How Will Joomla work with MariaDB? - joomla

I am already have WAMP stack in my system and I am using Joomla based system. To test MariaDB before using, I installed MariaDB also in my system with Port number 3305. Now, when I try to install Joomla 2.5, there is only option to choose MySQL or MySQLi. Also, there is no option to choose port. Also, there is no such variable in configuration file to add port number and use MariaDB.I think, MariaDB is similar to MySQL so no additional driver required for it.
I am able to connect MariaDB through SQL client as well as from command prompt by just adding port number. So, How can I use MariaDB in Joomla application?

I think it will work if you use the 5.x version. They should act the same as 'normal' mysql. See to read more about the compatibility betweet MySQL and MariaDB.

Joomla works with MariaDB seamlessly.
You need to make sure you have pdo_mysql available by installing the php-mysql module (may be called php5-mysql depending on your OS and repo).
If its installed properly MariaDB will show up under the mysql heading in phpinfo();
The term "Drop in replacement for MySQL" is being thrown around a lot and MariaDB is far from that. Many things about it are not compatible with MySQL including one major whoopsie: -
MariaDB does not know the variable name default-character-set and if you try to set it in your /etc/my.conf like default-character-set = utf8 the service will not start.
I havent found a way run MariaDB on a server running MySQL or visa versa (not that youd usually want to) since the supporting libs clash. So if you wanna replace one with the other you have to be sure to clean up all dependencies.
The name also makes me uneasy, placing all of my information in a database named Maria feels akin to passing my credit cards to my wives and daughters, just nerve wracking.
But, it does "Drop In" to Joomla just fine.

Enter localhost:3305 as hostname.


Create an H2 Database from the console

I would like to run H2 on my local host (Windows), and create a new database.
To do so, I have dowloaded the zip file from, unzipped it, then run the bin/h2.bat script. I have not used the windows installer, as the machine I will be running later on does not grant me installation privileges.
The console was successfully opened on the 8082 port, but I could not create any database, failing with Database "C:/Users/PC/test" not found [90013-198] 90013/90013. I have tried many variations, to no avail.
The documentation states that a database should be created automatically if it does not exist, but indicates it cannot be done so from the H2 console (
However, the documentation does not provide an alternate way to create a database, either by running the jar with additional parameters, or by another utility.
I feel pretty dazed right now. How do I properly create a new database in H2? I would like a normal database, persisted on disk, not an in-memory one.
I would suggest that this does not work in version 198
You could download an older version (I used 196) to create the databse and then switch back to 198 to open the database.
I have managed to run it by using the following command line:
java -cp h2-1.4.198.jar -tcp -pg -web
I must have missed something in the documentation, sorry about this.

firebird, Bad File Descriptor/Your user name and password are not defined

I am trying to set up a test environment on my mac (os 10.12) and it requires Fishbowl/Firebird DB. No matter what I do i bounce back and forth between these two errors:
isql localhost:/Users/me/Fishbowl/database/data/EXAMPLE.FDB
which gives me:
Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database
administrator to set up a Firebird login.
And anything to do using gsec to create user or change password:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = HY000 operating system directive stat
-Bad file descriptor
This is supremely frustrating. Fishbowl Client itself seems to hit this DB just fine. I have chmod 770 the /tmp/firebird directory and even tried to chown the example.fdb file itself.
Can anyone tell me how I might hit this DB from my java app or commandline? Both ways produce these errors.
1) Your connection line starts with "localhost:". That means you user TCP/IP connection to reach the database server. And the database server is running in a separate process. That means chmod and chown should not matter as long as there is firebird daemon server running and listening at TCP port ( default is 3050 AFAIR, you can read the value of your installation in the text file firebird.conf ).
Indeed, there is so-called "embedded server" or "embedded mode" where the server is loaded as DLL/SO library into the application. But then the connection string can not have network protocol prefix, so that should NOT be your case.
2) You can check documentation at to specify your user and password in the isql command line. The Firebird has one built-in superuser, namely "SYSDBA". Regarding the password it might be a bit complicated.... It differs by Firebird version and platform
2.0) whatever SYSDBA password might be set by the server installation, if server comes in a bundle with some application the said application can override it later. Then you would either have to contact application developers or try to remove the bundled FB and install your own vanilla one, risking rendering the application no more functioning.
2.1) Windows installation of FB 2.x sets the "default" SYSDBA password as "masterkey" (only 8 first symbols actually matter)
2.2) Linux installation of FB 2.x generates a random SYSDBA password and saves it into a text file in Firebird folder.
2.3) MacOS ? Don't know. Perhaps it is closer to Linux than to Windows. So try to find such a text file and try "masterkey"
2.4) With FB 3 the authentication methods and configuration was greatly overhauled, so... So it is quite hard to tell something specific. At least for me.
3) I don't know what Fishbowl ever is, but Google suggests this:
If that is so, then check the bottomline examples at that page. They stress that you should sudo all those commands. That also makes sense because
3.1) Firebird daemon might have "trusted authentication" enabled, mapping FB users to Operating System users. On UNIX that would at least map SYSDBA to root. On Windows - to Administrator (however it is localized). This does not have to be enabled, but if it is then sudo UNIX command is exactly what makes applications run with OS superuser grants and might explain lack of user and password in the command line examples.
3.2) Firebird embedded server/mode work as part of an application process, and especially with CS (Classic Server) package on UNIX the command line utilities tend to fall into this mode. Then again it needs to be run as root to read highly sensitive data from Firebird Security Database, thus the need to sudo the command. Granted, I do not think your isql command might ever run in embedded mode - because you do specify "localhost:' prefix. But the example at the wiki link above - backup and restore - they use local connection strings, so they probably do run as embedded. So that might give you yet another hint - to try remove "localhost:" prefix from the connection string and to sudo isql rather than running it from regular user. It would hardly be a normal mode, but for test purposes why not.
Hope this helps.
PS. you might also try this Firebird IDE - it is simplistic, but again, for testing purposes...

mongo shell not showing all dbs

Good Day.
I've been developing with meteorJS which uses mongodb. No problems there. I've been using the mongo shell to access the database on my dev machine (osx 10.11). This is my first project with mongo and when the shell would load, it would connect to db.test and I'd always show dbs and get the list of database, then use myApp.
Yesterday whenever I go into the shell and I type show dbs the only one shown is local 0.078GB. However my app is still working and pulling and pushing data to the database.
I've checked the dbpath in the mongod.conf and that seems ok. I'm not entirely sure about the exact order of things, but two things where different (I'm not sure if these happened prior to the show dbs not showing everything or after, and I'm not sure which came first):
when loading the mongo shell I was getting this error:
WARNING: soft rlimits too low. Number of files is 256, should be at least 1000"
I followed these directions which seemed to stop that error from appearing ( )
I use Meteor Toys and for the first time I update user.profile.companyName (which is a custom field within the standard profile from within the Meteor Toys widget.
Just odd that the app can still access the database and collections, but that the mongo shell doesn't show. I've update mongod via brew upgrade mongodb from 3.0.2 to 3.0.7 to no avail.
Any ideas?
If you want to use the regular mongo console you have to specify the port to be 3001 for meteor apps instead of the default 27017. Otherwise it's much simpler to just type meteor mongo and connect that way. Then you can type 'show collections' and it will show them all just like normal.
MongoDB do not show the database unless if there is minimum of one collection with a document in it.
Refer to this link

Cassandra Db in windows 7 xampp

I need to store stock market data and stock graph datas for my site . so i am selecting two db's mongo and cassandra and i finalize cassandra db, i am using windows 7 , Xampp and i need to use this in yii. i am installing data stack it is working in cli and its also working in (localhost:8888) . so now how can i connect it in yii site .
Is this requirement solvable? I need the steps to connect. Because diffrent site tells the different solution.
Thanks in advance
You need to connect a client to your php framework
PDO driver -
A popular php driver -
The pdo driver also supports CQL, which is good if you are just getting started.
note The project appears to be dead, but there is a github fork of it with recent updates:
phpcassa has lots of examples on how to get started in the github page. One thing to be aware of is that the example lists super columns, try to stay away from supper columns as they are somewhat deprecated.
The final option is to set up your cassandra server and host it inside of a webserver which can be queried (for example via rest) and this will give you access to more powerful java drivers, although the php drivers above should do the job.

How to configure node-mysql?

I've found a lot of tutorials explaining how to install "node-mysql" (basically: "npm install mysql" and that's it) and others explaining how to make queries but nothing in-between.
I mean: with no GUI, how do you configure node-mysql (Mysql login, Mysql password, first table,..) before using it?
OR: How to install a GUI to access node-mysql for edition (which would solve problem 1)?
I tried "Mysql Workbench" via its wizard but I get a "Cannot connect to Database Server" while the host and the port are ok. I searched the "MySQL Workbench" website but there's nothing about node-mysql.
Node-Mysql seems to be the first choice when it comes to use mysql with node.js but, surprisingly, there's absolutely nothing about my issues, anywhere.
Thank you for your help.
you don't need to configure node-mysql itself, you need to learn how to add users to mysql database.
if you already have existing user, node-mysql client is very straightforward to use:
var client = mysql.createClient({
user: 'someusername',
password: 'somepassword',
