ckeditor - get previous character of current cursor position - ckeditor

How to get previous character of current cursor position in ckeditor? for example, assume '|' char is the cursor position in "Hello| World" text then I want to get 'o' character.

Given that editor is one of CKEDITOR.instances, the following should do the trick:
function getPrevChar() {
var range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ],
startNode = range.startContainer;
if ( startNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && range.startOffset )
// Range at the non-zero position of a text node.
return startNode.getText()[ range.startOffset - 1 ];
else {
// Expand the range to the beginning of editable.
range.collapse( true );
range.setStartAt( editor.editable(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
// Let's use the walker to find the closes (previous) text node.
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
while ( ( node = walker.previous() ) ) {
// If found, return the last character of the text node.
if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
return node.getText().slice( -1 );
// Selection starts at the 0 index of the text node and/or there's no previous text node in contents.
return null;
Check the jsFiddle. Give it a try: put the caret anywhere but mostly before ^ to see if tricky cases are covered.


How to chech if the string characters have equal duplicates

I want to Check if the characters of a string have equal duplicate
if I enter :"abaababb"
returns true because I have 4 'a' and 4 'b' in that string
if I enter : "addda"
returns false because I have 2 'a' and 3 'd'
I tryed to check the duplicates but I found out I have to do it for some characters
just need to create an empty object and loop through each character and increment the value associated with the key. Keep track of the highest value so we can easily use every on the array from Object.values and check if all character counts match this value
let check = "abaababb";
let check2 = "addda";
function hasEqualCharacters( input ) {
let characters = {};
let highestCount = 0;
for( let i =0; i < input.length; i++) {
if( characters[input[i]]) {
if( highestCount < characters[input[i]]) {
highestCount = characters[input[i]];
} else {
characters[input[i]] = 1;
return Object.values(characters).every( (charCount) => {
return charCount === highestCount;
Can see it working here

Insert and delete in a multi level sorted linked list

Sorted Linked List given like above where each node has 2 pointers next and down. For each row starting nodes down points to next row start. Each row has 4 elements, except last one which can have <= 4 elements. Next rows start element is greater than previous rows end element. We need to design and code for it insert of new value at correct place and delete operation. I could not solve this problem.
Structure representation and Pseudo code for the add operation is as follows
And we can implement the delete recursively using the add data as example
typedef struct sibling{
int data;
struct sibling *nxt;
} t_sibling
typedef struct children {
struct sibling *sibling;
struct children *nxt;
} t_children;
add_element(t_children **head, int newdata)
t_children *walk_down = *head;
t_children *parent = NULL;
while (walk_down != NULL) {
if(parent == NULL && Compare newdata < head of current walk_down->sibling) {
// Code comes here when we add 1 to above mentioned list example
newdata is added to begining to head of walk_down->sibling
if (sibling_list_count > 4) {
taildata = delete_end from tail of walk_down->sibling
add_element(&walk_down, taildata)
else if(newdata < head of current walk_down->sibling) {
if (Compare newdata > tail of parent sibling) {
// Code comes here when we add 12 to above mentioned list
newdata is added to begining to head of walk_down->sibling
if (sibling_list_count > 4) {
taildata = delete_end from tail of walk_down->sibling
add_element(&walk_down, taildata)
else {
// Code comes here when we add 6 to above mentioned list
newdata is added to the appropriate location of parent of sibling
Since above step disturbs the <= 4 property we
taildata = delete_end from tail of parent->sibling
add_element(&walk_down, taildata)
parent = walk_down;
walk_down = walk_down->nxt;

Tampermonkey - insert random char randomly in a word

I have tried everything from replace or trying to insert a '.' at charAt.
Could not crack it, my replace, i would lose a letter or two, and charat only put the dot at the front or end of my word.
Say I have word='word' I am trying to get the return to be 'w.ord' or 'wo.rd' randomly placed in the supplied word. Any help or tips would be great.
Edit: I used the below answer and changed a little to fit my needs, if anyone wants it :
function randomInt(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*max);
function Insert(a, b)
var int = randomInt(4);
if (int !== -1)
return a.substr(0, int) + b + a.substr(int);
return "";}
would use Insert("word", "."); returns are randomly inserted "." in "word". Thanks again for the help B.Aimene
You must use this function, variable b is '.' and at is the position.
function Insert(a, b, at)
var position = a.indexOf(at);
if (position !== -1)
return a.substr(0, position) + b + a.substr(position);
return "Not found";}

How to Read and write into/from a text file?

Please correct the below code:only.
file already contains entries : 1st row username; 2nd row password.
checkbox status required to write to the third line and need to read or alter only the checkbox status value in the file.
Currently this code is working if there already is a value for the checkbox status value, then it is overwriting, else UI is hanging.
WriteCheckStatusToFile(BOOL& locVar)
FILE *l_pFile = NULL;
CString l_strRememberCheck;
l_strRememberCheck = GetExePath() + _T("password");
CString sVar;
if(NULL != (l_pFile = fopen(l_strRememberCheck, _T("r+"))) )
int count = 0;
char c;
while(count != 2)
if((c = fgetc(l_pFile)) == '\n') count++;
fprintf(l_pFile, sVar);
thanks in advance to all!
This line
fprintf(l_pFile, sVar);
doesn't look right. I think it should be
fprintf(l_pFile, "%s\n", (LPCTSTR) sVar);
The loop could become infinite if the file has less than two linefeeds:
while(count != 2)
I think it should be:
while( (count < 2) && ( ! feof(l_pFile) ) && ( c != EOF ) )
Probably unrelated to your error, but - at least for this code snippet - CString::ReleaseBuffer() doesn't need to be called since you have not called CString::GetBuffer().
This line may be unnecessary as it appears to fseek() to where the file pointer already is:
In the event a two-line file is not terminated with a '\n' you would need to print like this:
if ( count == 2 )
fprintf(l_pFile, "%s\n", (LPCTSTR) sVar);
fprintf(l_pFile, "\n%s\n", (LPCTSTR) sVar);

text box percentage validation in javascript

How can we do validation for percentage numbers in textbox .
I need to validate these type of data
Ex: 12-3, 33.44a, 44. , a3.56, 123
thanks in advance
''''Add textbox'''''
<asp:TextBox ID="PERCENTAGE" runat="server"
onkeypress="return ispercentage(this, event, true, false);"
MaxLength="18" size="17"></asp:TextBox>
'''''Copy below function as it is and paste in tag..'''''''
<script type="text/javascript">
function ispercentage(obj, e, allowDecimal, allowNegative)
var key;
var isCtrl = false;
var keychar;
var reg;
if (window.event)
key = e.keyCode;
isCtrl = window.event.ctrlKey
else if (e.which)
key = e.which;
isCtrl = e.ctrlKey;
if (isNaN(key)) return true;
keychar = String.fromCharCode(key);
// check for backspace or delete, or if Ctrl was pressed
if (key == 8 || isCtrl)
return true;
ctemp = obj.value;
var index = ctemp.indexOf(".");
var length = ctemp.length;
ctemp = ctemp.substring(index, length);
if (index < 0 && length > 1 && keychar != '.' && keychar != '0')
return false;
if (ctemp.length > 2)
return false;
if (keychar == '0' && length >= 2 && keychar != '.' && ctemp != '10') {
return false;
reg = /\d/;
var isFirstN = allowNegative ? keychar == '-' && obj.value.indexOf('-') == -1 : false;
var isFirstD = allowDecimal ? keychar == '.' && obj.value.indexOf('.') == -1 : false;
return isFirstN || isFirstD || reg.test(keychar);
You can further optimize this expression. Currently its working for all given patterns.
If you're talking about checking that a given text is a valid percentage, you can do one of a few things.
validate it with a regex like ^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$ then just convert that to a floating point value and check it's between 0 and 100 (that particular regex requires a zero before the decimal for values less than one but you can adapt it to handle otherwise).
convert it to a float using a method that raises an exception on invalid data (rather than just stopping at the first bad character.
use a convoluted regex which checks for valid entries without having to convert to a float.
just run through the text character by character counting numerics (a), decimal points (b) and non-numerics (c). Provided a is at least one, b is at most one, and c is zero, then convert to a float.
I have no idea whether your environment support any of those options since you haven't actually specified what it is :-)
However, my preference is to go for option 1, 2, 4 and 3 (in that order) since I'm not a big fan of convoluted regexes. I tend to think that they do more harm than good when thet become to complex to understand in less than three seconds.
Finally i tried a simple validation and works good :-(
function validate(){
var str = document.getElementById('percentage').value;
//alert("value out of range or too much decimal");
else if(str > 100)
//alert("value exceeded");
else if(str < 0){
//alert("value not valid");
