how to auto-click a firefox pop-up notification - firefox

I want to auto click the "allow" action on a popup notification of firefox. But I don't know how to do it? Can someone help me about this?
like a pop-up window sample, I want to automatically click "Share Location" action by script. I try to use Selenium, but I don't think selenium can do with this problem.

To enable pop up in firefox goto
and then you will see the first option to be Block pop-up Window ,you can select it to block or deselect to enable pop-ups.


How to jump from parent window to child window in pywinauto

I am trying to automate printer driver setup installation steps. once i click next button it is jumping into small pop up window with OK button, I have to click that button. please help on this.
Find the control properties like title, automation_id, control type with the help of print_control_identifiers().

Unable to inspect or click a toolbar button using AutoIt

I have an old app to automate using AutoIt.
My biggest problem is to access a specific button inside a toolbar (like the example message).
When inspecting, the inspector only shows the info of the toolbar, not the individual buttons. I can't inspect a specific element inside it.
How can I tell the script which button should be clicked? Maybe find the tool bar and tell to click button 3, but how? Is it possible like this?
Resolved with the instance number of the button inside the toolbar.
Example: [CLASS:Viewcore_W32; INSTANCE:3]
I have to do some attempts with different indexes until right button is clicked but it works now.

Prevent Xamarin Forms Displayactionsheet from closing on outside touch

I have an DisplayActionSheet with two choices; User and Guest. I have to choose any one of these before proceeding to login page . However, when I click outside the dialog window , the dialog closes. How can I stop this behavior?
I would suggest you to use pop-up page in that situation and configure it to not close on background click. There is a simple library which can help you to build popup's, it also available via NuGet.

How can I get Firebug to start automatically in a popup window?

I've got Firebug open on my website, and then I click a button which opens a popup window. However, Firebug is always greyed out by default in the popup window. I can click the icon or press F12 to start it, but I really need it to start itself, immediately, because I want to watch the AJAX requests that happen on page initialization of the popup window. By the time I click or press F12 it's already too late; it's missed those requests.
How do I get Firebug to persist in my popup window?
There is an option in the Firebug menu called On For All Web Pages, which opens Firebug automatically. Though unfortunately that also doesn't allow you to track the network requests.
So this actually looks like a bug to me. You should report that in the Firebug issue tracker, so it can be fixed.

Firefox User Agent Switcher - how do I get to it?
I've installed it in Firefox, but, how do I actually get to it? I don't see it in my toolbar, I don't see if it I right click anywhere close to my toolbar. It's not one of the Chrome-looking extension buttons. Thanks.
Right click your navigation toolbar and click "Customize", then scroll down and
find User Agent Switcher icon. You can drag&drop it to your navigation toolbar.
You can start using it this way.
Instructions here:
Underneath tools you should see a "Default User Agent" drop down. Roll over this menu item and you should see alternative User Agents. Screenshot # including an import file with a good collection of mobile user agents (nicely organised and annotated with screen dimensions)
