Variant Scheduling Algorithm - algorithm

I'm working on a problem from "Algorithm Design" by Kleinberg, specifically problem 4.15. I'm not currently enrolled in the class that this relates to -- I'm taking a crack at the problem set before the new quarter starts to see if I'd be able to do it. The question is as follows:
The manager of a large student union on campus comes to you with the
following problem. She’s in charge of a group of n students, each of whom
is scheduled to work one shift during the week. There are different jobs
associated with these shifts (tending the main desk, helping with package
delivery, rebooting cranky information kiosks, etc.), but.we can view each
shift as a single contiguous interval of time. There can be multiple shifts
going on at once.
She’s trying to choose a subset of these n students to form a super-
vising committee that she can meet with once a week. She considers such
a committee to be complete if, for every student not on the committee,
that student’s shift overlaps (at least partially) the shift of some student
who is on the committee. In this way, each student’s performance can be
observed by at least one person who’s serving on the committee.
Give an efficient algorithm that takes the schedule of n shifts and
produces a complete supervising committee containing as few students
as possible.
Example. Suppose n = 3, and the shifts are
Monday 4 p.M.-Monday 8 P.M.,
Monday 6 p.M.-Monday 10 P.M.,
Monday 9 P.M.-Monday 1I P.M..
Then the smallest complete supervising committee would consist of just
the second student, since the second shift overlaps both the first and the
My attempt (I can't find this problem in my solution manual, so I'm asking here):
Construct a graph G with vertices S1, S2, ..., Sn for each student.
Let there be an edge between Si and Sj iff students i and j have an overlapping
shift. Let C represent the set of students in the supervising committee.
[O(n + 2m) to build an adjacency list, where m is the number of shifts?
Since we have to add at least each student to the adjacency list, and add an
additional m entries for each shift, with two entries added per shift since
our graph is undirected.]
Sort the vertices by degree into a list S [O(n log n)].
While S[0] has degree > 0:
(1) Add Si to C. [O(1)]
(2) Delete Si and all of the nodes that it was connected to, update the
adjacency list.
(3) Update S so that it is once again sorted.
Add any remaining vertices of degree 0 to C.
I'm not sure how to quantify the runtime of (2) and (3). Since the degree of any node is bounded by n, it seems that (2) is bounded by O(n). But the degree of the node removed in (1) also affects the number of iterations performed inside of the while loop, so I suspect that it's possible to say something about the upper bound of the whole while loop -- something to the effect of "Any sequence of deletions will involve deleting at most n nodes in linear time and resorting at most n nodes in linear time, resulting in an upper bound of O(n log n) for the while loop, and therefore of the algorithm as a whole."

You don't want to convert this to a general graph problem, as then it's simply the NP-hard vertex cover problem. However, on interval graphs in particular, there is in fact a linear-time greedy algorithm, as described in this paper (which is actually for a more general problem, but works fine here). From a quick read of it, here's how it applies to your problem:
Sort the students by the time at which their shift ends, from earliest to latest. Number them 1 through n.
Initialize a counter k = 1 which represents the earliest student in the ordering not in the committee.
Starting from k, find the first student in the order whose shift does not intersect student k's shift. Suppose this is student i. Add student i-1 to the committee, and update k to be the new earliest student not covered by the committee.
Repeat the previous step until all students are covered.
(This feels correct, but like I said I only had a quick read, so please say if I missed something)


Shortest time for everyone to get to the destination

I have to design an algorithm to solve a problem:
We have two groups of people (group A and group B, the number of people in group A is always less or equal to the number of people in group B), all standing in a one-dimensional line, each people have a corresponding number indicating its location. When the timer starts, each people in group A must find a partner in group B, but people in group B cannot move at all and each people in group B can only have at most 1 partner.
Suppose that people in group A move 1 unit/sec, how can I find the minimum time for everyone in group A to find a partner?
for example, if there are three people in group A with location {5,7,8}, and four people in group B with location {2,3,4,9}, the optimal solution would be 3 sec because max(5-3,7-4,9-8)=3
I could just use brute-force to solve it, but is there a better way of solving this problem?
This problem is a special case of the edit distance problem, and so a similar Dynamic Programming solution can be used to solve it. It's possible that a faster solution exists for this special case.
Let A = [a_0, a_1...,a_(m-1)] be the (sorted) positions of our m moving people, and B = [b_0, b_1...,b_(n-1)] be the n (sorted) destination spots, with m <= n. For the edit distance analogy, the allowed operations are:
Insert a number into A (free), or
Substitute an element a -> a' in A with cost |a-a'|.
We can solve this in O(n*m) time (plus sorting time of both A and B, if necessary).
We can define the dynamic programming via a cost function C(i, j) which is the minimum cost to move the first i people a_0, ... a_(i-1) using only the first j spots b_0, ... b_(j-1). You want C(m,n). Define C as follows:

Question about formulating a problem as a Linear Program

I have the following problem:
We have 180 students. Each student is required to choose one of 6 courses to get a degree. No course should have more than 30 students in it. Moreover, students must specify three courses with different preferences :.The goal is to find an assignment of students to courses in such a way that:
Every student is assigned to a course.
There is no course which has more than 30 students.
The sum of student preferences is maximized.
First question is to formulate the problem as a Linear Program (LP). My formulation is as follows:
Maximize ,
subject to:
Is my formulation correct ?
The second part of the question is the following:
Suppose we have a black box which solves the Min Cost Flow problem ( How to use this black box to solve our assignment problem ?
Thank you,
Your Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation is not completely correct, in your last constraint, you write that all classes have exactly 30 students, but that is incorrect, a class can not have more than 30 students.
So the formulation should be something like:
maximize ∑ij xij pij
subject to:
∑jxij=1, ∀i
∑ixij≤30, ∀j
As for the max-flow, you can present each student as a node in a network, and each class as a node, for example for four students and three classes, the graph looks like:
Here the capacity of s to the students si is 1, since each student can make at most one choice, so c(s, si)=1. The capacity of a class room is 30, so that means that for every class cj, it holds that c(ci, d)=30. Furthermore the capacity between each si and cj is 1 as well (although a larger capacity will not make a difference), so c(si, cj)=1.
Here we add a "cost" to the edges between si and cj that is equal to a(si, cj)=-pij, so given the perference is higher, the cost is lower. Other edges have a cost of zero, so a(s, si)=a(cj,d)=0. So here we will assign flows (based on the capacity one per student, such that the total flow to a class room is less than 30), and minimize the cost, so minimize the sum of the -pij's. Given a flow exists such that there is a flow of 1 from the source s to every student si, then we can give each student a choice, and the total cost will be optimized.

Variation to the Set-Covering Prob (Maybe an Activity Selection Prob)

Everyday from 9am to 5pm, I am supposed to have at least one person at the factory supervising the workers and make sure that nothing goes wrong.
There are currently n applicants to the job, and each of them can work from time si to time ci, i = 1, 2, ..., n.
My goal is to minimize the time that more than two people are keeping watch of the workers at the same time.
(The applicants' available working hours are able to cover the time period from 9am to 5pm.)
I have proved that at most two people are needed for any instant of time to fulfill my needs, but how should I get from here to the final solution?
Finding the time periods where only one person is available for the job and keeping them is my first step, but finding the next step is what troubles me... .
The algorithm must run in polynomial-time.
Any hints(a certain type of data structure maybe?) or references are welcome. Many thanks.
I think you can do this with dynamic programming by solving the sub-problem:
What is the minimum overlap time given that applicant i is the last worker and we have covered all times from start of day up to ci?
Call this value of the minimum overlap time cost(i).
You can compute the value of cost(i) by considering cases:
If si is equal to the start of day, then cost(i) = 0 (no overlap is required)
Otherwise, consider all previous applicants j. Set cost(i) to the minimum of cost(j)+overlap between i and j. Also set prev(i) to the value of j that attains the minimum.
Then the answer to your problem is given by the minimum of cost(k) for all values of k where ck is equal to the end of the day. You can work out the correct choice of people by backtracking using the values of prev.
This gives an O(n^2) algorithm.

Sub O(n^2) algorithm for counting nested intervals?

We have a list of intervals of the form [ai, bi]. For each interval, we want to count the number of other intervals that are nested within it.
For example, if we had two intervals, A = [1,4] and B = [2,3]. Then the count for B would be 0 as there are no nested intervals for B; and the count for A would be 1 as B fits within A.
My question is, does there exist a sub- O(n2) algorithm for this problem where n is the number of intervals?
EDIT: Here are the conditions the intervals meet. The end points of the intervals are floating point numbers. The lower limit for the ai's/bi's is 0 and the upper limit is whatever max float is. Also, there is the condition that ai < bi, so no intervals of length 0.
Yes, it is possible.
We will borrow the typical computational geometry "scan line" trick.
First, let's answer an easier (but closely related) question. Instead of reporting how many other intervals each interval contains, let's report how many intervals each is contained in. So for your example with only two intervals, interval I0 = [1,4] has value zero because it is contained in zero intervals, while I1 = [2,3] has value one because it is contained in one interval.
You will see in a minute (a) why this question is easier and (b) how it leads to the answer for the original question.
To solve this easier question: Take all starting and ending points -- all of the ai and bi -- and put them into a master list. Call each element of this list an "event". So an event would be something like "interval I37 started" or "interval I23 ended".
Sort this list of events and process it in order.
As you process the list of events, maintain a set S of "active intervals". An interval is "active" if we have encountered its start event but not its ending event; that is, if we are within that interval.
Now, whenever we see an ending event bj, we are ready to compute how many intervals contain Ij (= [aj, bj]). All we need to do is examine the set S of active intervals and determine how many of them started before aj. That is our answer for how many intervals contain interval Ij.
To do this efficiently, keep S itself sorted by starting point; e.g., by using a self-balancing binary tree.
Sorting the list of events is O(2n log 2n) = O(n log n). Adding or removing an element from a self-balancing binary tree is O(log n). Asking "how many elements of the self-balancing binary tree are less than x?" is also O(log n). Therefore this entire algorithm is O(n log n).
So, that solves the easy question. Call that the "easy algorithm". Now for what you actually asked.
Think of the number line as extending to infinity and wrapping around to -infinity, and define an interval with bi < ai to start at ai, stretch to infinity, wrap to minus infinity, and end at bi.
For any interval Ij = [aj, bj], define Complement(Ij) as the interval [bj, aj]. (For example, the interval [2, 3] starts at 2 and ends at 3; so Complement([2,3]) = [3,2] starts at 3, stretches to infinity, wraps to -infinity, and ends at 2.)
Observe that interval I contains interval J if and only if Complement(J) contains Complement(I). (Prove this.)
So, we can answer your original question simply by running the "easy algorithm" on the set of complements of all of the intervals. That is, start your scan at -infinity with the set S of "active intervals" containing all intervals (because all complements contain infinity/-infinity). Keep S sorted by end point (i.e. start point of complement).
Sort all start points and end points and process them in order. When you encounter a starting point for interval Ij (= [aj, bj]), you are actually hitting the end point of its complement... So remove Ij from S, query S to see how many of its endpoints (i.e. complement start points) come before bj, and report that as the answer for Ij. If you later encounter the end point of Ij, you are encountering the start point of its complement, so you need to add it back into the set S of active intervals.
This final algorithm is O(n log n) for the same reasons the "easy algorithm" was.
One clarification, one correction, one comment...
Clarification: Of course, the "self-balancing binary tree" has to be augmented such that each sub-tree knows how many elements it contains. Otherwise, you cannot answer "how many elements are less than x?" This augmentation is straightforward to maintain, but it is not something that every implementation provides; e.g. the C++ std::set does not, to my knowledge.
Correction: You do not want to add any elements back in to the set S of active intervals; in fact, doing so can result in the wrong answer. For example, if the intervals are just [1,2] and [3,4], you would hit 1 (and remove [1,2] from the set), then 2 (and add it back in again), then 3... And since 2<4, you would conclude that [3,4] contains [1,2]. Which is wrong.
Conceptually, you already processed all of the "start events" for the complement intervals; that is why S begins will all intervals inside of it. So all you need to worry about are the ending points; you do not want to add any elements to S, ever.
Put another way, instead of having the intervals wrap around, you can think of [bi,ai] (where bi > ai) as meaning [bi - infinity, ai] with no wrap-around. The logic still works, but the processing is more clear: First you process all of the "whatever - infinity" terms (i.e. the end points), then you process the others (i.e. the start points).
With this correction, I am pretty sure my solution actually works. This formulation also extends -- I think -- to the case where you have both normal and "backward" intervals together in one input.
Comment: This problem is tricky because if you have to enumerate the set of all intervals contained within every interval, the output itself can be O(n^2). So any working approach has to somehow count the intervals without even being able to identify them :-).
Here is a O(N*LOG(N)):
let Ii = Interval i = (ai, bi)
let L = list of intervals I
sort L by ai
divide L in half into L1a and L2a.
sort L1a and L2a by bi to get L1b and L2b
merge sort L1b and L2b keeping track of the count of nestings (e.g. because all intervals in L1b start before intervals in L2b, when we find an endpoint in L1b that is higher than an endpoint in l2b, we know everything between them is nested inside - think about it)..
Now you have updated the counts on how often an interval in L2 is nested inside an interval in L1.
after merging L1 and L2, we repeat the process (recursion) by dividing L1 into L11a and l12a, also dividing L2 into L21a and L21a..

Is there a well understood algorithm or solution model for this meeting scheduling scenario?

I have a complex problem and I want to know if an existing and well understood solution model exists or applies, like the Traveling Salesman problem.
A calendar of N time events, defined by starting and finishing time, and place.
The capacity of each meeting place (maximum amount of people it can simultaneously hold)
A set of pairs (Ai,Aj) which indicates that attendant Ai wishes to meet with attendat Aj, and Aj accepted that invitation.
For each assistant A, a cronogram of all the events he will attend. The main criteria is that each attendants should meet as many of the attendants who accepted his invites as possible, satisfying the space constraints.
So far, we thought of solving with backtracking (trying out all possible solutions), and using linear programming (i.e. defining a model and solving with the simplex algorithm)
Update: If Ai already met Aj in some event, they don't need to meet anymore (they have already met).
Your problem is as hard as minimum maximal matching problem in interval graphs, w.l.o.g Assume capacity of rooms is 2 means they can handle only one meeting in time. You can model your problem with Interval graphs, each interval (for each people) is one node. Also edges are if A_i & A_j has common time and also they want to see each other, set weight of edges to the amount of time they should see each other, . If you find the minimum maximal matching in this graph, you can find the solution for your restricted case. But notice that this graph is n-partite and also each part is interval graph.
P.S: note that if the amount of time that people should be with each other is fixed this will be more easier than weighted one.
If you have access to a good MIP solver (cplex/gurobi via acedamic initiative, but coin OR and LP_solve are open-source, and not bad either), I would definitely give simplex a try. I took a look at formulating your problem as a mixed integer program, and my feeling is that it will have pretty strong relaxations, so branch and cut and price will go a long way for you. These solvers give remarkably scalable solutions nowadays, especially the commercial ones. Advantage is they also provide an upper bound, so you get an idea of solution quality, which is not the case for heuristics.
Define z(i,j) (binary) as a variable indicating that i and j are together in at least one event n in {1,2,...,N}.
Define z(i,j,n) (binary) to indicate they are together in event n.
Define z(i,n) to indicate that i is attending n.
Z(i,j) and z(i,j,m) only exist if i and j are supposed to meet.
For each t, M^t is a subset of time events that are held simulteneously.
So if event 1 is from 9 to 11, event 2 is from 10 to 12 and event 3 is from 11 to 13, then
M^1 = {event 1, event 2) and M^2 = {event 2, event 3}. I.e. no person can attend both 1 and 2, or 2 and 3, but 1 and 3 is fine.
Max sum Z(i,j)
z(i,j)<= sum_m z(i,j,m)
(every i,j)(i and j can meet if they are in the same location m at least once)
z(i,j,m)<= z(i,m) (for every i,j,m)
(if i and j attend m, then i attends m)
z(i,j,m)<= z(j,m) (for every i,j,m)
(if i and j attend m, then j attends m)
sum_i z(i,m) <= C(m) (for every m)
(only C(m) persons can visit event m)
sum_(m in M^t) z(i,m) <= 1 (for every t and i)
(if m and m' are both overlapping time t, then no person can visit them both. )
As pointed out by #SaeedAmiri, this looks like a complex problem.
My guess would be that the backtracking and linear programming options you are considering will explode as soon as the number of assistants grows a bit (maybe in the order of tens of assistants).
Maybe you should consider a (meta)heuristic approach if optimality is not a requirement, or constraint programming to build an initial model and see how it scales.
To give you a more precise answer, why do you need to solve this problem? what would be the typical number of attendees? number of rooms?
