Change the colour of WinJS.UI.BackButton (Win 8.1 back button) - windows

I'm getting started with Windows 8 App development using WinJS. I'm using the Light UI theme but I have set up a darker area on the left of the page (where the black back button is) and the issue is: you can't see the button.
I've trawled through the MSDN pages and the most I could find is how to style a button which doesn't actually explain how to change the colour of an actual asset.
I've also tried adding: win-ui-light and win-ui-dark classes to the button with no success.
I wondered if someone could point me in the right direction?
Many thanks for your time

First of all you have to delete the link tag that contain UI css by default and add it to document head , Dynamically.see below code :
var uistyle;
// call when your app load or resume.
function onappopen(){
uistyle = document.createElement('link');
uistyle.href = "//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/css/ui-dark.css";
uistyle.rel = "stylesheet"; = "UIstyle";
// call when you want to change UI Style.
function UIstyle(UIbool){
if(UIbool=='light'){ uistyle.href = "//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/css/ui-light.css";}
else {uistyle.href = "//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/css/ui-dark.css";}}
Like: UIstyle('light'); for light UI in Windows 8 or "UIstyle()" for dark;

I used the DOM Explorer to find the buttons default values and overwrite them. It was the child element that needed to be overwritten: .win-back


Why does the skin not work to button when using 5.5 plugin?

I am using Kony 5.5 plugin then took build for BBQ10. I declared red colour for the button in the skin. But the colour has not applied to the button means black colour button displayed instead of red colour button in the Q 10 device. I want to change the colour of the button. Please give me solution.
A couple of things to check:
1. make sure that under the Skins for the button widget, there is not a forked setting for BB; you may have changed the "Common" skin, but if there is a declared skin specifically for BB, then it will override your settings.
2. Try adding a new button just to test, specifically set the color to red, and see if that button is displaying properly. This will show if there is an overall issue or just an issue with the button you are trying to configure ( this is more of a sanity check than a technical fix )
Customized skin using colour doesn't work to Blackberry 10 devices.It is a limitation of Kony platform.Please read documents the following link.
First you have to check whether you choose skin option for button then check its under common. Because you may choose on Windows, iOS or other. Try this:
//Defining the properties for a button with skin: "btnSkin".
var btnBasic = {
id:"button1", isVisible:true, skin:"btnSkin",
focusSkin:"btnFSkin", text:"Click Here"
var btnLayout = {
containerWeight:100, padding:[5,5,5,5],
margin:[5,5,5,5], hExpand:true, vExpand:false,
var btnPSP={};
//Creating the button.
var button1 = new kony.ui.Button(btnBasic, btnLayout, btnPSP);
//Reading skin of the button.
alert("Button skin ::";

Automatically re-sizing the JavaFX 2 HTMLEditor control

I'm trying to make an editable control using the HTMLEditor ( I'd like a rich-text pane like Swing's JEditorPane or JTextPane but it seems I need to wait a couple of years for that ). I want to have the user type in text and the control grows to suit. I have tried catching an event when the scroll-bar appears and increasing the size until it disappears but I can't work out how to wait until the JavaFX thread has actually re-sized the control on its parent.
There's probably a better way to do it than that... any ideas? Any ideas how to reduce it if text is removed?
TIA Mike Watts
For the edit control, use a WebView with contenteditable set to true like this example or a customized HTMLEditor.
Interact with it using the Java/JavaScript bridge similar to this editor. You can script the WebView using JQuery. Run a Timeline which polls the edit control's text dimensions using a JQuery dimension query script and adjust the control size appropriately.
[side note: I've added this as an answer even though it is just the details from jewelsea's - I couldn't format the code when replying as a comment].
This is what has worked to a certain extent:
in the html of the WebView component, added a tag <div id='measured'> around all of the text blocks
added a handler to the WebView using setOnKeyPressed and that calls checkHeight()
private int lastOffsetHeight;
private void checkHeight() {
int newHeight = (Integer)webview.getEngine().executeScript(
"document.getElementById(\"measured\").offsetHeight;") + 14;
if (newHeight != lastOffsetHeight) {
lastOffsetHeight = newHeight;
This is not too bad, main problem is that if all of the text is deleted then the WebView component deletes the div. As jewelsea mentioned, JQuery might be a better solution but I'll update this if I ever fix the problem of including the library ;-)

Getting Windows Phone 7 WebBrowser Component VerticalOffset

I want to persist the user's location in the document he or she is browsing, then bring them back to that spot when they return from tombstoning or between sessions.
My first approach was to wrap the browser component in a scrollviewer, but it turns out it handles its own scrolling and the scrollviewer never changes its verticaloffset.
My guess is that the browser component must have a scrollviewer or something like it embedded in it. I need to get the verticaloffset and scroll to an offset.
Any guesses how to get there?
My next approach would be a painful mish-mash of javascript and c# to figure out where they are...
Because of the way the WebBrowser control is built you'll need to track scrolling in Javascript then pass the location to managed code to handle storage of that value.
On resuming you'll need to have the managed code pass the scroll position to a Javascript function to reset the scroll position.
That's the theory but I haven't looked at the funcitonality around javascript scrolling events in the WebBrowser yet. That's the only place I can see possible problems.
Would be good to hear how you get on.
I've accepted Matt's answer, but I want to put in some details here. I'm also going to blog about how I did it once I'm completely done.
Since the WebBrowser component is essentially a black-box, you don't have as much control as I would like. Having said that, it is possible to get and set the vertical offset.
Javascript lets you ask for the value, but different browsers use different variations on HOW to ask. For THIS case I only have one browser to worry about.
First I make a couple of simple javascript functions:
function getVerticalOffset() {
return document.body.scrollTop;
function setVerticalOffset(offset) {
document.body.scrollTop = offset;
Next I call into the WebBrowser using the InvokeScript method on the browser object.
I'll post an update here with a link to my blog when I get the full write-up done.
I have been writing an eBook reader and had a similar question. Code for setting a scroll position has been easy enough to find.
Code for setting vertical scroll position:
string script = string.Format("window.scrollBy(0,{0});", "put your numeric value here");
wb_view.InvokeScript("eval", script);
Google didn't help much in finding solution for getting the value of current scroll position. Lacking any knowledge in javascript it took me almost two hours to get it right.
Code for getting the vertical scroll position:
var vScroll = wb_view.InvokeScript("eval",
"var vscroll = window.pageYOffset; vscroll.toString();");

Firefox XUL textbox: How to scroll to the bottom?

I'm working on a Firefox extension, and I have created a multiline text box. When the user presses a button, I add text to the textbox by using (Javascript) TextBoxElement.value += "More Text";
The problem with this code, is that whenever more text is added, the textbox scrolls all the way to the top. With much testing, I haven't figured out how to make it scroll all the way to the bottom again. For some reason the scrollTop property is always 0, and setting it doesn't effect the scroll bar.
Is there any ways I can set the scroll bar back to the bottom of the text box?
My extension's purpose is to embed a small chat box. I'm using a textbox to store the chat history. Maybe using a textbox isn't the most efficient way, so any other suggestions would be great as well.
Someone on Chatzilla helped me out on this one. Thank You!
Anyway, here is the solution:
var TextBoxElement = <TextBoxElement>;
var ti = document.getAnonymousNodes(TextBoxElement)[0].childNodes[0];
The another solution is to move caret to the end of textbox content. Caret is controlled with selectionStart and selectionEnd properties (which can be set or get).
Here is the sample code:
var TextBoxElement = document.getElementById("myTextboxId");
var pos = TextBoxElement.value.length;
TextBoxElement.selectionStart = pos;
TextBoxElement.selectionEnd = pos;

Textbox anchored to a form on all 4 sides not displayed properly

I'm running into a problem trying to anchor a textbox to a form on all 4 sides. I added a textbox to a form and set the Multiline property to True and the Anchor property to Left, Right, Up, and Down so that the textbox will expand and shrink with the form at run time. I also have a few other controls above and below the textbox.
The anchoring works correctly in Visual Studio 2005 (i.e. I can resize the form and have the controls expand and shrink as expected), but when I run the project, the bottom of the textbox is extended to the bottom of the form, behind the other controls that would normally appear beneath it. This problem occurs when the form loads, before any resizing is attempted. The anchoring of the textbox is correct for the top, left, and right sides; only the bottom is malfunctioning.
Has anybody heard of this and if so, were you able to find a solution?
Here is some of the designer code as per Greg D's request (I am only including the stuff that had to do with the textbox itself, not the other controls):
Friend WithEvents txtRecommendationText1 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _
Private Sub InitializeComponent()
Me.txtRecommendationText1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
' ...snip...
Me.txtRecommendationText1.Anchor = CType((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) _
Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) _
Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
Me.txtRecommendationText1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 127)
Me.txtRecommendationText1.Multiline = True
Me.txtRecommendationText1.Name = "txtRecommendationText1"
Me.txtRecommendationText1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(223, 149)
Me.txtRecommendationText1.TabIndex = 10
End Sub
The textbox I originally posted about was not inherited from a baseclass form (although it was added to a custom User Control class; I probably should have mentioned that earlier), but I recently ran into the same problem on a totally unrelated set of controls that were inherited from a baseclass form. It's easy to blame these problems on possible bugs in the .NET framework, but it's really starting to look that way to me.
Is your Form localized? Check the resource files for an entry with Textbox.Size, delete is and reset the size.
Is your Form inherited and is the Textbox on the baseform? Try setting the Textbox's access modifier to Protected or Public.
Have you implemented custom resize logic? Turn it off and see if the problem is still there.
Have you entered a Textbox.MinimumSize/MaximumSize? Remove or change the value.
It might also be a combination of these things...
Does the form snap back to the expected layout when you resize it after it's been initialized weirdly? Also, have you set a Height or MinimumHeight/MaximumHeight property for the text box?
If possible, a few snippets from the designer code might be useful. :)
One possibility that I've run into in the past is DPI. If you're running/testing your code on a machine with a different DPI setting than the machine that you're developing on, you may observe some strange things.
The anchor functionality essentially establishes a fixed distance between the edge of a control and the edge of the control's parent. Is your textbox embedded within another control (e.g., a panel) that doesn't have its anchors properly set? Right clicking on the text box in the designer should pop up a menu that lets you select any controls that exist underneath it, also.
Does your program include any custom resize logic, or does it modify the size of the textbox programmatically outside of designer-generated code? That might also result in weird behavior. I've assumed maintenance for a number of pieces of software at my organization where the original developers spent a great deal of time implementing (buggy) resize logic that I had to tear out so that I could just let the designer-generated code do the work for me.
The textbox I originally posted about was not inherited from a baseclass form (although it was added to a custom User Control class; I probably should have mentioned that earlier), but I recently ran into the same problem on a totally unrelated set of controls that were inherited from a baseclass form. It's easy to blame these problems on possible bugs in the .NET framework, but it's really starting to look that way to me.
It's very likely because of the 'AutoScaleMode' property being set in InitializeComponent(). Try setting it to 'None' and see if that fixes it. I've had these problem a couple of times now.
