Variation to the Set-Covering Prob (Maybe an Activity Selection Prob) - algorithm

Everyday from 9am to 5pm, I am supposed to have at least one person at the factory supervising the workers and make sure that nothing goes wrong.
There are currently n applicants to the job, and each of them can work from time si to time ci, i = 1, 2, ..., n.
My goal is to minimize the time that more than two people are keeping watch of the workers at the same time.
(The applicants' available working hours are able to cover the time period from 9am to 5pm.)
I have proved that at most two people are needed for any instant of time to fulfill my needs, but how should I get from here to the final solution?
Finding the time periods where only one person is available for the job and keeping them is my first step, but finding the next step is what troubles me... .
The algorithm must run in polynomial-time.
Any hints(a certain type of data structure maybe?) or references are welcome. Many thanks.

I think you can do this with dynamic programming by solving the sub-problem:
What is the minimum overlap time given that applicant i is the last worker and we have covered all times from start of day up to ci?
Call this value of the minimum overlap time cost(i).
You can compute the value of cost(i) by considering cases:
If si is equal to the start of day, then cost(i) = 0 (no overlap is required)
Otherwise, consider all previous applicants j. Set cost(i) to the minimum of cost(j)+overlap between i and j. Also set prev(i) to the value of j that attains the minimum.
Then the answer to your problem is given by the minimum of cost(k) for all values of k where ck is equal to the end of the day. You can work out the correct choice of people by backtracking using the values of prev.
This gives an O(n^2) algorithm.


Solving a travelling salesman problem to maximize gain in minimum time

I need suggestions on how to solve the below problem.
There are n places (for example say 10 places). Time taken from any one place to the other is known. On reaching a particular place a known reward is given in the form of rupees (ex. if I travel from place 1 to place 2, I get 100 rupees. Travelling from place 2 to place 3 will fetch me 50 rupees etc...). Also, sometimes a particular place is unavailable to travel to which changes with time. At all time instances, whatever places can be traveled to is known, reward fetched from each place is known and the time taken to travel from one place to other is known. This is an ongoing process, meaning after you reach place A and earn 100 rupees, you travelled to place B and fetch 100 Rs. Then it is possible that place A can again fetch you rupees say 50 if you travel from B to A again.
Problem statement is:
A path should be followed with time ( A to B, B to C, C to B, B to A etc...) so that I always have maximum rupees in a given time. Thus at the end of 1 month, I should have followed a path that fetches me the maximum amount among all possibilities available.
We already know that in the traveling salesman problem it takes O(N!) to calculate the best way for the month if there are no changes. Because of the unknown changes that can happen, the best way is to use a greedy algorithm such that every time you come to new place, you calculate where you get the most R's in the least amount of time. It will take O(N*k) where k is the amount of time that you move between places in a month.
I'm not sure how this problem is related to travelling salesman -- I understood the latter as having the restriction of at least visiting all the places once.
Assuming we have all of the time instances and their related information ahead of our calculation, if we work backwards from each place we imagine ending at, the choices we have for the previous location visited dictate the possible times it took to get to the last place and the possible earning we could have gotten. Clearly from those choices we would choose the best reward among them because it's our last choice. Apply this idea recursively from there, until we reach the start of the month. If we run this recursion from each possible ending place, we can reuse states we've seen before; for example if we reached place A at time T as one of the options when calculating backwards from B, and then we reach A again at time T when calculating a path that started at C, we can reuse the record for the first state. The search space would be O(N*T) but practically would vary with the input.
Something like this? (Assumes we cannot wait in any one place. Otherwise, the solution could be better coded bottom-up where we can try all place + time states.) Return the best of running f with the same memo map on all possible ending states.
get_travel_time(place_a, place_b):
# returns travel time from place a to place b
# returns places from which we can travel to place
get_reward(place, time):
# returns the reward awarded at place place at time time
f(place, time, memo={}):
if time == 0:
return 0
key = (place, time)
if key in memo:
return memo[key]
current_reward = get_reward(place, time)
best = -Infinity
for neighbour in get_neighbours(place):
previous_time = time - get_travel_time(neighbour, place)
if previous_time >= 0:
best = max(best, current_reward + f(neighbour, previous_time, memo))
memo[key] = best
return memo[key]

Best approach to a variation of a bucketing problem

Find the most appropriate team compositions for days in which it is possible. A set of n participants, k days, a team has m slots. A participant specifies how many days he wants to be a part of and which days he is available.
Result constraints:
Participants must not be participating in more days than they want
Participants must not be scheduled in days they are not available in.
Algorithm should do its best to include as many unique participants as possible.
A day will not be scheduled if less than m participants are available for that day.
I find myself solving this problem manually every week at work for my football team scheduling and I'm sure there is a smart programmatic approach to solve it. Currently, we consider only 2 days per week and colleagues write down their name for which day they wanna participate, and it ends up having big lists for each day and impossible to please everyone.
I considered a new approach in which each colleague writes down his name, desired times per week to play and which days he is available, an example below:
Kane 3 1 2 3 4 5
The above line means that Kane wants to play 3 times this week and he is available Monday through Friday. First number represents days to play, next numbers represent available days(1 to 7, MOnday to Sunday).
Days with less than m (in my case, m = 12) participants are not gonna be scheduled. What would be the best way to approach this problem in order to find a solution that does its best to include each participant at least once and also considers their desires(when to play, how much to play).
I can do programming, I just need to know what kind of algorithm to implement and maybe have a brief logical explanation for the choice.
Result constraints:
Participants must not play more than they want
Participants must not be scheduled in days they don't want to play
Algorithm should do its best to include as many participants as possible.
A day will not be scheduled if less than m participants are available for that day.
Scheduling problems can get pretty gnarly, but yours isn't too bad actually. (Well, at least until you put out the first automated schedule and people complain about it and you start adding side constraints.)
The fact that a day can have a match or not creates the kind of non-convexity that makes these problems hard, but if k is small (e.g., k = 7), it's easy enough to brute force through all of the 2k possibilities for which days have a match. For the rest of this answer, assume we know.
Figuring out how to assign people to specific matches can be formulated as a min-cost circulation problem. I'm going to write it as an integer program because it's easier to understand in my opinion, and once you add side constraints you'll likely be reaching for an integer program solver anyway.
Let P be the set of people and M be the set of matches. For p in P and m in M let p ~ m if p is willing to play in m. Let U(p) be the upper bound on the number of matches for p. Let D be the number of people demanded by each match.
For each p ~ m, let x(p, m) be a 0-1 variable that is 1 if p plays in m and 0 if p does not play in m. For all p in P, let y(p) be a 0-1 variable (intuitively 1 if p plays in at least one match and 0 if p plays in no matches, but hold on a sec). We have constraints
# player doesn't play in too many matches
for all p in P, sum_{m in M | p ~ m} x(p, m) ≤ U(p)
# match has the right number of players
for all m in M, sum_{p in P | p ~ m} x(p, m) = D
# y(p) = 1 only if p plays in at least one match
for all p in P, y(p) ≤ sum_{m in M | p ~ m} x(p, m)
The objective is to maximize
sum_{p in P} y(p)
Note that we never actually force y(p) to be 1 if player p plays in at least one match. The maximization objective takes care of that for us.
You can write code to programmatically formulate and solve a given instance as a mixed-integer program (MIP) like this. With a MIP formulation, the sky's the limit for side constraints, e.g., avoid playing certain people on consecutive days, biasing the result to award at least two matches to as many people as possible given that as many people as possible got their first, etc., etc.
I have an idea if you need a basic solution that you can optimize and refine by small steps. I am talking about Flow Networks. Most of those that already know what they are are probably turning their nose because flow network are usually used to solve maximization problem, not optimization problem. And they are right in a sense, but I think it can be initially seen as maximizing the amount of player for each day that play. No need to say it is a kind of greedy approach if we stop here.
No more introduction, the purpose is to find the maximum flow inside this graph:
Each player has a number of days in which he wants to play, represented as the capacity of each edge from the Source to node player x. Each player node has as many edges from player x to day_of_week as the capacity previously found. Each of this 2nd level edges has a capacity of 1. The third level is filled by the edges that link day_of_week to the sink node. Quick example: player 2 is available 2 days: monday and tuesday, both have a limit of player, which is 12.
Until now 1st, 2nd and 4th constraints are satisfied (well, it was the easy part too): after you found the maximum flow of the entire graph you only select those path that does not have any residual capacity both on 2nd level (from players to day_of_weeks) and 3rd level (from day_of_weeks to the sink). It is easy to prove that with this level of "optimization" and under certain conditions, it is possible that it will not find any acceptable path even though it would have found one if it had made different choices while visiting the graph.
This part is the optimization problem that i meant before. I came up with at least two heuristic improvements:
While you visit the graph, store day_of_weeks in a priority queue where days with more players assigned have a higher priority too. In this way the amount of residual capacity of the entire graph is certainly less evenly distributed.
randomness is your friend. You are not obliged to run this algorithm only once, and every time you run it you should pick a random edge from a node in the player's level. At the end you average the results and choose the most common outcome. This is an situation where the majority rule perfectly applies.
Better to specify that everything above is just a starting point: the purpose of heuristic is to find the best approximated solution possible. With this type of problem and given your probably small input, this is not the right way but it is the easiest one when you do not know where to start.

Activity selection with two resources

Given n activities with start time (Si) and end time (Fi) and 2 resources.
Pick the activities such that maximum number of activities are finished.
My ideas
I tried to solve it with DP but couldn't figure out anything with DP.So trying with greedy
Approach: Fill resource-1 first greedily and then resource-2 next greedily(Least end time first). But this will not work for this case T1(1,4) T2(5,10) T3(6,12) T4(11,15)
Approach 2:Select tasks greedily and assign it in round robin fashion.
This will also not work.
Can anyone please help me in figuring out this?
No need to use DP at all, a Greedy solution suffices, though it is slightly more complicated than the 1-resource problem.
Here, we first sort the intervals by the ending time, earlier first. Then, put two "sentinel" intervals in the resources, both with ending time -∞. Then, keeping grabbing the interval x with lowest x.end, and follow these rules:
if x.start is before both of the two ending times in our two resources, skip x and don't assign it, since x cannot fit
otherwise, have x overwrite the resource whose endpoint is latest and still before x.start
The greedy strategy in rule 2 is the key point here: we want to replace the latest ending used resource, since that maximizes the "space" that we have in the other resource to accommodate some future interval with an early start time, making it strictly more likely that future interval will be able to fit.
Let's look the example in the question, with intervals (1,4), (5,10), (6,12), and (11,18) already in sorted order. We begin with both resources having (-∞,-∞) as "sentinel" intervals. Now take the first interval (1,4), and see that it fits, so now we have resource 1 having (1,4) and resource 2 having (-∞,-∞). Next, take (5,10), which can fit in both resources, so we choose resource 1, because it ends the latest, and now resource 1 has (5,10). Next, we take (6,12), which only fits in resource 2, so resource 2 has (6,12). Finally, take (11,18), which fits in resource 1.
Hence, we have been able to fit all four intervals using our Greedy strategy.
Activity selection problem can be solved by Greedy-Iterative-Activity-Selector Algorithm.
The basic idea is to always pick the next activity whose finish time is least among the remaining activities and the start time is more than or equal to the finish time of previously selected activity. We can sort the activities according to their finishing time so that we always consider the next activity as minimum finishing time activity.
See more on Wikipedia.

Dynamic Programming - Job Selection

I am attempting at solving a Job Selection problem using Dynamic Programming. The problem is as follows:
- There is one job offering every day with varying payouts every day
- You cannot work three days in a row (if you work on day 1 and 2, you must take a break on day 3)
- Come up with a job schedule to work on to maximize the amount of money you make
I have formalized the input and output of the problem as follows:
Input: P[1...n] a list of n positive numbers
Output: m, a max possible payout and A, a set of indexes {1,... n} such that if i is in A, and i+1 is in A, then i+2 is not in A. m is equal to a summation of P[i] for all values i in set A.
I am stuck on the thought process of making a self-reduction, and subsequently a dynamic programming algorithm in order to calculate the maximum earnings.
Any assistance is highly appreciated - thanks!
Usually dynamic programming is relatively straightforward once you decide how much state you need to take account of at each point, and your solution is efficient or not depending on whether your choice of state is good.
Here I would suggest that the state at each point is whether it is 0, 1, or 2 days since the last break. So for each day and 0,1,2 days since a break I calculate the max possible payout up to and including that day, given that it is 0,1,2 days since a break.
For 0 days since a break the max payout is the max possible payout for any state on the previous day. There is no contribution for that day, since you are taking a break.
For 1 days since a break the max payout is the payout for that day plus the max possible pay from all previous days for the state of 0 days since a break for that day.
For 2 days since a break the max payout is the payout for the current and previous days plus the max possible payout for two days ago and a state of 0 days since the last break on that day.
So you can calculate the max payouts from left to right, making use of previous calculations, and the overall max is the max payout associated with any state on the final day.
I think it would be easier to formule the answer in this way:
X=[x1, x2, ..., xn] in [0,1]^n | xi + xj + zk <= 2 for each k=i+2=j+1, i>=1, k<=n.
f(X)= Sum(xi*vi) for i in [1, N], where vi is the payout of working day i.
Then recursive algorithm has to decide wether if it works a day or if not to maximize the function, taking into acount the restraints of Solution. That is a very simple basic schema for DP.
Mcdowella explains the choice of states and transitions pretty well for this particular DP problem. The only thing left to add is a graph representation. Hope it helps.
Job Selection DP

Is there a well understood algorithm or solution model for this meeting scheduling scenario?

I have a complex problem and I want to know if an existing and well understood solution model exists or applies, like the Traveling Salesman problem.
A calendar of N time events, defined by starting and finishing time, and place.
The capacity of each meeting place (maximum amount of people it can simultaneously hold)
A set of pairs (Ai,Aj) which indicates that attendant Ai wishes to meet with attendat Aj, and Aj accepted that invitation.
For each assistant A, a cronogram of all the events he will attend. The main criteria is that each attendants should meet as many of the attendants who accepted his invites as possible, satisfying the space constraints.
So far, we thought of solving with backtracking (trying out all possible solutions), and using linear programming (i.e. defining a model and solving with the simplex algorithm)
Update: If Ai already met Aj in some event, they don't need to meet anymore (they have already met).
Your problem is as hard as minimum maximal matching problem in interval graphs, w.l.o.g Assume capacity of rooms is 2 means they can handle only one meeting in time. You can model your problem with Interval graphs, each interval (for each people) is one node. Also edges are if A_i & A_j has common time and also they want to see each other, set weight of edges to the amount of time they should see each other, . If you find the minimum maximal matching in this graph, you can find the solution for your restricted case. But notice that this graph is n-partite and also each part is interval graph.
P.S: note that if the amount of time that people should be with each other is fixed this will be more easier than weighted one.
If you have access to a good MIP solver (cplex/gurobi via acedamic initiative, but coin OR and LP_solve are open-source, and not bad either), I would definitely give simplex a try. I took a look at formulating your problem as a mixed integer program, and my feeling is that it will have pretty strong relaxations, so branch and cut and price will go a long way for you. These solvers give remarkably scalable solutions nowadays, especially the commercial ones. Advantage is they also provide an upper bound, so you get an idea of solution quality, which is not the case for heuristics.
Define z(i,j) (binary) as a variable indicating that i and j are together in at least one event n in {1,2,...,N}.
Define z(i,j,n) (binary) to indicate they are together in event n.
Define z(i,n) to indicate that i is attending n.
Z(i,j) and z(i,j,m) only exist if i and j are supposed to meet.
For each t, M^t is a subset of time events that are held simulteneously.
So if event 1 is from 9 to 11, event 2 is from 10 to 12 and event 3 is from 11 to 13, then
M^1 = {event 1, event 2) and M^2 = {event 2, event 3}. I.e. no person can attend both 1 and 2, or 2 and 3, but 1 and 3 is fine.
Max sum Z(i,j)
z(i,j)<= sum_m z(i,j,m)
(every i,j)(i and j can meet if they are in the same location m at least once)
z(i,j,m)<= z(i,m) (for every i,j,m)
(if i and j attend m, then i attends m)
z(i,j,m)<= z(j,m) (for every i,j,m)
(if i and j attend m, then j attends m)
sum_i z(i,m) <= C(m) (for every m)
(only C(m) persons can visit event m)
sum_(m in M^t) z(i,m) <= 1 (for every t and i)
(if m and m' are both overlapping time t, then no person can visit them both. )
As pointed out by #SaeedAmiri, this looks like a complex problem.
My guess would be that the backtracking and linear programming options you are considering will explode as soon as the number of assistants grows a bit (maybe in the order of tens of assistants).
Maybe you should consider a (meta)heuristic approach if optimality is not a requirement, or constraint programming to build an initial model and see how it scales.
To give you a more precise answer, why do you need to solve this problem? what would be the typical number of attendees? number of rooms?
