Are custom-made programming language- compilers, based on existing languages? - windows

I'm trying to start, figuring out, how creating a simple programming language work. Both with the syntax and the compiler itself. I've done some research on this topic, but I really don't get what my true question is all about.
I would think, that existing programming languages- compilers, is built on already existing programming languages, and therefore it would only make sense, to also base my compiler, on one of these languages.
Altho, since this in theory, the very first language with a compiler, didn't have another language to be based on, this can't be a true fact, and really must be based on something else, like the core Computer System language.
Which way is the best way to go, aswell as how, to get to my goal, which is creating a simple (With room to expanding) programming language?
Any answer is appreciated!

The very first compilers were based on assembler coding. Where did the assemblers come from?
The very first assemblers were based on painfully entered raw binary machine code instructions.
Hardly anybody enters binary; at very least, some kind of debugger program is used to do this. Hardly anybody codes compilers using assemblers anymore either; in many cases, a first compiler for a language is coded in C.
If you want to build a programming language, your first step is to get a compiler book (google "compiler book") and read it from cover to cover. If you try to avoid this step, you'll spend a huge amount of energy to try and invent what you need, and you'll likely fail.
Key tools for building compilers are parser generators, and program transformation systems. The former is the classic answer. The latter is a high-tech answer, and isn't very common, but can produce language processing tools much more quickly than classic answers. You need the compiler book background to understand these tools.

Which way is the best way to creating a simple programming language?
Unlike a majority of people I don't believe that creating a language is about using a compiler or interpreter. While you will most likely need a compiler or interpreter to implement your new language, they are tools just as is a pencil and paper. Don't start by using a tool and think you have accomplished something. It would be like using a wrench to make an engine that doesn't work, but you claim you made an engine because use used a wrench.
To create a good programming language you have to have goal for your language.
Since you mention programming language as opposed to some other type of language such as SQL, or a markup language such as HTML, I will take it that you want a Turing complete language.
Since most Turing complete languages support arithmetic I would start with a simple arithmetic expression language and build on that. There are a huge amount of examples of these on the Internet, but be fore warned that many have problems.
Next learn how to build Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) for arithmetic expressions. i.e.
3 + 2 * 6
/ \
3 *
/ \
2 6
Do not use a compiler to build the AST, but build them by hand in the language you are using to write your programming language. i.e. If you are using Java to create a C++ compiler, then create the AST using Java.
Then write an evaluator for the AST that will walk the tree.
Once you are able to correctly build an AST and evaluate then add the lexer/parser which translates human readable source code into an AST. This is were you will need to get a good compiler design book.
Now you can compile the AST into assembly or byte code or just continue using an evaluator.
From this point on you just add features to your language, again starting by with the AST and then modifying the parser and code generator if you implemented one.
How to create a simple (with room to expanding) programming language?
As I noted: start with an arithmetic evaluator and add language concepts one at a time. Since you are new at this, you may find that a concept you add is actually better as a composition of simpler concepts and that you should add one of the simpler concepts first before adding the other concept finally reaching the higher concept.
Because your question is so general I can't give more specific answers. I see that you already have a few close votes noting such.

If you want to build an unlimited extensibility into your language, consider implementing a simple metaprogramming system in it.
This way you can start with some very simple and small language, and then build an arbitrary complex language or a set of different languages by extending it with its own macros. Such language can be trivially turned into any other language.
Take a look at Forth and Lisp - both can be built upon some extremely trivial core which is then extended to a fully capable language. You don't even need any other high level language to implement such a chain: a simple Forth can be bootstrapped in about a couple of hundred lines of x86 assembly.
If you're determined enough, you can even skip assembler and write in machine code straight away, for something of this scale it's quite manageable in a reasonable time and might give you some indispensable experience.

well inventing a language is inventing a you implement it you usually use an existing language and then at some point assuming your new language is such that it can be used as a compiler, then you write a compiler in your new language and you use the binary from the current language to compile the same language compiler, then you do it once more with the binary from the same language compiler if that all works you are self-hosting. a compiler that can compile its own language compiler.
If you have never made a language or compiler then you are a long long way from that, you might try one of the many examples on line of a simple C like compiler that can only do some simple things (and can never self-compile), get your feet wet with something like that.
At the end of the day the programming language to be useful has to compile down to something, ideally machine code be it a real machine or virtual like python or java or old pascal. But sometimes one language compiles down to another known language, C++ for example, and then you use existing tools for that language to take down to something can execute.
It has been asked and answered a number of times now. If you go far enough back or want to get as pure as you can you start with machine code and a way to enter it (see the many computers for this, dec pdp series, altair, etc, the entry method being address, data and clock manual switches). The "compiler" or in the case of assembly/machine code the "assembler" is the human with paper and pencil or pen if you are that good. You manually write out your assembly language, you then manually convert that to machine code, then you manually flip switches to enter the program into ram then you manually push the run button.
The first assemblers and then later compilers were written this way, you make an assembler using machine code using a human assembler, then self host that. Then you either use the human assembler or software assembler to the write your first compiler for your first ever non-assembly language, then you re-write the compiler in the new language, then you self-host that. Repeat until it is present day and there are more compilers and languages that you could ever master and a myriad of choices of editors and languages to build a compiler for a new language upon.


Is the OCR Computer Science GCSE wrong about compilers and interpreters?

I'm a secondary school student currently taking the OCR Computer Science GCSE (J276). I taught myself to program and was recently surprised by the context of a question in one of OCR's specimen papers (this one) as it goes against my knowledge of programming.
In question 5b, a question goes on to ask for a description of the differences between compilers and interpreters:
Harry can use either a compiler or an interpreter to translate the code [that he has created].
This confused me, as it seemed to suggest that the code written could either be interpreted or compiled in order to run, which would be odd as it was my understanding that languages fit into one of two boxes, interpreted (python, javascript) or compiled (c++, java), rather than fitting into both.
Is it true that a single programming language can be either compiled or interpreted based on the programmer's desire, or is this another case of OCR simplifying the course to make it easier to understand?
C is a language that is usually compiled, but interpreted implementations exist.
According to #delnan in this answer,
First off, interpreted/compiled is not a property of the language but a property of the implementation. For most languages, most if not all implementations fall in one category, so one might save a few words saying the language is interpreted/compiled too, but it's still an important distinction, both because it aids understanding and because there are quite a few languages with usable implementations of both kinds (mostly in the realm of functional languages, see Haskell and ML). In addition, there are C interpreters and projects that attempt to compile a subset of Python to C or C++ code (and subsequently to machine code).
In reality, it looks like the designers of your course said something that was true in theory, but in practice tends to be more restricted. This is found all over programming and, in fact, the world in general. Could you write a JavaScript compiler for Commodore 64? Sure, the C64 implements a full, general purpose computer system, and JavaScript is Turing Complete. Just because something is possible doesn't mean that a lot of people actually do it, though, or that it is easy.

What language would be more efficient to implement a graph library?

Brief Description
I have a college work where I have to implement a graph library (I'll have to give a presentation about this work later)
The basic idea is to write all the code of the data structures and their algorithms from scratch, using the tools provided by some programming language, like C/C++, Java, Python, doesn't really matter which one of them I'll pick at first.
But I should not use any built-in graph libraries in the language: the goal of the work is to make the students learn how these algorithms work. There are some test cases which my program will be later submitted to.
It is not really necessary but, if you wanna take a look, here is the homework assignment: (I used Control-C Control-V plus google translate from a LaTeX text, this is why the formatting is poor).
The Question
So, my question is: which programming language would be more time efficient to implement this library?
It doesn't really matter if the language is functional, structured or object oriented. My priority is time efficiency and performance.
The better language is the one you know more.
But if you're looking for some performance, take a look at compiled languages with optimisations. Keep in mind that the code you write is the major component responsible in final performance, the language itself cant do miracles.
A more low level language give to you controls but requires deeply knowledge of the language and the machine you're running your code, so it's a tradeoff.
By a personal choose I would recommend C/C++ to implement a graph library. I've already done this in the past and I used vanilla ANSI C and the performance was awesome.
The one you feel more passionate about and feel more comfortable coding with.
This way you will rock your project.
Myself would pick Java.

Is there any scripting language that's fast, easy to embed, and well-suited for high-level game-programming?

First off, I'm aware that there are many questions related to this, but none of them seemed to help my specific situation. In particular, lua and python don't fit my needs as well as I could hope. It may be that no language with my requirements exists, but before coming to that conclusion it'd be nice to hear a few more opinions. :)
As you may have guessed, I need such a language for a game engine I'm trying to create. The purpose of this game engine is to provide a user with the basic tools for building a game, while still giving her the freedom of creating many different types of games.
For this reason, the scripting language should be able to handle game concepts intuitively. Among other things, it should be easy to define a variety of types, sub-type them with slightly different properties, query and modify objects dynamically, and so on.
Furthermore, it should be possible for the game developer to handle every situation they come across in the scripting language. While basic components like the renderer and networking would be implemented in C++, game-specific mechanisms such as rotating a few hundred objects around a planet will be handled in the scripting language. This means that the scripting language has to be insanely fast, 1/10 C speed is probably the minimum.
Then there's the problem of debugging. Information about the function, stack trace and variable states that the error occurred in should be accessible.
Last but not least, this is a project done by a single person. Even if I wanted to, I simply don't have the resources to spend weeks on just the glue code. Integrating the language with my project shouldn't be much harder than integrating lua.
Examining the two suggested languages, lua and python, lua is fast(luajit) and easy to integrate, but its standard debugging facilities seem to be lacking. What's even worse, lua by default has no type-system at all. Of course you can implement that on your own, but the syntax will always be weird and unintuitive.
Python, on the other hand, is very comfortable to use and has a basic class system. However, it's not that easy to integrate, it's paradigm doesn't really involve type-checking and it's definitely not fast enough for more complex games. I'd again like to point out that everything would be done in python. I'm well aware that python would likely be fast enough for 90% of the code.
There's also Scala, which I haven't seen suggested so far. Scala seems to actually fulfill most of the requirements, but embedding the Java VM with C doesn't seem very easy, and it generally seems like java expects you to build your application around java rather than the other way around. I'm also not sure if Scala's functional paradigm would be good for intuitive game-development.
EDIT: Please note that this question isn't about finding a solution at any cost. If there isn't any language better than lua, I will simply compromise and use that(I actually already have the thing linked into my program). I just want to make sure I'm not missing something that'd be more suitable before doing so, seeing as lua is far from the perfect solution for me.
You might consider mono. I only know of one success story for this approach, but it is a big one: C++ engine with mono scripting is the approach taken in Unity.
Try the Ring programming language
It's general-purpose multi-paradigm scripting language that can be embedded in C/C++ projects, extended using C/C++ code and/or used as standalone language. The supported programming paradigms are Imperative, Procedural, Object-Oriented, Functional, Meta programming, Declarative programming using nested structures, and Natural programming.
The language is simple, trying to be natural, encourage organization and comes with transparent implementation. It comes with compact syntax and a group of features that enable the programmer to create natural interfaces and declarative domain-specific languages in a fraction of time. It is very small, fast and comes with smart garbage collector that puts the memory under the programmer control. It supports many programming paradigms, comes with useful and practical libraries. The language is designed for productivity and developing high quality solutions that can scale.
The compiler + The Virtual Machine are 15,000 lines of C code
Embedding Ring Interpreter in C/C++ Programs
For embeddability, you might look into Tcl, or if you're into Scheme, check out SIOD or Guile. I would suggest Lua or Python in general, of course, but your question precludes them.
Since noone seems to know a combination better than lua/luajit, I think I will leave it at that. Thanks for everyone's input on this. I personally find lua to be very lacking as a high-level language for game-programming, but it's probably the best choice out there. So to whomever finds this question and has the same requirements(fast, easy to use, easy to embed), you'll either have to use lua/luajit or make your own. :)

every language eventually compiled into low-level computer language?

Isn't every language compiled into low-level computer language?
If so, shouldn't all languages have the same performance?
Just wondering...
As pointed out by others, not every language is translated into machine language; some are translated into some form (bytecode, reverse Polish, AST) that is interpreted.
But even among languages that are translated to machine code,
Some translators are better than others
Some language features are easier to translate to high-performance code than others
An example of a translator that is better than some others is the GCC C compiler. It has had many years' work invested in producing good code, and its translations outperform those of the simpler compilers lcc and tcc, for example.
An example of a feature that is hard to translate to high-performance code is C's ability to do pointer arithmetic and to dereference pointers: when a program stores through a pointer, it is very difficult for the compiler to know what memory locations are affected. Similarly, when an unknown function is called, the compiler must make very pessimistic assumptions about what might happen to the contents of objects allocated on the heap. In a language like Java, the compiler can do a better job translating because the type system enforces greater separation between pointers of different types. In a language like ML or Haskell, the compiler can do better still, because in these languages, most data allocated in memory cannot be changed by a function call. But of course object-oriented languages and functional languages present their own translation challenges.
Finally, translation of a Turing-complete language is itself a hard problem: in general, finding the best translation of a program is an NP-hard problem, which means that the only solutions known potentially take time exponential in the size of the program. This would be unacceptable in a compiler (can't wait forever to compile a mere few thousand lines), and so compilers use heuristics. There is always room for improvement in these heuristics.
It is easier and more efficient to map some languages into machine language than others. There is no easy analogy that I can think of for this. The closest I can come to is translating Italian to Spanish vs. translating a Khoisan language into Hawaiian.
Another analogy is saying "Well, the laws of physics are what govern how every animal moves, so why do some animals move so much faster than others? Shouldn't they all just move at the same speed?".
No, some languages are simply interpreted. They never actually get turned into machine code. So those languages will generally run slower than low-level languages like C.
Even for the languages which are compiled into machine code, sometimes what comes out of the compiler is not the most efficient possible way to write that given program. So it's often possible to write programs in, say, assembly language that run faster than their C equivalents, and C programs that run faster than their JIT-compiled Java equivalents, etc. (Modern compilers are pretty good, though, so that's not so much of an issue these days)
Yes, all programs get eventually translated into machine code. BUT:
Some programs get translated during compilation, while others are translated on-the-fly by an interpreter (e.g. Perl) or a virtual machine (e.g. original Java)
Obviously, the latter is MUCH slower as you spend time on translation during running.
Different languages can be translated into DIFFERENT machine code. Even when the same programming task is done. So that machine code might be faster or slower depending on the language.
You should understand the difference between compiling (which is translating) and interpreting (which is simulating). You should also understand the concept of a universal basis for computation.
A language or instruction set is universal if it can be used to write an interpreter (or simulator) for any other language or instruction set. Most computers are electronic, but they can be made in many other ways, such as by fluidics, or mechanical parts, or even by people following directions. A good teaching exercise is to write a small program in BASIC and then have a classroom of students "execute" the program by following its steps. Since BASIC is universal (to a first approximation) you can use it to write a program that simulates the instruction set for any other computer.
So you could take a program in your favorite language, compile (translate) it into machine language for your favorite machine, have an interpreter for that machine written in BASIC, and then (in principle) have a class full of students "execute" it. In this way, it is first being reduced to an instruction set for a "fast" machine, and then being executed by a very very very slow "computer". It will still get the same answer, only about a trillion times slower.
Point being, the concept of universality makes all computers equivalent to each other, even though some are very fast and others are very slow.
No, some languages are run by a 'software interpreter' as byte code.
Also, it depends on what the language does in the background as well, so 2 identically functioning programs in different languages may have different mechanics behind the scenes and hence be actually running different instructions resulting in differing performance.

Interpreted languages - leveraging the compiled language behind the interpreter

If there are any language designers out there (or people simply in the know), I'm curious about the methodology behind creating standard libraries for interpreted languages. Specifically, what seems to be the best approach? Defining standard functions/methods in the interpreted language, or performing the processing of those calls in the compiled language in which the interpreter is written?
What got me to thinking about this was the SO question about a stripslashes()-like function in Python. My first thought was "why not define your own and just call it when you need it", but it raised the question: is it preferable, for such a function, to let the interpreted language handle that overhead, or would it be better to write an extension and leverage the compiled language behind the interpreter?
The line between "interpreted" and "compiled" languages is really fuzzy these days. For example, the first thing Python does when it sees source code is compile it into a bytecode representation, essentially the same as what Java does when compiling class files. This is what *.pyc files contain. Then, the python runtime executes the bytecode without referring to the original source. Traditionally, a purely interpreted language would refer to the source code continuously when executing the program.
When building a language, it is a good approach to build a solid foundation on which you can implement the higher level functions. If you've got a solid, fast string handling system, then the language designer can (and should) implement something like stripslashes() outside the base runtime. This is done for at least a few reasons:
The language designer can show that the language is flexible enough to handle that kind of task.
The language designer actually writes real code in the language, which has tests and therefore shows that the foundation is solid.
Other people can more easily read, borrow, and even change the higher level function without having to be able to build or even understand the language core.
Just because a language like Python compiles to bytecode and executes that doesn't mean it is slow. There's no reason why somebody couldn't write a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for Python, along the lines of what Java and .NET already do, to further increase the performance. In fact, IronPython compiles Python directly to .NET bytecode, which is then run using the .NET system including the JIT.
To answer your question directly, the only time a language designer would implement a function in the language behind the runtime (eg. C in the case of Python) would be to maximise the performance of that function. This is why modules such as the regular expression parser are written in C rather than native Python. On the other hand, a module like is implemented in pure Python because it can all be done there and there's no benefit to using the corresponding C library.
There's also an increasing trend of reimplementing languages that are traditionally considered "interpreted" onto a platform like the JVM or CLR -- and then allowing easy access to "native" code for interoperability. So from Jython and JRuby, you can easily access Java code, and from IronPython and IronRuby, you can easily access .NET code.
In cases like these, the ability to "leverage the compiled language behind the interpreter" could be described as the primary motivator for the new implementation.
See the 'Papers' section at
Especially The Implementation of Lua 5.0
Lua defines all standard functions in the underlying (ANSI C) code. I believe this is mostly for performance reasons. Recently, i.e. the 'string.*' functions got an alternative implementation in pure Lua, which may prove vital for subprojects where Lua is run on top of .NET or Java runtime (where C code cannot be used).
As long as you are using a portable API for the compiled code base like the ANSI C standard library or STL in C++, then taking advantage of those functions would keep you from reinventing the wheel and likely provide a smaller, faster interpreter. Lua takes this approach and it is definitely small and fast as compared to many others.
