Spring configuration - Multi module Maven project - spring

I have a big web application. As part of optimizing the code, I've split them in to three modules.
Module 1 : Web
Module 2 : driver module
Module 3 : Reporting module
Here Module 1 & Module 3 are spring projects, where as the module 2 is currently pure Java module.
I want to access the Module 3(which is in spring) through Module 2.
App context xmls are present for module 1 and module 3. (say m1.xml and m3.xml)
I've included m3.xml in m1.xml as
<import resource="classpath*:m3.xml" />
In Module 2, I'm trying to introduce autowiring reference to classes in Module 3. But the first usage of the autowired field throws a Null Pointer exception.
In component scan, I've added the base package, so that it will be able to identify the class.
Can any one guide me how to rewrite Module 2 to fix this issue (ApplicationContext xml ? etc)
I'm using spring 3.1

I figured out the issue !
Actually from Module-1(webapp), I'm calling the driver module and from there calling the reporting modules.
The issue was that from driver to report, I'm calling using new references (new Report() ), so these are no longer managed by spring container. Normally objects managed by spring container can only be wired automatically. By default, the Autowired references in new() created classes will not be autowired.
The issue can fix in two ways
http://seniorjava.wordpress.com/2013/04/03/spring-configurable-magic/ (Spring - #Configurable)
http://sujitpal.blogspot.in/2007/03/accessing-spring-beans-from-legacy-code.html (share the app context through static methods. This has side effects on unit testing.)


Websphere 8.5 with Spring-5

Is Websphere 8.5.5 compatible with Spring 5? The Validation API referenced in spring5 (validation-api 5) is resulting in MethodNotFound exception.. Any pointers/patch available to get this solved - short of upgrading to Websphere 9?
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
(loaded from
file:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/plugins/javax.j2ee.validation.jar by
called from class
(loaded from file:../spring-context-5.0.2.RELEASE.jar by
The method javax/validation/Configuration.getDefaultParameterNameProvider was added in Bean Validation 1.1, so that indicates the Spring Validator you are using is attempting to use the Bean Validation 1.1 API. According to https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/validation/beanvalidation/LocalValidatorFactoryBean.html:
As of Spring 5.0, this class requires Bean Validation 1.1+
WebSphere 8.5.5 provides Bean Validation 1.0 and did not add support for Bean Validation 1.1 until version 9.0. So, you'll either need to use Spring 4.x or WebSphere 9.x.
The above answer is not correct. You can run Spring 5 in WebSphere 8.5. This may not be the perfect solution for your situation, but this will get you on the correct path.
1.) Provide your Bean Validation 1.1 JAR
Here is a sample of the Maven dependency.
2.) Add the following a deployment.xml file to the following location in your EAR file.
3.) In the contents of your deployment.xml file, you must set the classloaderMode to PARENT_LAST. You must also modify this code to use the correct WAR file name.
Here is a sample...
<appdeployment:Deployment xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:appdeployment="http://www.ibm.com/websphere/appserver/schemas/5.0/appdeployment.xmi" xmi:id="Deployment_1422578178899">
<deployedObject xmi:type="appdeployment:ApplicationDeployment" xmi:id="ApplicationDeployment_1422578178899" startingWeight="10" warClassLoaderPolicy="SINGLE">
<modules xmi:type="appdeployment:WebModuleDeployment" xmi:id="WebModuleDeployment_1422578178899" startingWeight="10000" **uri="myApp.war"** **classloaderMode="PARENT_LAST"**/>
<classloader xmi:id="Classloader_1422578178899" **mode="PARENT_LAST"**/>
#rob-breidecker is correct, this is possible even though WebSphere 8.5.5 provides Bean Validation 1.0. To do this, you need to change the classloader of your application.
To do that via the UI, go to Applications -> WebSphere enterprise applications -> Your Application -> Class loading and update detection and change the Class loader order to be Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last). This "causes the class loader to attempt to load classes from its local class path before delegating the class loading to its parent.".
If you are deploying an EAR and want this change to propagate to inner applications, you can either change WAR class loader policy to Single class loader for application or change the class loader of the individual war (in the EAR click Manage Modules -> Your Module then change Class loader order).
As long as you provide a version of validation-api (I used 2.0.1.Final), you should get passed the above issue.
The following wasadmin.sh script will apply the above settings (replace app_name with the name of your application): (credit)
dep = AdminConfig.getid('/Deployment:app_name/');
depObject = AdminConfig.showAttribute(dep, 'deployedObject');
AdminConfig.modify(depObject, [['warClassLoaderPolicy', 'SINGLE']]);
classldr = AdminConfig.showAttribute(depObject, 'classloader');
AdminConfig.modify(classldr, [['mode', 'PARENT_LAST']]);
I though at some point it was impossible to do this, but finally, I found a solution, you can use spring 5.X and Boot 2.X with WebShpre 8.5 using the below Steps, just make sure that you project is compatible with:
1- Bean Validation
2- Servelt 3.1
1- Create a custom folder on you server for example /opt/custom/lib/spring5 and upload below jars to this folder
a. jakarta.el-3.0.4.jar
b. jakarta.validation-api-2.0.2.jar
2- Create a new shared library in WebSphere as below
a. Go to environment -> shared library
b. Chose the scope to node and server
c. Click on New and fill the value with below
i. Name: spring5
ii. Class path: /opt/custom/lib/spring5
iii. Enable checkbox “use an isolated class loader for this shared library”
3- Restart the server
4- Go to Enterprise Application Click on the application (WAR/EAR)
5- Go To shared library reference add assign it to you application (WAR/EAR)
6- Go to Enterprise Application Click on the application (WAR/EAR)
7- Choose Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last)
8- Restart the server
In case someone still needs a solution, the only way it worked for me was to change the file https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/validation/beanvalidation/LocalValidatorFactoryBean.html
from 5.x to use the logic from 4.x

Deploying BEAN in OSGi plugin

I am currently deploying my custom controls as OSGi plugins and I wanted to do the same thing with my beans. I have tried putting them into the OSGi plugin and it works fine but the only problem I have is the faces-config.
It seems it has to be called faces-config in the OSGi plugin to work but that means i can't use beans in the NSF anymore because it seems to ignore the local faces-config.
Is there a way to change the name of the faces-config in the OSGi plugin?
Something like FEATURE-faces-config.xml?
In the class in your plugin that extends AbstractXspLibrary, you can override "getFacesConfigFiles", which should return an array of strings representing paths within the plugin to additional files of any name to load as faces-config additions. For example:
public String[] getFacesConfigFiles() {
return new String[] {
Then you can put the config file in that path within your Java source folder (or another folder that is included in build.properties) and it will be loaded in addition to your app's normal faces-config, beans and all.
The NSFs are running as separate, distinct Java applications. The OSGi plugin is running in the OSGi layer, above all those distinct Java applications, as a single code base. Consequently, the faces-config is only at that level.
It's possible to load them dynamically, by using an ImplicitObjectFactory, loaded from an XspContributor. That's what is done in OpenNTF Domino API for e.g. userScope (which is a bean stored in applicationScope of an NSF). See org.openntf.domino.xsp.helpers.OpenntfDominoImplicitObjectFactory, which is referenced in OpenntfDominoXspContributor, loaded via the extension point of type "com.ibm.xsp.library.Contributor".
A few caveats:
You have no control over what happens if you try to register your bean with a name the developer also uses for a different variable in that scope.
Unless you add code to check if the library is enabled, as we do, you'll be adding the bean to every database on the server.
You still need to add the library to the NSF. Unless you also provide a component that those databases will all use, there's no way you can programmatically add it, as far as I know.
It might be easier to skip the bean approach and just add an instance of the Java class in beforePageLoad, page controller class, or however you're managing the backing to the relevant XPage (if viewScope) or application (if sessionScope / applicationScope).

Linkage error in websphere 8.5 for SAXParser

I am facing an issue related to linkage when i deployed my application websphere 8.5
Error in the XML parsing of the included Input Stream: java.lang.LinkageError: loading constraint violation when resolving method "javax/xml/parsers/SAXParser.parse(Lorg/xml/sax/InputSource;Lorg/xml/sax/helpers/DefaultHandler;)V" : loader "com/ibm/ws/classloader/CompoundClassLoader#aa54261e" of class "com/XMLParser/CreateParser" and loader "com/ibm/oti/vm/BootstrapClassLoader#1c4565b7" of class "javax/xml/parsers/SAXParser" have different types for the method signature.
I have the following jars in my class path.
I have set the loader to PARENT_LAST.
I tried to debug the class alone using a main method and found that it is taking the impl of saxparser of jdk 1.5 rt.jar and it is working as expected. After deploying the ear it is throwing the exception while the code hits the SAXParser.parse(InputSoruce,DefaultHandler) method.
jaxb-impl 2.2.6,
sax 2.0.1
Does any one have any idea about this problem?
Your class loader has visibility to two copies of org.xml.sax. The first because you've included the SAX APIs in your PARENT_LAST class loader, and the second indirectly via javax.xml.parsers in the JRE. You either need to remove the SAX API JAR from your application or you need to add the javax.xml (and perhaps more) APIs + impl to your application.

How can I use BundleWiring to lookup Bundle/Class relationships (previously done via PackageAdmin)?

I'm in the process of upgrading my application the latest release of Eclipse Equinox 3.7 and associated libraries. I'm excited to have the generic support in OSGi 4.3 and digging the new Bundle.adapt() concepts. I've run into one stumbling block.
Previously, I've used PackageAdmin.getBundle(Class) to find out which bundle loaded which classes. I have to do this due to some RMI object serialization usage.
QUESTION: Is there an way to accomplish the same result, mapping Class to Bundle, using the new BundleWiring API?
I realize that PackageAdmin is probably not going away anytime soon, but I hate deprecation warnings.
Kinda embarrassed that I didn't find this the first time I looked through the document. Answering my own question for completeness.
From the core specification PDF ...
Section 3.9.9 - Finding an Object’s Bundle
There are scenarios where a bundle is required in code that has no access to a Bundle Context. For this
reason, the framework provides the following methods:
Framework Util – Through the FrameworkUtil class with the getBundle(Class) method. The
framework provides this method to allow code to find the bundle of an object without having the
permission to get the class loader. The method returns null when the class does not originate from
a bundle.
Class Loader – An OSGi framework must ensure that the class loader of a class that comes from a
bundle implements the BundleReference interface. This allows legacy code to find an object’s
bundle by getting its class loader and casting it to a BundleReference object, which provides
access to the Bundle. However, this requires the code to have the permission to access the class
loader. The following code fragment shows how to obtain a Bundle object from any object.
ClassLoader cl = target.getClassLoader();
if ( cl instanceof BundleReference ) {
BundleReference ref = (BundleReference) cl;
Bundle b = ref.getBundle();
In an OSGi system, not all objects belong to the framework. It is therefore possible to get hold of a
class loader that does not implement the BundleReference interface, for example the boot class path

Play! Framework - Spring.getBeanOfType works but #Autowired fails

I am using play spring-1.0.1 module and as per the documentation :
To enable component scanning, add this line to the
/conf/application.conf file:
Note that enabling this scans for #org.springframework.stereotype.Component,
to identify Spring beans.
Additionally, running the component
scan enables support for annotation
based configuration (i.e.,
When I try the same thing, it fails saying NullPointerException, since it is not able to wireup the beans to the corresponding class.
just works fine on my models.
Is it a known issue or I am doing it incorrectly
Thank you
