Provide for analytics of that data back at the central location.
The sites have fairly crap Internet connections for the moment (high latency and fairly low bandwidth). Much of the data is generated during the day and a good portion of the sync would have to lag behind and finish overnight each day.
Sites MUST be able to function if the WAN goes completely off-line.
The log data is (as usual) highly compressible. Any solution that compresses data transacting from node to node across the WAN is preferred.
Many log files are related to each other in multi-level hierarchies, and that relationship is very important and must be maintained!
Sites will generally not modify the same data or modify it again once stored. This is all archival for the most part.
We can either stream as the logs are generated or push blocks of logs. Streaming is preferred, as it would simplify things considerably.
Options I'm aware of:
Local MySQL and folder structure for logging and local configuration management.
This is what we have now and it's running, but not a long-term solution by any means.
I've read that ElasticSearch would probably be really good for this, though from what I understand that doesn't support multi-site.
This seems to have built-in multi-site support, but I'm not exactly familiar with the data-model. Is this a good choice for something like this, or will I hate myself if I give it a try?
This is a document store that seems(?) like a good match for log data, but again doesn't appear to have multi-site support.
Apache Kafka
I read up on this, but I haven't quite wrapped my head around it yet...
Do any of these actually let you stream-append logs or are they best suited to dumping completed files in?
Is there a solution I'm missing that might be better?
Any recommendations on multi-site with some of the options that don't support multi-site by themselves?
Interesting links:
I may be a bit biased, since Couchbase is my employer, but this sounds like the kind of problem that XDCR (Cross Datacenter Replication) was made to solve.
You could stand up a cluster on multiple geographical sites (Couchbase calls these "datacenters") and then XDCR would automatically replicate (bidirectionally) the data between sites. If I understand your requirements correctly, this sounds like just what you need.

hosted BigQuery instance

Is there any way I can host big query software on my company server?
The company does not want the data to be anywhere else other than own data center.
What are BigQuery alternatives? (cloud as well as hosted)
Is there any way I can host big query software on my company server?
Google Big Query is an implementation of the Google Dremel Paper, but is offered as a service and is not available as a software to be installed in-premise.
What are big query alternatives? (cloud as well as hosted)
Apache Drill is an implementation of the above mentioned Dremel, but has just started and might take some time to materialize.
Cloudera has recently announced Imapala for real-time queries on Hadoop. Check the blog for more details.
Would be interested to know some other alternatives for real-time queries on Big Data.
Edit : Here is an interesting article from InfoWorld on the same.
Hive and Pig are two common solutions to making a queryable system, but since you mentioned Google's Big Query, I assume you mean real-time queries.
In addition to the real-time solutions mentioned by Praveen, there are some workarounds to making other column-oriented solutions faster by writing redundant stores, in a normalized fashion. Think of it this way: You can 'pre-join' the data in a column family, as long as you understand that you're trading fast access against excess volume and slower insertion speed.

Scalable web project architecture

Where do you get info about 'how to build scalable, high perfomance web app'? I mean architecture, best practice ets. regardless of platform and language: .net, php, java ...
Did you get your own 'epic fails' in your project and then refactor your system in a few nights or get info from internet?
Is there any communities where I could share my own expirience and get some response?
Yeah, I know that every project is individual.
You can read the High Scalability blog. If you have questions about architechture and scalability, you can always use StackOverflow unless the question is subjective.
It is not easy to answer this question. Language and Platform takes a secondary place when thinking about scalability.
"Scalability is actually a property of a system, not an individual layer of that system, infrastructure. Even with the best, sexiest, most automatic scaling layer, you can easily write code that just doesn't scale. - glyph"
How ever, you can immerse into a very good collection of resources on this issue at
Just focusing on the web part of scalable web architecture, you might want to take a look at these 7 reasons why you should be using XMPP instead of AJAX especially if your web app needs to scale with lots of real-time social features.

High traffic web sites

What makes a site good for high traffic?
Does it have more to do with the hardware/infrastructure, or with how one writes the software, using Java as the example, if it matters?
I'm wondering how the software changes just because it is expected that billions of users will be on the site, if at all.
My understanding up to this point is that the code doesn't change, but that it is deployed on multiple servers, in a cluster, and a load balancer distributes the load, so really, on any one server/deployment, the application is just as any other standard application/website.
I highly recommend reading Jeff Atwood's blog on Micro-Optimization. In previous blogs he talks somewhat about how this site was created and the hardware upgrades he has had (which quickly summarized said that better hardware performs better only the extent that it is faster/better), but the real speed of a site comes from good programming, and this article seems like it should sum up some of your site programming questions quite well.
Hardware is cheap. Programming is expensive.
There are some programming techniques to make sure your code can handle multiple simultaneous views/updates. If you're using an existing framework, much of that work is (hopefully) done for you, but otherwise you're going to find stuff that worked for a few hundred hits an hour on one server isn't going to work when you're getting hundreds of thousands of hits and you have to deploy multiple load balancing machines.
Well, it is primarily an issue of hardware scaling but there are a few things to keep in mind with respect to the software involved in scaling. For example, if you are on a server farm, you'll need to work with a session management server (either via SQL Server or via a state server - which has implications in that your session variables need to be serializable).
But, in the bigger picture, there are a variety of things that you would want to do to scale to an enterprise level. For example, it becomes particularly important that you abstract out your database calls to a DAL because you may well need to adopt the use of a middleware package for high volume environments.

What are the reasons for a "simple" website not to choose Cloud Based Hosting?

I have been doing some catching up lately by reading about cloud hosting.
For a client that has about the same characteristics as StackOverflow (Windows stack, same amount of visitors), I need to set up a hosting environment. Stackoverflow went from renting to buying.
The question is why didn't they choose cloud hosting?
Since Stackoverflow doesn't use any weird stuff that needs to run on a dedicated server and supposedly cloud hosting is 'the' solution, why not use it?
By getting answers to this question I hope to be able to make a weighted decision myself.
I honestly do not know why SO runs like it does, on privately owned servers.
However, I can assume why a website would prefer this:
Maintainability - when things DO go wrong, you want to be hands-on on the problem, and solve it as quickly as possible, without needing to count on some third-party. Of course the downside is that you need to be available 24/7 to handle these problems.
Scalability - Cloud hosting (or any external hosting, for that matter) is very convenient for a small to medium-sized site. And most of the hosting providers today do give you the option to start small (shared hosting for example) and grow to private servers/VPN/etc... But if you truly believe you will need that extra growth space, you might want to count only on your own infrastructure.
Full Control - with your own servers, you are never bound to any restrictions or limitations a hosting service might impose on you. Run whatever you want, hog your CPU or your RAM, whatever. It's your server. Many hosting providers do not give you this freedom (unless you pay up, of course :) )
Again, this is a cost-effectiveness issue, and each business will handle it differently.
I think this might be a big reason why:
Cloud databases are typically more
limited in functionality than their
local counterparts. App Engine returns
up to 1000 results. SimpleDB times out
within 5 seconds. Joining records from
two tables in a single query breaks
databases optimized for scale. App
Engine offers specialized storage and
query types such as geographical
The database layer of a cloud instance
can be abstracted as a separate
best-of-breed layer within a cloud
stack but developers are most likely
to use the local solution for both its
speed and simplicity.
From Niall Kennedy
Obviously I cannot say for StackOverflow, but I have a few clients that went the "cloud hosting" route. All of which are now frantically trying to get off of the cloud.
In a lot of cases, it just isn't 100% there yet. Limitations in user tracking (passing of requestor's IP address), fluctuating performance due to other load on the cloud, and unknown usage number are just a few of the issues that have came up.
From what I've seen (and this is just based on reading various blogged stories) most of the time the dollar-costs of cloud hosting just don't work out, especially given a little bit of planning or analysis. It's only really valuable for somebody who expects highly fluctuating traffic which defies prediction, or seasonal bursts. I guess in it's infancy it's just not quite competitive enough.
IIRC Jeff and Joel said (in one of the podcasts) that they did actually run the numbers and it didn't work out cloud-favouring.
I think Jeff said in one of the Podcasts that he wanted to learn a lot of things about hosting, and generally has fun doing it. Some headaches aside (see the SO blog), I think it's a great learning experience.
Cloud computing definitely has it's advantages as many of the other answers have noted, but sometimes you just want to be able to control every bit of your server.
I looked into it once for quite a small site. Running a small Amazon instance for a year would cost around £700 + bandwidth costs + S3 storage costs. VPS hosting with similar specs and a decent bandwidth allowance chucked in is around £500. So I think cost has a lot to do with it unless you are going to have fluctuating traffic and lots of it!
I'm sure someone from SO will answer it but "Isn't just more hassle"? Old school hosting is still cheap and unless you got big scalability problems why would you do cloud hosting?
