Wide Tile Windows Phone 7.1 using MangoPollo - windows-phone-7

I have a Windows Phone 7.1 app and I want to include a wide iconic tile. I found a library called MangoPollo:
I found this code within:
var tile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.FirstOrDefault();
if (tile != null)
var tileData = new FlipTileData();
tileData.Title = "Start Debugging";
tileData.BackContent = "switch to windows phone, we've got candy";
tileData.BackgroundImage = new Uri("Assets/tileBackground.png", UriKind.Relative);
tileData.BackBackgroundImage = new Uri("Assets/tileBackBackground.png", UriKind.Relative);
tileData.WideBackContent = "switch to windows phone, we've got candy";
tileData.WideBackgroundImage = new Uri("Assets/wideTileBackground.png", UriKind.Relative);
tileData.WideBackBackgroundImage = new Uri("Assets/wideTileBackBackground.png", UriKind.Relative);
The problem is there isn't any documentation included on Codeplex for the project so I'm not sure where to insert this code (i.e. which function) to change the tile size from normal to wide.

Another way of creating Wide Tile in Windows Phone 7. Tested it and it works.
Check this out.

You may call it where you want and there is no code to change tile at the user screen, because it's not allowed.

If you look in the source code, in the link to MangoPollo which you supplied, the sample code places the tile code in a button click event. So what I would do in your app, is make an option to set up this new tile (settings page, maybe?) and when the user turns this setting on, you would run the code in that event handler.
This way, the code doesn't unnecessarily execute multiple times (as it would if it were in the constructor of a page or in app.xaml.cs).
Hope this helps!
Based on your comment then, maybe you can put it in the constructor of your first page. Maybe, then, to prevent the code from executing more than necessary, you could check the existing tile to see if it already has a WideBackgroundImage, and if it doesn't, then set it and call Update() otherwise just continue.


GPS Navigation Service for Windows Phone 7

I am writing application in WP7 for traveling. Is it possible to navigate to GPS coordinate with Bing Maps on WP7.
I mean I have GPS coordinate, button "travel to" and after clicking it I'll have route to that point (by Bing Service)?
I haven't tested this on Windows Phone 7, but judging by this MSDN article it also applies to WP 7.1.
Here's the sample:
BingMapsDirectionsTask bingMapsDirectionsTask = new BingMapsDirectionsTask();
// You can specify a label and a geocoordinate for the end point.
// GeoCoordinate spaceNeedleLocation = new GeoCoordinate(47.6204,-122.3493);
// LabeledMapLocation spaceNeedleLML = new LabeledMapLocation("Space Needle", spaceNeedleLocation);
// If you set the geocoordinate parameter to null, the label parameter is used as a search term.
LabeledMapLocation spaceNeedleLML = new LabeledMapLocation("Space Needle", null);
bingMapsDirectionsTask.End = spaceNeedleLML;
// If bingMapsDirectionsTask.Start is not set, the user's current location is used as the start point.
You can open Here Drive (by Nokia) with the following URI scheme:
This will switch app, then start navigating to 52.52/13.41. The title is optional.
Source: http://developer.nokia.com/resources/library/Lumia/maps-and-navigation/here-launchers/wp-uri-schemes-for-location-applications/drive-guidance.html

navigateToURL AS3 does nothing on Google Chrome only in my computer

I'm facing a strange behavior of flash Player, on my iMac, running OSX 10.9.2, and Chrome 33.0.1750.146 with Flash Player
I use the following function, to open a page and post to it some jpg data. It worked bofore on my iMac. I can't remember when it stopped working. It is working well on Safari.
On other computers I have, including a Macbook, that runs same chrome and same flash player version, it is also working as expected. So, it sounds crazy.
private function SharePicture(evt:MouseEvent):void
var bit:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cena.width, cena.height);
var shiftOrigin:Matrix = new Matrix();
bit.draw(stage, shiftOrigin);
var jpgEncoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(95);
var jpgStream:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(bit);
var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream");
var jpgURLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("some-page.php");
//percentLoaded_txt.text = processando;
jpgURLRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
jpgURLRequest.data = jpgStream;
navigateToURL(jpgURLRequest, "");
I already completely removed Google Chrome and reinstalled again, and no way, to make this code work.
You can try it by yourself, by accessing the following page:
http://www.scrapee.net/en/photo-wall-collage.htm - Just access it, and blick "Save Photo" button on the bottom.
Have anyone an ideal about what is causing this?
navigateToURL takes 2 parameters. The second one, in your case empty string, is the target, where this new window will be open. Possible values are: "_blank"(new window/tab), "_self" (same window/tab) and two others if you work with frames(not flash frames): "_top" and "_parent". For more info:
If you don't pass anything as argument, default behavior is _blank, but in your case, you're passing a string, an empty string, and this could be the problem ...

Change the colour of WinJS.UI.BackButton (Win 8.1 back button)

I'm getting started with Windows 8 App development using WinJS. I'm using the Light UI theme but I have set up a darker area on the left of the page (where the black back button is) and the issue is: you can't see the button.
I've trawled through the MSDN pages and the most I could find is how to style a button which doesn't actually explain how to change the colour of an actual asset.
I've also tried adding: win-ui-light and win-ui-dark classes to the button with no success.
I wondered if someone could point me in the right direction?
Many thanks for your time
First of all you have to delete the link tag that contain UI css by default and add it to document head , Dynamically.see below code :
var uistyle;
// call when your app load or resume.
function onappopen(){
uistyle = document.createElement('link');
uistyle.href = "//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/css/ui-dark.css";
uistyle.rel = "stylesheet";
uistyle.id = "UIstyle";
// call when you want to change UI Style.
function UIstyle(UIbool){
if(UIbool=='light'){ uistyle.href = "//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/css/ui-light.css";}
else {uistyle.href = "//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/css/ui-dark.css";}}
Like: UIstyle('light'); for light UI in Windows 8 or "UIstyle()" for dark;
I used the DOM Explorer to find the buttons default values and overwrite them. It was the child element that needed to be overwritten: .win-back

Get selected text from any application by means of another applicaiton

I'm working on a concept that works like copy & paste but uses my own algorithm instead of using the clipboard.
We have users that use many different programs that contain part numbers. This is how my concept would work.
User highlights part number from any application (word, excel, pdf, JDE, etc)
Either by hotkey or clicking on another application the user launches my routine.
My routine grabs that text from the original application and processes it accordingly.
I know how to use the clipboard to get text.
What I'm not sure of is how to get currently selected text from the application that was active prior to running my code? Do I need to force my user to copy to clipboard first and then run my app or can I create my own copy/paste type windows add-in?
Preferred VB for this but can also use C++ or C# if easier.
As to the question why, because we want to the action to be seamless to the user. There will be several behind the scenes actions that take place and then the user will be presented a browser with pertinent information related to that part number. Ultimately, I don't want an in-between screen to pop up, but rather completely hidden from the user. If I require them to copy and then run my routine then I'm adding in one extra step to the user path that I'm hoping to avoid.
I looked into right click menu context a bit but found that each program can have their own override. I wasn't able to locate a way to globally override all right click context menus to include a new action.
From this article:
var element = AutomationElement.FocusedElement;
if (element != null)
object pattern;
if (element.TryGetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern, out pattern))
var tp = (TextPattern) pattern;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var r in tp.GetSelection())
var selectedText = sb.ToString();
It's in C# but it should be pretty trivial to translate.

How do I let the user copy arbitrary text?

I have an app, where I generate text (about 500 characters), and I would like the user to have some means of copying that text for use outside of the application.
I don't want to use any capabilities for this app (like web, or contacts).
Here's what I've tried (and why it's failed)
TextBox. IsReadOnly = true; SelectAll();
Can't SelectAll a read only text box
Turn off read only, hide the SIP
Can't hide the SIP on a (non-read-only) TextBox that the user is interacting with (I want to enable the user to copy, so needs to interact with the control)
allow edits, show sip, SelectAll()
The "copy" icon doesn't appear unless the user chose to select text
On selection changed (actually changed), SelectAll()
The "copy" icon doesn't appear unless the user selected the text? The copy icon appears erratically, nothing I would call an acceptable user experience.
So at this point, I'm quite far from what I want in a user experience, and I still don't have anything that works. Any suggestions?
Some other possible ways to answer my question include:
"How do I force the copy button to appear above text I programatically selected?"
"How do I change the selection behavior of a tap in a text box?"
Afaik there are some limitations to the Windows Phone 7 Clipboard:
Works only in TextBox and can only copy text upon users wish
Text is only kept until device gets locked. If your device gets locked, the clipboard will be wiped clean
Even if you try Clipboard.SetText Method, you will notice the SecurityException if you call this method without the users interaction. This is to keep the users data under control so that no rogue app can copy unrecognized Text.
But you could try Matt Laceys WP7Clipboard. It saves the clipboard content inside an image and can even copy bitmaps.
Try restyling the textbox as per http://mobileworld.appamundi.com/blogs/peterfoot/archive/2011/02/08/copyable-textblock-for-windows-phone.aspx
Here's what I eventually got mostly working
private void Export(StackPanel stacker)
var exportHeader = new TextBlock();
exportHeader.Text = "Export";
var exportBox = new TextBox();
//exportBox.IsReadOnly = true; // hides SIP, but causes an exception with SelectAll() (pre-Mango, I haven't tried on Mango yet)
exportBox.FontSize = 1;
exportBox.Text = textToExport;
exportBox.GotFocus += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler((send, ev) =>
Apparently, making the font size 1 makes the difference here, maybe because all of the text can appear on the screen at once? Who knows.
I accepted this answer, because no one else posted a better solution. I would appreciate a better solution. If you can get the SIP to go away, that would be awesome.
